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WASHINGTON, DC 2 0 3 0 1 ~ t ~

Dear Mr. Bmtow:

This is in remnse to vow Julv 11. 2007, Freedom of Infomtion Act (FOIA) appeal.
You appealed the ipril13, i ~ 7wiihhoiding
, of information under FOIA exemplion @)(5) by
the Office of the Assistant Seem of Defense, Fublic Affairs in msponse to yow
April 28,2006, FOIA request.
'The attached documen&are the h m e n t s prcv~ouslypmnded to you in whch
mformation was withheld pursuant to exemption @)(5), All infomtion previously wthheld
under exemption @)(5) is now mleased. The remaining redacted infomtion in these
dcmment~and the &em provided tn you on April 13,2007, is exempt h m release p m m t
to 5 U.S.C. Â 552(b)(2) and @)(6). The withholding of this information is not considered a
denial since you specifically did not appeal the initial denial pursuant to exemptions @)(2)and
(b)(6). Therefore, this response is considered a grant of your appeal.


As stated
a IWWUI,Y rn
~y!~~m pu t~
SII UP 11 I -
~ S W w w
~ W I t~~ Q n
m 1 udaaae, bM I j u t mnmd b m* sumnm ua S W W m 8 lWe1
now ulk s b u l m d t h a WI l a s m W m
-1 thInkm?S w W U M -SS W k d wl hy Um MmmMldOm k k". WS an
ormraWml chainof CVmNmnd WJBanl m6i%how Iteibw s
'k W n g I o m k oul
WIma p m a r n m m s some d w masonrimy nadm blk a mom lumf.o r m q mbhl h w a
&me m m l n a dm wring that may h m mmmg IO d o w h this So IWU be mw h m W b
m m O U I ~ nmber, kcam. I am wu, mnfdant I m m te mmg

-ham on lta n m ~mt, sf mmbd W on Umk n m a l sobdub; limy

w m m t ~ ~ h t ~ ~ . A n w e m m a m ~ h ~ ~ W h n ~ m W
!mdm'3 h a ~ ~ ksrn
, ,M a d w . Thm mil d l 1 Is in munby and mmbem dlhi4 unR IWO
W lo Ute Unbd Slma pmmg the 1~~ hblhme a ~ l l m

-on the UWI m m m d h3.m~ h, what we b m done !d YOUhaw -tiY

d l m m m m b = h b W m a M a m T M W d w -wknw~,lhNwascamlUUy
a a b d b w i f p u madmwawfds, and IknuuGenend~m~bb I& M )h~ mad
~ m M s m ~ l i y , b b b k ~ , a n d ~ P k ~ m y ~ w b m w e m ~ m
h f l w n c e m mrw dm l n w l b a h . or hmemthe d l a a e h lhntsutordnammmndm

~ p u ~ l l k n ~ , ~ ~ ~ a ~ d ~ p ~ & w l l m w ~ m ~ m W
cnun m a w , M I Q ~ ,la- ehw- M u m u snwld nm
& make d & m as m m ~ m c
W end lbm w n b auhor&s.
0. That's great Key. i p m d a t g m a l One quick follow up Haw me lraqb qiiawked at at1about
bringingany of tti rOfUM7

-This !dl 11 have no Idea. I haven't heart

Q On that tiroquick Miow-up One Is torthow who have not-at lÈMIhawn't teen Bite
press r& by the commandant, ~ara,could you possibly have that sent out to -7 Ttafd be
Join: Y e l l . nbwiuW.
other thing too is those of you who read Tom Ricks's story this morning probably saw reference
t o m e Other hdance we nut out on this VBTV lutim again, to makasure that anvtodvwho-
anybody out t h k w t l o -'being &ppsd!adon !as& of Haditha k n w Çhçm out-of-
bounds Hneawere and why Ican get you some ofthat well
0:Thai'd be g r o t (inaudible) couple of Nspots. Secondquestion Is, what Jed j u t Èa The
Iraqis have announced that they am going to do their own InvesLQaHon. and mybe If too soon
to comment on that But will mere be any coorthattoibetween wtnt w ' m doing, NCiS in
particular, witfi thtt lraqa,ordo you guy8 aw thatas bahg lotelty out d bounds7
Don't know at t h r point We have not heard anything along thaw lines. Obviouslywe
have awn the commentscoming out ofthe Iraqigovernment but iihasn't translatedinto any
action at our point at Ihlajundum.

Q: This !& Bob Maglnn!~.Qutslon on press release mat cameout earner today, IINnk out of Iraq,
out of the Corps. Is this being typified as a training stand down? Or, I saw themmandanrs
messagea couple d a p ago. What exactly Is he doing In country? What am the massage* he's
sending? Can you go mw that again, just for clarification?
=sure. TW swarm things, obviously. Thecommandant tad a trip prevtomiyictad~ed ~i
which he was going to bevisiting Iraq. It was not a trip that was put b p l h r tor M s purptte, but
since he wasgoing, he wanted to talk to his Marines.
The in rigs t m he talked to me Marines about were the impoitanc* of wr core (CO(DÈ?
honor cou- ma commikirnt. talking aboul d m g ma ~# mmg
II Am. m a w the point tnd

circumstar& both in combat and out of combat -

the vast maionty of M a n m am doing Ur nghtth-ng day in. day out. unoçvery chalwiging

Wanted to gel me message to them that aven thoughthen has been a lot ofattention pad to this
toddeni and these allegetiomthat he believesthat most Marim- that thk is an atxrttion. that
moot Marinas am doing the right thing. He wanted to reinforcethat. But he also wanted to talk
about theimportanceof doing the rightthing, of having moralcouraga, of adhering to ourcore
(Cofpi?)value* w i n . Those an ¥omof the thims that he wanted to talk about H was not
Intendedto be a training In the way that this M N U announcement came out done separately by
GeneralChamliforwhatevar reasons.

but Idon't got the çensi f s i stand down m i much as making sum that commandersare
reinforcing (hose training aspects on soma type of schedule.
Afbilow upqusitm about this particular batellon 3-1. W o n t Ms their Mid lour and wre the
peopbwearetalking about m a r e w n g tnv& ware tw on theirthlnj lour with thh

their first tour at this time.


considered, you know, part oft& hkttgation.

Q: Thank you.

Q Don Sneppam l goi hii ça queÇl,o on redm the dhm day about- it hÈ b*mmWMd
r a t ~ 2 . 5 0 0paymwid ww mad* by me ~ w l n . corps m m e of the t e n n i ~involved, and it
w not tIn normal policy to pay repwoon* h the fiaid
i am not sum this Is "our area. but do vou know anything
. .about that?
-well n
l thii* om IhUg Is that we call d a m paymenband thwfmdone a loi h
Iraq. hey are done in other parf of theworid, as wen. And what they are to-and ~twyr a w
from things like when we have automobileacddmtÈwhen w damage property through either
operationaldamage or through other damage; you know, our big trucks run into buildingsona
w l e r basis, or run Into Iraqicare and weoffer then comptnsllton (or the dmmage that they
suffered. And inthis case. there- somese~aliapa~enisdone to thefamiliea-or paid t o w
famllea. and Iwould not classifyIt as being unusual.

Q: This is ~ e f Mccausland
f again. Can you guys comment at am about this one young Marine, I
think te is sBI on active auly out In CçlltoiTil appmnlly InMIroleooj a h n d l of
pholograpne. i is mother has been on TV. H; claims hewas part of the quote unquote dean-up
this Hadlthathing. Have you got any comment on that a8 well?
-1he Marine in question did do an Interviewwith the LM Angem Tim- He nà lnoÃ
top@ doing interviews, from what I underxmnd. of his own voiiim noboay told him - W i n .
nhrÑlunderehndnobodytoldhhnott B ~ ) h b m o t r r a m r y i n g I M c a w S h e h ~ o o m
a numberof intervow Again hm focus has M<fi mora on the PTSD iwue and the hestalked
somowhiabout what h i son t d d her he saw and upnmced

-He's also been accused of a variety of Crimes In the localcommunitythere, which 1s

reported h that article from the LA Timas. Idon? think we've seen anything official or unofficial
about his claims of PTSD and whether he's being treated and stuff In (and?)that. We ham not
Q: ~ o Maginnis
b a0ai.n. The m n m e t today, a lewl awoke to tBughler. Very delated. Were
these two reporters on thÃground, orare they basingwhat they aresaying In here on second and
tertiary sources?
think that it mentioned that they wouldn't revealthe name ofthe reporterfor wcunty rewonÈone
who may toe gone Into HdBha toconductthe Imnriaws, but abo believe that they conducted
interviews with individuate so various levels of courting Interms of peoplewho may have seen
m e t happened may have been Involved or may have heard from others -so It could have been
second-or thlrd-hand Inlamation. Ididn'ioet the Indicationthat the reportera were therewhen
any of this top&. but than went back atteiwards to talk to the towmpooplb Doaa thd-dona
that help at ali?
Q: Yeah, it i> littad with quotas that am vwy incendiary, w Iam just curious u to the sourcing,
w ifthat's what you have. that's what you have.
a. Jed Babbln again, guys. In twms of the Congress,we're hearing that Senator Wamermight
want to have hearings orsomething,Imean, what requlrementoor m a t requestsarethese
helpfulfolks towing on you (hosedays?

a: Ins' precisely Ole Kind of helpyou really don't need.

-From the legal standpoint, Iwould torn foreverybodyto keep their mouth* shut so
we can get the Investigationsdone so people will keep talking to us. so we can get all the
evidence wthwd without havingany lalnb and people running and hidingwith inlamation when
they find out you know their name is going to be plastered a l over the media and gat that all
concluded&wecould'~~~~~ed lnanord^bfhtanwnoutthe helpful peopkfroin other
So the Congress that will be problematic,Ã you can imagine. And just go back to the Prior
Nstory- you know, the last, I don?-go back 30 yeare, 26 years, 20 yea? think of all the
problems when they wanted to have 011ie ~orthbefore the criminal Investigationwasdone, and
how that impacted the ability to PTOBOIM and defend, at Mtera
Q: Thanks

one i i too MI am sum you a n warn. me

noto on the w n ~ r ~ i mpiece,
commandam dm go over to the Hill. ¥gu not on speak mqwd. but h order to kÑ the
ludemhlpapprlwd of what -going on h 01- cw md h e Iwislative dlrKtorfollowed him
m dta m a bn&g aswell
Don't know the answer to that one. That may be something that comes out h theCCUrÈ
oftheiiivaatfaatton butIdonotknow.1wagthereathetbneIntermsof-InIraq-wtett,hoW
hmiligence you know verified that the te(^n figm ~nflu- -influence Ishould- the
numbers offoreign f&rs In western Iraq was pretty man. Obviously Ihoy had a big Influent*.
But moat of the guys we were fighting in westernIraq werelocal Sum1insurgents.

Q: Okay.
Jones:All right-men, any other questions?
Q: Yeah, Ijust sent that m o i l to you David. Could you just read that over end make sure if
do, sir.
Q: Tam are you going totoltow up with the Coma to find out If tnoysent out aonwthing on a
training stand down, because Iam confuwd by what Is on the web page.
Jones:Yeah. no. we'll get that to you.
rtfease. and may j u t W u d about a training, commandera i m m i n i n g

Q: They even said one report Igot (iniudlbto -that It?) would be conductad overthe 31

Voice (7): Right, h f s what Iuyi h hm.

a: Tare, anything you can get on that, I've got to go on two Nprograms here, that would be
am,as well as that press release by the cammendantof the MarineCorps.
Jones: sum

&am, wedo not want to put In* commandantha pawn b w d m . you Know. the moda's
desire to get him to talk thars going to pollute thesystem So, wnib he is obviously concwwd.
ne luw auious concerns witti m e n ¥Jwntlonihà is not in a mUon to ¥dorNtMm whib then
ire ongoing hmtigitloni. Sir?

1 1 would just reinforce,you know. the ftoment that he has madam Marinevirtueis
the kind ofstatement m a you w i d expect the senior Marine, our leader, to talk alxd*
Marineswhen there's Investigationspending, to talk about how we expect each of u3 to behaw,
and at what level to behave,end how we can comport oureelve* to comply with our honor,
courage and commitmentAnd that's the kind of thing* he mads to go out and reinforce.
Taking to s p à § c t to all of the Marines h h e M m tXqa d w n ' t d o any good. T h fà not what
He needs lo minfmu He mote to relnfonx the bnk virtu* Sottuft what he b going whm he
goesout he It BIkhg to hit Madnet a b u t to#we expect Marine! lo behave, wtielher It b on
Italy,on duty, on the battlefield or oft tte baltlegeld

Q: Could you say again the exact title of ARIM investigatbn, what do you call it in the Marine
wail. m the Manna Corps terms we'd c* In ikà a JAG m i l d invfttamlbn ~ n mda
y ~ ; * y " ~ y ~ ~ ; y ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ , ~ ~ w m
tof~ndout why iheirsupply v/mm 1s b m g g ~ rtofino. OJt why Deoptoareoettjngh trouble in
not accurate, and also was the level d training oftha Marine* hvolved prtof K) ma w r i t
l.ifficonl? And moM am ~MrtcMratd n8dmInktrthn h w W u i 8 . /Via Ihti<tiny Mnd UÃ
crimhal lnvetkruon criminal mitere tit (hav think u.f. then mw on lum it o w to NCIS.
or the commander can take sorneadminbtrathn'and disciplinaryaction based up on mat

for however bng it g k on.

Jones: Yeah, Iam happy to dothat All right gentlemen, thanks again for joining us,and Iwil
lend-and Iwill be sendingout MufIthhafternoon Kmp us polled for d l a mal you do on mb.
Q: Yeah. 11beon O'ReW tonight Tin.
a:CNN In UÃ morning, Tam
Jones: Okay. great
Q: Thank* very much guys.
Jone~:Lot us know if wecan do anything etoe for you.

Q: Bye.

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