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have had folly, like IBM come in to seeme hut other mainrcomnanies

when they talk to me, the single thing ~~~~t ,~ ~~ . like that. and
them to work on is on IED defeat from
an end-to-end perspective - Northrup, Raytheon, all kinds of these companies have come
in to see me, they go in to see Joe Votcl constantly And we have them focusing in this
area. and have a whole wid; variety of iritiatives goingon We don't p s t restrict this to
US. industry and US. partners; we're also working with foreign partners who have some
fairly good ideas and who havedealt with this in the past.

Finally, we've also expanded this effort to bring a number of our federally funded
. .
research and dwelonment onerations. The Institute for Defense Analvsis
, has iust .
conducted about an eight-week study for us on operationsaspects, and they've supervised
~ we've broueht in to assist in that - the Center for Naval
two other FFRDCs ( S Dthat
Analysis - CNA, and'&o RAND ~ o ~ a t i o n .

Ms. Barber: Great. Next question

Q: This is Gordon Cucullu. I have one that I get all the time from audiences. And I don't
. .
know that this falls into the technolooical or intel area that vou nrefer not to discuss but.
most Americans are somewhat mystified that the success of the IEDs because they have it
in their heads that we're the technologically superior force and that the terrorists are not.
Do you all see that these guys are gelling t&hnological support fromoutside the country.
or do you think that most of this is an indigenous developmentprogram?

ADM G: Let me answer it this way. First ofall, 1 think it's important, Gordon, that you
recognize that these improvised explosive devices have been around in a variety of ways
for a very long time

They are just - in some cases they are another form of a mine; they are another form of a
booby-trap. A vehicle-borneimprovised explosive device during World War I1 was a
kamikaze. We've had vehicle systems that have been used as you know in Bemil.
Northern Ireland, Israel, and many other locations. So it isn't like these thingsare new.

Do we see some of the technologiescoming in from other country or other areas?

Absolutely. And that's why - and what I mean by other areas, we see this being
proliferated on someof the web sites.

Q: Oh, okay, so that in effect a virtual technological support for these thugs that's
global in scope?

ADM G. Exactl). And that's why you're seeing us being incredibl) sensitive, and we're
trying to make sure that our folksarc sensitiveto not talk about the specifics of weapons.
the typesof weapons, the form of their effects, or any of that stuff, because this stuff eels
spread almost instantly.

Q: Yeah,I can see that. Thank you

ADM 0:You're welcome.

Ms. Barber' Next question, please

Q Admiral. Chuck Nash Goi a question about the makeup ofthe folks who are working
in this whole C1D ( 7 ) task force Is this a primary job' Is this their full focus" Or are a lo1
ofthese folks working collateral duties? .

ADM G: Let me say to you this way. Chuck, the purpose of this task force is their job is
to wake up every morning and work on this full time, no other collateral assignments;
they are supposed to go to bed every night worrying about what the he11 they didn't
accomplish during the day. Joe Vote1 here has got very significant personnel control over
the assignments; he can expend people - that's part ofthese set ofauthorities. Joe
probably - how many times was somebody going to transfer you, Joe, a detailer?

DO Void: Too many to count.

ADM G: Too many to count. He's a Ranger, and he'd like to be back with the Rangers,
but he's been dedicated to this now, what- two years now?

BG Void: Two and a halfyears.

ADM G: Two and a halfyears doing this. And this is- just about nothing else that I see
that's more important than this job. In fact, we joke with Joe, the Deputy and I. that if we
weren't doing ourjobs, we'd be doing hisjob, because that's how important we think this
is. And that's the way this task force is supposed to deal with this.

So we want personnel stability, full-time dedication to it, and we want continuity and
longevity in the assignments. Joe?

RG Void. Sir I think )ou'\c covered mosi ofit. I would jusi add that the most important
resource that we have in here - alinough we arc taken care of very nell with our financial
aspects - is the .w p.l e that we have working on the task force. And we have been in a
constant and consistent search for people who h a ~ expertise
c in tne various areas that are
nt\o.\cd in this. and they reside no! just in the A m y but in the other joint Senices out
there, and in some ofour retired community as well, as we're seeing with General Meigs

And we are reaching out to get the very, very best people that we can, gel them involved
in this and then keep them involved in this so that we do preserve continuity of the effort.

ADM G: Guys, one last comment on this particular area You may be interested just to
read a little bit about Monw Meies back~mund.but he wmte a book when he was at
National Defense university, called slide Rules and~ubrnarines.And I know it's
available, but if you read it. you'll probably learn one ofthe reasons whv we hired him to
come back and do this in addition to him being a four star, in addition 10 him having

served as a combatant commander in Korea, in addition to him commanding troops and
large formations and ihe rest, you'll see his analytic skills and the rest, and that's one of
. - . - .
the reasons we whv brought him back. So if vou're interested. you mieht pick that book
up; you'll learn a few things. ,

Ms. Barber: Great. And we probably have time for one or two more questions if there's
anything else on your mind on thecall?

0:Allison. one last ~uestion.Bob Maninnis. The IED task force on the eround in Iraa
providing ttmely feedback on thc most recent -(inaudible) are we capturing that and will
that be linked in to what Joe Votel is dome there on the ground in For Irnin and feed
back right away? What's the son of senseof timeliness&d collecting, expertise we've
been able to dip in to over in Iraq?

BG Votei: Look Bob, that is exactly right. And the cornerstone ofthe whole effort really
are is the forward teams that we have in Iraq and Afghanistan who are out there
working with units, gathering information, helping disseminate first within theater and
then disseminating back here to us. And we use a variety of means to do that simple
soldier solutions like newsletters that can get out very quickly to disseminate information
in theater. and then of course all the wav to the use of the classified net that we have
available to us lo send information araight to the combat training centers.

Interestinelv. I had an oooonunitv to talk to Bob Cohen (mi. the commander out at NTC.
lastweek.0ne of the things we are working is making k i t h a t we get some of his
observer controllers embedded into our learns to help facilitate that process and move
1 information very, very quickly
1 We hold ourselves lo very high standards moving money, and we want to do the same

I thing with moving good practices as well. That's a very, very important aspect to what
we're trying to do.

ADM G: I might mention one last thine. I failed to mention before in including industry
in (and) the rest of 11. This i s now gove--ern But we also arc using a significant amount
ofthc Joint Ccnier for Operational Ana \w lessons learned p u p that's down in Joirt
Forces Command in Norfolk, my old command. Thev are working with these federally
funded research and development operations. L'NA. AND and IDA,to help do the
operational analysis on this piece

I Ms. Barber: Great. And with that -

Q: Chuck Nash. To follow up on that admiral -the analysis piece to this. There are some
technolocies out there that mobabiv have non-kinetic collateral effects. And when vou
look at the analysis, and moving fokvard with some ofthe new technologies that a;
presenting, rules of engagement, things like that, could you address how tfiose will be
developed and then worked into the training process?
ADM 0:1 think the wav to describe that. Chuck, is that you'll see us work through
concepts out at NTC, between there and piaces like the i ' u m a ~ r o v i nGround,
~ where we
put those together in a way that we can test them out, we can train to them, and then we

We've done some of that already. I should say Joe has done that with his IED task force,
and has deployed items to theater in that fashion in using that basic construct already. Joe
you want to add anything to that?

BG Votei: No, I think that's exactly the idea. And I think that's the power of what we're
trying to use the combat training centers to help us with. You know, each of the Services
do have combat training centers. They can provide expertise into this and so our intention .
is to work through those very type issues that you raised - the rules of engagement,the
escalation of force, other type issues associated with thesesolutions in a training
environment so that we can provide not only good technologies,but a good concept of
operationsto the fielded force.

Ms. Barber: Great. And with that we'll close for today. Folks, thanks for calling in.
Admiral, thank you for your time.

ADM 0 : Thank you very much. Good talking to you guys

Attachments: SO-CJCS deck for 12-07-05 corected.ppt

SD-UCS deck for

12-07-05 corr...
Attached is a corrected slide deck for today
1. GEM Schomaker is not briefing tomorrow in the press room; neither i a Secretary Harvey.
2. The Elkenberry press briefing tomorrow at 0915 ie confirmed.
3. LTG Elkenberry will be briefing the military analysts today at 1330. Contact i a [ j

As of 0900 12-07-05

Public Affairs CORRECTED
07 December
SecDef: Honor cordon for Polish Minister of National Defense Radoslaw
Sikorski (1415, Pentagon Mall Entrance).
Pentagon: LTG Eikenberry phone call with military analysts re current
operations in Afghanistan (1330).

08 December
CENTCOM: LTG Eikenberry, CDR Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan,
press briefing (0915, briefing room).

National Strategy for Victory in Iraq; allegations of U.S. payment for Iraqi news
stories; U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq; kidnappings.


From: lack lacobs [z,.pj@IHTO31MI
sent: Monday, December 05,2005 6 37 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re ConferenceCali with Senior DoD Official TOMORROW (TUESDAY)

jack jacobt will participate

-- Original Message
From: Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 517 PM
Subject: Conference Call with Senior DoD Official TOMORROW (TUESDAY)


To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison

Office ofthe Secretaryof Defense

Date: December 5,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD OlTichl

We invite you to participate in a conferencecall, TOMORROW,December 6,2005,from 3:15p.m to


4 9 0 p.m. EST

Admiral Edmund Giambastiani,Vice Chairman of the J OChiefs

~ of Staff, will provide you with an update
on the Department's IED Task Force announced today.

To participate in this conferencecall, please da?-il. and ask ^e operator to connect you to the
Analysts conferencecall.

b a s e R.S.V.P. to 8iaaà a t or call her -at

We hope you are able to participate tomorrow.

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 6:03 PM
To: 'Saal Matt (NBC Universal,MSNBCY
Subbcl: RE Joe Scarborough

Matt, working this now. Ill see what 1 can do thanks

From: Saal, Man I N K Universal, MSNBC) [rnailto:~anSaal@(Rni3^BB

Sent; Monday, December 05,2005 5 5 6 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Joe Scarborough

Dear Mr. Lawrence,

I'm writing at the suggestionofCol Jack Jambs Weare trying to see If i f s possible for Joe Scarborough, host of
"Scarbornugh Country" on MSNBC, to go to Iraq with the U.S. military. We understand that going into that country mth.the
armed forces may be the best way to truly appreciateand understand what is going on there And Joe is excited about the

As you may know Joe formerly represented Pensawla m i l e in Congress, and he has a keen knowledgeof and
appreciationfor our troops and thepbs they do We know there are plentyof stories to tellthat may not be getting the
attention they deserve and we hope that the trip we are suggestingwould allow Joe a special access to our forces and
the stories there are to tell Of course MSNBCwill pay for Joe and any staffwe would send with him la producer, a
camera crew)

I should also add that we just launched, in conjunctionwith the USO, an"0peration Phone Home" Program,whereby Joe
solicits viewer donations for the U S 0 to purchase phone cards for our troops serving all over the world

As for the trip to Iraq, we would like to try to go the week of December 26 -three weeks from today. Again,we would love
to make the trip please let me know if there is any other informationyou need from me or from Joe

Many Thanks.

Yours very truly,

Matthew Saal
Executvie Producer, "Scarborough Country"

1 HY TIMES 6897
, .
From: Barber Allison, CIV, OASD-PA
Sent: Monday, December 05,20056:02 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PA
Subject: RE Joe Scarborough

we sent this request over to mxie lastweek. us0 asked us for help.

---Original MessageÃ
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 6:00 PM
To: Barber, Alllson, CIV, OASD-PA
Subject: FW: Joe Scarborough

Id think this is a good Idea He only reaches about 500,000 but still, this is a pretty easy gig. What about taking h h
over with secdef, doing the 3 country tour then leaving him there with his crew?

In any went, Ithink çiiwould be greà If we made his vlsii 100% about Iraqi troops, have him spend dm days a1 tall,
go on patrols, etc.

From! Saal, Man (NEC Unhersal, MSNBC) [ m a l l t o : ~ a n . ~ a a l @ ~

Sent; Monday, December 05,2005 5 5 6 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject:Joe Scarborough

Dear Mr Lawrence

I'mw.ting at ihe suggestion of Col Jack Jacoos We aretrying 10 see It irs possibe for ~ o
e host of
"ScarbofougnCountry or MSNBC logo to raq win ihe u S military We maersisna tna! going into tnat countrywdn
we aimm forces may De me oes! way to t#Uyappreciatem a i-noerstanawnat s gong en inere A ~ Joe O .s excitea


about the possibility,

As you may know Joe formerly represented Pensawla while in Congress and he has a keen knowledge of and

appreciationfor our troops and the~obsthey do We know there are plenty of stories to tell that may not begettingthe
attention they deserve and we hope that the trip we aresuggestingwould allow Joe a special access to our forces
and the stones there are to tell Of course MSNBC will pay for Joe and any staff we would send with him (a producer
a camera crew]

Ishould also add that we lust launched, in conjunctionwith the USO, an "Operation Phone Home" Program,whereby
Joe soliatsviewer donations for the US0 to purchasephonecardsfor our troops serving all over the world

As for the trip to Iraq, we would like to try togo the week of December26 three weeks from today. Again, we would
love to make the trip please let me know if there Is any other Informationyou need from me or from Joe,

Many Thanks,

Yours very truly,

Matthew Saal
Execiiw e Prooucer 'Scartwougn Country


From: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject: RE can you help me here, Anyou add this to the pa sched? [OHISout. thanks'


Sent! Monday, DecemBer 05,2005 5:25 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
~ubjem out, man&]
RE: can you help me here, can you add *IS to the pa s c h e m m ~ s

Sure Done

Sempr Fldells,


Military Assistant to the Assistant Secretary

of Defense for PublicAffairs

1400 Defense Pentso-

Washington DC 20301.MOO


From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASWA

Sent! Monday, December 05,2005 3 1 9 PM
me he% can p u add this to b e k out. mnb!


To: Retired Military Analysts

From: Dallas Lawrence

Director, Community Relations and Public Liaison

Office of the Secretaryof Defense

Date: December 5,2005

Re: Conference Call with Senior DoD OITicial

We invite you to participate in a conferencecall. TOMORROW, December 6,2005,from 3:jSp.m to 4:00

p.m. EST

Admiral Edmund Giambastiani, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, wit! provide you with an update on
the Department's TED Task Force announced today.

To participate in this conferencecall, please dial-and ask the operator to connect you to the
Analysts conference call.

We hope you are able to participate tomorrow.

Monday December05.20055:15 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject: Mi itary Analyst December 05

The dial in number for this conference call scheduled for tomorrow (Tues) Dec. 69)-si No passcode is
required, however just state the above subject line when calling in. 20 Lines are reserved under your n a m

Comm~n'tv Relations andPublicLiaison

From: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Many Decem;~O~;;~~;fF~DcMD GRp
Cc : e , MAJ MNF-1SCJS Trip Planner'

Folks, I wanted you both to have ourfinal manifest, we have lost two people in the past two days, so our manifestas of
now (and final) is as follows,

Thank you again

Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF. Retired)

Dr. Jeff McCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired)

Colonel Ken Allard (USA. Retired)

Mr. led Babbin (AF, Former JAG)

Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (USAR, Retired)

Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired)

OSD: Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary

Captain(Naw) Roxie Memtt, Director of OSD PressOperations

Dallas Lawrence, Director of Community Relations and Public Liaison

Classification. UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Monday December 05,20054:19 PM

6 large 2 medium 2 xl

im guessing oniwo of these, so if possible, could we have possible one additional; large in the event one of my mediums
or oneof my xis is actually a large?


From: 1)frRiÑÑÑà CFLCCI3A-FWD-CMD GRP [mailto

To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA; n .

Sent: Sunday, December04, 2005 1:19 AM
. MAJ MNF-I SUS Trip Planner;

Cc: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA



Caveats: NONE


Please send the sizes for IBA and helmets as we want to ensure we have the rght stuff for you.



To make sure we at1 have the same manifest Ihave enclosed me list of me group coming to Iraq next çee as pan of the
OoD Analyst trip A * w De arriving on the same nbouna an0 departing on the same o ~ t t w n o
commercialfl-gnt from
K w a t an0 a I w Ibe fray ing toana from Iraq on ins same CQt30 fl gnt

In ade ton there have oeen a coupe of fogis cat issues broughtto my attentiontnat Iam sure you ail are anready aware
of Specfica-.y E 0' Cohen has notified me inat per MG Lywn Genera Casey nas rewest that El 01Cohen providean
OPD toa g r o ~ pn raq Tr s s oi-tsioe my mission nowever so t am ass-mmg yo, fo ks are worn ng now an0 ahen n e
most appropriateIme to break E 01 Cohen off from me groiipto conduci Ifis onefmg wll oe OJFma r goalis to not a low
tn s bread off to distract from me experience of i r e anaiysts on metrip So rt Mr Conen neeos to miss can of the ripto
cona.,-t ins 'rat s -01 a proolem *e are tnr led to make matever Gererat Casey reeds wort

Additionallv, and please let me aDOboize for this in advance as this fust came to mv attention at 630 this momina. Enc
RL'I vino s essentda y me acting pnicip'e Depury w need to break offfrom me group when we a m am oe tiaen to the
Repuoiwn Palace wneie he w. renotzvous wln General Aision Mr Rdff w I remow m me Green Zone anoat me
Reo-io can Paiace m'il me Analyst V D oeoans Ira0 1, e he ooes not need 10 be man lesteo for movemems w in n e
Analyst group he just needs to be ferned to theGreen Zone upon arnval on Friday and back to 81AP In time to meet up
With the Analyst trip for the C-130 departure back to Kuwaiton Sunday)

General Alston pleaseforgive this late request,we are hoping foryour team's assistance in securing quarters inside the
Green Zone for Enc Ruff for two nights, from Friday through Sunday nextweek

Folks, again please accept my apologies for this last rmnute movement Iknow how incredibly difficult these are I am
hoping that like last time our first movement upon Sandingwill be a helo flight to LZ Washington and we stan the day in the
green zone. thus allowing us tosimply leave enc ruff there making only one additional movement (L2 Washington to
BlAP) necessary

I want to thank everyone for making this trip happen Also. please let me know if there are any comforts from home Ican
Pack into a suitcase to bring out yourway for the Christmas season

Mr. Jed Babbin (AF, Former JAG)

Dr. JeffMcCausland (Colonel. USA, Retired) CBS News

Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired) FOX News

Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News

Mr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) FOX News

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) NBC, MSNBC News

Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (USAR, Retired)

Eliot Cohen, Member, Defense Policy Board

Plus, the following DoD escorts:

Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary

Dallas Lawrence, Director of Community Relationsand Public Liaison for OSD

Captain (Navy) Roxie Memtt, Director of DoD Press Operations

rm-: Maj CFLCC PA0 [mailt&
Sent;Friday, December 02, 2005 4:28 AM

To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Cc: p, MM C F L W 3 A - F W W D GRP
Subject: RE Bios please'

I noticed you have a blo for a Dr COhen, but he is not on our list, is he an addition"?


Caveats NONE

Sent: Monday December05 2005 4 1 5 PM
To: Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Bullet Proof Vest Sizes

These are the responsesso far.

Jed Babbin Large
Sieve Grew Large
Andy Messhg 46 inch

0% Public Affairs
Community Relations and Public Liaison

From: L e e , Dallas, OASD-PA
sent: Monday, December 05.2005 355 PM
To: 'Major F Andy Messing. Jr. (Ret)!NDCF'
Subject: RE please contact

Thanks. I have no idea who l t c m i s (he was never invited) see you tomorrow

From: Major F. Andy Messing, ~ r (Ret)l

Sent Monday, Detente 05,2W5 9:41 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
cc lorassoc
Subject: Re: please contact

Dear Mr.Lawrencc...

As we discussed.. I am planningon going ~~Cfl^f^^^^HsakI he is 'lot going. He l5NKF's Aviation Advisor.. at the CC

I i l l see you at Dulles l o m w . . .

Besl Rwnte. ANDY

-Original Message -
From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA

To: '"dcf-; 'bras-

Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 4:21 PM

Subject please contact

Andy we heard you may be canceling for iraq tomorrow. Please can our office asap to confirm, thank you

Sent: Monoay December 05.2005 2-44 PM
To: Lawrence,Dallas. OASD-PA

Classitation' UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats- NONE

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a i l t o : D a l l a s . ~ a w ~

Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 6 5 8 PM

Major, do you know who wilt be meeting us at the arrport and what their cell number is? Thanks'

To confirm we arrive into Kuwait December 7 at 8 05 pm on flight 9028 and depart Kuwait on December 11 at 8 50 am on
flight 156 weare leaving Iraq on Saturday evening for Kuwait ron Kuwait for a Sunday morning flightback toconus

Fmm:-MA] CFLCCI3A-FWIXMDGRP [mallto ' '

Sent. Sunday, December 04,2005 1:24AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PA

Classification UNCLASSIFIED

Ht TIMES 6912
Caveats: NONE


I have you coming out of Iraq on Saturday evening for your Sunday flight to London. Your email below reads as if they are
not leaving Iraq until Sunday Just want to make sure we are tracking


From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a i l t o : ~ a l l a s . ~ a w r e n c e ~

To: ..
Sent! Friday, December 02,2005 3 5 9 PM


Maj CFLCC P A O ; i g T ^ i H ^ H MM M N H SUS Trip Planner; Alston C Donald BG MNFI

Cc: Hopper, Steven M M CFLCCl3A-FWD-CMDGRP; Barber, Allison, OV, OASD-PA


To make sure we ad have the same manifest, l have enclosed the list of the group coming to Iraq nextweek as part of the
DoD Analyst trip. All will be arriving on the same inbound and departing on thesameoutbound commercial flight from
Kuwait and all will be traveling to and from Iraq on the same C-0130 flight

In addition, there have been a couple of logistical issues brought to my attention that Iam sure you all are already aware
of Specifically, Eiiot Cohen has notified me that per MG Lynch, General Casey has request that Eliot Cohen provide an
OPD 10 a group in Iraq This isoutside my mission, however, so I am assuming you folks are working how and when the
most aooroDnatetime to break Eliot Cohen off from the arouo to conduct this bnefina will be Our main anal is to not allow
this break off todistract from theexperience of the analysts on the t i p So. if Mr ohe en needs to miss part of the trip to
conduct this, that is not a problem, weare thrilled to make whatever GeneralCasey needs work

Additionally, and please let me apologize for this in advance as this just came to my attention at 630 this morning, Eric
Ruff. who 1s essentially the acting Principle Deputy,will need to break off from the group when we land and be taken to the
Republican Palace where he will rendezvouswith General Alston Mr. Ruff will remain in the Green Zone and at the
Re~utiIIcanPalace until the Analvst triodenarls Iran l i e hedriesnot need to be manifested for movements with the
Analyst group he just needs to be ferried to the Green Zone upon arrival on Friday and back to BIAP in time to meet u p
with the Analyst trip for the C-130 departure back to Kuwait on Sunday)

GeneralAlston, please forgive this late request, we are hoping for your team's assistance in securing quartersinside the
Green Zone for Eric Ruff for two nights, from Friday through Sunday next week.

Folks,again, please accept my apologiesfor this last minute movement 1 know how incredibly difficult theseare Iam
hoping that like last time our first movement upon landingwill be a helo night to U Washington and we start the day In the
green zone. thus allowing usto simply leave e m ruff there, makingonly one additional movement ILZ Washington to

Iwant to thank everyone for making this trip happen. Pko. pkase let me know if there are any comforts from home ican
pack into asuitcase to bnng out your way forthe Christmas season.


Mr Jed Babbm (AF. Former JAG)

Dr JeffMcCausland (Colonel, USA, Ret~red)CBS News

General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Rettred) FOX N e w


Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News

M r Wayne Simmons (USN. CIA, Retired) FOX News

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) NBC. MSNBC News

Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr (USAR, Retired)

Eliot Cohen, Member, Defense Policy Board

Plus, the following DoD escorts:

Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary

Dallas Lawrence, Director of Community Relations and Public Liaison for OSD

Captain(Navy) Roxie Memtt, Director of DoD Press Operations


From: . Maj CFLCC PA0 [malto
Sent; Friday, December 02,2005 4 2 8 AM

To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

Subject; RE 610s please)


I noticedyou have a bio for a Or Cohen, but he Is not on our list. Is he an addition?


Caveats: NONE

Classifellion UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats' NONE
From: Ruff E m SES, OASD-PA
Sent: Wonday December 05.2005 12:11 PM
TO' Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject: FW IUI RE military analysts

sounds like we're covered thanks

-Original Message-
From: Aiston C Donald BG MNFI STOATEFF COMMS DN Chief [ m a l l t o ; d o n a l d . a l s t m ~
Sent: Monday, December 05,2005 12:08 PM
TO: Ruff, Eric, SES, OASD-PA
Subject: [U] RE: military analysts

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED


I'm looking forward to meeting you, too. And I am totally committedto being with you the whole time.

See you soon1


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
if this e-mail is marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY it may be exempt from mandatory disclosure
under FOIA. DoD 5400.7R, "DoD Freedom of Information A d Program", DoD Directive 5230.9,
"Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release", and DoD instruction 5230.29, "Security and
Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release" apply.

From: Ruff, Eric, SES, OASO-PA [marlto:~ric~uff@[Ègit3I

Sent! Monday, December 05,2005 8:06 PM
Subject: military analysts

Oon 0.1 Ce lravetiq m i l the analysts 10 iraq as i think you've teen told 'TO Immg forward to an oppon,nrty to meet wan
you mate *e re in tne green zone don't nave me specif-c time we'te skm to get there on tnursday m r n ng bi-t hwefd~y
vou l be ac à to carve
1 . 0 some time 10 oel looeinet id ke to act voiif v i w s ar'a offera few of mv own on n m we can
build on the dialogueand thought process that started during the l e h p to the fob-danger hand-off. thanks.
From: Lawrence, s ail as. OASD-PA
Sent: mv
Moadav. D e ~ e m b e e O S , ; ~ ~ ~ ~ s M ~ ~

Major, do you know who w.11 be meetingus at the airport and what their cell number is? Thanks'

To confirm, we arrive into Kuwait December7 at 8.05 pm on flight 9028 and depart Kuwait on December 11at 8.50 am on
flight 156 we are leaving iraq on Saturday evening for Kuwait, ron Kuwait for a Sunday morningflight back to conus


Sent: Sunday, Decemkr 04,2005 1:24 AM
To: Lawrence, Da'las, OASO-PA

Classitcaton: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats. NONE


Ihave you coming out of Iraq on Saturdayevening for your Sunday flight to London. Your email be& reads as if they are
not leaving iraq until Sunday. Just want to makesure weare tracking.


By TIMES 6917
From: Lawrence, Dallas, DASD-PA [maIlto:DallaS.Lawrence@fRffRM

To: ..
Sent: Friday, December 02, 2005 3 5 9 PM


Ma) CFLCC PAO; e MA1 MNF-I SUS Trip Planner; Alston C Donald BG MNFI
Cc: ^ S T n f l ^ Ã ‘ Ã ‘ CFLW3A-FWD-CMD GRP; Barber, Alllson, 0V,OASD-PA

To make sure weall have the same manifest, I have enclosed the list ofthe groupcoming to Iraq next week as part ofthe
DoOAnalyst trip. All will be arriving on the same inbound and departing on the same outbound commerclalfilght from
Kuwait and all will be traveling toand from Iraqon the same C-0130 flight.

In addition, there have been a couple of loglstlcal issues brought to my attention that I am sure you all are already aware
of. Specifically. Eliot Cohen has notified me that per MG Lynch, General Casey has request that Eliot Cohen provide an
OPD toa group in Iraq, This Is outside my mission. however, so I am assuming you folks areworking ho* and when ttm
most appropriatelime to break Eliot Cohen off from thegroup to conduct this briefing wlll be Our maingoal is to not allow
this break off todistract from the experience of the analystson the trip. So if Mr Cohen needs to miss Part ofthe trip to
conduct this. that is not a problem, we are thrilled to make whatever General Casey needs work

Additionally and please let me apologize for this in advance as this just came to my attention at 630 this morning, Enc
Ruff who isessentially the acting Principle Deputy will need 10 break off from the group when we land and be taken to the
Republican Palace where he win rendezvouswith GeneralAlston Mr Ruff wlll remain In the Green Zone and at the
RepublicanPalace until the Analyst tnp departs Iraq (i e hedoes not need to be manifested for movementswth the
Analyst group h e p s t needs to be ferried to the Green Zone upon arrival on Friday and back to BIAP in time tomeet up
wilh the Analyst trip for the C-130 departure back lo Kuwait on Sunday)

General Alston, please forgive this late request, we are hoping for your team's assistance in securing quartersinside the
Grew Zone for Eric Ruff for two nights, from Friday through Sunday next week.

Folks, again, please accept my apologiesfor this last minute movement, 1 know how incredibly difficult these are Iam
hoping that like last time our first movement upon landmg will be a helo flight to U Washington and we start theday in the
greenzone. thus allowing us to simply leave enc ruff there, making only one additional movement (LZ Washingtonto
BIAP) necessary

I want to thank everyone for making this trip happen Also. please let me know If there are any comforts from home 1can
pack into a suitcaseto brmg out your way forthe Christmas season.


Mr. JalBabbin (AF, Former JAG)

Dr. Jeff McCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired)

Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnemey (USAF, Retired) FOX News

Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News

Mr.Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) FOX News
Colonel Ken Allard (USA. Retired) NBC, MSNBC News
Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (USAR. Retired)

Eliot Cohen, Member,Defense Policy Board

Plus, the following DoD escorts:

Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary

Dallas Lawrence, Director of Community Relations and Public Liaison for OSD

Captain (Navy) Roxie Menin, Director of DoD Press Operations

To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

Subject: RE: Bios please!

I noticed you have a bio for a Dr. Cohen, but he is not on our he an addition7

Classification- UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats NONE
From: Lawrence,Dallas.OASD-PA
Re Duestion
, .
Friday. December02.200512-03 PM

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

.--.-Original Message-----
From: Montgomery ~ e i g s
TO: Lawrence, alla as, OASD-PA
Sent: m i Dec 02 12:01:17 2005
Subject: Question

Dallas, pis check with the boss about press guidance on my new appointment. I'm ducking
all comers with the line chat all queries should go to OSD-PAO, but you folks will need to
put something out if you don't want to be scooped.

From: Lawrence n a m OASD-PA
To, ~ecciTiie;02 2005 7 59 AM
f^. C6.X
34.FWD.CMOGRP Qaiser A son C V OAS3-PA

To make sure çan nave the same manifest I have enc.oseome list of (he group coming to Iraq next Meek as pan o'the
DoDAnat{st tr p All wll De am wing on me s a w D IOLDO aria oepaning on the same commerca fl gN from
Kure t an0 a . v l i be mve ng to ana from raq on the same C-0130 flip1

. .
In addition, there have been a coupleof logistical issues Drought to my attention that 1 am sure you all are already aware .
of S~ecificallv.Elot Cohen has notified me that per MG Lynch. GeneralCasev has request that Eliot Cohen provide an
OPD to a g i o m .n raq ~nrsis outsae my m s s o i nowever so I am assum rig y0t f o t ~ sare worn ng how an0 when ins
most appropriatem e to Dreax E 0tConei 09 'rom tne grodp to cola-cttn s oiefing vi be Oi-r m a n goa s to rot a ow
i l l s brean of to a siract +om me experience o'meana-vs!s on tne tr P So it Mr Conen needs to miss p a l o'me tr D 10
conduct this. that is not a problem, we are thrilled to make whatever General Casey needs work

Aoa.tonsl y and please iet me apo og ze for this n aovance as this just came to my attent on at 830 th s mom no Enc
R,f1 wno s essent ai y the act ng Pr ncipte Oep~tyw n neeo 10 creak of from me g m a *he? we an0 an0 oe maen to the
Rewb can Paace *nere he e renoezmi-s -rtn Genera A ston Mr R_ff w 1 rema n n the Green Zone an0 at me
Reom can Pa ace mln the Ana yst 1, D oeoar's .raq e r e ooes not nee0 to oe man fes'eo for movements win me
Ana yst grow ne 4 neeos to ce terr eo to f e Green Zone upon a'riva on Froaf an0 Dam ' 0 B AP in time 10 meet up
w - " f eAna ,st trip tor me C-130 0epanL.e b a c ~!o K J * ~t o n Sunday

GeneralAlston, please forgive this late request, we are hoping for your team's assistance in securing quarters Inside the
Green Zone for Enc Ruff for two nights, from Friday through Sunday next week

Folks, again, please accept my apologies for this last minute movement. i know how incredibly difficult theseare. Iam
hoping that like last time our first movement upon landingwill be a helo flight to L2 Washington and we start theday in the
green zone. thus allowing us to simply leave em ruff there, making only one additional movement (LZWashington to
BIAP) necessary

Iwant to thank everyone for making this trip happen Also. please let me know it there are any comforts from home I can
pack intoa suitcaseto bring out your way forthe Christmas season.


Mr. Jed Babbin (AF, Fonner JAG)

Dr.JeffMcCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired)

Lieutenant General Thomas M c l n m e y (USAF, Retired) FOX N e w

Command Sergeant Major Steve Grew (USA, Retird) FOX News

Mr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) FOX News

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) NBC. MSNBC News

Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (WAR, Retired)

Eliot Cohen, Member, Defense Policy Board

Plus, the following DoD escorts:

Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretaxy

Dallas Lawrence. Director of Community Relations and Public Liaison for OSD

Captain (Navy) Roxic Merlin, Director of DoD Press Operations

fmm: . Ma) CFLCC PA0 [ma it0

Sent: Fraat, Decemoe- 02, 2005 4:28 At-"

Cc: ..
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASB-PA
Subject: RE' 010splease!


I noticed you have a bio for a Dr Cohen. but he is not on our list. Is he an addtion?


From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Thursday, December 01,2005 10:08AM
To: Dan Senor'
Subject: RE update

I want to kill eric ruff. We should chat

Dallas B. Lawrence
Director, Office of Community Relations & Public Liaison United States Department of

-....Original Message-----
P o : Dan senor Ima~1to:dansenor~
Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2005-
To: L a w Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: update
how 1 DoD handling these Lincoln Group press stories?

> Hi there1

> I am updating my address book and wae hoping everyone wouldn't mind
> zapping me their current best personal contact info (address
> etc1

> Hope everyone is doing well

> Dallas B. Lawrence

Director, Office of Community Relations & Public Liaison
> United States Department of Defense

From: Barie' A son CIV OASO-PA
Sent: Aec-esca, November 30.20052 11 PM
To: R.* E r c SES OASD-PA Lawrence, Da la.OASD-PA
Subject: RE TI nary analysis

please get eric the memo that the lawyers signed regarding this.

Fm: Ruff, Eric, SES, -PA

SMih Wednesday, November 30.200S 204 PM
70: Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PA
cc Barber, U I h , 0V,OED-PA
From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Wednesday, November 30.2005 205 PM
To: Barber, Ailison, CIV. OASD-PA
SubJBCt: FW military analysts

Importance: High

Are you k'ddmg me?

From: Ruff, Eric, SES, OASD-PA

Sent: Wednesday, November 30,2005 204 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Cc: Barber, Alllson, CIV, OASD-PA
Subject: military analysts
Importance: High
From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Wednesday, November30.20051:09 PM
To: 'JedBabbinigriaTQB
Subiect: RE Question

You will have to call in to them. Do you have a sat phone? If not. we will work to find you a land ilne

From: 1edBat)tiinSflBTHI [mailto:.lalBat)tiin@(niTBB

Sent; Wednesday, November 30, 2005 133 PM
TO: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Question

Big D: Do we have any info on phone numbers we'll be reachableat i n Iraq or Kuwait? Ihave a lot o f folks
who want to set up radio, even flexibly, and I'd like to give them as much advance info as possible before we
leave. Best. Jed.

From: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent- Tuesday, November 29,2005 2:03 PM
To: 'Steven J. Greer CSM (Ret)'
Subject: RE Iraq Update

lm with you. Its not likely going to happen. Thanks for the understanding

From: Steven 3. Grew CSM (Ret) [mailto:steven@>-

Sent: Tuesday, November 29,2005 1:57 PM
To: Lawrence Dallas, OASD-PA
cc: ndcfaoter
Subject; Re: Iraq Update

Dallas, thanks for the update Based on your comments. I see OPSEC is thrown in the wind ifsome are pre-scheduling
media hits while OCONUS I spoke with Andy Messingand we have refrained from contacting FOXetal We'd rather
hear the briefs, see the troops, and stay out of the way.., we can pontificate when we return,

That said. if you are forced to Insert time for media, pis let us know and we'll attempt to schedule within your window. If not,
no biggie.

Looking forward to the trip You going with us or i s m going?


-Original Message -
From: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA

Cc: Merritt. Roxie T. CAPT. OASD-PA

Sent: Tuesday, November 29,2005 906 AM

Subject: Iraq Update

Good morning folks. Iwanted to send a quick update to k t all knowthings are progressing smartly for our departure
next week for Iraq Bynow. all should have receiveda copy of their itineraryfrom Ann Quinlan along with some
details regardingupgradingyour tickets should you so desire Your tickets wilt be purchased on Saturday, allowing
you ail to upgrade your US to Germany leg Unfortunatelywe learned that Luftansa will not allow an upgrade. Upon
landing in Kuwait Wednesday evening the 7th. we will go directly to the hotel for a good nights sleep prior to our
departure for Iraq on the morning of the 8'"

I have just seen a draft of the in country schedule and can say that if things hold. we wXI have one of the most robust
trips we have ever put together.

Please make sbre that yo2 US Passport is -p to date Ths i s a veal breaner that we cannot help wth As0 I snll
need 010sfrom Several of yo6 (lnese are for genera casey el at)

Severalof you have asked about doing mediawhile in Iraq Radio is doable, but a bit tricky to schedulea hard time in
advance Plan your radio hits in the evening (after Spin) Iraq time (Bhours + EST) and you shouldn't have a problem.
Doing tv is much, much trickier. Iam trying to work in time toaliow you folks todo tv. however, this trip looks like it will
actually have more movements than the last (day tripsoutof Baghdad) makmg tv time tough. However, as I said, I am
trying to see if this can work.

I hope everyone is doing well, and Iwill continue to update you as we move closer to our departure next Tuesday
evening from Dulles


From. Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesda Noçember29,20010:22AM
FW Iraq Update

See below, thanks

From: k d ~ a b b i n @ m [mailto:led~abbln@'13n3B
Sent: Tuesday, November 29,2005 9 1 0 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re; Iraq Update

Dallas:: Thanks. I haven't seen anything from yet. Could you please check and see if she can
send me something? Best, Jed.

NO photos, god to go,

Sank Tuesday, Novemter 29,2005 $ 5 5 AM
To: Lawrenm, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subjee: RE: Iraq Trap

and we a m ? walting b r ~ h o i o s o ntheones without...mnwt?

--Drlghal M-w-.
Fmm: bwEnCe, Dallas, OASDPA

To: , .
sene T u d a y , Novemkr 29,2COS %
Subjem W Iraq Trip
From: JedBabbln- [mallto:ldBabbln~
Sent T m d a y , November 29,2005 8:44 AM
la: Lawrence. Dallas. OASC-PA
S u b j d Re: 1raq~r;p

that quick enoua?

Jed Babbin
(home off~ce)
(home fax)
(mobi e)
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASMA
Sent: Tuesday, Novemkr 29,Zm8 : s AM
To: dAJ MNF-I SCJS Trip Plan"&
Subject 6~ Iu] RE OSD M d ~ a w s ~ t

Final Manifest (I I):


Mr. Jed Babbin (AF, Former JAG) FOX N e w 1Freelam

Dr. Jeff McCausland (Colowl, USA, Retired)

Lieutenant G m e d Thomas Mclnerney (WAF, Retired) FOX News

Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News

Mr. Wayne Simmons &EN, CIA, Retired) FOXNews

Colonel K m Allard (USA, Retired) j-JBC N e w

MGor Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (USAR, Retired)

Eliot Cohm, Member, D e f a s e Policy Board


Eric Ruff, Special Assistant to the Deputy Secretary of Defense

Oallm Lawrence, Director of Communw Relations and Public Liaison

Captain Navy) Roxie Memn, Director of DoD Press Opzmtions

From: ~ - - M WFI Sm TripNPknner m
Sent Tuesday, Ncvember 29,2005 6% AM
To: hwrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
SubjcU: RE: [U] RE: OSD Media Wslt



I have m m p l e t d I W draft venton of the it~nenryfor the visit It is $nvim the MNF-I Ch~efof Staff for approval The DV
fllght tracker you guys anivrg on Day 1 at 1OQrl Hm !nm BIAP and CepaMng day 3 at 160011630 We have planned the
schedule bawd on that it s h m 13 pax i need the names, i f m y aredifferent from the TCR that was submitted Also, if
poss~ble,please send current blos on the"pmnanesm

The ~t~nemrywlt look my s m ~ l a r mlast t m e wm mecaeptlon o f m addlhon of Failyah and the lmql Jolnt War Coilege
at Rustmyah Once I have m e a p p m a l to proceed from me MNF-i Chef of Stan Iw111send you me unclassvenm of
the !oneraw (nodates)

Tnp Planner Vh(tor Owrattons Bureau

SCJS, MNF-I Command G m p

Camp VctOV, Baghdad, Iraq

"A good Soldier does what Is rigM when no one is watching:



If I ~ I S e-mail IS marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY it m a y be exempt from m a n o a t o v osure
"noel FOIA. D o D 5400.7R. .DoD Freedom of lnfom&ion Act Progfam'. DoD D r e c l l w 5230 9,
-Clearance of D o D nformafion f m Publlc Release', ana DoD lnstwcllon 5230.29, 'Securfly an0
Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release" apply.

S e n l f m my BlackBev Wireless Handheld

Sent. Mon Nov 26 05 50'58 2W5

Subject [U] RE OSD Md~aVlsit

C l ~ s l 6 ~ t l oUNCLASSIFIEDIPOR


I aplcgiie for the delay in g&g you a respmse on the internet bsue. I need to refer you to MAJ
404464.3137 She ts the MWR Rep for 3rd AwICFLCC. I am told she isthe person who can answer your quesl~ms
and ensurewe have lk correct ~ n f r a s l ~ c l ~ r e l s ~ ttoe smus w o ~ l k w e ~ m etc

I should ham the draftof the i&nemryswn. Gui&ne thatwe have h n given w n m *lo m h r l h e laslonevdlh the
posmwe addton of the new Iraq1 Mblmry A w e m y am Jolm Swn college. Iwill let you know as so011as Ican what is
worked out

Have yvu guys submiud the mnitary a ~ m

r o v m l s requestsf m Wl to BagMac yep

Tr~pPlanner, V~s\lor0,oerations Bureau
SCJS, MNF-I Command Group

"Agwd Sold~erdoes what 3s nghtwhen no one gs wakhmg .

1 Major,

, .
after action with them were the following:

I1 The time spent with senior leadership(specifically, they mentionedhow important it was for them to receive the briefingsfrom
the GO'Svice, from an 05/06)

21 The visittoTaiji. Iftherewasone event that got more air time, itwas these analysts talking on tvabout spendingninewith lhe
Iraqi military, hearing from them how much progress they aremaking. 1 would hope wecould keep this on thescheduie

Again, ifwe were to copy exactly the schedule form last time it would be (sreat, ifwe were able to add a second outing m visit forward
deployed troops, that would be wonderful

On another tpic, who best could 1chat with about internetcapabilityforthe troops at Victoiv, im wonderingifthere Isan Internetspot
the troops use that has broadband hi-speed access

Dallas 0 Lawrence

Director.Officeof Community Relations &Public Liaison

United States Department o f Defense

Wl '

1 To Lawrence Dallas OASD-PA

Subiecl RE IU] OSO MMiaUsil;QEH Meigs + 131

Classidcation UNCLASSIFIED


Ijust returned from R&R. Do you have any information as 10 wha you guys want lo see during this visit

Trip Planner, Visitor Operations Bureau

SCIS, MNF4 Coinmind Group

Camp Victory, Baghdad, Iraq




"A good Soldier doeswhat isrighi when no one 1s watching,"

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
If tnis e-ma! s marneo FOR OFFICIAL USE ON-Y it may 06exempt from mandatory disclosure mder FOiA DoD
5400 7R DoD Freedom of Act omgram" DoD Dremve 5230 9 "Clearance of DoD Informaton tof P ~ b l c
Re ease' an0 DoD 5230 29 'Secur t\ and P o q Review of DoD Informal on tor PuD c Reeaw' aapy

From: hwmct, Dallas, 0ASD.PA- [

Sent Thursday. November 17,2005 5-27 PM
To:-MAJ MNF.1 SCJSTrip Planner
Subject RE [U) OSD Media Visit (GEN Metgs + 13)

I hope this note finds you well. Iwanted to be sure you had received a copy ofthe country clearance request for our second military
analyst trip plannedto coincide with ihc same time frame as the October trip (the week before the Iraq elections). The DTG for the
cleamncc request ~$051 i 1021002

Ilook forward 10 working with you on another great trip (7 decemher 11)

Dallas B Lawrence

Director,Office ofCominunity Relations & Public Liaison

United Stales Department of Defense

~ r o r n : l u l I O ^ ^ ^ H ~ ~ ~ MNF-1 SCJSTripPlanner [ ailto'
Sent: Monday. October 03.2005 5:41 AM
a .
'To: dams iawrence-
Subject [U]OSD Media Visil (GEN Meigs + 13)


Mr. Lawrence,

Ihave been assignedas the trip planer tocoordinate this visit. Ihave received infomialim from LTC-, my boss, regarding
the visit, but don't see any detailed informationthat lays out the groups arrival and departure lime to Iraq This information is needed
in order to ensure we are able to plan a visit that provides you with the informationyou need and meets the intent of the visit.

Please contact me with the informational the email address or telephonenumbers listed below

Very Respectfully,

Trip Planner, Visitor Operations Bureau

SCJS, MNF4 Command Group

CampVktory, Baghdad. Iraq

"Don? gel stuck on Smpul!"


If tms e-mail is martee0 FOR 0FF.CIAL USE Oh-V et may be exempt from mandatory drecloSLre under FOiA DoD
5400 7R Do0 F t e o o m of Informalon Act Program' 0 0 0 Dffaciiue 5230 9 Clearance ot Do0 ln'oimation te'P m i c
Re ease an0 DOC lnstrmion 5230 29. ' Sec~n-yand Poi cy Revew of DoD ln'orrnat on for Puolic Release' apply
- --
Page 1 o f 1

.. -
From: Lawrence Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday, November 29,2005 8:44 AM
Subject: FW Iraq Trip
Attachments: ilbjoumres doc

From: l e d ~ a b b l n i a R I T B B [ m a i l m : ~ e d ~ a b b l n ~
Sent: Tuesday, Novemkr 29, 2005 8:44 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Trip

that quick enough?

Jed L. Babbin
Jed Babbin is the best-selling author of, "Inside the Asylum: Why the WN and Old
Europe are Worse than You Think" (Regnery 2004). He is a former Air Force officer
who served as a deputy undersecretary in the first Bush administration(1990-1991).

Mr. Babbin writes regularly for the AmericanSpedator Magazine. His weekly column,
'Loose Canons". aooears in The American Soectator Online. Mr. Babbin's expertise is in
national security and foreign affairs. However, healso writes about all things political
and for The American Soectmor's "Saloon" series on subjects such as single barrel
bourbon and fine cigars. He also wrote the military adventure novel, Legacy of Valor.
(Pentland Press, 2000).

Mr. Babbin is a military and foreign affairs analyst and appears frcquentiy on the Fox
News Channel on shows such asUTheO'Reilly Factor" and "Fox & Friends." MSNBC's
"Scarborough Country" and many others.

For about four years, Babbin served as designatedwest host of Oliver North's "Common
Sense Radio" when Col. North was unavailable. During the Iraq military campaign in
2003, Babbin subbed for North for nine weeks straight. Since then, Babbin has also
subbed for Laura Ineraham. Hueh Hewin and ~ r e e ~ a r r i s o and
n , now often serves as
guest host on severai shows ~ O ~ ~ M AWE 1 T160Talk Radio in Washington DC He
has traveled 10 the terronsi detention facility an Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Ur Babbin is a graduate of Stevens InstituteofTechnology (B E 1970), Cumberland

School of Law (J D 1973) and the Georgetown Unlvcrsm Law School ILL M 1978)

From: Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday November29.2005 8:44 AM
To: 'JedBaboinialiaHsf
Subject; RE Iraq Trip

Hal Thanks.

I h l l " ~It. 1~iwrnicc

r . OfHn~i~i'(:iifriiiiiinin Itrluliiini X 18#~lilir


l',,,!,dS,"k IIO~,I,,>",,,
ad I)<.lW.,.

From:J e d B a b b l n m [ m a l l t o ; l à § l ~ a b ~ n @
Sent; Tuesday, November 29,2005 8:44 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Trip

that quick enough?

Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
sent: Tuesday,November29.2005 8:43 AM
To: 'JedBabbinn
Subject: RE Iraq Trip

Hey there, need your bio asap. thanks

From: 3ed~abbinS'plIHI[ m a i l t o : 3 Ã § ) ~ a b l n
Sent:Tuesday, November 08, 2005 9:lOAM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASO-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Tnp

Dallas: Could work for me: DOE 16 March 1950: ssanESBS^^I Can ya work on an Afghanistan
trip? Would give significant parts of my anatomy to go. Best. Jed.
Page 1 o f 2

From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA

Sent: Tuesday. November 29,2005 8:30AM
To: Hueber, Brandon, CIV, OASD-PA
Subject: FW Bio
Attachments: MesslngBlo.doc

From: Mapr Andy Messing [mallto:ndcf-
Sent; Tuesday, November 22,2005 2:12 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject; Fw; Bio

Deaf Mr. Lawrenm...

Below is my Bio as you requested..,.
Accordingly, I'm still a go -.
Best Regards, ANDY

Major F. Andy Messing Jr.

USAR, (Ret.), U.S. Anny Special Forces
Executive Director
National Defense Council Foundation
Major F. Andy Messing Jr, has been the Executive Director of the National Defense Council Foundation
(NDCF). whrch studies and publishes on Special OperationdLow Intensity Conflict (SOLIC) matters, since 1984
As a sidebar, to get Into hostile areas, NDCF does refugee relief operations for humanitarian and academic
purposes Accordingly. Messing has personally supervised the distribution of more than 141.5 tons of food, but
mainlY medicine, into combat areas of Latin America, the Phili~oines,IRAQ and Africa He has led over 100 kev
opinion makers, including Members of congress, the media, and other VIP's into 26 conflict areas worldwide
Before running NDCF, he ranlconsulted w/ three other high profile political, defense & foreign affairs
groups, and had worked CongressionalAffairs for the Departmentof Defense ( 0 0 0 ) as a GS-13 at age 29 In
1 0 Messingorganized Vietnamveterans tor Reagan, in 7986.88 heconsulted directly with Mr Lee Atwater and
George Bush. "Jr" in the Bush for President campaign He has worked on Capitol Hill for the former
Congressman Robert K. Dornan & for Congressman Dan Burton, both in regard to Defense issues Additionally,
he advised President Fidet Ramos's campaign in the Philippines (1992) Furthermore, he was a Consultant for
DOD (1987) on Central American matters and again for the State Department from April of 1990 to May of 1993
In regard to the Philippines and RussianINIS matters Messing has taughtkctured at the U S Army
Tramponation School, U S Infantry School, the Central Intelligence Agency, Inter-American Defense Board.
Industrial College of the Armed Forces, and various universities across the country, to include the U.S , Naval
Academy West Point and the U S Coast Guard Academu
Messing has an extensive backgroundin defense and foreign affairs He attended William & Mary while m
the Army completing his education at the University of Maryland College Park, where he earned a Bachelors
Degree in Education with a minor in Political Science He also attended numerous military schools having
received his Commission at age 20 at Ft Bennmg GA Messing served as an Infantry Platoon Leader 1" Air
Cavalry Division m Vietnam 1967 He received military service awards including two Purple Hearts and the
Meritorious Service Medal He earned German Canadian and Senior American parachute wings with 71

Page 2 o f 2

m i lary 1~mDs Messing wno nad a total of 9 years actve service retred a Maor from the Reserves in 1987
h e had 18 of 21 years n Special Forces or Speca Operatons assgrtrnents. wth me laner lnvo vmg 4 years of
iieigencecolecton ,Ã th c tation from 0 A) ncudina reserve OJW n Grenada on October '983 ana E Savado!
1982-87 (In which he was awarded a Joint Service commendation Medal for combat service there, received on
22 Mav 2000 1
Major Messing was on the Board of the James Monroe Foundation for ten years. He has written over 72
OpEd pieces and magazine articles for publications like The New York Times, The Los Angeles TIms, The
Washington Post, The Washington Times, Wnga of Gold, USA TODAY, a n d N m l Proceedings. He
appears on Important national television and radio regularly, e.g CNN Cross-Fire, 60 Minutes (twice), Larry King
Live, MacNeil-Lchrer,NBC. ABC, NET, FOX, and C-SPAN Messing assisted in me writing of former President
Richard Nixon's book, No More Vietnams, He has received numerous awards for countrylcommunity service, is
listed In Who's Who 1980.2002. and was awarded the MeritoriousAnti-Narcotics Service Award by the Colombian
National Police on 26 Feb 98 He was a DefensdForeIgn Affairs Advisor to the Bush 2000 campaign! and gave
GovG.W.Bush his first briefing on these issues (briefing on the NDCF Web Site w w w ~ d c t o r g1). Messing was
admitted into the Council on Foreign Relations 24 Jan 2001 and was a paid NBCIMSNBC Defense & Foreign
Affairs Consultant between 20 Sept 01- July 02 Later, he became a military consultant specifically for MSNBC
Hardball continuing through 2002
Additionally, Major Messing has two children, LT Camilla B. Messing USCG, a 1997 U.S,Coast Guard
Academy graduate, former Skipper ofthe I10 foot Cutter, the KISKA in Hilo Hawaii, and now in Grad School at
Boston Collegeand LT Frederick A. Messing Ill,USNR, a 1997 US. Naval Academy graduate It U.of Penn.
Masters graduate in Computer Science, who after service on the Carrier George Washington Is assigned to a
Reserve Intel unit in Norfolk,VA. Major Messing lives on a 41 Foot Sailboat the ARK ANGEL in Key West

Major F. Andy Massing Jr.
USAR, (Rat.), U.S. Army Special Forces
Executive Director
National Defense Council Foundation
M a p F Anoy Messmg 4, nas w e n me Exec~tiveDirector of the National Defense
Council Foundation (NDCF). whim sbo es and puo.shes on Special OperahonslLow Intensty
Conic1 (SO- C; matters since 1984 As a sioeoar. 10 get into host e areas kDCF oces retbgee
re ref opetatons for n m a n tar an an0 acaoemc purposes A c c o r d q y Messing nas persona y
s~pemiseotne of more than 140.5 tons 0' '000 cat mainly mec cne, into comoal
areas of Latin Amer ca tne Pn lippnes an0 Africa ne nas ieo over 100 xey opm on manors
i c -a ng Members ot Congress me meoia an0 olner v P's into 26 confllct areas *oi o w e
Before r u n no hDCF ne rantcons. led *Ithree omer n a n o r o f ~ e001lcal oefense 6
forego amrs gro~ps. a m hao worked congressionai Affairs for"me Depanment of Defense
[DOS) as a GS3: at age 29 on 1980 Messng organ zed Vietnam Veterans tor Reagan n 1986.

Fae R a m s s campa an in the Pn pp nes (i992i Fanhermore ne was a Consdant 'or OOD
' 9 6 7 1 on Centra American matters a m again for me State Department tfom Acr of 1990 to
May of 1993 n regaro lo tne Ph 1ipp:nes an0 R-ssanihlS matters Mess ng nas faugn3 mare0 at
me S Army ^ranspotat on Scnooi S nfantfy Scnoo . l i e Cenfra Inte. gence Agency, nter-
Amer can Defense Boar0 Indiistr a Co m e of tne Armeo Forces an0 uan0.s i.n verst es across
the country, to include the U S, Naval ~cademy.West Point, and the U S Coast Guard Academy.

also attended numerous military schools having received his Commission at age 20 at Ft
Benning, GA, Messing sewed as an infantry Platoon Leader, 1" Air Cavalry Division, In Vietnam
1967 He received military service awards, including two Purple Hearts, and the Mentonous
Service Medal He earned German. Canadian, and Senior American parachute wings with 71
military jumps. Messing, who had a total of 9 years active service, retired a Major from the
Reserves in 1987 He had 18 of 21 years in Special Forces or Special Operations assignments.
with the latter involving 4 years of intelligencecollection (with citation from DIA), including reserve
duty in Grenada in October 1983 and El Salvador 1982-87 (in which he was awarded a Joint
Service Commendation Medal for combat service there, received on 22 May 2000.)
Mator Messina was on the Board of the James Monroe Foundation tor ten "ears. He has
written over 66 op-E; p eces anc rragaz ne ances for PLO catons i(e The ~ e tYork i Times.
r h e Los Angelas Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times. Wings o f Gold,
USA TODAY a n d Naval Pramdinas r-e amears or- imcorrant natona letensron an0 raa 0
regularly e g CNN Cross-Fire 60 ~ i n u t e s(twice) Larry King Live MacNefl-Lehrer NBC ABC.
NET FOX and C-SPAN Messing assisted in the writing of former President Richard Nixons
book No More Vietnam5 He has received numerous awards for countrylcommunity service is
listed in Whos Who 1980-2002 and was awarded the Meritorious Anti-Narcotics Service Award
by the Colombian National Police on 26 Feb 98 He was a DefenseIForeignAffairs Advisor to the
Bush 2000 campaign Messing was admitted into the Council on Foreign Relations 24 Jan 2001

4 I
and *as a pa 0 NBCIUSNSC Defense & Fofegn A% rs Cons-Ifant betwen 20 Sect 01- July 02
-ate, ne oecame a rn i t q cons^ tan1 spec tea for VShBc marma cent ni_ nc 2002
I , Major Messicf; nas in;) c'it drcn. L f Cam.< a I 3 Mes'.inp USCG. a 1997
U S Coast G m d Acaoe- gr.iauaie, ci-men!+ the SLppcr ofme 110 fool Cutler, !ne KISKA in
Halo Hawa and L f Freotrck A M e ~ sng Ill, USSR. a 1997 IJ S Naval A c a d m j eraduate &
U of Pen" Masters graduate in Computer Science, who is assigned to a Reserve Intel unit in
Norfolk.VA Major Mcsing h e s o n a 21 Foot Sai ooal the ARK ANGEL in Key U est Florida

Re: Iraq Update Page 1 of 4

From: Lawrence Dallas OASD-PA
Tuesday, November 29,2005 8:30AM

FW Iraq Update
c ~ vOASD-PA

Attachments; Blo-TGM2002ptoto.doc

HI there, can you help me to format these intoonedocument equally format foreach? Thanks.

From: Thomas Mdnerney [ m a l l t o : t f n c i n e r n q ~

Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 2:23 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Update


010 attached.

Thomas G. McInerney

GooooooodMorning Baghdad! 0

I hope this note finds you all well.

We are now confirmed for our Iraq trip. Here are the details of our excursion, Iwould ask that all keep these close
hold, as for obvious opsec reasons, centcom and mnfi would appreciateour arrival and Itinerary not be broadcast
until our departure from Iraq on the 10th.
Re: Iraq Update Page 2 of 4


Depart Washington.Dulles Airport (Morning departure, approximately830 am)

December 7.2005

Arrive Kuwait (morning arrival)

Briefings and lunch with troops. Kuwait

December 8,2005

Early morning departure for Iraq via C-130

Briefings in Iraq

December 9,2005

Briefings in Iraq, planned site visit

December 10.2005

Briefings in Iraq

Afternoon departure tor Kuwait

December 11.2005

Depart Kuwait for CONUS (early morning)

December 11, 2005

Arrive Washington. Dulles (early evening)

A few details'

Re: Iraq Update Page 3 o f 4

1) it will likely be rainy, so pack a rain slicker

2) It may be a bit chilly at night, I suggest packing a fleece

3) Khaki pants and comfortable shoes are the uniformoftheday

4) You will have internet access at the DV quarterswe will have in Iraq

5) Some cell phones do work in Baghdad (my angular system picks up the Iraqna system) Blackbeqs do not

6) Pack light, and CARRY ON YOUR BAGGAGE. Kuwait airport is notorious for loosing luggage,so do not
check your bags at Duiies.

7) Bringyour valid US passport. That is all you will need.

8) The hotel in Kuwait (the night wearrive and our final ntghl) will likely run about $300 US per night This is
not covered by DOD

9) The tnp will be briefing intensive. We have asked for the exact same itinerary as the previous trip m
October, which was very successful from the reviews by our analysts. We have also asked for a day trip outside
of Baghdadto visit wrth Iraqi troops as the training and command center in Taiji, AH are dependent operational
issues in country, and I know you all understandthis However, rest assured we are worhing to make this a great
trip for all

10) All Kevtar and vests (battle rattle for you military folks) will be issued in Kuwait

11) Cameras are encouragedl

121 A n ~ m k r oyou
f have requestedupgraang on your own This is aoaole tnowh it s a b l comp Gated
Some a rimes w.1only al'o* yo- to ..pgraae Vie day of oepart-ire (no oea Èny however IImts fuke we are
fivino Jn,lea sotnissho~o hooet-In not oe a orobiem Y0.f lckeis wli oe'lcketeo" on Sati-mav OawiOet
2ndallowing you to upgrade after saturday

I also need a bio for everyone attending. And finally, to confirm, ifyou are receiving this email we have 1) issued
yourfunded ITOs and 2) reserved (or will soon) your airline reservation.

Thanks again for your pahence, I hope w e w e has a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Dallas B. Lawrence

Director, Office of C o m m u n i t y R e l a t i o n s & Public L i a i s o n

Re: Iraq Update Page 4 of 4

United States Department of Defense

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

Sent; Thursday, Nwernber 10,2005 350 PM
To: plJbabbin- 'tmcinernc ,
nvzengy- , m m u s ~ j
Subject; Iraq Update


For those recewtnothis email. we have released a country clearance reouestfor Iraa for the dates Dreviouslv
notes We w 11 In& oe in a ndding patternfor tne next $7 days Unt.1Ã ˆ recerve country clearan&, In s 1hpw.l
ncn be finalized and there s a.ways the ne inom it w De denied (OLI ra say we are oobng pretty gwo)
P.ease oo not cance or change your p a m mii we receive me fina go ahead man" you tolç tor {our

Happy Veterans Day.

Dallas B. Lawrence

Director, Office of Community Relations & Public Liaison

United States Department of Defense


I n January 2000, Lieutenant General Thomas Mclnerney,

USAF (Ret.), established his own consulting firm, GRIT
(GovernmentReform Through Technology). Working with
high-tech companies who do business with federal, state, city
and local governments, GRRT helps them introduce advanced
technology into the public sector.

From March 1996, to December 1999, he was Chief Executive

Officer and President of Business Executives for National
Security (BENS), a national, nonpartisan organization of business and professional
leaders, with headquarters in Washington, DC. BENS works to engage the business
community in securing America's future with a more efficient defense establishment.
In F e b ~ a r y2003, General Mclnerney received a from Auiatioi! Week flnd Spa@
Technology magazine for his effortson behalf of military reform as President of BENS.
He has also made numerous appearances on National Television discussing Defense
Reform and during global military crises such as Kosovo, EP 3 incident in China and
now the War on Terrorism where he is the senior Fox News Military Analysts.

Prior to joining BENS, General Mclnerney was Vice President of Command and Control
for Loral Defense Systems-Eagan. He joined Loral (then Unisys Electronic Systems
Division) in 1994 following35 years as a pilot, commander,and Joint Force Commander
in the United States Air Force.

General Mclnerney retired from military service as Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the
Air Force and as Director of the Defense PerformanceReview (DPR), reporting to the
Secretary of Defense, In that capacity, he led the Pentagon's "reinventing government"
effort, visiting more than 100 leading-edge commercial companies to assimilate their
ideas about business re-engineering. The DPR was part of Vice Resident Gore's
National Performance Review on Reinventing Government, which focused on making
the government perform better at less cost - a fundamental BENS objective,

After his commissioning as a second lieutenant in 1959, and completion of pilot training
in 1960, General Mclnerney sewed in numerous key Air Force assignments and had
extensive military command and overseas experience. A command pilot with more
than 4,500 flying hours, he completed four tours of duty in Vietnam, flight
reconnaissance missions during the Cuban missile crisis and air escort missions in the
Berlin Corridor.

General Mclnerney earned a bachelor of science degree from the US Military Academy
in 1959 and a master's degree in international relations from George Washington
University in 1972. He completed Armed Forces Staff College in 1970 and the National
War College in 1973.

General Mclnerney is a member of the Board of Directors of Alloy Surfaces Company,
KIL Inc Kilgore Flares Co, LLC, SABA (Federal Advisory Board), Pan American
International Academy (Flight Simulators)and Crescent Technology Ventures Pic

From: -beCV
. m .
mdav Novem r28.2005 7:07 AM
The Vielnamaalion of Iraq (Babbin)

The Vietnamization of Iraa

By Jed Babbin
Published 11/28/2005 12:08:06 AM

As hard as it is to think of Ted Kennedy as a political visionary, his April 2004

statement that "Iraq is George Bush's Vietnam," was way before its time. In the last
presidential election year Kennedy started down a path that would have been political
suicide for Kerry. But Kerry's approach -feigning support for real action against
terrorism --lost. The Dems will not make the same mistake in 2008. The architects of
our defeat in Vietnam have dusted off their old plans and are adopting them to Iraq.
They are working hard to make Kennedy's statement come true.

The whole Democrat menagerie has embarked on a campaign to Vietnamize Iraq: to

make it a demonstrable defeat and by so doing regain the White House regardless of
the consequences. If they succeed, Iraq will become a far greater failure than Vietnam
was because the stakes are much higher abroad and at home. The next presidential
election will, like the last one, be a referendum on Iraq. And if Iraq is a failure, the
Democrats will be a success.

Vietnamization" once meant arming, training and supporting an ally so that it could
defend itself and thus relieve Americans of the burden. But to the Democrats and the
Chernobyl Republicans who are trying to Vietnamize Iraq, Vietnam is not a nation but
an outcome. To succeed in Vietnamizing Iraq, they must treat the nation's uncertainty
like uranium ore, refining it in stages into politically fissionable material. First, they
must catalyze the nation's uncertainty into doubt, and then refine public doubts about
the war into conviction that America should not fight it, and that the Iraqis must be left
to their own devices. Sen. Joe Biden - w h o rarely has an unexpressed thought - has
shed a dim light on the Democrats' strategy.

On Meet the Press yesterday, Biden said that the 79-19 Senate vote two weeks ago
for John Warner's three-part antiwar resolution was a "vote of no confidence" in Bush's
prosecution of the war. In response to Tim Russert's questions, Biden's Republican pal
Warner didn't even manage a decent harrumph. The Senate resolution evenwith so
many Republicans supporting it wasn't a vote of no confidence. But it was a
message to America that a strong Senate majority was unhappy with Mr. Bush's
conduct of the war. It was a long step toward achieving Vietnamization of Iraq by

destroying public support for the war

Biden perhaps revealed too much. He linked his desire for a Vietnam-like timetable for
withdrawal from Iraq to the timetable for 2008 presidential aspirants, including himself.
On Meet the Press, having said we have only a six-month window of opportunity to get
it right in Iraq, Biden later said that his presidential ambitions depend on his ability to
raise money in those same six months. If Biden and his ilk can Vietnamize Iraq in six
months, they believe they can regain the White House. And the only way they can do
either is to destroy America's will to win, just as they did in the Vietnam War. The old
protest drums are pounding out the old messages: we can't win, we got into this
because we were lied to, and our enemy is no worse than our ally.

CHRIS MATTHEWS HAS BEEN beating the "Bush lied" drum as hard as anyone. Two.
Sundays ago, as I wrote in AmSpecBlog that day, Matthews said that theTonkin Gulf
Resolution -- which LBJ used to expand the American involvement in Vietnam was -
based on lies just as was the Iraq war resolution. The Tonkin Gulf resolution, passed
by Congress and authorizing expanded military intervention in Vietnam, has always
been used by the party of George McGovern to condemn the Vietnam war. The
problem that the antiwar left has is that the Tonkin Gulf attack and the threat of
Saddam weren't fiction.

As I wrote in 2003, "the destroyer USS Maddox gathering intelligence for the South
Vietnamese -- was attacked by four North Vietnamese patrol boats on August 2, 1964.
-- -
Maddox aided by carrier aircraft severely damaged the attackers, leaving at least
one dead in the water." The next night, another attack was detected, but due to the
overcast skies, U.S. aircraft couldn't find them and they couldn't find the U.S. ships.
One pilot who flew that second night e-rnailed me that he was confident the enemy
boats were there. In that e-mail, he told me, "We were being vectored by a radar
operator. He could see our aircraft and he could see the targets on the water. We were
vectored to a surface target, but without flares we could not see it. I know for certain
there were targets on the water, but like the WMD in Iraq, we could not visually find

We shall only indulge in the briefest restatement of the facts about Saddam's WMD.
The fact we haven't found the WMD in Iraq proves absolutely nothing about whether
they existed or whether Saddam wasn't doing his best to obtain more. Sen. Jay
Rockefeller gave Saddam almost a year to move them after his January 2002 trip
during which he told the Saudis, the Jordanians, and the Syrians that the president
had already decided on war. When we riddled and diddled at the UN for six months
beginning in September 2002, hundreds of trucks carried we know not what out of
Iraq, according to the Dulfer Report. There was no iie by the president. But the Dems
exhibit a most fundamental lack of understanding about Iraq, what is at stake there
and what Iraq's neighbors are.

Once again, Biden is the best orator of ignorance and naivete. In his Saturday WaPo
column, Biden -assuming the best of intentions in wonderful nations such as Iran and
Syria -wrote, "Iraq's neighbors and the international community have a huge stake in
the country's future. The president should initiate a regional strategy as he did in
Afghanistan -to leverage the influence of neighboring countries." Iraq's neighbors do
have a huge stake in Iraq. Syria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia cannot afford democracy to
take root in Iraq because it would threaten their despotisms and support for terrorism.
Biden's vacuity can be effective if he is not answered. And another key step to
successfully Vietnamizing Iraq -silencing those who support the war has been very

VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY HAS, at long last, been speaking out strongly against
those who are accusing the president of lying us into a war. He has said, with precise
correctness,that "One might...argue that untruthful charges against the commander in
chief have an insidious effect on the war effort." The WaPo's Michael Kinsley
characterizedthat comment as "ugly and demagogic," writing on Friday that "the
administration now concedes that the country went to war on a false premise." The
administrationdoes no such thing, and Kinsley's hyperbole seeks to do precisely what
he accuses the Vice President of doing.

What Kinsley is doing is essential to the success of the Dems' campaign. Kinsley
smears as "ugly and demagogic" those who criticize the antiwar types. In Kinsley's
book, it's perfectly permissible to call the president a liar, but totally out of bounds to
say that we are fighting an existential war against terrorists in Iraq and in many other
places. Kinsley, and the rest of the MSM, are working hard to do produce the result
that Jane Fonda and John Kerry did in the 1970s. When they achieved media
acceptance of the wrongness of the Vietnam War, they also managed to marginalize
as a warmonger and a fool anyone who believed Vietnam was a war worth fighting.
Kinsley and his brethren in the MSM will only tolerate variances on the theme of how
and when we'll quit and run from the war against terrorism.

There is only one answer to this: presidential leadership and faster achievement on the
battief'eld. Americans are entitled to have doubts and uncertainties. The war has.
thanks to the media, become a Vietnam-like daily bloodletting. The war's opponents -
even the Dems -are right in that we cannot continue this way indefinitely. The
president needs to do three things. First, he needs to tell Mr. Rumsfeid and Gen. Pete
Pace to deal with terrorism at its sources, wherever they may be, at the greatest speed
- -
they can manage. Second as I've said over and over he needs to be out and
about, leading the country and the world by telling us long, hard and continuously what
we are doing, where, how and why, and why it's worth the cost in blood and treasure.
He must to this every day from now until he leaves office. It's the burden of a war
presidency, and he hasn't shouldered it. It's his job and it's high bloody time he did it.

Third, Mr. Bush should pick up his veto pen and kill the misbegotten Senate resolution,
including the McCain amendment. Let's raise the temperature on the Chemobyl
Republicans. If they can't take it, maybe some of them such as Messrs. McCain and

Hagel -might well come around.

TAS contributingeditor Jed Babbin is the author of Inside the Asylum: Why the UN
and Old Europe Are Worse Than You Think (Regnery, 2004).


From: Lawrence,Dallas,OASD-PA
Sent: Wednesday. November23, 2005 323 PW
To: Barber, Allison, CIV. OASD-PA
Subject: FW Military Analysts' Travel
Attachments. ITOMemo doc

This is as good as we are going to get today. Its not really what I wanted
Inor what I think you wanted], but ita am god aa we can get at 330 on Wedmaday before
thanksgiving with the lawyers out. This should not have taken 5 hours. Ugh
Have a nice weekend
Dallas B. Lawrence
Director, office of Community Relations & Public Liaison United States Department of

From: a .
-----0nqinal~ e s s a q e - - - - -
Sent: wednesday, November 23, 2005 3:20 PM
To; Barber. Allison, clv, OASD-PA; Lawrence. Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject' RE, Military Analysts' Travel
Attached 1 the memo. I've worked with this and he's chopped on the
wording. The signed copy is in your office Please let me know if you need anything

original Message-----
: Barber, Allison. CIV. OASD-PA

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

-----Original Mesaage-----

From: .
TO: B a r b e r . m ,
OASD-PA: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Sent: Wed Nov 23 1 1 . 1 4 . 2 9 2005
Subject: RE' Military Analysts' ravel

-- :&B Allison, CIV. OASD-PA
To: a
S t : Wednesday, November 23, 2005 10:00 AM
CIV, OASD-PA: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
R E , Military Analysts' Travel

please have this put in a memo so we can have it on file

why did it go t o m instead of ateve epstein?

Frm: e .
Original Measaqe-----
Sent: Wednesday November 2 3 , 2005 9:55 AM
To: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: F W M i l i t a r y Analysts' Travel
Here is the e-mail I sent you back in August on the Military Analysts Travel, I imagine
if there are any questions as to the legalities on any particular IT0 issue, -would be
happy to help.
Please let me know if you need anything else.
S t : Friday. August 19. 2005 1:14 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Military A n a l y s t s ' Travel
From: lorassoc [ i m s s o c ~
Sent: Wednesday. NovemBer23.2005 1:45 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Cc : Andy Messing
Subject: RE Some Thanksgiving Food For Thought...

D e a r Dallas.

My compliments o n providing outstanding services and support t o all of your

contacts!!! Greatly appreciated!\

Happy Thanksgiving t o y o u a n d yours!!

Business: Andy Messing informed m e that 1a m o n your Kuwaitllraq travel list.

I should not have been registered a s I took n o action t o participate. If m y

n a m e i s o n the list it should b e removedldeleted.

K e e p smiling!!

Dwight (Lorenz)

---Original Message---
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OA5D-PA [ma~to:~allas.~awTence@>I13I(*r
Sent: Wednesday, November 23,2005 11:25 AM
Subject: Some Thanksgiving Food For Thought ...

military workingto better their country. All huge leaps forward in a period spanningless than 500 days

We often talk in this town ofhow astonishing thattimeline is, especially when taken in perspective with our own nation's history.
i thought 1would provide a link context before ihesiory, on just how our nation's birthcompares to those now struggling for
democracy in Iraq,

 July 4,1776: Our revolutionaryforefathersdeclared therindependencefrom Great Britain

4090 days laten A group of homogenous. Christian,white, land owning men completed work on a Constttution to
unite the disparate colonies mto one federal government on September 17. 1787, a Constitution neglecting to
extend certain rights to large portions of the nation's population
278 Days later: New Hampshireratified the Constitutioncertifying - support to become the law of the land on
- enough
 200 Days Later The first nationwideelection under the newty ratified Constitution took place under peaceful
conditions throughoutthe former colonies Voters, with no fear of retribution or assassination, elected a new
democratic government

Comparedto Iraq:

June 28,2004: Coalitionforces return sovereignty of Iraq to a UnitedNations backed interim government of Sunni,
Shim, Kurd, Christian, Muslim, men and women
217 Days Later: Iraq holds its first democratic elections in generations, under threat of murder by terrorists, millions


of men AND women turn out tovote on January 30.2005 toelect a new government to draft a constitution
258 Days Later, 1-q,s Urn out in event greater numbers10 ratify t h w new constitution orafteo by Mus ms ana
Cnnst ans men and women on October 15 2005 a consmution respectU of re iglous freedoms an0 women s
" - -
settino me staae for tne country s In ra e eclon in one "ear tms lime toeiect a permanentgovernment
a 61 Days Later afree, constitutionally Qached democratic government of Sunni, Shia, Kurd. Muslnn, Christian, men
and women, will be sworn in as the permanentelected government as Iraq completes its third successfulelection
in less than one year

Just some food for thought this Thanksgiving. Ihopeyou enjoy the LA Times article below and have a great holiday.

-Dallas B,Lawrence

Los Angeles Times

November 23,2005

Iraq's A Lost Cause? Ask The Real Experts

By Max Boot

When it comes to the future o f Iraq, there is a deep disconnect between those who have firsthand knowledge o f
the situation Iraqis and U.S. soldiers serving i n Iraq -and those whose impressions are shaped by doomsday
press coverage and the imperatives of domestic politics.

A large majorily o f the American public is convinced that the liberation of Iraq was a mistake, while a smaller
bin growing number thinks that we are losing and that we need to pull out soon Those sentiments arc echoed by
finger-in-the-wind politicians, including many such as John Kerry. Harry Reid. John Edwards, John Munha
and Bill Clinton who supported the invasion.

Yet i n a survey last month from the US-based International Republican Institute, 47% o f Iraqis polled said
their country was headed i n the right direction, as opposedto 37% who said they thought that it was going i n the
wrong direction. And 56% thought things would be better in six months. Only 16% thought they would be
American soldiersare also much more optimistic than American civilians. The Pew Research Center and the
Council on Foreign Relations just released a survey of American elites that found that 64% of military officers
are confidentthat we wil. succeed in establishinga stable democracy in Iraq. The comparable figures for
journalists and academicsare 33% and 27%. respectively Evm more impressive than the Pew poll is the
evidence of how our service members are votinc with their feet. Althoueh both the Army and the Marine Corps
are having trouble aliractmg fresh recruits. no &vise, given the state i t public opinion regarding Iraq
rcenliment rates continue to exceed expectations Veterans areexpressingtheir confidence in the war effort oy
signing up to continue fighting

Now, it could be that the Iraqi public and the US. armed forces are delusional. Maybe things really are on an
irreversibledownward slope. But before reaching such an apocalypticconclusion, stop to consider why so many
with firsthand experience have more hope than those without any.
" FOR STARTERS, one can point to two successfulelectionsthis year, on Jan. 30 and Oct. 15, in which the
majority of Iraqis braved insurgent threats to vote. The constitutional referendum in October was particularly .
- . .
sienificant because it marked the first wholesale eneaeement of Sunnis in the nolitical orocess. Since then.
S u m political parties have made clear their detcrm~nationto also participate in the Dec. 15 parliamentary
election This is big news The most disaffected croup in Iraq is tiartin8 to realize that it must achieve its
objectives thr~u~hballots, not bullets.

Thereare also positive economic indicatorsthat receive little or no coverage in the Western media For all the
. .
insuremts' attemots to sabotaee the Iraai economv. the BrookinesInstitutionre~ortsthat oer capita income has
doubled since 2003 and is now 30% higher than xt was before the war thanks primarily 10 the increase in oil
prices, the Iraqi economy is projected to grow at a whopping 16 8% next year According to Brookings' Iraq
index, there are five times more cars on the streets than in Saddam Hussein's day, five times more telephone
subscribersand 32 times more Internet users.

- -
The m w t h ofthe indenendentmedia a ~rereauisiteof liberal democracy is even more insoirinc. Before 2003
therewas not a single independentmediaoutlei in Iraq. Today, ~rookingireports, there are 44 commercial TV
stations, 72 radio stations and more than 100 newspapers.

But aren't bombs still going off at an alarming rate? Of course. It's almost impossible to stop a few thousand
fanatics who are willing to commit suicide to slaughterothers.

Yet there is hope on the security front. Since the Jan. 30 election, not a single Iraqi unit has crumbled in battle,
- . - .
accordine to Armv Lt. Gen. David H.Petraeus. who until Sentemberwas in charee of their trainine. Iraai
soldiersare showing impressive dctermmation in fighting the t m n s t s , notwithstandingthe terrible casualties
they have taken Their increasingsuccess is evident on "Route Irish," from Baghdad Intcmanonal Airpon Once
the most dangerous mad in lrw. it is now one of the safest. The last coalition fatality there that was aresult of
enemy a~tio~occurred in March,

This is not meant to suggest that everythingis wonderful in Iraq. The situation remains grim in many respects.
But the most disheanenine indicator of all is simolv, the American nublic's loss of confidence in the war effort.
Ahu Musah Zarqawi ma\ be losing on the Arab street (hisown familv has disowned him). hut hes winning on
Main Street And, as the Vietnam War showed, defeatism on the home front can become self-fulfilling

From: Lawrence,Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday, November22.2005 3:03 PM
To: Memtt, ROXie 1.CAPT, OASD-PA
Subject: FW manifest for Iraq

Here Is our list for raq.

Mr. JçBabbin (AT,Former JAG)

Dr. JeffMc€aula (Colonel, USA, Retired) CBS News

Lieutenant General Thomas MeInerney (USAF, Retired) FOX News

Command Sergeant Major Stwe G m r (USA, Retired) FOX News

Mr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) FOX News

Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) NBC News

Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (USAR, Retired)

Eliot Cohen, Member, Defense Policy Board

From: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Sent: Tuesday, November 22,2005 2-06 PM
To: 'JedBabbin

No coat and lie

Should be sufficientaccess in Iraq. you may want to have yourown in Kuwafl

Ratio will be hitor miss, but if you are flexible, definitely doabte.

From: led8abblnaM3I(-r[malito:led~ibblnitffi)H>M
Sent: Tuesday, November 22,2005 2:05 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Update

Dallas: Here's my bio. A couple of other questions:

I . Will we have time - and on what days - for me to do radio from there?

2. Should Ibring m y own laptop, or is there sufficient access, i n Iraq and Kuwait, that Ishouldn't worry about

3. I f I do bring my own computer, what voltage adapters do Ineed (don't wanna bum my Vaio the first minute
I'm there)

4. Is there any occasion to wear coat and tie?

Thanks. Sorry to be pestering you about this, but better now than later. Best, led.

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
To: ..
Tuesday, NovemOer22.2005 9:Ot AM
MAJ MNF.1 SCJS Trip Planner'

If the trip was denhwl to the last t1.p It would be a huge success The one^ings by senior GO'S tne dinner inran General
Casey and win Genera Dempsey tne or efing w e nme AmBassamr the cnel ng win tne m-nosierof oefense ^wo tfe
intenoru~vime tro toTa i And tne nae O w n rode nsn Ai caved ndoev postve on N oack nome Thebmest .. lane
aways f r o i o u r folks during our after action with them were the foliowing- '

1) The time spent with senior leadership (specifically,they mentionedhow important it was for them to receive the
briefingsfrom the GO'S vice, from an 05/06)

2) The visit to Taiji If there was one event that got morealr time, it was these analysts talking on Nabout spending
time with the Iraqi military, hearing from them how much progress they are making I would hope wecould keep this on
the schedule

Again, If we were to copy exactly the schedule form last time it would be great, if we were able to add a second outing to
vislt forward deployed troops, thatwould be wonderful

On another tpic. who best could I chat with about internet capabilityfor the troops at Victory, im wondering ti there Is an
Internetspot the troops use that has Broadband hi-speed access.

ll"ll"* It. I.#,WW,,,T

I I ; ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ I V . I J I I~~.I~M,,.,~ I.,:,,.,,,,
~ , ~ ~ ~ , I*,,I,I,,
~ I ~ : ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ~

Fmm:[RIT^ÑÑà MAI MNF-I S U S Trip Planner [mallto:

Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 7:30 AM
To; Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE: [U] OSD Media Visit (GEN MeQs + 13)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

I just returned from M R . Do you have any information as to what you guys want to see during this vlslt


Trip Planner Visitor Operations Bureau

SCJS. MNF-1Command Group

CampVictory, Baghdad,Iraq

"A good Soldier does what I s right when n o one i s watching."

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
If this e-mail is marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY it may be exempt from mandatory disclosure
under FOiA. DoD 5400.7R, "DoD Freedom of InformationAct Program", DoD Directive 5230.9,
'Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release",and DoD Instruction 5230.29, "Security and
Policy Review of DoD Informationfor Public Release" apply.

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a ~ ~ o : ~ a t ~ a s . ~ a w r e n c e @ > ~

Sent Thursda November 17 2005 5:27 PM
:&MA1 hi-I
SCJSTnp Panner
Subject '<. . 053 Mmia Vis.1 (GFh M e i q + 1 3 )

I hope this note finas you &I Iwanted to be sure you nao rece veo a copy of the country clearance rewest for odr
secono m Ilary anaiyst tnp planned lo co nc oe win me same frame as me October vip (the wee" beforetne Iraq
e e:tonsl Tne OTG for me c earance reqmst is 05111021COz

I took forward to working with you on another great tnp (7 december -111

From. . MPJ MNF-I SOS Trip Planner [mail

Sent: Monday, October 03,2005 5 4 1 AM
' '
To: daIlas.lawrence<Sri:lTffm
Subject; [U] OSD Media Visit (GEN Me@ + 13)


Mr. Lawrence,

I nave been assigned as the trip planer to coordinatethis visit. I have received information from LTC[.OIOJH, my
boss, regardingthe visit, but don't see any detailed informationthat lays out the groups arrival and departure time to Iraq.
This informationis needed in order to ensure we are able to plan a visit that provides you with the informationyou need
and meets the intent of the visit.

Pleasecontact me with the information at the email address ortelephone numbers listed below

Very Respectfully.

Trip Planner,Visitor OperatlDnsBureau
SCJS, MNF-1CommandGroup

CampVictory, Baghdad, Iraq

"Don'tget stuck on Stupid!"


If this e-ma'i is marked FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY it may oe exempt from mandatorydisc~osum
under FOlA DoD 5400.7R. "DoD Freedom of InformationAct Program". DoD Directive 5230.9
"Clearance of DoD Information for Puolic Release", ana DoD Instruction 5230.29. "Secuntv and
Policy Review of DoD information for Public Release" apply.


From: Whitman, Bryan, SES,OASD-PA
Sent: Monday November 21 2005 2:14 PM
To: MerrilI,~ o x i eT. CAPT:OASD-PA;-CIV, OASD-PA,- C N . OASD-

SubJect; RE
.[U)R E
Barber A1 ison Clv, OASD-PA,Lawrence, Dallas.OASD-PA:'

FOB turnover

Excellent -- good work all

Original Message-----
From: Merritt. Roxie T. CAPT. OASD-pa
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 2 :00 PM
, .
cxv, OASD-PA;

Subject: RE' [Ul R E FOB turnover

cIv, 0-D-PA;-
C : Barber, Alliaon, CIV, OASD-PA: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA:
'dewey Ford
LTc, oAsD-pA
; Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASD-PA

Good job pulling c h i 8 together so fast1 Thanks T a m .

Roxie T. Merritt
Captain, U.S. Navy
Director, DoD Press Operations
office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs Pentagon, Room

r o x i e nierritt*osd mil
" ~ i f e ~ ~ b e r sand
y the Pursuit of ~ l who
l 'rhreaten ~ t " ,

S t : Mondav November 21, 2005 1:14 PM

0:- CIV, OASD-PA; Merritt, Roxie T. CAPT, OASD-PA; B L T C , OASD-

' .
C : a r b Allison, CIV, OASD-PA, Lawrence. DÇIIÇ M S D - P I >
, :
Subject- RE. IUI RE: FOB turnover

H e r e the confirmed names for the conference call today:

Colonel Ken Allard U S A , Retired]
Mr. Jed Babbin IUSAF, JAG)
Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cucullu (USA, Retired)
colonel ( ~ i m tJ. ~ a d a (USA. Retired)
Lieutenant Colonel Rick Francona IUSAF, Retired1
colonel ~ e f f~ccausland (USA, netiredl
captain chuck n ash IUSN, Retired)
General Glen K . Otis (USA, Retired1
Malor General Donald W. shepperd IUSAF, ~ e t i r e d )

Fro: , a , CIV, OASD-PA

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 12:11 PM
To: Merritt, Roxic T. CAPT. OASD-PA: , . LTC, OASD-PA

Subject: RE: lU1 RE FOB turnover

We have scheduled the conference call and sent invitations out to the military analysts.
including chose listed below.
The call will be held from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST.
Those wishing to participate in the call should call p" and
ask the operator to be connected to the Military Analysts call,
We i l l advise all recipients of RSVPS received at approximately 1:00 p . m . today.

O n m a 1 Mesaa e
Sent:, November 21, 2005 11:34 AM
To' a a CIV, OASD-PA
Subject- f h - !ul RE: FOB turnover

f : whitman. Bryan, SES, OASD-PA

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 11:32 AM

excellent - - let's work it hard

F r o : Merntt. Roxie T. CAPT. OASD-PA

Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 1 1 ~ 2 2AM
L COMMS D I v q ; Merritt, Roxie T . CAPT,

CIV, OASD-PA: Whitman, Bryan, SES, OASC-PA

Subieec R E , IUI R E - FOB turnover


We're checking to see if we can turn this on.

Roxie T. Merritt
Captain, U.S. Navy
Director, DOD Press Operations
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
Pentagon, Room ritlTKf

' L i f e , Liberty and the Pursuit of All Who Threaten It"

original ~essage-----
From: Ford Dewey G COL MNFI STRATEFF COMMS DIV l m a i l t ~ : d e w e y . f o r d a ~
Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 lor47 PI4

cc: , .
To: Merncc. Roxie T. CAPT. OASD-PA

subicct [ul U K - FOB turnover

Classification: UBCLASSIFIED

R e r' Could you arrange for BG ~ l s t o nto speak to the Defense Analysts that were out
h e in October between 2130 and 2300 our time tonight via conference call? The names

MG (Retl scales
CAPT (Retl Mash

COL (Retl Garret

GEN Meiga(Ret1
LTC (Retl Maginnis

Maj Gen m e t ) Shepard



Original Message-----
: ~ t R O X L,~T. CAPT, OASD-PA [ m a i l t o : ~ o x i e . ~ e r r i t t m ~
S t : Monday. November 21. 2005 6:17 PM
Cc; CPIC Director;
Subject: FOB turnover
My media outreach team headed up byAff . , is standing by to help market
regional media interviews for the FOB turnover team if you would like some help. I n
particular, regional radio which is easy to do for any or all personnel who have access to
a telephone. Doesn't necessarily have to be a flag officer either.

Roxie T, Merritt
Captain, U.S. Navy
Director, DoD Preaa Operations
O f f of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs
Pentagon, Room B
2 0 3 0 1 . 1 4 0 0
cell Â
0 . ' - ' s s s s m
' L fb e a n the Pursuit of All Who Threaten It"

C l i i t i : UHCLASSIFIED
If t i 1 is i r k e d FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY it may be exempt from mandatory disclosure
under FOIA. DOD 5400.7R. " D ~ DFreedom of Information ~ c tProgram". DOD Directive 5230.9,
" C l a r i c e of DoD Information for Public Release', and DoD Instruction 5230.29, "Security
and Policy Review of DoD Information for Public Release" apply.

From: Vician, Todd, Maj, OASD-PA
Sent: Thursday, November 17,2005 12:42 PM
To: Lawrence. Dallas. 0ASD.PA
Subject; RE analysts trip

Thanks for helpingthe MNF-1crew


mm: -m, OASWA
Sent: ¥ThursdayNovember 17.2005 1238 PM
To: vim,. Todd Ma, OASD-PA
Cc: OASD-PA; Lawrem, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subtecti RE analyse tr<D

dallas is point on this


~i ran
If you have particulars (dates, approx numbers, etc) on the upcoming military analyst trip to Iraq, could you please
forward that info to Col Dewey Ford? They would like to do some advance planning now.


Defense Pmss Officer

0"ce of ASSsmni Secretary of Defense P ~ o l i Affe.".}

I 11
From: Ruff Eric. SES. OASD-PA
Sent. Thursday. November 17,2005 10:50 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas,OASD-PA; Barter, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA
Subject: RE current trip manifest for Iraq analysts

thanks, dallas. did we invite krepinevich?

From: ~ a & e n c e , ~ a ~ i a sOASD-PA

Sent: Thursday, November 17. 2005 9:51 AM
To: Ruff, Eric, SES, OASD-PA: Barber, Allison, CIV, OASD-PA
Subiecc: current trip manifest for iraq analyst;

Mr. Jed Babbin (AP. Former JAG) YES

Dr. Jeff McCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired) CBS N e w TENT YES ,
L t t G a l Thomas McInerney IUSAF, Retired) FOX News YES
Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News TENT YES
Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired) NBC 1 MSNBC / CNBC TENT YES
Mr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) FOX News YES
Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) HBC News YES
Malor Frederick IAndvI Messina Jr. IUSAR. Retired) YES

OSD Staff:
captain uerntt
Dallas Lawrence

Dallas 8 . Lawrence
Director. Office of Communitv Relations & Public Liaison

Sent: Tnursday, November 17,2005 10:03 AM
To: Lawrence Dallas, 0AsD.p~
Subject RE Manifest for DoD Analyst Dvtrip(UNCL~sslFlED)

Classificatwn' UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

Hooahl Or pens or any othercollectible' Thanks They are comingas'gray beards" again correct?

Need copies of their orders from OSD for their flight authorization.


From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ma:b:Da l a s - a w r e n c e ~

Sent: Thursaay, November 17,2005 5 43 PM
Subject P t ¥ ' c a for DoD Analyst Dll trip (UNC-ASSIFIED)

Coins are my business' Iwill have bws to you next week


Sent! Thursday, November 17,2005 9:39 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE: Manifestfor DoD Analyst DV trip (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

Yes, In fact as Iread it lastevening, Isaw your name on the POC list and knew you would be contacting me
about the trip.

First, Iwill need some bios on the travelers, second, need the same l y p orders we had before to allow them to fly. etc.

It was funny, after you left, I saw Hon Barbour on Wwhen they did the"stage8'VTCfrom Iraq, Isaid. Hey, I know her!

Let me know what you need and I'll do my best. Is thereany chance Ican get a coin from Hon Barbour?

^Efest for Do0 Analyst DV trip (UNCLASSIFIED)

Major. I hope this note finds you well

I wanted to be sure you had received a copy of the country clearance request for our second military analyst trip plannedto
coincide with the same time frame as the October tnp (theweek before the Iraq elections) The DTG for the clearance
requestis 05111021002

1 look forward toworking with you on another great trip(7december- 11)

~ m m : Â ¥ ( D i a l ~ bCFLCCl3A-FWD-CMD GRP [mi
Sent; Tuesday, Oct3berM,2005 1:37 AM
TO: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE Manifestfor DoD Analyst DV tnp (UNCLASSIFIED)
Importance: High


Caveats: NONE

Thanks for their bios.

Now, I simply need their "Go BY" names and spouses names


hm:m w m , c
aas, OADPA
Sent Monaa Octooer 03 2005 9.10 PM
[ m a i l t o : .
~ ~ a . ~


Subject: RE "in k t for DoD Analyst DV tup (UNCl-ASSmED)

bios attached for four of my six. other two are forthcoming


Caveats: NONE


Caveats- NONE

Classlfiwtion: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

tiY TIMES 6977

From: =ri79Wiawig^B
Sent: Thursday November 17,2005 9:SSAM
To: Lawrence Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject: Re Iraq UpdaieUz

Jack Jacobs

>Prom: "Lawrence, Dallaa. OASD-PA" e ~ Ã § l ,Lawrence<

Â¥Date Thu Nov 17 Deil9i39 CST 2005

C : ¥Evans Dave, CIV. OAED-PA"

~ S u b j e c c ~~ r a qUpdart a1
>Polka, thanks for your p a t i e n c e . ? Meare now nçe deep i n t o t h e weçd of c l e a r i n g the
country c l c a r a n c e p r o c ~ ~ m . Today
? and tomorrow my o f f i c e w i l l begin t o cut your funded
i n v i t a t i o n a l t r a v e l orders, I f yen had ravp'd  ¥ a t e n t n t i v , p l e a c e l e t roe know ifyou have
been a b l e t o firm up your p i a n o . ? ??Am a reminder OSDwill'Cund your coach t r a v e l tickçt
Iwe w i l l a c t u a l l y purchase them) .? ichaa fatten o u r e x p e r i e n k t h a t it ie. a very n e h
m-ther pr0ce.s i f a l l a n a a p e r t en th. #me f l i g h t out of Dc, t h e r e b y a l l w z n g evaryona
t o be inproceaaed at ~ u w i t t o g e t h e r , ?A. things looks now. t h a t means a morning departure
from Dulleaon t h e morning of t h e 7 t h of December.? I n a l l l i k e l i h o o d wewill be d y i n g en
B n t i ~ hA i r .
,The h a t two t r i p e t o Iraq w i t h . t h e a i u l y s t a were not f i n a l l y approved u n t i l t h o week
before.? Knowing how t h . p r c w f worm, w w i l l have ¥ver p i e c e r e a d y t o go, mo when t h e
p u l l th.Wlgger, we can eeamlessly c r a n s i t i m . ? All need t o have a v a l i d USPamsprt, and
thata# it.?
>Thank# again for your p a t i e n c e !

R : Lawrence.Dallas. OASD-PA


>For those receiving this email, we have released a countrycleirance request for Iraqfor
the dates previously noted.7 We ill likely be in a holding patternfor the next 3-7 days.?
Until we receive country clearance this trip willnot be finalized, and there is always
the likelihood it will be denied (butl'd say we are looking-pretty good) .? Please do not
cancel or changeyour plans until we =eceive the final go ahead.? Thank you folks for
>Happy veterans Day
>Dallas 8 . Lawrence

>Director, Officeof Community Relations
SCatesDeparcment of Defense
& Public Liaison United

To: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject; RE Manifest for DoDAnalyst DVlrip (UNCLASSIFIED)


Cavils: NONE

Yes. In fact as I read it last evening. i saw your name on the POC list and knew you would be contacting me about the trip.

First. Iwill need some bios on the travelers, second, needthe same type orders we had before to allow them to fly. etc,

It was funny, after you left, I saw Hon Bsrbour on Nwhen they did the"staged" VTC from Iraq. Isaid. Hey, I know her!!!

Let me know what you need and I'lldo my best. Is there any chance Ican get a coin from Mon Barbour?

- ., -.., ..
.. .
Sent Tn rsda IWvember 17 2005 5 32 PM
Subject A: 'ar 'est for DoD Analyst DV tnp (UNCLASSIFIED)

Major. I hope this note finds you well

I wanted to be sure you had received a copy of the country clearancerequest for our second military analyst trip planned to
coincide with the same time frame as the October trip (the week before the Iraq elections). The DTG for the clearance
request is 05111021002

I look forward to working with you on another great trip (7 deoember 11)

llallm It. Lnwrfiiif

Sent: Tuesday, October 04,2005 1:37 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE. Manifest for DoD Analyst DV trip (UNOASSIFIED)
Importance: High

Classiffcation: UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

Thanks for their bias.

Now, I simply need their"Go BY" names and spouses names


blos attached for four of my six other two are forthcoming

Classification UNCLASSIFIED

Caveats NONE
Classification- UNClASSIFIED

Caveats: NONE

From: Steven J Greer CSM Wet) [steven
Sent: Sunday, November 13,2005 7 5-1 A
To: Lawrence. Dallas,OASD-PA
Subject: Re Iraq Update

Andy, looks like Jed Babbin (he's a former Under Sec for Policy??, now writes for American Spectator, great guy; always
at the see's meetings), LTG Tom Mclnemey, (you know him from FNC, retired AF); Wayne Simmons (retiredCIAspook,
lots of energy, still looks like he can bench press 300 Ibs, went to Gltmo wl him, freq FNC guy); Dont recognize
COL (ret) Jeff McCausImd (academctyp from Dickenson Univ fm PA, belteve he w o r k d wlth ather
NBCIABC during the war, interesting,nice guy); COL (ret) Ken Allard (works for CSIS I think, big time think tanker); not
sure who- IS elther.

Last trip there was Gen Monty Meigs and others who wet to Gitmo but just didn't click with me... so, I'm Pretty stoked about
this one.

Will be in DC eady Tuesday, If you are around, maybe wecan do lunch? Have a radiointerview at 0900

-- Original M e s s a g e -
From. Lawrence, Dallas OASD-PA

'steve? a . 'ws~lnterfi

S u b j e c t : Iraq Update


For those receving this email we nave released acountry clearance m e s t for Iraq for the dales prevoisfy noted
We w I kely i e in a no amg panem for the nexl3-7 days L m i we receive rnmlry clearance tms lnp w not oe
finalized an0 there is always Ine ne inooa IA oe oened lb-t ,o sav we are l o o ~ n oorettv ooodl Pease 00 not
cancel or change your plans until we receive the final go ahead hank you folks forb patience!

Happy Veterans Day.

Steven J Greer CSM (Retl lstevena
Wednesday November 09.2005 3:45 PM
, .
To: Lawrence Dallas OASD-PA
Subject: Re Iraq Trip

Sure ..

-- Oriainal Message -
From: Lawrence, alla as, OASD-PA
To: 'Steven J. Greer C S M (Rety
Sent: Wednesday. November 09,2005 8 3 9 A M
Subject: RE: Iraq Trip

Steve, no worries, again, we am in a tentative phase, nothingeven near final yet However, while you deconflid, can I
have your Oob and ssn as a place holder (Iwill submit yourckarance for country in advance)


From: Steven 1. Greer CSM (Ret) [malltorsteven

Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 8;32 AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re: Iraq Trip

Hi Dallas, thanks. Did rev initialmsg. Trying to deconflictmy schedule. Will confirm today with you. Thx, Steve

--Original Message -
From: Lawrence. Dallas. OASD-PA

Sent: Wednesday, November 09.2005 8:18 AM

Subjtcl; FW: Iraq Trip

Steven, Iwanted to make sure you saw this as I didn't get a response from you Thanks. Need info today

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

Sent: Tuesday, Nwember 08,2005 6 5 1 AM
Subject: Iraq Trip

Hi there This email is being sent to a very limited number of our senior retired military analysts. I ask that you
please not discuss it with others until all details have been finalized

We are currently looking at putting together a second trip for analysts to Iraq, to fall around the week before the
December ISm Elections.

Tentatively, weare tooking at an Itinerary that lookssomethinglike:


Depart CONUS on Commercialair

Arrive Kuwaiti remain wemight


Early AM departure for Iraq

Iraq Briefings


Briefing and site visits In Iraq, depart for Kuwait late afternoon


Depart Kuwait for CONUS


Arrive CONUS early evening

What I need to know from those receiving this ernailis 1) if you are interestedand tentatively these dales work for
you. and 2) Your dob. ssn, passport number (this can come later, dob and ssn asap)

DoD will Issue invitationaltravel ordere funded to cover the cost of a coach ticket to and from Kuwait. You wlll be
responsible for 2 nights in the Kuwait hotel (first leg of tripand the return overnight). The analysts thatwent on the
previous trip I think would all agree that the trip was incredibly valuable

Please let me know asap of your Interest


From: Barber. AHison, CIV, OASD-PA
Sent: Wednesday November09.2005 1:15 PM
To: Ruff, Enc. SES, OASD-PA
Subject: FW analysts in Iraq list

here is our list so far.,. not much room for us to pepper in others, as you know, the footprint cant get too big please look
atfRflIH^Blist and see if there are one or two at the max we should add
---Original Message---
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a l l t o e ~ a l l a s . l a w r e n c e ~
Sent: Wednesday, November09,2005 10:55 AM
To: Barber, Allison, UV, OASD-PA
Subject: analysts In Iraq list

Mr. Jed Babbin (AF, Former JAG) YES


Dr. Jeff McCausland (Colonel, USA, Retired) CBS News TENT YES

Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney (USA?, Retired) FOX News YES


Command Sergeant Major Steve Greer (USA, Retired) FOX News TENT YES

Colonel Jack Jacobs (USA, Retired) NBC / MSNBC / CNBC TENT YES

Mr. Wayne Simmons (USN, CIA, Retired) ROX News YES


Colonel Ken Allard (USA, Retired) NBC New& YES


Major Frederick (Andy) Messing Jr. (WAR, Retired) , YES



From: Nardotti,Michael[MNardottI '
Sent: Wednesday, November09
To: Lawrence, Dallas,OASD-PA
Subject: RE Iraq Trip

Dallas -
i left you a voice-mail a few moments ago My apologies for the late reply Unfortunately, I have commitmentson Dec 7
and 8 that Icannot move, so Iwill not be able to make this trip Thanks very much for the invitation. Please keep me on
your list for the future,

Mike Nardoltl

Michael J. Nardotli,Jr
Maior General. US Armv Retired

----Original Message----
From: Lawrence, Dallas, DASD-PA [ m a l l t o : ~ a l l a s . ~ a w r e n & ~
Sent: Tuesdav. November 08.2005 8 5 1 AM
Subject: l r a q ~ n p

Hi there. This email is being sent to a very limited number of our senior retired military analysts. I ask that you please
not discuss it with others until all details have been finalized.

We are currently looking at putting together a second trip for analysts to Iraq. to fall around the week before the
December 15'Wiections

Tentatively, we are looking at an itinerarythat looks something like:


Depart CONUS on Commercialair

Arrive Kuwait / remain Overnight


Eariy AM departure for Iraq

Iraq Briefings


Briefing and site visits in Iraq, depart for Kuwait late afternoon


Depart Kuwait for CONUS


Arrive CONUS early evening

What I need to know from those receivingthis email is 1) if you are interestedand tentatively these dates work for you:
and 2) Your don, ssn, passport number (this can come later, dob and ssn asap)

Do0 wil i s s s invitationaltrave orders f m d w to cover the cost of a coach Icket to and from K m a # VOLwill be
responsible for 2 n-gnts .n the (<warnoiel (first leg of tnp an0 the ret-rn ovemrght) Tne analysis that went on the
pref0i.s v o mmk AOJIO a 1 agree Inat the tr p ABS increa oi\ v a able

Please let me know asapof your interest


I)~~,,V~,~V. tt,.~,,t;~,,,. IMI,,. t,;~,.

~hist&ailmessa~econtains confidential, privileged information intended solely for the addressee.
Please do not read. CODV. or disseminate it unless vou are the addressee. If vou have received it in
error please can us (coiect) at (202) 457-6000 a d ask to speak with the message sender AISO,we
wuu d appreciate your forwarding tne message oack to us and deleting it from y o u system Tnank

This e-mail and all other electronic (includina voice) communications from the sender's firm are for
inforrnationa purposes on y. No such communication is intended oy tne sender to constitute either an
electronic record or an electronic signature, or to constitute any agreement oy tne sender to conduct
a transaction by electronic means. Any such intention or agreement is hereby expressly disclaimed
unless otherwise specifically indicated. To learn more about our firm, please visit our website at
Steven J Greer CSM (Ret) [steven@
Wednesday, November 09,2005 8.32 AM
, .
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: Re Iraq Trip

Hi Dallas, thanks. Did rev initial msg Trying to deconflict my schedule. Will confirm today with you. Thx. Steve

-Oriainal Messaae -
To: w e n a .
From: Lawrence D; las. OASD-PA

Sent: Wednesday. h c i e r n c e r 05 2005 838 A M

Subject: FW Iraq Trip

Steven, I wanted tomake sum you saw this as Ididn't get a response from you. Thanks. Need Info today

From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA

Sent: Tuesday, November 08,2005 8:51 AM
Subject: Iraq Trip

Hi there This email is being sent to a very limited number of our senior retired military analysts. Iask that you please
not discuss it with others until all details have been finalized.

We are currently looking at putting together a second trip for analysts to Iraq, to fall around the week before the
December 15'Tlect1ona.

Tentatively, we are looking at an itinerary that looks something like:

Depart CONUS on Commercialair


Arrive Kuwait / remain overnight


Early AM departure for Iraq

Iraq Briefings


Briefingand site visits in Iraq. depart for Kuwait late afternoon


Depart Kuwait for CONUS


Arrive CONUS early evening

What I need to know from those receiving this email is 1) if you are interestedand tentativelythese dates work for you;
and 2) Your dob. ssn, passport number (this can come later, dob and ssn asap)

DoD wil issue mv.lahonal travel oroers funded to cover me cost of a coach t cket to and from Kuwait Yod will be
responsible for 2 nignts .n the Kwart nolei (1 rst leg of mp and the Wi,m ovem ght) Tne ana ysts mat went on the
PrevrO~sIn0 1 VnnK WOL d a agree that I* tnp was mcredmly va1uab.e

Please let me know asap of your interest

From ~edBabb1naan.r
Sent: Tuesday. November 08.2005 12 12 PM
To' Ruff Em, SES OASD-PA

FrontPage ::Wilson's House of Lies bv DiscoverTheNetworks.~~

From: Grange, David IDGrange n
Sent: Tuesday. November 028-.
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE Iraq Trip

Thank you much for providing the opportunity Due to Foundation Board meeting and the Vietnam Vets Memo Board
meeting dunng that timeframe it will not work out for me Please consider me again in the future

---Original Message--
From: Lawreme, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a i i t o : ~ a l i a s . L a w r e n c e ~
Sent: Tuesday, November 08,2005 7:51 AM
Subject: Iraq Trip

Hi there. This email Is being sent to a very limited number of our senior retired military analysts. I ask that you please
not discuss it with others until all details have been finalized

Weare currently looking at putting together a second trip foranalysts to Iraq. to fall around the week beforethe
December 15"' Elections

Tentatively, we are looking at an itinerary that lwkssomething like:


Depart CONUS on Commercialair


Arrive Kuwait / remain overnight


Early AM departure for Iraq

Iraq Briefings




Briefingand site visits in Iraq, depart for Kuwait late afternoon


Deoart Kuwait lor CONUS


Arrive CONUS early evening

What Ineed to know from those receiving this email IS 1) if you am interestedand tentativelythesedates work tor you:
and 2) Your dob, ssn, passport number (this can come later, dob and ssn asap)

DoD will ISSLe i n v l m n a t travel orders funded to cover me cost of a coach ticket to and from K-iwa t VOL will be
responstbe for 2 nignts m the Kuwait notel . t n t leg of tnp ana the return overn ghi) The analystsmat went on me
previous Inp I fh nk would all agree mat tne trip was incred bly varuaole

Please let me know asap of your interest


, .
From: JedBabbintofRnEM
Sent: Tuesday, November 08.2005 859 AM
To: Ruff. Eric. SES. OASO-PA
Subject: -
Re Today's Spectator Or Joe (Wilson)

Would you like me to send a link or two if something breaks? Fin home today working on the China book.

From: JedBabbiniSRSVSH
Sent: Tuesday, November 08.2005 8 52AM
To: Ruff Enc SES 0ASD.PA
Subject: -
Re Today's ~pectakr 01"Joe (Wilson)

More than that. I spoke directly to Paul, and also to Tom Mclnemy. Paul verified it to me directly. And 1 also
have thanks to him - the Wilson e-mail. It was published earlier by World Net Daily.

Jed Babbin
a . M I S - H W e b Operations
Tuesday. October 25,2005 2 29 PM

To- Lawrence, ~ a i ~ aOASD-PA

Subject: RE Disregard previous military analyst message

We'll do both. The White House link will be posted on ASY site momentanly. Have to get the video link from Pentagon

--Original MessageÑ
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [ m a i l t o : D a l b s . ~ i m ~
Sent! Tuesdav. October 25.2005 153 PM
To: I AFIS-HWeb Operations'
Subject: RE: Disregard previous military analyst message

Actually I was thionklng a direct link to the pentagon channel vieoof it so folks could watch it

From: ISB^ÑÑà AFIS-HQIWeb Operations [mailto '

Sent: Tuesday, Octoter 25,2005 1:39 PM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject: RE: Disregard previous military analyst message

Yes, as soon as the transcripl is posted on the While House site.

--Original Message--
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA [mailto:Dallas.~awrence@3^01

Sent: Tuesday, October 25,2005 1:21 PM
. AFIS4fQ;,- AFIS-HWDefend America:

Subject: RE: Disregard previous military analyst message

Any chance we can get a direct link to the potus speech today and link it from the great screen capture we now
have on asy?

L~Tuesday 225,2005 l2:36
To: Lawrence, Dahas, OASD-PA

Non Responsive
subject RE: Disregard previous "Hilaw analya message

on the way to you now.

--Original Message--
From! _aiwence Dallas, OASD-PA [malito:DaRas.~awrenQRC^^^H
Sçn TLKM October 25 2005 1226 PM
Subject: RE: Disregard &lous

Hi tkre. How goes our 1 pager?

iultary analyst message

Suit: Monday, Caober 24,2005 1239 CM
To: Lawrence, Dallas, OASD-PA
Subject; FW; Disregardprevious milltofy anaW message

--Original Message--
From;. ,AFUWMA
Sent: Thursday, October 20,2M5 lO'W AK
Subject- FW Disregard previous military analyst message
Here are the reports in question do you w t m e to stnp out the links to trie dips and just give you something


MSNBC Wednesday, Octoberxx,

Gen. BG Ego

Fox, Thursday, October xx

-Original message^^
From:- cIV, OASDPA m
[ anot-

TO: ..
Sent: Thursday, October 20,2005 lo:no AM
Subject: Disregard previous military analyst message

OK, looks like I sent you one you already have so I am just going to send ali four to you again so there k no
confusion. Sorry.

Fmm: 33^ÑÑÑ LTc. oAs&
Sent: Tuesday, October 11.20054:00 PM
e .
Lawrence Dallas. OASD-PA
RE Retired Gen Megs ang MG Shepherd

Can you square away LTG Petraeus?

From: Â .
-----Original Message-----
To: I .
sent: ~ u e s d a y ,October 11, 2 0 0 5 3:41 PM
subject.. m t i r e d en Meigs ang MG Shepherd


Is there any way you can email me the email addresses and phone numbers for military
analysts Gen Monty Meigs and MG Don Shepherd--both retired. Want to provide to LTG
~etraeua for his use.
. mar someone else has
(RTO3 is out today.. .can you see if
- .
r e rioht awav. Thanks.--
the info. Trying to

sent from my ~1aeltBerryWireless Handheld

From: Hill, Sebaslianfsebastian.hillfi--
Sent: Monday, October 10,20057 10 Phl
To: Lawrence Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject: RE Captain "ash


We're trying to get Capt Nash on the show on Tuesday. I have a couple of questions about the trip What's the best
number tocall you on? Or if you can. call meat212.301-3038.



à ‘ O r i g i n a Message-
From: Lawrence, Dallas, OASC-fA [ m a i l t o : ~ a l l a s . ~
Sent; Sunday, October 09,2005 1:45 PM
To: Hill, Sebastian
Subject: Captain rush


We just got 0 x 4 from three days in Iraq with a number of different retired media analysts indLding c n x k nash and
john ganett Tney JJSI had incredmie acces to senior us m..nary. us amoassador and most imwnanuy. rag military
Tney met with me m n ster ot defenseas we1 as several raa military one als ana they visited an r a q tra n i q center
witn over a tho~sandtroops Tney have amazing first hano nto amut tne success of the iraqi minary a story norroly
m ssreporm 1pi. guys are o o w q lor great pnotos and -nmatcneo first hand accoi-"1s of me iea. stan-s of ihe raqi
m l a y and me8 ootim sm aoo-t tne aemocrat c f A r e of iraq tney are t

I think nash has been working with your folks for a tuesday hit, this would truly be worth a larger segment, 6 to 8
minutes to actually drspell the mis reported news. 1just wanted to make sure you knew the level of new info he has

He has been working with ken dudonis.

Sent from my BtackBerry Wireless Handheld




cc: Di Rita, Larry, CIV, OSD-OASD-PA Whitman. Bryan SES OASD-PA: Ruff Enc. SES,
OASD-PA, LTC, OA'SD-PA; Vkian, ~ k d d~. a jOASD-PA;
, Thorp, Frank,
transcript Petraeus wlmilitary analysts

Attachments: 10-05-05 Petraeus Iraq.doc

Attached Is the transcript from Lt. Gen. Petraeus' phonecall with the military analysts on Wednesday afternoon

It was on the record

10-05-05 Petram
1 r a q . k (63..,

From: # . CIV, OASD-PA
Sent: Friday, October D7,20054:08 PM
To: Ruff, Eric. SES, OASD-PA
Subject: Phone Call - Babbm

Importance: High

1605. Jed Babbin. Leaving at 430 and would like you to call him overthe weekend.
From: I
PA0 .
Sent: Friday October 07, 20056:43AM
To: Lawrence, Dallas. OASD-PA
Subject; Military analyst visit to ~uwait

Mr. Lawrence,

I hope you had a good visit. Let me know if the photos turned out alright.

My photo credit informationi s

Itwas a pleasure meeting both you and Ms. Barber. Let me know if you need any addtonal information.


Desert Voice Assistant Editor


D S N : ~

From: ~ed~abbin-
Sent: Thursday. October 06,2005 8:22 AM
To: Ruff,Eric. SES, OASD-PA
cc: Jones. T a m CIV, OASD-PA
Subrci: Petraeus

Many thanks for gening Gen. Petraeus for the show last evening H e was terrific You can see the transcript on, the sue run by Hugh's exec producer,-

I'llbe subbing for Hugh again the whole week of October 18th, Let's talk about it. Best, Jed

Jed Babbin
From: Ruff Eric SES. OASD-PA
;~3~02~2r35 3 46

T e l l him a b t t h e t h i n g s I mentioned i n my e m a i l . Thanks

S e n t from my Blacknerry Wireless Handheld

From: * i n a l Message-----

S e n t : Wed Oct 0 5 1 5 : 2 6 : 0 9 2005

S u b j e c t : RE: Leaving now

S u b j e c t . Leaving now

Guys: I ' m on t h e c e l l phone o n l y between now and about 5 pm, on t h e way to t h e s t u d i o

P a ! l e t m e know i f we can g e t Petraeus. Many t h a n k s . B e a t , J e d .

From. Ruff,Eric, SES. OASD-PA
Subject: Fw Fwd Call in number

Attachments: RE: Call in number

Sent from my BlackBerry Wireless Handheld

Sent: Wed act. 0515,15:29 2005

S u b j e c t : Fwd: C a l l 1" number

RE: Call In number

This is fro Please let me know if you need anything else. Best, Jed.


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