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 1. What is the definition of a cause?

A) The result of what happened in a given situation.

B) The reason something happened in a given situation.
C) The effect of what happened in a given situation.
D) What happened in a given situation.

 2. What is the definition of an effect?

A) The order of events in a given situation.

B) The reason something happened in a given situation.
C) What happened in a given situation.
D) The result of what happened in a given situation.

 3. Read the cause in this situation and choose the effect. A child stretched a balloon, put it to his lips, and pursed
his lips around the balloon's neck.

A) The child took a deep breath.

B) The balloon deflated.
C) The child blew up the balloon.
D) The balloon popped.

 4. Read the cause and choose the effect. She was in a hurry riding her bike, so she carried her viola across the
handlebars. She failed to see the rock on the street in front of her.

A) The viola did not fall off the bike.

B) The rock did not get in the girl's way.
C) The girl fell off of her bike.
D) The girl got off her bike to take a break.

 5. Read the cause and choose the effect. We had a tremendous snowstorm during the night. Winds gusted to 45
mph. The roads are blocked, even at the bus stop.

A) We decided to make a snowman.

B) We were not able to go to school.
C) We went to the store to get some snacks.
D) We stayed inside and made hot chocolate.

 6. Read the cause and choose the effect. I ran as fast as I could, passing all the other runners in the race. I wasn't
even tired, either.
A) I stopped at the store for a snack, since I was ahead of everyone else.
B) I decided to run the last lap of the race again.
C) I came in last place in the race.
D) I won the race.

 7. Read the cause and choose the effect. I awoke in the morning and ate breakfast. Then I pulled out my
toothbrush and smeared ADA-approved toothpaste all over the bristles.

A) I took a shower.
B) I combed my hair.
C) I left for the bus stop.
D) I brushed my teeth.

 8. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The girl spread her germs when she sneezed.

B) The girl took a nap because she was tired.
C) The girl sneezed because she has a cold.
D) The girl went to her friend's house for the day even though she had a cold.

 9. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The janitor is getting ready to clean the room because he has the right tools.
B) The janitor was tired from smiling all day.
C) The janitor went home with his tools because he didn't feel needed.
D) The janitor didn't have any friends because he was always working.

 10. Look at the picture and choose the best cause and effect to match the picture.

A) The boy only knew one way to the movies because of the one way sign.
B) We couldn't go both ways on the street because it was a one way street.
C) A one way street is common in our city.
D) The one way sign was hard to read because it was dark outside.
 11. Read the cause and choose the effect. Dani held her burger in her hand, even though she had already eaten a
large lunch. Her pup looked up at her with those begging eyes. Sighing, the dog rested it's head on her lap.

A) Dani gave the dog the burger.

B) Dani ate the burger, even though she wasn't really hungry.
C) The dog whined for hours.
D) The dog took a nap.

 12. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = Everyone had a great time dancing
at the party.

A) The kids dreamed about going to the party.

B) The party was a bore. No one enjoyed it at all.
C) The kids went to the party.
D) The chaperones forgot to collect money at the door for all the party goers.

 13. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = The toast was ready to eat, since
steam was coming from the toaster.

A) I put some bread in the toaster to eat for breakfast.

B) I got out the peanut butter to spread on my toast.
C) I went to take a shower to get ready for school.
D) I poured some milk to go with the toast.
 14. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = Newspapers contain many

A) I don't like to read newspapers.

B) The newspaper in our town is called "The Ledger".
C) Newspapers can sell for reduced prices.
D) The newspaper article was boring.

 15. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = I studied for three hours for the
math test.

A)I don't like my math class.

B)I didn't really study at all.
C)I got an A+ on my math test.
D) I practiced my multiplication tables the night before the test.

 16. Look at the picture and choose the best cause for the stated effect. Effect = The cops are chasing a criminal.

A) The cops want to beat the lunch rush at the restaurants in town.
B)The cops forgot their handcuffs at the station.
C)The cops are driving quickly, using their guns.
D) The cops want to get home for dinner.

17. Because he was tired, he scored poorly on the exam, ___ into the university.
a. this will cause him to not be admitted
b. this is a fact which will cause him to not be admitted
c. a fact which will cause him to not be admitted
d. a fact which will cause him to not admit

18. ___ the TOEFL with a score of 550, he will be admitted into the university.
a. Now that he passes
b. That he has passed
c. Now, he has passed
d. Now that he has passed

19. Since July 4th is a holiday, ___ have to go to work.

a. so we do not
b. we do not
c. as a result, we do not
d. thus, we do not

20. Yousef went back to Saudi Arabia ___ to take care of some business in his company.
a. and he needed
b. because he needed
c. which he needed
d. because he need

21. ___, he will return back to the United States to study English.
a. Had Yousef taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia
b. Now that Yousef has taken care his business in Saudi Arabia
c. Now that Yousef has taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia
d. Yousef has taken care of his business in Saudi Arabia but

22. ___ have to work today, we should go to Laguna Beach.

a. For we do not
b. We do not
c. Since we do not
d. Since we do no

23. ___, the temperature should begin dropping.

a. Now that the sun setting
b. Now that the sun set
c. The sun setting
d. Now that the sun has set

24. ___ is important since most professional jobs require writing skills.
a. Learn how to write
b. Learning how write
c. Learning how to write
d. Learning how to write it is

25. ___, the research paper is beneficial to students since it requires them to critically think, read, and
write about a specific body of knowledge in which they have an interest.
a. A requirement at most universities
b. It is a requirement at most universities
c. A requirement at most universities it is
d. Requirement at most universities

26. ___ over, I am ready to enter the job market, so I will begin to send out my r�sum� to prospective
a. Now that my universities studies have been
b. Now, that my universities studies are
c. Now that my universities studies are
d. My universities studies are

27.Waldo, ___, has learned a great deal of English since he came to the U.S.
a. he is a practicing lawyer from Chile
b. who a practicing lawyer is from Chile
c. a practicing lawyer from Chile
d. a practicing lawyer from Chile who

28. Because of the extreme fatigue ___ a marathon, most runners must train for several months before
they are sufficiently conditioned.
a. which involved in running
b. involving in running
c. involved in running
d. involved in run

29. ___ fifty-five miles per week for ten consecutive weeks, you are ready to run a marathon.
a. You have trained at a rate of
b. Now that you have trained at a rate of
c. Now that you have trained at a rate of so
d. Now that you train at a rate

30. He hasn't lifted any weights ___ his right arm.

a. since he injures
b. since he injured
c. since he injure
d. , he injured

31. ___ any trout yet, she is going to change the bait she is using.
a. Because Ivy has not catched
b. Ivy has not caught
c. Because Ivy has not caught
d. Because Ivy had not caught

32. Alfredo, ___ high academic aspirations, cannot pay his tuition now that his father is unemployed.
a. has
b. who he has
c. who has
d. have had

33. ___ Asian economic crisis, it has been very hard for Ai and her family to pay their bills.
a. The
b. Because the
c. Since the
d. Since

34. Halle Berry faces legal problems because she was ___ information with the injured driver.
a. involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchange
b. involved in a car accident and leaves the scene without exchanging
c. involved in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging
d. involve in a car accident and left the scene without exchanging

35. Now that India is approaching one billion people, it will soon surpass China as the world's most
populated country, ___.
a. a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists like
b. this is a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike
c. which a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike
d. a fact which has alarmed geographers and environmentalists alike

1. I love living in Australia ______________ the weather.

2. . The increase in the number of cars on the road has resulted ________ more and more
traffic jams

3. “He got to work really, really late ‘cos he missed his train”. Which cause and effect word is
‘cos short for?

4. Keith lost his job due ________ cutbacks in the department.

5. The increase in tropical storms in recent year has been __________ global warming.

6. Which one is NOT correct? “He didn’t turn up for the exam. __________, he failed the course

7. She can't go to his uncle's house....she is busy

8. Elsa always makes me happy....She is a very kind

9. She didn't call me last night...She slept earlier.

10. We are singing in the living room now .... We are happy
11. . She will give birth at home....She doesn't have money to go to the hospital

12. Rangga came late to school....He got up at 7 O'clock this Morning

13. They can win the race....They always do their own exercise everyday

14. He ate an egg last night...He was hungry

15. .Elsa was ill yesterday....She didn't eat anything

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