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Hubungan Motivasi dan Beban Kerja dengan Kinerja Perawat Pelaksana di Rumah

Sakit Umum Daerah Langsa

Syafrizal (2014-11-28)
kesempatan kenaikan jabatan pada setiap perawat, meningkatkan pengetahuan dan
keterampilan perawat melalui program diklat....
The performance of nurse practitioners is one of determining image factors of a hospital.
Health profile of Aceh in 2012, shows the ratio of the number of nurses in Langsa is 153.08
per 100,000 population, according to this indicator exceeds the normal standards of Healthy
Indonesia 2010 of 117.5 per 100,000 population, see the distribution of the maximum
workload of nurses should be more mild or balanced so that the performance of the nurses to
be better. According tofive nurses were interviewed, their lack of motivation to improve their
work performance is not satisfactory due to their high workload and lack of attention from
their superiors on work performance, and the lack of difference between the incentives
received by the lazy diligent work. Lack of attention and the high workload and the lack of
differences in the incentives that will lead to fatigue and work stress This study aimed to
analyze the relationship between motivation and workload on the performance of nurses. The
objective of the research was to analyze the correlation of motivation and work load with
nurse practitioners’ performance. The research was conducted in RSUD (Regional General
Hospital) Langsa in July, 2014. The population was 336 nurse practitioners in RSUD Langsa,
and 77 of them were used as the samples. The research used quantitative approach with cross
sectional design. The data for motivation were gathered theory of Herzberg's motivation and
performance using the theory of Mangkunagara and workload using daily log. To see the
relationship each veriabel used Chi-Square and to see which are the most influential variables
used logistic regression test. The result of the research showed that the motivation of the
majority of nurse practitioners at the General Hospital of Langsa generally high (55.8%) and
the workload of the nurses were generally low (55.8%). Based on the result of cross
tabulation, it was found that motivation were correlated with nurse practitioners’ performance
(p = 0.000) were no correlation between work load and nurse practitioners (p = 0.187). The
result of logistic regression test showed that the variable which had the most dominant
influence on the nurse practitioners’ performance in RSUD Langsa was intrinsic motivation
has opportunity 18 % to influence the nurse practitioners’ performance. It is recommended
that the management of the hospital to increase the motivation of the nurses by providing
opportunities to all nurses in rotation for training outside the area, or by choosing exemplary
nurses so they are stimulated to work better give the opportunity for the promotion of each
nurse practitioner, improve their knowledge and skill through training program....

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