Deed 1

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THIS DEED OF AGREEMENT is made on this day the 2nd of June 2016.


Mrs. Layla Arju Banu, wife of Mr. Sujayet Hossain. House # 1/B ,Flat # Ff3, Road # 35, Gulshan-2,
Dhaka,Bangladesh herein after referred to as the LESSOR which expression, where the context so
admit, shall mean and include its successors-in-interest, administrators and assigns), pepresented by
Nurunnahar Mili, Architect, Apartment-G, House #39,Road # 37,Gulshan- 2,Dhaka, Bangladesh, NID
19542692619485536, the Authorised Representatve of Mrs. Layla Arju Banu to act on her behalf in all
respect & issues related to rental issue of house # 1/B, Flat # F/3, Road # 35,
Gulshan2,Dhaka,Bangladesh of the -- ONE PART.


Development Design Consultants Limited, a private Limited Company incorporated under the
Companies Act, 1913, and subsequently on being repealed the Companies Act, 1994 having its
registered office at 47, Mohakhali, C/A, within P.S Gulshan, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh represented by its
Managing Director Mr. A.K.M Rafiquddin herein after referred to as the LESSEE which expression,
where the context so admit, shall mean and include its successors-in-interest, administrators and assigns)
---- of the OTHER PART.

WHEREAS the LESSOR is the owner and is absolutely sized and possessed of or otherwise well and
sufficiently entitled to the residential apartment bearing Flat No. F/3 (3’’ floor), House #1/B, Road #35,
Gulshan-2, Dhaka and has agreed to give on Lease of her above mentioned Flat with one garage from
1St of June, 2016.
AND WHEREAS the LESSEE has agreed to take on Lease the said residential Flat for a period of 3
(three) years commencing from 1. June, 2016 to 31st May, 2019.



1. The LESSEE shall take the possession of the aforementioned premises for use of the Safety
Audit for Dhaka Elevated Expressway PPP project on and
from 01 of June, 2016 as a Tenant for a period of 03 (Three) years and shall pay the monthly rent
according to English Calendar.
2.The LESSEE shall pay’ rent of the said premises at the rate of Tk.1,05,000.00 (Taka one lac five
thousand only in Bangladesh Currency) per month payable within ten days of the current month by
Chaque to be issued in the name of Mrs. NURUNNAHAR MILI, NID No.19542692619485536, IFIC
Bank, Gulshan Branch, Dhaka, current Account No.1002103551001. After three years, from 1St June
2019 monthly rent will be BDTK 1,15,000 [one lac fifteen thousand pet month
3. The LESSEE shall pay 6 (six) months advance to the LESSOR for an amount of Tk. 6, 30.000.00
(Taka six lac thirty thousand only) in Bangladesh Current at the time of signing this agreement.

4. The advanced rent so paid by the LESSEE shall be adjusted from the monthly rent in equal 35
installments over the tenancy period of 36 months, starting from the 2nd month (i.e. from Julv,20161
Tk. 18,000/- will be deducted in every month from the rent ) by the LESSEE.

5. The monthly rent excludes Service charges for maintenance, generator diesel bill, water supply bill,
telephone bill, electricity bill, dish bill, gas bill, etc., and the same has to be paid directly by the
LESSEE every month regularly to the concerned authority/ association/ society and the original paid
up bills copy to be handed over to the LESSOR every month
6. The LESSEE shall neither sublet the said Flat nor any part thereof to anyone nor he shall use it or
cause it to he used by anyone in a manner not compatible with the purposes (as mentioned above) of
this Tenancy Agreement and the Laws of the Government of Bangladesh.

7. The LESSEE shall not do anything harmful to the building or cause damage of the structure, wall,
floor etc. The LESSEE shall not pull down or remove any fittings/fixtures, which are existing now or
may hereafter, during the said term, be put. or attached to the demised premises or any part there of by
the LESSSOR. The LESSEE shall not make any addition or alteration in the house (and the fittings and
fixtures there of) without obtaining written consent of the LESSOR and that all expenses of any such
addition or alteration as consented by the LESSOR shall be borne by the LESSEE. All the alteration
made to the effect if not wanted by the.

LESSOR shall have to be repaired, replaced and put to its original state by the LESSEE through
appropriate professional persons at their cost
8.That the LESSEE shall arrange to make any small repair, maintenance and replacement, in the
premises by himself at his own cost and shall not ask for reimbursement of the same by the LESSEE for
any of the fittings, fixtures, electrical, sanitary and general hardware.

9. That the LESSOR shall bear repair cost of any damage caused due to natural calamities and/or
structural defects, other than those caused owing to natural calamity due to neglect of the LESSEE.

10. The LESSEE shall hereby under take to:

a. Keep the demised premises in good Condition and keep the walls. floors, doors, windows,
bathrooms, fittings fixtures electrical goods etc. cleanand tidy using appropriate cleaning agents

b. Keep sanitation and sewerage pipe within the demised premises clean and serviceable by frequent
inspection and cleaning

11. The LESSEE shall have an earmarked car park for a car at the ground carport.

12. The LESSOR reserves the right to inspect the house any time under intimation to the LESSEE in

13. The LESSEE should follow the rules and regulations of the building Society [Lake View Apartment
Owners Society of the premises

14 The LESSEE should not display any official signboard

15. This agreement is terminable by 03 (three) months’ notice from either side.

16. The LESSEE should hand over the premises upon termination/expiry of this Agreement in good and
habitable to its original condition along with all the; fixture, electrical goods etc. in good condition as
per Inventory list to be prepared jointly by the Lessor & Lessee attached as Annexture”A”
17. This agreement may be revised and extended with mutual understanding between the LESSOR and
the LESSEE or fresh contract for another term may be drawn under agreement conditions by both the

18. That all disputes in relation to the Tenancy Agreement are to be amicably settled, failing which, by
mutual consent an Arbitrator will be chosen whose decision/ award shall be final. In case, the Arbitrator
cannot be chosen by mutual consent, application may be made to the competent court to appoint an
Arbitrator in terms of Arbitration Act 2001

19. The agreement comprises 04 (four) Nos. of pages and with Annexture “A”
In witness whereof the LESSOR and LESSEE put their signature on this Lease Agreement on the date,
month and year first above mentioned.


....................................... ..................................................
Nurunnahar Mili A. K. M. Rafiquddin
Authorised Representative.

(Signature and full Address)

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