Spread Sheet

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Beam Data

Beam Size
Plastic section modulus
Moment of inertia
Beam spacing (contributary width)
Beam span

Load Data

Beam selfweight
Dead weight acting on floor
Total Load on floor

Total load acting on beam


Material Data & Factors

Dynamic increase factor
Stress incresase factor
Dynamic yield Fdy = DIF x SIF x Fy



Limiting criteria

Ductility alllowed
Rotation allowed
Blast Load information

peak pressure pso

duration td

Total blast load P

[ pso x L x w ]

Equivalent SDOF

Elastic behavior considered

Load factor
Mass factor
Load-Mass factor

Equivalent Mass Me = KLM x M

Stiffness ( for total load ) Ke =384EI/5L3

Natural period Tn = 2 p √ Me/Ke

Plastic reistance of beam section Mp=ZxFdy

Ultimate resistance ru =8Mp/L

Elastic displacement Xe = ru/Ke

Read from graph ductility m = Xm/Xe

Maximum displacement Xm = m x Xe
Rotation q = tan-1 (Xm/(L/2))
= W6X15
A = 4.43 in2
Z = 10.80 in3
I = 29.10 in4
s = 32.00 in = 2.67 f
L = 132.00 in = 11.00 f

ws = 15.00 lbs/f = 5.63 psf

wd = 7.67 psf = 7.67 psf
wt = 13.30 psf

W = s x L x wt = 389.99 lbs
M = W/g = 1.010328 lbs-sec2/in

E = 29000000 psi
Fy = 50000 psi
DIF = 1.19
SIF = 1.10
Fdy = 65450.00 psi

g = 386 in/sec2

ma = 10
qa = 6 deg
peak pressure pso = 8 psi
duration td = 200 ms

Total blast load P = 33792 lbs on the beam

[ pso x L x w ]

KL = 0.64
KM = 0.5
KLM = 0.78

Me = 0.788056 lbs-sec2/in

Ke = 28179.31 lbs/in [ L3 used because W=w.L ]

Tn = 0.033227 sec = 33.22716 ms

on Mp=ZxFdy = 706860 lb-in

ru = 42840 lbs [ L used because W=w.L ]

Xe = 1.520264 in

td/Tn = 6.019173
ru/P = 1.267756

m = 2.2 Less than allowed Ductility Safe

Xm = 3.344581 in
q = 2.901009 deg Less than allowed Rotation Safe

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