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Analisis Hubungan Beban Kerja Dengan Stress Kerja Perawat di Tiap Ruang Rawat

Inap RSUD Sidikalang

Lilis Dian Prihatini (2008-09-01)

Stress emerged on nurse due to various factors, such as work load. Load of nurses in hospital
including physical task and mentally task. This research is purposed to find out the
relationship between work load with work stress on nurse in every room of Region General
Hospital Sidikalang. The research used cross sectional design of 30 nurses as samples which
work in surgical room 6 nurses, children section 9 nurses, midwifery section 7 nurses and
internist section 8 nurses. Data analyzed by analytical approach which use product moment
correlation and one way Anova testing. The result show that there are significant relationship
between workg load and work stress of all nurses in all overnight room, with significant level
an\d various coefficient correlation. In surgical room there are correlation of work load to
work stress with coefficient correlation about 0,885. Nurses in children section, coefficient
correlation about 0,705, in midwife section coefficient correlation about 0,756,
internist\section , coefficient correlation about 0,797. The result of one way Anova testing
show that there is no significant differentiation of work load off all nurses in all room with
work stress. The research recommended the necessity of average work load for nurses by
perform rotation system to prevent surfeit for nurse if work in one room for long time period.
The necessity to keep average work stress by improve their ability to balancing internal and
external work load when performing service in hospital. The possibility to make following
research about related factors with load and work stress in hospital....
kerja yang sedang pada perawat dengan melakukan upaya sistem rotasi bagi perawat di
ruang perawatan RSUD Sidikalang sehingga tidak menimbulkan kejenuhan pada perawat
apabila bekerja pada satu ruangan dalam jangka waktu lama yang dapat menimbulkan

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