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Mekanisme Koping Perawat dalam Menghadapi Stres Kerja di Intensive Care Unit

(ICU) RSUD Arifin Achmad Pekanbaru: Studi Fenomenologi

Zukhra, Ririn Muthia (2015-05-19)

Perawat Intensive Care Unit (ICU) rentan mengalami stres kerja disebabkan berbagai
tuntutan di ICU. Isu ini mempengaruhi perawat dalam memberikan pelayanan yang
berkualitas. Oleh karena itu, perawat seharusnya mempunyai kemampuan untuk
Nurses in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) are vulnerable to undergoing work stress because of
various demands in the ICU. This problem influences nurses in providing qualified services.
Therefore, they should have the capability to cope with work stress. The research was
qualitative with hermeneutic phenomenology which was aimed to explore nurses’ experience
in using coping mechanism in facing work stress and to know nurses’ work experience. The
data were gathered by conducting in-depth interview and observation. The participants, after
data saturation, comprised ten nurses in the ICU who were selected by using purposive
sampling technique. The experience of coping mechanism was analyzed with Van Manen
(1990) approach which grouped the themes into the four lived worlds: ix corporeality,
relationality, spatiality, and temporality. Four themes reflected corporeality (lived body) were
self-awareness of work responsibility, self-confidence of completing duty, self-capacity in
coping with problems through spiritual approach, and self-diversion. Four themes which
reflected relationality (lived relation) were collegial and social support to cope with
problems, positive attitude toward health team member, knowing the nature and the need of
patients, and negative attitude toward other people. Two themes which reflected spatiality
(lived space) were work environment as the place for learning and creating comfortable work
atmosphere. Two themes which reflected temporality were relatively long time to overcome
work stress and the use of resting time as good as possible. Besides the thematic coping
mechanism, the research also found four themes of work stress: cause, symptom, time, and
effect of work stress. It is recommended that nursing administrator create correct strategy in
order to decrease work stress such as creating comfortable work environment and increasing
the capacity of nurses....

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