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Experiment no-1

Aim: Literature study of AOA.

System proposed in the paper
This paper explain the concept backtracking which is nothing but the modified process
of the brute force approach. Where the technique systematically searches for a solution to a
problem among all available options. It does so by assuming that the solutions are represented by
vectors (v1, ..., in) of values and by traversing through the domains of the vectors until the solutions
is found.
The Algorithmic Approach – Backtracking systematically try and search possibilities
to find the solution. Also it is an important process for solving constraint satisfaction problem like
crossword, Sudoku and many other puzzles. It can be more continent technique for parsing other
combinatorial optimization problem. – Basically the process is used when the problem has a
number of option and just one solution have to be selected. After having a new option set means
recursion, the procedure is repeated over and over until final stage.

Paper 2:
System proposed in paper
Paper 3:
System proposed in the paper

Analaysis table:
Title Summary Advantages Disadvantages Open
Paper 1: Best option Backtracking new
for solving Approach is not possibility will
tactical efficient for solving be to use
strategic Problem.
problem. another
It is simple Need Large amount such as MPI
and easy to of memory space (Message
implement for storing different Parsing
code. state function in the Interface), for
stack for big the
Data are implementatio
stored in ns because in
stack so it – Thrashing is one this medium,
can be of the main problem with multiple
usable of Backtracking. processors
anytime. the results
will look
Paper 2:

Paper 3:


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