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Shadow Genealogies Memory AnD IDENTITY AMONG Urzan MusLims IN MacEDONIA Burcu Akan Ellis East European Monographs, Boulder Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York 12003 EAST EUROPEAN MONOGRAPHS, NO. DCXX¥, Copyright 2003 by Burku Akan Ellis ISBN 0-88033-526-2 Library of Congress Control Number 2003109666 Printed in the United States of America To Jason because I will love you forever CONTENTS ‘Acknowledgments - Glossary of Terms . {, INTRODUCING THE SEHIRLI ....- Ad ‘Wiro Axe THE Ursan Mustins? 6 A Nore on TERMINOLOGY « a (Onat History 8 Finpine THE $eHiRi ++ proorion 1 Interviews ...-++ cn 12 Participant-Observation «...20.-s00ee0000+ 14 Language 15 The Researcher . 16 CHAPTER OVERVIEW .se0eescsesseereetee 18) 2, SOCIABLE LIVES OF THE $EHIRLI. ‘A Manaute Is a Firry Meter Lone Woatp «.. 2 Seninti THE PEOPLe OF THE MAHALLE cee) URBAN SOCIALIBIEITY -2..eeeeesses sed CONCLUSION «++ iz : een oe 3. THE FALL OF THE KAPICIK: MIGRATION OF MUSLIMS FROM MACEDONIA TO TURKEY ...-- At POPULATION D1SPLACEMENTS IN THE BALKANS 050. 0++0+-42 MIGRATION OF OTTOMAN MUSLIMS «.2020c0eceererees 7 46 ‘Migrations from Macedonia .....- 248 Politics of the 1953 Migration ....24.0+c2+ce0reer007+50

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