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Pengaruh Karakteristik Organisasional Dan individual Terhadap Stres Kerja Perawat

Di Ruang Rawat Inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Porsea

Harlen Saragih (2008-09-23)

When treating patients, nurses are susceptible to work stress. There are two factors causing
work stress in nurses, namely, the organizational characteristic factor which includes
autonomy, work mutation, work load/responsibility, career, and nurse interaction, and the
individual characteristic factor comprising support from the nurse”s families such as spouse,
children, and relatives, boredom, and conflict with co-workers at work place. The purpose of
this analytical study with cross section design is to look at the influence of the organizational
and individual factors on the incidence of work stress in the in-patient ward at Porsea General
Hospital. The samples are all of the 70 respondents. The data were obtained through
questionnaires distributed to the nurses and were analyzed through chi-square and logistic
regression tests. Based on the study of the characteristics of respondents, it is found out that
40 nurses are SPK (Nursing Education School) graduates (57,14%), 68 nurses are female
(97,14%), and 30 nurses are working in the internal medicine in-patient wards (42,86%). The
result of statistical analysis reveals that work mutation (p = 0,0029), career development (p =
0,005), family support (p = 0,036), boredom (p = 0,006), and conflict with co-workers (p =
0,016) have an influence on the incidence of work stress in the in-patient wards of Porsea
General Hospital. It is suggested that the management of Porsea General Hospital solve the
stess by searching the cause of the boredom experienced by nurses, providing time for
vacation and sport, overcoming the conflict by means of domination, compromise and
solving the problem as a whole, arranging work mutation for the nurses who have been long
working in one in-patient ward, and socializing the duty of the nurses to their family....
Perawat dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien sangat rawan terhadap stres
kerja. Terdapat 2 faktor penyebab stes kerja pada perawat yaitu faktor karakteristik
organisasional yang terdiri dari: otonomi, mutasi, beban kerja/tanggung jawab...

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