Department of Chemistry: Unit V: FUELS

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Department of Chemistry

Subject Code: CHM-101 Course Title: Chemistry I

Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 1 P: -
Credits: 4
Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

State Functions, exact and inexact differentials(numerical).
Second law: Need of 2nd law. Spontaneous process, concept of entropy, 08
entropy changes as functions of temperature, entropy change during phase
transformation (Numerical).
Gibbs free Energy: Free energy changes under various conditions, Free
energy changes as criteria of reversible and irreversible process. Gibbs-
Helmohltz equation.
Clausius – Clapeyron equation, partial molar quantities, Gibbs – Duhem
equation, Chemical Potential.
Collision and Activated complexes theory of Reaction rate.
Adsorption, Gibbs Adsorption Isotherm.
Catalysis and its Application. 07
Enzyme Catalysts.
Review of the concepts of electrode potential – Nernst equation, EMF of
reversible cells- Reference electrodes – e.g., The Calomel electrode – The
silver – Silver chloride electrode, Ion – selective electrodes e.g., glass
electrode – Determination of pH using glass electrode-Potentiometeric 10
titration – pH metry and pH metric titration – Numerical problems.
Electrochemistry of the three most common Battery systems , primary
batteries e.g., Zinc- carbon battery, Secondary batteries - e.g., The Lead-
acid battery, The Nickel-Cadmium battery- Modern lithium batteries-
advantages and applications – Electro Chemistry of lithium batteries based
on organic solvents.
Fuel cells: Concept of a Fuel cell, e.g., H 2 – o 2 alkaline fuel cell.
Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion
Factors affecting corrosion- Effect of pH, Temperature, dissolved
Oxygen. 05
Corrosion prevention and control by proper design and material selection,
cathodic and anodic protection,
Electroplating, anodizing,

5 Unit V: FUELS:
Introduction, calorific value of a fuel, HCV and LCV (Numericals),
Determination of calorific value by Bomb Colorimeter. 07
Analysis of Coal, Proximate and ultimate analysis of coal,
significance of the constituents.
Conversion of coal into liquid fuels, Techniques (Fischer- Tropsch
and Berguis Process). Power Alcohol.
Gaseous fuels, Classification, producer gas, water gas, carbureted gas,
coal gas, CNG.
Nuclear fuels, Energy from nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fuels, environmental hazards of nuclear power generation.
UV-Visible spectrophotometry: electronic transitions and electronic 08
spectra, Application to simple systems(Analysis of Fe, Cu, Cr). Bear-
Lambert’s law and its application.
IR Spectroscopy: Introduction, Concept of vibrational Spectra – Typical
I R Spectrum, Applications of IR Spectra, (Alcohols, Acids, Phenols).
Total 45

Text Books:
1. J.C. Kuriacose and J. Rajaraman: Chemistry in engineering and Technology, Volumes I
and II ( Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi)
2. P. C. Jain: Engineering Chemistry, (Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Nai Sarak, New Delhi).
3. Physical Chemistry – Puri, Sharma and Pathania.
4. Physical Chemistry – Maron and Prutton.
5. An Introduction to Chemical Thermodynamics – Rastoogi and Misra.
6. A text book of Engineering Chemistry, S. S Dara (Chand and Co., 1998).
7. Physical chemistry – Levine.
8. Electrochemistry- Bockris and Reddy.
9. Instrumental Methods of Analysis – C. N. Banwell.
10. Engineering Chemistry – M. R. Balasubramaniam, S. Krishnamoorthy and V. Murugesan
(Apllied Publishers Ltd- 1992).
11. Industrial Electrochemistry – D. Pletcher and F. C. Walsch (Blackie Academic and
Professional London, 1993).
12. Physical Chemistry – P. W. Atkins.
13. Chemical kinetics – Laidler.
14. Chemical Kinetics and Mechanism by Mortiner and P. G. Taylor.
Reference Books:
1. C. V. Agarwal – Chemistry of Engineering Materials (Tata publishing Works, Varanasi).
2. L. A. Munro- Chemistry in Engineering (prentice Hall, New York).
3. O. P. Vermani and A. K. Narula- Applied Chemistry Theory and Practice, (Wiley Eastern
Limited, New Delhi).
4. R. M.E. Diamand: Applied Chemistry for Engineers, (pitman).
Department of IT

Subject Code: ------ Course Title: Computer Fundamentals

Contact Hours: L: T: P:

Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

1. Importance of Computers, Functional Block Diagram of a

computer System with the details of each unit, storage devices, --

Hardware and Software of a computer system,

Internet: Browser, Email, FTP, Telnet

2. Operating System and its functions, Different types of operating

systems and their comparison, Linux operating system, features

of Linux operating system, Shell programming, Linux commands

and their usage (in detail)

3. Working with MS Office,

MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, MS Access

Total --
Department of Civil Engineering

Subject Code: CIV- 102 Course Title: Engineering Drawing

Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 0 P: 4
Credits: 4 Pre-requisite: Nil
Objective: To give Students basic knowledge of treatment of problems in design and drawing by
geometrical methods and to develop the ability to visualize the pictorial view from the
given orthographic view and vice-versa.
Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

1. Types of projections, concept of solid as 3-dimensional object, lines
and planes, first and third angle practices 12
2. Projections of simple geometrical solids, placed in simple positions
with single rotation of the face, edge or axis of solid with respect to one 12
of the principal planes of projection
3. Section of simple geometrical solids, types of sectional planes, true 12
shape of sections
4. Intersection of surfaces, simple case of intersection of two prisms, two 6
cylinders, and cone and a cylinder
5 Development of surfaces of simple sectional solids and intersecting 6
6. Isometric projections of given orthographic projections 6
7. Orthographic projections of simple blocks 6
Total 60
Practical Drawing Plates to be Prepared:-
1. Layout; Printing of title blocks and projection of lines.
2. Projection of planes, inclined to one plane
3. Projection of solids, single rotation of solids
4. Section of solids
5. Intersection of surfaces, Development of surfaces
6. Isometric projections. Projection of Blocks
Suggested books
1. Gill, P.S. “Engineering Graphics and Drafting”1st Ed.S.K.Kataria & Sons.
2. Mohan, K.R.” Engineering Graphics” Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
3. Bhatt, N.D. “Engineering Drawing”.
4. Venugopal, K. “ Engineering Drawing and Graphics” , New Age International (P) Ltd.
5. Luzadder W.J. “ Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing” 5th Ed. Prentice Hall India

Course Title: Humanities: ”Communication Skills & Oral Presentation”.

Course No. HSS-101
Contact Hours: L: 4 T: 0 P: 0
Credits: 4

a) To introduce the students to basic concepts related to the language
b) To improve their competence in spoken and written varieties of the English language. The
design of the course allows for a large component of the language practice and interactional
work, so that the student’s confidence in their general ability to handle the English language
is reinforced and helps them to develop the personalities.
Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

Communication Skills:
1. Comprehension questions, Composition, Paragraph Writing, Grammar, --
Pronunciation and usage aimed at improving the language skills of
students of technology.
Writing Skills
2. Technical/Project Report Writing --
Meaning and importance.
Aspects of Technical Report Writing/Project Report Writing.
Oral Presentation
3. Importance of Oral Presentation.
Preparing for Oral Presentation. --
Elements of Oral Presentation.
Effective delivery of Oral Presentation.
a. Role and effective use of voice.
b. Use of body language.
c. Art of summing up.
Books Recommended
Text Books
i) Prose in Practice By K.P.K Menon Macmillan
II) English through reading (Workbook)
Vol.II Bhaskar and Prabhu. Macmillan

Other Suggested Books

1. McGraw Hill: Speech Series
2. Guide to good speech by James H. Mc Bumey & Ernest J. Wrage.
3. Fundamentals of Speech by David Guy Powers.
4. Technical writing & Professional Communication by Thomas N. Hucklin & Leslie A. Clsen.
5. Better English Pronunciation by O. Conner
6. Speaking Effectively by Comfort.
Department of Mathematics

Subject Code: MTH -101 Course Title: Mathematics I

Contact Hours: L: 3 T: 2 P: -
Credits: 4

Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

1. Differential Calculus:
Leibnitz Theorem for nth derivative. Taylor’s theorem, tangent and no
Partial differentiation, Euler’s theorem, double points, asymptotes, Curv
and tracing of curves. Limit, continuity and differentiability of functio --
several variables, chain rule, Jacobian, Taylor’s theorem of two varia
extrema of functions of two or more variables using method of Lagran
2. Ordinary Differential Equations
Exact differential equations, Reducible to exact differential equations,
linear differential equations and equations reducible to linear form,
Nonlinear differential equation, linear differential equations of second
and higher order with constant and variable coefficients, simultaneous --
differential equations, simultaneous differential equations of the
dx dy dz
form , applications of ordinary differential equations.
3. Algebraic Equation
Elements of the theory of polynomial equations. Fundamental theo
Algebra, Relation between the roots and the coefficients of an eq --
Transformation of equation. Solution of cubic and Bi-quadratic equations
Books Recommended
1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by E.Kreyszig, New Age
International Limited.
2. Differential Calculus by Gorakh Prasad. Pothishala Private
3. Integral Calculus by Shanti Narayan.
4. Differential Equations and its Application by H.T.H. Piaggio.
Orient Longman Limited.
5. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by R. K. Jain & S.R.K
Iyengar. Narosa-2001.
6. Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by M.D.
Raisinghania, S. Chand & Co.
7. Differential Calculus by N.Piskinov.
8. Differential Calculus by N.Piskinov.
Department of Physics

Subject Code: PHY 101 Course Title Physics Theory

Contact Hours: L: 2 T: 1 P: 0
Credits: 03
Details of Course:

S.No Contents Lecture Hours

1. Vectors
Transformation of vectors; Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates 10
Systems; Gradient of a Scalar Field, Divergence and Curl of a vector
field in Cartesian, Spherical Polar and Cylindrical Coordinates;
Conservation of Vector field and their applications in Gravitational and
Electrostatic fields, and in motion of compressible fluids; Divergence
and curl of electric and magnetic fields; Line, Surface and Volume
integrals; Gauss Divergence Theorem, Stokes Theorem and Greens
Theorem; Problems
2. Vibrations and Waves
Damped Harmonic Motion and its Energy considerations; Forced 10
Oscillations, and its Energy consideration; Amplitude and Velocity
resonance, Sharpness of Resonance, and their applications in
Mechanical (Acoustic cavity Resonance), Electrical (LCR Resonance)
and Optical (Resonance in laser) Systems; Maxwell equations;
Electromagnetic waves in free Space, its solution in one dimension;
Polarization, Energy and Momentum of Electromagnetic Waves,
Electromagnetic Spectrum; Problems.
3. Relativity
Inertial frame of reference; Galilean and Lorentz transformations;
Postulates of Relativity; Time Dilation, Twin Paradox, and Length 10
Contraction; relativistic mass, Energy and Momentum, Relation of
relativistic Kinetic energy with Momentum, Equivalence of Mass and
Energy; Doppler Effect of light and its application in explaining
Expanding universe; Problems
Total 30
Reference Books:
1. Vector Analysis, Schaum Series
2. Advanced Engineering mMathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley- India
3. Introduction to Classical Mechanics by R. G. Takwale and P. S. Puranik, tata-McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co.
4. Vibrations and Waves by A. P. French
5. Introduction to Electrodynamics by David. J. Griffiths, Pearson Education.
6. Special Theory of Relativity by Robert Resnik.
Department of Physics

Subject Code: PHY 102 P Course Title: Physics lab I

Contact Hours: L: 0 T: 0 P: 2 Credits: 01
List of Experiments: (Perform any Ten)

Experiments with electricity lab. Kit.

1. To Study characteristics of semiconductor diode.

2. To Study the characteristics of transistor
3. To study the Lenz’s law and the effect of eddy current

Experiments with electrostatic lab. Kit.

4. To Study the charge induction in electrostatics

5. To study the relative charges of different rods
6. To study the charge conduction.

Experiments with magnetism lab. Kit.

7. To study the magnetic field lines by magnetic field demonstrator

8. To study of magnetic levitation by floating ring magnets
9. To study of Oersted law
10. To study of principle of motor

Experiments with optical bench.

11. To study the image formation of source.

12. To determine refractive index of D-shape lens
13. To study dispersion of light
14. To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying circular coil and then to
estimate the radius of the coil.
15. Determination of reduction factor of a tangent galvanometer
16. Determination of Stefan’s constant
17. Determination of refractive index of liquid using laser source
18. Determination of young’s modulus of elasticity by bending of beam
19. Determination of absorption coefficient of liquid
20. Determination standing waves on a string by Melde’s experiment
21. Determination of “g” by bar pendulum
22. Determination of “g” by Kater’s pendulum.

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