Inadequacy of School Facility

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SCHOOL SY:2017-2018









Chapter I


Background of the Study

Relatively Permanent change in behavior is the Primary Purpose of the

teaching-learning process that occurs through experience in the learner's

environment. The desired change cannot manifest without the availability and

proper use of learning materials, school facilities and other needed resources.

Regarding available school resources Ogunsaju (1980) emphasized that

quality of education that students receive depends on the availability of an overall

school facilities in which teaching and learning takes place. Quality relevance

and access to education can be attained if and only if educational materials are

properly available and utilized in an educational institution.

Educational resources are means through which information is effectively

communicated from the teacher to the learners. In the school settings, textbooks,

all types of buildings (academic and non-academic), equipment’s, classroom

facilities, furniture, learning materials make up important school facilities that are

required for effective learning.

Accordingly, Buckley (2004) states that school facilities enable the teacher

to accomplish his/her task as well and help the learner to learn and achieve

effectively. In addition, teachers emphasized that the availability and proper use
of school facilities can affect the interest of the teacher to teach effectively in turn

that positively effects student academic achievement.

Lawrence (2003) emphasized that the unavailability of school resources

negatively affects staff and student motivation. The inadequate of learning

materials and school facilities have a significant negative effect on teacher's

motivation and student's achievement.

Furthermore, O'niell (2009) described that school facility impacts on

student achievement, attendance and teacher retention. Reyond (1996) found

that a negative impact on student achievement where school facilities. Adequate

and quality school facilities are basic ingredients for quality education and to

achieve the intended goal of the School Program (Khan and Igbal. 2012). They

also strengthen the idea by emphasizing that learning is a complex activity that

requires students and teacher’s motivation, inadequate school facilities such as

standardized buildings and classrooms with facilities, learning materials and

equipment for student development.

Students’ academic performance is the product of evaluation (formative or

summative evaluation) after instruction has been passed by the teacher.

Students’ academic performance is an aspect of education that has been and still

is of great concern to parents, school managers, educational researchers and

policy makers in both developing and developed nations (Makori and Onderi,

Pagsulhugon National High School have many factors affecting the

academic performance of junior and senior high school students that inadequate

of equipment’s which is the classroom facilities, furniture, learning materials,

audiovisual aids, toilet, computers, library, laboratory and some factors affecting

the academic performance which include peer pressure, students poor study

habit, examination malpractice, truancy and poor school infrastructure. Poor

quality and inadequate learning materials and educational facilities in schools are

problems the parents, teachers, school, school administrators, government at all

levels and policy makers are responsible for. So, that's the reason why we

conduct this study at Pagsulhugon National High School.

Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the relationship of inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand on Academic

Performance of the grade 11 and 12 students in Pagsulhugon National High

School during the School Year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it seek to answer the following uestions:

1. What is the level of the inadequacy of learning materials of General

Academic Strand in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS)?

2. What is the level of the inadequacy of school facilities of General

Academic Strand in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS)?

3. What is the level of the academic performance of Grade 11 and 12

students in PNHS?

4. Is there a significant relationship between inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities in GAS and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS?

Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of GAS and Academic Performance of Grade 11

and 12 students in PNHS.

Theoritical Framework

Gagne’s work has been particularly influential in training and the design of

instructional materials. In fact, the idea that instruction can be systematically

designed, can be attributed to Gagne and a handful of others. Gagne’s

instructional theory has three major elements. First, it is based on taxonomy, or

classification of learning outcomes. Second, it propose particularly internal and

external condition necessary for achieving those learning outcomes. And third, it

offers aims events of instruction, which serve as a template for developing and

delivering a unit of instruction.

According to Gagne’s theory, the way to determine the prerequisites for a

given learning objective is to conduct a learning hierarchy. A learning hierarchy

(sometimes called a task analysis) is constructed by working backwards from the

final learning objective.

Gagne and others thought it was important for teachers and instructional

designers to think carefully the nature of the skill or task they wanted to teach,

then to make sure that the learner had the necessary prerequisites to acquire

that skill. Gagne also stressed that practice and assessment should match the

target skill. An instructional material is one of the important components of

teaching. Through the use of these materials teaching learning process will

become productive. It also, develops the skill and abilities of each individual.
Conceptual Framework



*The inadequacy
 Survey  Improved
of general
questionnair Academic
academic strand in
e. Performanc
national high  Statistical
school in terms of: and Or
Treatment of
 LEARNING Data  Declined
MATERIAL Analysis. Academic
S Performanc
 SCHOOL  Interpretatio e
Dependent Data.

Performance of
Grade 11 and 12

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the Study

Conceptual framework of this study which is the figure 1 illustrates the

different variables. The input variable greatly affect the academic performance of

the students. The independent variable which is the inadequacy of learning

material and school facilities of General academic Strand in Pagslhugon

Natioanal High school while the dependent variable is academic performance of

Grade 11 and 12 students.

Wherein the methods or process used to gather data of this study is

survey questionnaire and then used the statistical and treatment data to test if

the variables are correlates to each other and interpretation of data gathered will

follow. After that, the result or output of this study its either improved of declined

the academic performance of the grade 11 and 12 students.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will provide useful information and it could be

highly significant and beneficial specifically to the following:

GOVERNMENT- This study will help them to understand and to provide

the inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities in Pagsulhugon

National High School. It also help them to guide what they are going to do to

solve this problem.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR- This research study will benefits the school

administration, because this study will serve them as a basis that the school is

lack of school facilities and learning materials, and it also help them to guide and
it serve as an evidence that the school of Pagsulhugon National High School is

inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities.

TEACHERS – this research study will help the teachers to give an idea

and knowledge and also it serve the teacher’s guide on what they are going to do

to improve the skills and knowledge of their students even though the school is

lack of school facilities and learning materials.

STUDENTS - This research study will be beneficial to the students to

adjust and to make an action on what they are going to do. And this study will

help the quality of learning for the students, productive and appropriate output for

the students.

PARENTS - This study will help the parents to choose a better school for

their children or students. It also serve as their basis to improve the parents to

support the students in providing facilitation or stakeholders as they are made of

this concern.

FUTURE RESEARCHER - This research study will be highly beneficial to

the future researchers for this study will serve as their basis to gather information

and ideas which will be related their current study. They will be free to use this

study as their review of related literature.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is emphasize and focus only the correlation of inadequacy of

learning materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand on Academic

Performance of the Grade 11 and 12 students in Pagsulhugon National High

School SY: 2017-2018.

The population frame of this study is the Grade 11 and 12 students in

Pagsulhugon National High School who are officially enrolled during the School

Year: 2017-2018.

Variables have been identified and include in the study, inadequacy of

learning materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand and the

academic performance of the Grade 11 and 12 students

Definition of Terms

Learning: Learning is the relatively permanent change in behavior that

occurs through experience in the learner's environment.

Inadecuacy: The quality or state of being inadequate. Insufficiency of

materials and school facilities.

Learning Materials: Its means through which information (knowledge,

skills and values) is being transferred to the students.

School Facilities: These comprise of physical infrastructures, machines

and equipments with in the school premises that support learning,convenience

and aesthetics e.g classroom,toilet, etc.

Academic Performance: It's the extent to which the students has

achieved the pre-dentermined educational objectives after evaluation using

examination or continous assessment.

Students: Is a person in a particular institute of learning who want to

acquire knowledge,skills,value or competence

Chapter II


This study chapter presents related literature and studies about the study

being conducted gathered by the researchers

Related Literature and Studies

Review of relevant literatures on the relationship between learning

materials and school facilities on the academic performers of the learners shows

conflicting views from previous researchers.

Coleman (1996) as cited in Aksit (2007:129) claimed then that only a small

portion of variance in student achievement can be accounted for by variation in

schools compared with other factors such as family background also Rutter

(1979) as cited in Aksit (2007:129) concluden in their study that schools make a

small but highly significant difference one possible explarations for finding a weak

relationship between classroom and school resourcing levels and pupils

attainment as idenified by Steele (2007) is that schools are inefficient and

therefore do not use the resources more efficiently.

However,Owolabi (2012) attributes poor or low performance in science in

Negeria, for instance, to inadequate good learning materials, equipment,

facilities,lack of qualified teachers and laboratories. It is important to note that

these materials and resources do not work in isolation of a qualified operator.

Lewin (2000) reports a positive connection between the qualification and

experience of science teachers and high levels of achievement in science.

Oladejo (2011) argued that teaching physics without appropriate learning

materials may certainly result in poor academic achievement studies have also

established positive association between library and students academic

performance(Jaiyeoba and Atanda,2011). Ola (1990) as cited in Owoeye and

Yara (2011) underscore the importance of a well-equipment library arguing that it

constitutes a major facility and enhances good learning achievement of high

educational students. Popola (1989) as cited in Owoeye and Yara (2011) also

reports "that library correlates well with academic achievement and those with

will-equipped ones normally maintain high academic performance".

However, the academic performance of students is affected by

numerous independent factors that can be within the school or outside the school

system. These include socioeconomic status of students family, school

leadership, students learning skills and study habit, learning materials, school

facilities and student-teacher ratio. However, Shimada (2010) wams that no

single variable has a strong impact on academic achievement, arguing that the

educational process is complex and several factors create combination effect.

Chang (2012) and Engin-Demir (2009) reported in their study that

socioeconomic status of students (SFS) family is closely related to student

performance. (Chang,2012:23) further states in his investigation that SES is one

of the most powerful predictors of student academic achievement across all

racial and large grouos. According to Louis (2010) Leadership in schools has

also been identified as important in relationship to students achievement.

Great deal of research has also focused on class size, student-teacher

ratio, learning environment, cultural resource and learning or material resources

among others in relation to academic achievement (Atanda and

Jayeoba,2011:Zwick,2012; Greenwald and Hedge, 1996: Weiet 2011: Houtveen

and Gift,2012) and the outcome is a mixed.

Marks (2010), argues that other things being equal, students at better

resourced schools would be expected to perform at higher level than students

attainding poorly resourced schools Jebson and Moses (2012) also observed

that learning resources play a paramount role in the teaching and learning of

Chapter III


This chapter present how the research at hand to be conducted which

include the data gathering and statistical tools.

Research Design

This study utilize the descriptive survey method to determine the relationship

of inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of general academic

strand on the academic performance of the grade 11 and 12 students in

Pagsulhugon National High School for the School Year 2017-2018.

The questionnaire design will be used to gather data from the student

regarding of the inadequacy of learning material and school facilities of general

academic strand. The data on academic performance of the students will be

taken from the rating they obtain in all subjects during their previous grading

specifically the grades during the third grading of the SY: 2017-2018.

The data gather will be processed using the appropriate statistical tool which

is the Person product moment correlation to arrive reliable conclusions.

Respondents of the Study

This study involve the Grade 11 and Grade 12 students in Pagsulhugon

National High School. There is only one section in Grade 11 and 12 namely

Grade 11- Earth and Grade 12- Athena. The population of this study is 117 which

is the total number of students in Grade 11 – Earth and Grade 12 – Athena .We

select 106 respondents of this study as we compute the sample size.

The respondents will be randomly select fifty- three (53) students in Grade

11 Earth and 12 Athena of Pagsulhugon National High School will be chosen as

respondents of this study. The sampling desing will be used in this study will be

the simple random sampling technique.

Research Locale

In this study, the researchers focus on the effect of inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General academic strand on the academic

performance of grade 11 and 12 students in Pagsulhugon National High School.

Therefore, the location of the study will be conducted in Pagsulhugon

National High School. The school is choose because the researchers are within

this school. The school is located in Zone 3 Pagsulhugon Babatngon, Leyte.

Research Instrument

The main instrument that will be used in gathering the data and

information of this study is questionnaire so that the respondents will be answer

each question with no doubt. The questionnaire was divided into three main

sections: Part I Inadequacy of learning materials, Part II Inadequacy of school

facilities and Part III Academic Performance. The questions were structure using

the Likert format. In this survey type, five choices are provided for every question

or statement. The choices represent the degree of agreement each respondent

has on the given question. The Likert survey was the selected questionnaire type

as this enable the respondents to answer the survey easily. In addition, this

research instrument allowed the research to carry out the quantitative approach

effectively with the use of statistics for data interpretation.

The students under study must accomplish the questionnaire in order to get

the desire information of the research data.

Data Gathering Procedure

As a tradition of all researchers, the current researchers prepare official

communication to the school administrator of the school involved in this study.

The researchers request the students to answer the questionnaire that

needs their immediate concern. When everything is in order, the researchers

personally administer the questionnaire to the respondents to get the most valid

and reliable data of this data.

The researchers administer the test to the students in their classroom. The

items in questionnaire will be explained thoroughly by the researchers to the

students. They will discuss to the students on how to answer the questionnaire

properly. The respondents assure that all information that will gather will be held

confidential and utilize only for the purpose of the researcher work.

The collect data will be tallied, tabulated and interpret.

Statistical Treatment

The data will be treated statistically, utilizing the descriptive statistic such as

frequency counts, percentages, computation of the mean to show the academic

performance of the students and inadequacy of learning materials and school

facilities of General academic strand.

The researchers will use percentage formula which is given below:


P - percentage of frequency

F - frequency of the items given

N - number of cases

To determine the inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of

general academic strand, the mean will be computed. Multiplying the frequencies

by the value on the scale and dividing the sum of the product by the number of

respondents to a specific criterion calculated the mean value position.

The formula is:



X - weighted mean

fx – product of frequency and weight

⅀fx - the sum of the product of f and x

N - the number of item

Computation of the mean to show the inadequacy of learning materials and

school facilities of general academic strand.


4.51 – 5.00 Very Much Inadequate

3.51 – 4.50 Much Inadequate

2.51 – 3.50 Less Inadequate

1.51 – 2.50 Inadequate

1.00 – 1.50 Adequate

To determine the academic performance of the students their general

point during their previous grading period specifically the third grading.


90 and above Outstanding (O)

85-89 Very Satisfactory (VS)

80-84 Satisfactory (S)

75-79 Fair

74 and below Poor

Moreover, the Person Product Moment Correlation will be used to

determine the significant relationship between the inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand and Academic

Performance of the students.

The formula is:



r – Pearson Product Moment Correlation

n – Number of Cases

x – Independent variable

y – Dependent variable

xy – Product of the Pair of Scale

Chapter IV


Presented and analyzed in this chapter are the data gathered through the

survey questioner was answered by the respondents presented Grade 11 and 12

students of pagsulhugon national High School.

Inadequacy of Learning Materials of General Academic Strand In

Pagsulhugon National High School

The level of Inadequacy of Learning Materials of General Academic Strand

in Pagsulhugon National High School presented in Table 1. The table shows item

15 which is lack of internet connection limits the students access to academic

information, current event, literary references and another information necessary

to learning ranked first with the mean of 4.67 and with the qualitative

interpretation of very much inadequate. Lac k of internet is a common problem in

this school ranked second with the mean of 4.59 interpreted as very much

inadequate. Item 10 the lack of computers directly affects student productivity

and submission of output requirements most especially in research subjects and

ICT-oriented subjects ranked 3rd with the mean 4.58 interpreted as very much

inadequate. However, the lowest mean score there is no enough chairs inside

the classroom got only 3-49 interpreted as less inadequate.

The overall mean score for the inadequacy of learning materials and

school facilities of General Academic Strand in PNHS was 4.09 interpreted as

“much inadequate”, the result shows that the General Academic Strand in

Pagsulhugon National High School lack or inadequacy of learning materials that

can be used by the students to improve or to achieve an excellent performance.

Table 1. Inadequacy of Learning Materials Of General Academic Strand In
I. Inadequacy Of Learning Materials Mean Interpretation Rank
1. The books inside the classroom is not enough. 3.81 Much Inadequate 10
2. Lack of books is the most problem inside the 3.76 Much Inadequate 11
3. There is no books in some subjects. 3.74 Much Inadequate 12
4. There is no enough chairs inside the classroom. 3.49 Less Inadequate 15
5. Some of the chairs are damaged which makes 4.06 Much Inadequate 7
the student uncomfortable and the
environment\setting unconducive to learning.
6. Lack of chair is the problem inside the classroom. 3.61 Much Inadequate 14
7 Instructional materials are not available during 3.67 Much Inadequate 13
discussion of visually-oriented topics just like
science and mathematics.
8. There is lack of projector in the classroom which 3.88 Much Inadequate 9
are highly needed for student and teacher report or
slide presentation and video showing.
9. Absence of laboratory equipment makes daily 4.00 Much Inadequate 8
learning competencies in science subjects truly
10. The lack of computers directly affects students 4.58 Very Much 3
productivity and submission of output requirements Inadequate
most especially in research subjects and ICT-
oriented subjects.
11. The lack of computers makes it difficult for the 4.42 Much Inadequate 6
learners to improve their ICT skills, particularly skills
in using MS Word, and Excel, MS Publisher and
making slide presentation.
12. The lack of computers in the school in at certain 4.51 Very Much 5
concern of student for better and quality learning. Inadequate
13. The school does not have accessible internet 4.53 Very Much 4
connection for student and teachers. Inadequate
14. Lack of internet is a common problem in this 4.59 Very Much 2
school. Inadequate
15. Lack of internet connection limits the students 4.67 Very Much 1
access to academic information, current event, Inadequate
literary references another information necessary to
Overall Mean 4.09 Much Inadequate
Inadequacy of school facilities of General Academic Strand in PNHS

towards Grade 11 and 12 students

The table 2 shows the level of inadequacy of school facilities of General

Academic Strand in PNHS. Among the (15) items, The Lack of computer

laboratory is one of the reason why students are not capable of performing

computer-related work, ranked first with the mean score of 4.58 and with the

qualitative description of very much inadequate . The school doesn’t have

Gymnasium necessary as a venue for student academic activities, sports-

oriented activities and other relevant activities, ranked second with the mean

score 4.55 interpreted as very much inadequate. The lack of library makes it

difficult to do library research of factual information and referencing, ranked third

with the mean score of 4.49 interpreted as very much inadequate. Lacking of

computer laboratory affects the students capability of making school

works/project such as powerpoint presentation or report, ranked fourth with the

mean score 4.45 interpreted as very much inadequate. However, classroom in

this school are not enough has the lowest score mean of 3.42 interpreted as less


The overall mean score for the inadequacy of school facilities was 4.13

interpreted much inadequate, the result shows that General Academic Strand in

PNHS was inadequacy of school facilities that can affect the performance of the

Table 2. Inadequacy of School Facilities of General Academic Strand In

II. Inadequacy Of School Facilities Mean Interpretation Rank

1. The school doesn't have Gymnasium necessary 4.55 Very Much 2
as a venue for student academic activities, sports- Inadequate
oriented activities and other relevant activities.
2. Lack of Gymnasium makes it difficult to host 4.04 Much Inadequate 10
academic eves and activities.
3. Lack of Gymnasium is a problem in this school. 4.44 Much Inadequate 5
4. Computer laboratory is not available in this 4.22 Much Inadequate 8
5. Lacking of computer laboratory affects the 4.45 Much Inadequate 4
students capability of making school
works/projects such as powerpoint presentation or
6. The lack of computer laboratory is one of the 4.58 Very Much 1
reason why students are not capable of performing Inadequate
computer-related work.
7. The school lacks a functional library. 4.37 Much Inadequate 6
8. The lack of library makes it difficult to do library 4.49 Much Inadequate 3
research of factual information and referencing.
9. The lack of functional library is truly a problem in 4.36 Much Inadequate 7
this school.
10. The school lacks clean toilets and comfort 4.07 Much Inadequate 9
11. Comfort rooms in this school are not enough 3.97 Much Inadequate 12
12. Some of the comfort rooms in this school are 3.99 Much Inadequate 11
not functional and clean.
13. Classrooms in this school are not enough 3.42 Less Inadequate 14
14. The school is inadequacy of school building 3.50 Less inadequate 13
and classroom affects the student academic
15. Lack of classroom is one of the problem in this 3.50 Less Inadequate 13
Overall Mean 4.13 Much Inadequate
Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12 students

The level of academic performance of Grade 11 and 12 students of

Pagsulhugon National High School were being presented in table 3. The table

shows that out of 100 respondents, 90 above has a frequency of 26 or 26%

interpreted as outstanding, 85-89 with a frequency of 55 or 55% interpreted as

very satisfactory, 80-84 with frequency of 15 or 15% satisfactory interpretation,

75-79 with a frequency of 4 or 4% interpreted as fair while 74 below has a

frequency of 0.

And the General Average of the Grade 11 and 12 Students Obtained

87.11 with a qualitative Interpretation of Very Satisfactory.

Table 3. Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12 students

Rating Frequency Percentage Interpretation

90 above 26 26% Outstanding (O)

85-89 55 55% Very Satisfactory (SF)

80-84 15 15% Satisfactory (S)

75-79 4 4% Fair (F)

74 below 0 0% Poor (P)

Total 100 100%

General 87.11 Very Satisfactory

Relationship Between Inadequacy of learning Materials and School

Facilities of General Academic Strand towards Academic Performance of

Grade 11 and 12 students

To determine the significant relationship between the Inadequacy of

Learning Materials and School Facilities of General Academic Strand towards the

Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12 students in Pagsulhugon National

High School, the computation of Pearson Product Moment Correlation was made.

The level of significant was set at 0.05.

The table IV presented the results of computation of Pearson Product

Moment Correlation showing the relationship between the inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities towards academic performance of garde11 and 12


the data shows that there is a significant relationship between the two

variables presented, since the the computed r-value of .64 is greater than the

tabular r-value of 0.26 with degrees of freedom (df) of 29 at 0.05 level of


Therefore, the null hypothesis which states that there is no significant

relationship between the inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of

General Academic Strand towards Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12

students in PNHS is rejected.

The findings implies that the problems regarding Inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General academic strand affect the academic
performance of the students due to lack of resources needed in their studying

such as projects, assignments and activities.

Table 4. Relationship between Inadequacy of learning Materials and School

Facilities of General Academic Strand towards Academic Performance

Paired Values r- value Interpretation

Inadequacy of learning
materials and school
facilities of GAS

VS .64 Significant

Academic Performanace
Chapter V


This chapter contains summary, conclusions and recommendation of the study.


This study aimed to determine the relationship of inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand on Academic

Performance of the grade 11 and 12 students in Pagsulhugon National High

School during the School Year 2017-2018.

Specifically, it seek to answer the following uestions:

1. What is the level of the inadequacy of learning materials of General

Academic Strand in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS)?

2. What is the level of the inadequacy of school facilities of General

Academic Strand in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS)?

3. What is the level of the academic performance of Grade 11 and 12

students in PNHS?

4. Is there a significant relationship between inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities in GAS and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS?

The hypothesis tested in this study stated that there is no significant

relationship between the inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of

GAS and Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS.

This study utilized the descriptive survey method to determine the

relationship of inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of general

academic strand on the academic performance of the grade 11 and 12 students

in Pagsulhugon National High School for the School Year 2017-2018.

The questionnaire design will be used to gather data from the student

regarding of the inadequacy of learning material and school facilities of general

academic strand. The data on academic performance of the students will be

taken from the rating they obtain in all subjects during their previous grading

specifically the grades during the third grading of the SY: 2017-2018.

The data treated statistically, utilizing the descriptive statistic such as

frequency counts, percentages, computation of the mean to show the academic

performance of the students and inadequacy of learning materials and school

facilities of General academic strand. The Person Product Moment Correlation

used to determine the significant relationship between the inadequacy of learning

materials and school facilities of General Academic Strand and Academic

Performance of the students.


1. The level of the inadequacy of learning materials of General Academic Strand

in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS) 4.09 interpreted as “much


2. The level of the inadequacy of school facilities of General Academic Strand in

Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS) 4.13 interpreted much inadequate.

3. The level of the academic performance of Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS

87% interpreted as Very Satisfactory.

4. It was found out that there a significant relationship between inadequacy of

learning materials and school facilities in GAS and Academic Performance of

Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS based on the Pearson Product Moment

Correlation computed as .64.


1. The level of the inadequacy of learning materials of General Academic Strand

in Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS) much inadequate it implies that

the school face the problem regarding lack of materials to be used by the

students in their studying.

2. The level of the inadequacy of school facilities of General Academic Strand in

Pagsulhugon National High School (PNHS) much inadequate it shows that

the building and facilities in this school is not adequate.

3. The level of the academic performance of Grade 11 and 12 students in PNHS

87% interpreted as Very Satisfactory.

4. There a significant relationship between inadequacy of learning materials and

school facilities in GAS and Academic Performance of Grade 11 and 12

students in PNHS.





HIGH SCHOOL SY: 2017-2018

Name: __________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

Direction: Please indicate the degree of your disagreement and agreement to the

inadequacy of learning materials and school facilities of General Academic

Strand as manifested in connection with items being described below. You have

to check the appropriate column that corresponds to your evaluation on every

item as stated.

5 Strongly Agree (SA)

4 Agree (A)

3 Slightly Agree (SL.A)

2 Disagree (D)

1 Strongly Disagree (SD)

I. Inadequacy Of Learning Materials SA A SL.A D SD

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The books inside the classroom is not enough.

2. Lack of books is the most problem inside the


3. There is no books in some subjects.

4. There is no enough chairs inside the classroom.

5. Some of the chairs are damaged which makes the

student uncomfortable and the environment\setting

unconducive to learning.

6. Lack of chair is the problem inside the classroom.

7 Instructional materials are not available during

discussion of visually-oriented topics just like science

and mathematics.

8. There is lack of projector in the classroom which

are highly needed for student and teacher report or

slide presentation and video showing.

9. Absence of laboratory equipment makes daily

learning competencies in science subjects truly


10. The lack of computers directly affects students

productivity and submission of output requirements

most especially in research subjects and ICT-oriented


11. The lack of computers makes it difficult for the

learners to improve their ICT skills, particularly skills in

using MS Word, and Excel, MS Publisher and making

slide presentation.

12. The lack of computers in the school in at certain

concern of student for better and quality learning.

13. The school does not have accessible internet

connection for student and teachers.

14. Lack of internet is a common problem in this


15. Lack of internet connection limits the students

access to academic information, current event, literary

references another information necessary to learning.

II. Inadequacy Of School Facilities SA A SL.A SD D

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The school doesn't have Gymnasium necessary as

a venue for student academic activities, sports-

oriented activities and other relevant activities.

2. Lack of Gymnasium makes it difficult to host

academic eves and activities.

3. Lack of Gymnasium is a problem in this school.

4. Computer laboratory is not available in this school.

5. Lacking of computer laboratory affects the students

capability of making school works/projects such as

powerpoint presentation or report.

6. The lack of computer laboratory is one of the

reason why students are not capable of performing

computer-related work.

7. The school lacks a functional library.

8. The lack of library makes it difficult to do library

research of factual information and referencing.

9. The lack of functional library is truly a problem in

this school.

10. The school lacks clean toilets and comfort rooms.

11. Comfort rooms in this school are not enough

12. Some of the comfort rooms in this school are not

functional and clean.

13. Classrooms in this school are not enough

14. The school is inadequacy of school building and

classroom affects the student academic performance.

15. Lack of classroom is one of the problem in this

III. Academic Performance.

Write your general average obtain in previous grading specifically the third

grading grade.


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