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Unit 2 Test B Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

3 Complete the second sentence so it

Use of English: Grammar means the same as the first, using the
word given. Do not change the word
1 Complete the text with the correct past given. Use between two and five words.
simple, past perfect or past perfect 1 I had a break from my work at 10.30 for 15
continuous form. minutes.
After I’d had breakfast, I (1) __________ (drive) STOPPED
to work and arrived about 15 minutes early. I I _______________ at 10.30 for 15 minutes.
definitely (2) __________ (not look) forward to 2 I remember this test because we did it last year.
going to work that Tuesday because the boss had
asked me to see him at 9.30. This was unusual. He
(3) __________ (never ask) to see me in his office I _______________ this test last year.
before. I knew I (4) __________ (do) something 3 I like learning English more now than before.
wrong. I sat at my desk for ten minutes because I USE
knew he (5) __________ (like) punctuality and
I _______________ learning English as much
then I knocked on his door. Surprisingly, he smiled
as I do now.
when I went in. He obviously knew that I was
waiting for the right moment. 4 My dad forgot his books, so he came home.
/5 My dad came home _______________ his
5 After driving all day, my mum was very tired.
2 Find and correct the mistakes in the BEEN
sentences. There is one mistake in each
My mum was very tired because
sentence. Two sentences do not have a
_______________ all day.
1 I like revising for exams for at least a week /5

4 Complete the text with one word in each

2 Miss Jones used to teach at our school for five
I got my first part-time job when I was 16, and it
was the most boring job you can imagine. I was on
3 The boss is always increasing his workers’ the checkout at my local supermarket
salary in January. (1) __________ four hours every Saturday
morning. I used to get up at 7.30, and,
(2) __________ a quick breakfast, my dad would
4 Please don’t forget to buy a newspaper this give me a lift into town. Sometimes it was busy
evening. and (3) __________ time passed quickly but at
other times it was so slow! The manager was
always coming round (4) __________ check that
5 When he came home from work, my dad would we were being polite to the customers and not
always throw his briefcase on the kitchen table. taking time off. When I’d been there for about six
months, I left and got a job in a clothes shop. It
was much (5) __________ interesting.

/5 /5

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Use of English: Vocabulary

7 Choose the correct alternatives to
5 Complete the sentences with the correct complete the advertisement.
form of these verbs.
Have you resigned recently because you hated
look offer work apply do your last job? Or maybe you’ve been made
(1) ___? Apply for a job with Grant and Company
1 I think it’s a good idea for students to Ltd. and you could be (2) ___ a high salary within
__________ part-time during their holidays or months. We are looking for people who would like
at weekends. the (3) ___ of working for an excellent employer
2 I wouldn’t like to __________ shift work who can guarantee a secure full-time job for the
because you don’t get regular sleep. next two years with the opportunity for plenty of
3 Jack’s really happy because his dad’s company (4) ___. We also offer excellent working (5) ___.
__________ him a job in the summer. You don’t need many qualifications but you need
to be hard working and punctual. Check out the
4 I saw an interesting job advertised in the paper
positions on offer on our website and get more
and I think I’ll __________ for it.
information. Who knows, your dream job could be
5 If you’re __________ for a job, then try this one click away!
website. There are some good positions.
1 A retired B redundant C dismissed
D unemployed
/5 2 A finding B looking C earning D winning
3 A talent B experience C responsibility
6 Complete the sentences with the correct D money
particles. 4 A overtime B part-time C self-employed D
1 A couple of my friends set _____ their own
business a few years ago, and it’s doing well. 5 A situations B conditions C time D holidays
2 I usually deal _____ any complaints that
customers make.
3 I don’t like my job but I’m going to keep _____
it until the end of the summer.
4 I’m working _____ an assignment at the
moment, so I’m afraid I can’t come out just yet.
5 Sue applied for university last year, but they
turned her _____.


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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

8 Complete the text with words formed
from the words given. 9 Read the texts about different students’
plans for a career in writing. For
We are holding a careers advice day on Saturday questions 1–5 choose from the students
22nd March. If you’re still not sure what the best A–D. The students may be chosen more
job is for you, come along because there will (1) than once.
__________ (certain) be something to interest you
during the day. Several experts will be here to A Katy Parker
advise you on the benefits of specific job training People are always asking me what I’m going to
as opposed to going straight to university. And if do in the future and until now I haven’t really
you decide that university is for you, then they can known how to reply. It’s difficult to explain that I
help answer questions about (2) __________ think my future lies in writing. When I first
(accommodate) and which qualifications to go for. mentioned it to my parents, they didn’t laugh but
There will also be talks about different they acted as though it was something I would
professions; whether to work indoors or outdoors, grow out of, and they were confident that I’d get a
the importance of promotion in the career ladder ‘proper’ job eventually. But I’ve always been
and how to avoid jobs that are too (3) __________ serious about being a writer. I just love the English
(stress). There will inevitably be questions for language and I’ve been a keen reader since the age
them about the (4) __________ (difficult) of of five. I’ve done a lot of short stories and some
finding jobs in today’s economic recession. have been printed in magazines. What I’d really
However, whether you’re looking for a (5) like to do is write thrillers. I know that sounds
__________ (skill), academic or manual job, we crazy, and many people don’t think thrillers are
hope to provide some help on March 22nd. Do real books at all. But I love a good puzzle, so that’s
come along. what I say now. I’m going to be a thriller writer.
Then I wait to see the expressions on people’s
/5 faces.
B Giles Branson
My dad and my uncle were both journalists and
wrote for Sunday newspapers. We always had
people in the house who were connected to
newspapers and news, and I grew up with their
conversations in the background. It must have
rubbed off on me because I desperately want to
follow in dad’s footsteps and become a journalist
too. I don’t think I’d like to do exactly the same as
he did – he was a political journalist, because I’m
not that serious about politics but I’d like to travel
and maybe write reports from different places in
other countries. I can see myself writing about
environmental problems in Australia or the Sahara
or somewhere like that.
C Terry Barnes

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When you’re a kid you have no real idea of

what you’re going to be doing in the future. You
might have a dream of being a famous footballer
or actress or even a princess (that was my younger
sister’s strong belief!). But most people don’t Listening
really know the sort of person they’re going to be,
so how they can decide on a future career at a
young age is tricky. I went through secondary 10 You are going to hear part of a radio
school thinking I was going to be a vet, looking programme. Listen and decide if the
after animals, but then I discovered that I wasn’t statements are true (T) or false (F).
that keen on cutting up insects let alone operating
on dogs or horses! So, that idea didn’t work out. It 1 Both previous reality TV shows T/F
was only last summer, the summer before I left mentioned by the presenter were
secondary school, that I suddenly knew what I about children.
wanted to do and that was to become a writer. I’ve
2 In this current show, there were 14 T/F
always loved drama and I suddenly realised that I
children to start with.
was pretty good at writing dialogue. So, next term
I’m going to start a screen writing course. With 3 Each week, the teams’ aim was to T/F
luck, one day I’ll be writing the soaps and dramas make the most money.
you watch on TV!
D Sarah Turner 4 One of the challenges was to sell toys T/F
to other children at school.
We had a creative writing course at my
secondary school in our last year and I went on it 5 The speaker believes that the show is T/F
because I’ve liked writing for a long time. I always educational.
wrote diaries when I was younger and I also used
to write short, funny stories for the other kids in
my class to read, and that was at primary school!
But it soon became quite clear that I was not going
to be the next great English novelist. I’m just not
patient enough and I don’t think I’ve got the skill
to write complex books. But I am clever with
words, so I’m going to go into the advertising
world, writing adverts. What you need in that job
is to write things that are catchy but short and
funny. I think it’s just the right profession for me
because there will be lots of variety and I’ll be
working in a fast moving world. Somehow, I don’t
see myself being isolated, writing chapter after
chapter. That’s not really me at all. But I’m glad I
went on the course because it showed us all sorts
of jobs involving writing, which is why I’ve made
this decision.
1 Which person doesn’t intend to stay in one
place in his/her future job?
2 Which person believes that childhood
ambitions are not usually achieved?
3 Which person enjoys writing things that people
find humorous?
4 Which person believes his/her choice of career
surprises many people?
5 Which person will not be the first in his/her
family to have this sort of career?

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

11Write an opinion essay with this title:
Students are often encouraged to decide on a
future career when they are too young.

Do you agree? Write 180–250 words.




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