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5/25/2019 Presentation

Islamic studies
Elements of Family in Islam

Presented by:
Muhammad Sayyam Shaukat (654-FET/BSME/F17-A)
Muhammad Ahsan Jabbar (683-FET/BSME/F17-A)
Elements of Family in Islam:
The family unit is an important component of Islam, and all elements
of a family are given due significance from parents to children.
The family is the foundation of Islamic society. The peace and
security offered by a stable family unit is greatly valued and seen as
essential for the spiritual growth of its members. It is quite common in
the Muslim community to find large, extended families living
together; providing comfort, security and support to one another.

Parents are greatly respected in the Islamic tradition. Mothers, in

particular are greatly honored. God says in the Qur'an: "And we
have enjoined upon man to be good to his parents. With difficulty
upon difficultly did his mother bear him, and wean him for two years.
Show gratitude to Me and to your parents; to Me is your final goal!"

Marrying and establishing a family is very strongly encouraged. "And

among His signs is that He created for you mates from among
yourselves; that you may find peace with them. And He put
between you love and compassion. Surely in this are signs for people
who reflect."

A Muslim marriage is both a sacred act and a legal agreement, in

which either the groom or the bride is free to include legitimate
conditions. Marriage customs vary widely from country to country.

Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said: "When a servant of

God marries, he completes half his faith." Marriage is the institution
upon which families are based.
Out of all the previous divine religions, none has given due
importance to the family as Islam did.
In doing so, Islam has legislated procedures and means which
maintain security and preserve stability within the family. It has
also prescribed some measures which prevent the family from
collapse and destruction.
We, particularly in the present time where immorality abounds
and temptations are overwhelming, have to return to the endless
spring of the Quran, the Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) as well as
the sayings of the righteous predecessors which are guiding
beacons for us along our road to maintain family stability.

Family Pillars:
In any family there are those persons without whom a family cannot
be regarded as complete. A human being is born of a father and a
mother; the parents look after the child and bring it up. This child in
turn attains maturity and is joined to a spouse in the golden link of
matrimony. Then this couple start their own family. Thus we may say
that the persons who form pillars of the family are father, mother,
child, husband and wife.

Some people need help in their domestic chores. Therefore, Islam

has added the `servant' also in the list.

Islam and Family Structure:

Islam is a complete code of life and gives guidance with regard to
every aspect of life. Likewise, the importance of family life in Islam
is huge. Islam outlays complete code of family life. Islam
understands that it is the building foundation of every society so a
clear guide as to how family structure should be built is outlined in
detail in Islam.
The Holy Quran repeatedly reminds its readers of the duties children
have toward parents, particularly in their old age. God says in the
And your Lord has commanded that you shall not serve (any) but
Him, and goodness to your parents. If either or both of them reach
old age with you, say not to them (so much as) “Ugh” nor chide
them, and speak to them a generous word. And, out of kindness,
lower to them the wing of humility, and say: “My Lord! bestow on
them Thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.” Of the
two, the mother is given greater importance in Islam. The Quran
bears witness to the mother’s travails by stating, “with trouble did his
mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth; and the
bearing of him and the weaning of him was thirty months

Islam further advises parents to treat their children with mercy, love,
and equality. In addition, parents must provide proper education to
their children along with raising them to be morally upright and
responsible individuals of society. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has
said the best gift a father can give his child is good education. The
Prophet (PBUH) also laid great emphasis on proper treatment of
daughters and promised the reward of paradise for parents who
raise their daughter(s) well. At the same time, God calls for
moderation in the Quran: “O you who believe! Let not your wealth,
or your children, divert you from the remembrance of Allah; and
whoever does that, these are the losers

Importance of Marriage:
Marriage is a sacred social contract between a man and a woman.
Like all great religions, Islam also emphasizes the institution of
marriage. God says in the Holy Quran: “And among His Signs is this,
that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may
dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy
between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.”

In addition, the Quran beautifully describes the depth of a marital

relationship by invoking the metaphor of “garments” for the husband
and wife: “They are your garments and you are their garments.”
Moreover, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has specifically mentioned
marriage to be of his traditions and even equated it to completing
half of one’s faith.

Husband-Wife Relationship in Islamic

Family System:
The basis of any family is the relationship of husband and wife.
These are the pillars on which the foundation of the family rests. A
happy relationship of husband and wife keeps the other
dependents for example children happy as well. On the contrary,
if this relationship is not strong enough the institution may not stand
strong for long. That is why Allah has laid great stress on this
relationship and the rights of spouse over each other. The Holy
Prophet once said:
“A man who has no wife is poor and helpless even if he is rich. And
a woman who has no husband is poor and helpless even if she is
Allah says in the Holy Quran:
“And of His sign is this: He created for you helpmates from
yourselves that you might find rest in them and created between
you love and mercy”

Rights of Parents Over Children:

The most beautiful gift from Allah of marriage is the happiness
derived from having children. The Holy Quran days:
Your parents and your children, I know not which of them are
nearest to you in benefit. . .
This verse reflects clearly the importance of parents for children
and vice versa. When children are young and dependent on
parents, they are nurtured by the love, care and affection of
parents. They grow up and when parents become old and weak,
they are to be taken care of by children exactly how they were
tended when they were young. In parents, Islam lays great stress
on the rights and respect of mother for all the pains and difficulties
with which she gives birth to babies. The Holy Quran says:
“We have enjoined on man kindness to his parents. In pain did his
mother bear him, and in pain did she give him birth. The carrying of
the child to his weaning is thirty months”
Hence the importance of family in Islam can be judged from all
the verses from the Quran and a hadith of the Holy Prophet

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