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prol.essional Regulatio,.,
, iornn.,irrion


Board Examinarion
Saturday. August 14, ,201 0
. 1:C0 p.m. _ 5:00 p.m.

lNsrRucrlo*.ffiffi each or irre fouowr".s,lr:ti*s-

ffffi,lffifor gl4leneins,er for
sr* et p,o"{ded. ai* i a n} rJ ffiT,relTt"m:u** l

1. 'l-he'tead h a had nenc$js

- A bons blacr( eranhite and day C. bad oxkJe
Q, D. lead perorile
2- Horypany arams are representeij in
2.50 mor of ti2.c?
b4s.0 8.21.7 c.43.e D.32.7
3. The
ternp.,r,rru of p body k.-T-o*g F..FinC
A 14r.6 : ils-
$cperat.rre in deg C.
Fiffi:* D, 32.4
bar is loaded in tensi'ro uv
*EI-#[L:,ffi: "
ro.r. or 12 kips. Derermine rho normar
A 5.5 8.6 c.2.6

' t 36:rffi#;ffi{C'#ffi,'il'ffiffii;"
4280ft. "8.362ft
15 mph
":3:bve, roa<r by a rorce or
6 strair for
",,I,3:;,jx; " "!]"onu
in rensth *** ", i;iT
ffiffi ,lY;iiil*# : i.X'
A 9.8 B. fi.z d*:;:.
n .o ,
*on,he sauge

.what is the rotationat

A* 1'tr2srug-sq'
inertia of,a 50*tb
fr' cy,*d#* whose .,r,n"";]11u,",
"G"q- ft
e' o'za
g. Octal equiv-alent of 73.75 base
r,*-o-terstug-sq. ft- o- o.ssir,r9-s,q. fi-
. A 14s.s 10.
B. ns.i -\
€/rr.o D. io2.s
1 0A loGksJilffir
#rWry ffiH,ffirf ;*'-j,ffi gtr warer ro

phasc slistem ha"ins lso
A of etectuic dts€r,arsc Eshii,rs
A 4o)A i:. a. iCoe .-

"r* ^
-i'ver' L
fixture, convenlonce
A gooseneck
bend B. saddle beM
-' -.o'.*.,v
C. corner b€no \D. offset bend
13. A copper column of annular
crosg section has an
er.,ter dlamt
fl{,{jrl,tr*"' anowa;b ;;;."'"i,"'.t?",, t"i'6il?ri#t;:ffi:,'H":drfl":lTfji
A. 3 ft B. 3.52 R -_ c. 4.59.ft
3. 5.83 ft
14. Give the formula for sodium
_A. Na2O E. NaO C. irJaOr D. NazOz
I.t[,rGl S'IERED ELECTRICAL ENGt t\tEERS Board Examination
li;rtrrrday, August 14, 2010 1:00 p.m. -- 5.00 p rn

!,.'*gl_N.j; E&r]{Q_Eli!_q hrq EslNs A!uEQ r rrgJrc:La

lii'A prr:jectile is launched uprward lrorn level ground at an angle
of 60 deg with the horizontal, lt lras
an initiat velocity of 45 m/s. How long will it take,Lrefore $re projectile hits"the ground?
A" 4.1 s B. 5_B s C-\ r; D. 9.Sj s
l6' A container ship has a horizontalcross-sectional area of 3C00 sq, m, at the
centee.line. when par,y
filled, the draft of 9.2 m is reac:h. upon removal of tlre load irre ship
rises g.o m what is the
-.;'rPPreximate weight of the ship? l\ssume salt water weigtnt density of f O 1flrc" *.
A. 5000 B. 4000 C. 3000 D,}OOO
17. Prefix 10^-r5 is
A. pico B. atto C. nano
@. femto
18. whgt is the demand branch circuit for 4 kw cooktop and two 5 kw
A. 7.2 kW B. 8.0 kW C. g.0 k\/V D. B.B kW
ll). Mediurn voltage cable insulations is ratecj for
4.600 B. 1000 -U r30volts or higher. D. 2001
20' A1 atom of be;yllium consists of 4 prctons, 5 neutrons, and
4 eleictrons. The mass rrumber of this
atom is )
A. 13 c.8 D.5
21. A capillary tube of intemal radius 0.25 mrn is dipped into water of surface tension 72
. .:.llow,frigh does the water rise in the tube? dyneslcnr.
A. 0.38 cm B. 4.66 cnr C. 8.22 cm D. 5.88 crn
22' The annual amount.of a series of payments to be made
ai the end of each of the next twelve vears>
is P 5000' what is the pregent worth of the payrnent ,lE
interest compound ;;;;;,tyi-"rYE 'YEdr
,4,. p 50,000 q)p 37,680 c. p 61;000
d. p o+,eoo
23' when oxygen combines w1$ an r:lement to form a compound,
the resulting compound is called
A" a salt B_,)an oxicJe
C. cxiciation
D. an oxalate
24.A 100" long aluminum bar is s;ubjected to a tensire stress of 25,000
(E = 10 x 10 raised to 6 ps[
psi. Find the elongation.
A_ 0.025 in (_l)o.zs in C. 0_45 in D. 0.65 in
25' A very large conducling plate has a ct.arge tlensity.<lf 0.01 coul./sq. m- what is the energy
den-sity (in megajoulevcu. m.) of the lurface
field procuce? uylnistnarge
A;s.56 s.06 - - -'-'o.
a. v- distribution?
Asteel wire 10 m. long hanging vertically supports a tensile
load of 2000 N. Neglecting the weight of
the wire, determine the requiretj diamlter'ir tne stress is
not to r.'xceed 140 lvlpa and the totat
elongation is not to exceed 5 rnm. Assume e ZeS Gpa.
A.4.26 mm , B. 5.05 mm g 4.62 mm D. S.50 mm
27' How much ehou-id a 75-W lamp be lowore'J to doubls
the iiluminailon on an obJect whlch is 7s crn
. directlyr. it?
u''Lx *-vt.r.97 cm __
(fi3.03 cm c. 24.92 cm D. 50.08 cm
28' The speed wiih which a liquicl eslapes from a vesQel
through an orifice is given by
A. Archirnedes principre f)aernouili,s Theorem
B. Torricelti's Theorem I
ftow equation
::i,iiiurday, August 14, 2A1O 1:00 - 5:00 p.rn


?'$",4' man q-ays P 15,C00 annually starling at the end of the 5th year until at the encj of
the 1Oth year,
5:r 2rC,000 annually at the end of the 11th;ear until at the end of the p 35,000
156 year, ancl
annually for the succeeding 5 years. With 10% interest, wlrat annuity should he pay lorZ0 yeais to
scttle that amount equally?
A. p 16,bs0.26 B" p 10,625.24 c. p 14,208.2s G, ,2,40s.23
3$"-At what angle, in degrees, should a roaci be slantecl to prevent an automoblle
'fhe traveling at 25 m/s
li'';irn tending to slip? radius of curvature is 200 rn.
A.22 B.2O c. 18 n:,/ 9116
31. A mass of 5 slugs and one_of 7_l<g are combined. Express the total rrass in slugs.
A. 5.48 B. 4.sE c.6.42 D. 4.62
3?. Whic[r one of the following laws deals with mixture of gases?
A. Charte's Law B..Boyle,s Law C. Joule's Law D. Dalton's Law
33, A wheel acceterates from rest with o = 6 rad/sec squared. How many revolutions
q sec? are experienced in

\- z'
B. 9.82 c.
!r' 12.36
|4'Jv D. zJ'o
L'' 25.6
34. An old-fashioned water clock consists.of a circular cylinrJer 10 cnr in diameter and
25 cm high with a
vertical capillaw tube 4o cm'in l,ength and C:5 mri in diarnbter attachsd to the
bottom. Theiiscosity
of water is 0.01 poise. Wnat is the distance berween hour divisions at the top
of the vessel and at
the bottom of the vesel?
A. 1.12 cm/hr, 0.69 cm/trr C.2.12 cm/hr, 0.78 cm/hr
B. 1.20 cm/hr,0.58 crnlhr D.2.2A cm/hr, 0.92 cm/hr
t (aL' .'
35. Conver-t'101101.11 base
l.$o;ts base 10 equivalent.
A.42.25 (945.75 c. 48.68 D.52.3
36" How much pressure is needed to raise water torty top of the building, which is 1250 ft high?
A. 562 lusq. in.
B. 426 lb/sq. in. ig uz tb/sq. in. -'o.
eoz tvsq. in.
37. A horizont:rl force-P acts on top of the.30 kg block haviltg a width
of 25 cm and a height of 50 cm. tf
the coefficient of friction between the blocliand the ptan-e is 0.33, what is the vatue
of p for motion
to impend?
A. 7"5 kg B. S.3 kg C. 6.6 ks ,Wrt
ojs.z rq
38" A 200 ton kain is accelerated from rest to a velocity of ito miles per hour on a level track. How much
useful work was done?
A. \2,A24,U5 ft{b
8.t113,922,217 ft-tb
C. 11,038,738 ft_lb D. 10,287.g46 ft_tb
39. The ability of the surface o[ material to reflect right is ca]lled:
A. creep B..lustre C. fatigue D. crystal
\^/hat minirnum diameter of piper is necessary tc carry 0.500 lb/sec of air
"40. with a maximum veiocity of
18.5 fusec'? Tha air is at B0 deg F snd under an3ppotut,e pressure of 34.0 psl.
A. 4.80 tn B. 9.80 tn fci, tn o. o.zo rn

41" lf 20o cc-: o,f il gas weighs g 16J g at s..T.p-,' v/hqi.{s its rnotecuefr,,reight?
A. 10 B.20
o. /.v F\an .,. D.40
42.A Carnot nefrigerator absorbs 600 BTU at l.lre low-temperature, and delivers 1000 BTU to
higir{enrpr:rerture, reservoir. Find its coefficient of perfor-rnance. .1
A. 1.20 B. 1.30 c. i 40 (o)r so
' ;i r il'j'[:Rf; D ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS Board Examination
,::;,ii :ltj!,, August 14, 2010 1:00 p.rn. - 5:00 p.m

:'t +::,.j.l HS 481 NG SCI E!{C ES AND ALl,-l E:D SU BJ ECTS

t l1r-r
!qnsity of zinc is 455 lb/cu. ft. Frnd the mass in grams of 9.00 cc. of zinc.
r". S5.6 B. 56.5 C. 46.5 D. 85.6
')+..i.'l-he nrolality of a solutionof ethyl alcohol. CzHsOH, in water is 1-54 moUkg. How many grams of

A. 192 r B. 1BB ,/C'..rt7l D. 162

'rlj.Il<:ltr much centripetalforce is needed to keep a 160-lb moving in a circie 20 ft in raclius at a velocity
,rr lrrii/s?
A. 20 tb / B.Eslb c. 30 tb D.40 tb
,1ii,A'srnall boy purnps up his bicycl,a tires on a day wherr the temperdture
is 300 K. Find the
iernperature of the air in the bicycle pump if the tira pressures are to be 24.5lb/sq. in. and the air in
thr: pr.:mp is assumed to be compressed adiabatically. For air, k = 1.40.
A. 74.1 deg C B. 82.1 deg C C. $4.2 degrC, D. 54.8 deg C
tl, trvhat is the maximum deflection. in cm, of a simply supported, 6 m long steel beam with a
5 cm x 5 cm cross-section if it has a 2000 N lcad at.the nridpoint?
A. 6.35 8.7.A2. c.7.63 D. 8.23
48' l\pipe canying oil of specific gravity 0.877 changes in size from 6" at Secilon E to 1lB" at Section
Section E is 12 ft lower than R ard the pressures are 1'3"2 psi and B.7S psi respectively. lf th;
discharge is 5.17 cfs, d*qrine the lost head and the direction of flow.
A.12.4 ft, Ei to R 'rq}rro.4 ft. E to R c. 12.4 ft, rr to E D..10.4 ft, R ro E
49' A turbirte-receives '150 lbm/sec of air at 63 psia and 245{) deg R and expands it polytropically
14-7€>ia. The exponent n ls equalto 1.45 forthe process. DetermineJhe power.
{. 36,58a hp
B. 39,428 hp
c. 3z,agz lrp
O.}O,ZOa np (
50" An automobile of mass 50 slugs is' t6v*1inn at 30 fl/sec. The driver applies the brakes in such a
uray that the velocity decreases to zero according to ther relation v vo k (t
= - squarcd), where
Vo = 30 fUsec, k = 0.30 fUctt..Eec, ancl t is the time in seconds after
the Uraies are applied. FinA tn"
r:)ijrrllant force decelerating the automobile, s seqafter the brakes are appliec.
A. --120 tb B. _:.140 tb c) _1 50 lb D. _190 tb

li.:h.rrday, Augr:st 14, 2010 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m

i . ll !.it ilI q8lNq JclExgEgrA N p a L Lt r: D s u B J ECrs

4:). of zinc is 455 lb/cu. ft. Frnd the mass in grams of 9.00 cc. of zinc.
9s.6 B. 56.5 c. 46 5 D. 85.6
14'The molality of a qolutio,n_o{ ethyt alcohol, C2HsoH, in water is 1.S4 lnol/kg. How
many grams of

.. A. 192 r B. 1BB :.c)1177 D. 162

4ij' ilow much centripetal for,ce is needed to keep a 160-lb movirrg in a circle 20 ft in
radius at a velocity
,rf lr) fUs?
/r" 20 tb ( B.ys tb c. 30 tb D.40 tb
1\ um*ill boy pumpi up .his. bicycle tires on a day r,vhen the tenrperature is s00 K. Find the
tirtnperature of the the bicycle purnp if the tira pressurcs are
to be 24.5!b/sq. in. and the air in
the pump is assumed to be comprer;sed adiabati<;aily. ror air, k
= 1.40.
A" 74.1 deg c' B- 82.1 deg c c. 64.2 deg G D. g.B deg c
ti'\llltat is the maxiniun defleciion, it-_"n.of a simply supported, "' --'.'
6m long steel beam with a
{i cri:r x 5 cm cross-secilon rf rt has a 2o0o N lead at.tne
miopoin0 '.
A. 6.35 B .7.O2 c. 7.63 D. 8.23
48' A pipe €rrylng oil oj snecific gEvtty 0.877 changes in size frorn 6., at section E to 1g,,
$*cdion E is 12 fl lower than R airo tne presslres are 1t3.2 psi anJ at seclion R-
pui respectively. lf the
disehargo is s.17 cfs, dgep{ine the lost head and the direction
of flow.
A. 12.4fl, Ero R
"grro.nft, EtoR c.12.4 ft. Rto E< ft, Rto E
49'A turtrine-receives 150 lbm/sec of air at 63 psia and 2450 deg
R and expands polytropically to
14.75!ia. The exponent nls equal to 1.45 for the process. r)etermineJbe power. it
{. 36.584 hp
B. 3e,428 hp
c.37.4s2 G}u,iie np h,D
50' An autnmobile of mass 50 shJgs is traveling at 30 fusec.
The drive, ipptie" the brakes in such a
way that the velocity decreases to zero aCcording to.the
vo = 30 fvs'ec, k = 0-30 fUctt. 'sec, and t is the time
relalion ,j :
y, k (t squared), where
in seconds aner tne uraies are applied. Find the
resultant force decelerating the a uto mobite, s seqaft er
t? ., . th; i;;k.;;-ril,'il
A, - 120 B. _:140 tb c) _r so :r, _190 D. tb
. t*ENDr*r
Ae"noN. BE A GRoi*'.-' r"-:.,. D!sctp[-!NAR'
illi{i srE
I RED E LEC-rR lcAL ENG I NEE lls P re-Board Exan rination
lirrr:r;lay, August 15, 2010 8:00 a.m. *12_:00 n.n.

i;i.r,;{X&9SLE[$!t e E ru u e p.Jto r ES s o t

1i,I$TRUCTION: Select the conect answer for each of the fcllowing questions. itark g!!y-e,g
for each item by shading-!l1e box c.orrespcnding to the retteibflyfur;oic
answer sheet providerj. STRICTLY No ERA:}URE$ ALLoWED.
only. ':.. G--p.;ilIll1'o,";
...;i.:!, ..

1, Find the resistance of 50 m of tungsten (p = 5.5 x 10{ C-m) wird having a diameter,of
O.B mm at 20
tiegree centigrade.
A" 4"38 r} @s.+z o c.4.s2 0 D. 5.s1 O
2' A 15 HP. 230 o 1B-0^C rpm shunt mc,tor has an efficiency oi 90% at fullJoad. The rr:sistance of the
fi*ld is 440 ohrns. What is the ftrll-load armature current?
A. 54.75 A' B. 51j26 A c. {i3.54 A D. 56.02 A
3. A three-phase w)/e-connecled wound rotor synch:'Jnous g:nerator rated at 10 kvA. 230
v has
synchronous reattance of 1.2 ohms pe- phaie an.J armaiure resistance
VWtat is the power factor such that the voltage rggrulaiion at rutftoao
- 0.S, ohrn per pnase.

A" 0.837 leading B. 0.894 terading -

is zerj?
igh.eOg tearcting D. 0.BIT teading
4" The primary function of a fuse is to .

4 open the circuit

C. protect tlre line
$ ! elxr.essive currents
. D. protect tlre appliance
5. Three inductan,ces L, = 20.2 mH, L2 = 20.g mH and L: 40.0 rnH are connected
= in parallel. Find the
mH ^ *n
A 160 ($a c. o.Bo mH D. Bo mH
6. A balanced three-phase source serves three loads;
Load 'l': 24'kW, 0.6 lagging p.f.
Load 2 : 10 kW. unity p.f.
. Load 3 : 14 kVA, 0.g leading p.f-
lf the line-voltage of the load is 209 v rms at 60 Hz, find the
4143A B. 13eA c.
line cuner!_
141 A
7' fui equal number of electrons is placed on two metal s;;heres 3.0 cm apart
ln air. l-low many
" electrons are on, each sphere if the iesuttant force is < [Ni
A.1.47 x 1011 erectrons d; 10r{ erectrons'
B. 1.33 x 101i etectrons tiitn;iil;;; O. t.+O x
8' A typg of electronics communication in $/hich only one party,transnrits,at a time.
A Fullduplex B. Hatf duptex C. Aic.;m ' --'"-"'&;i,ilj;_
9' A series circuit consists of lhree reslstors R!, R" and Rs wlrlch
are connected to a 24a vsource. lf
the.voltage_drop across Rr is 60 \,when $ie iunenti-e
resistance FL?
e and R2: i.aRr, wtrat is the ohnric
A1s 1
@e c.27 D.28
1Q. The parameters for a parallel RLC: circuit are 1 ohm, VZ H, and
damping exhlbit by tho clrouit.
Jl2 F. Detemrine the type of
A normally damped B. under clamped $ouer danrped D. crltlcally damped
1 1' A 240 v shunt rnotor delivers 30 HP
at the shaft at 1 ,120 rpm. lf the motor has ah efficiency of
at this load, calculate the tqlal input power. 85%
A.2s.7 kw 1po i rw @zo.s rw
D. 2s.1 kw
12' eonsider a system with sequence impedances
of Z(+) jo.zszr p.u., z(-) = j0.20gs p.u. and
Z(o; = j0' 14 p'u., determine the fault current at phase A for =
single line to ground fault at A.
A. -j6.4 p.u. B. -is p u '
C. j1r j.u"
D, j5 p.u.
$unrJay. August 15, 2010
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 n.n.
.i*f;$IBlEAt EIgIIIEBlllclgoFEsistoN{L suBJECrs
'!3" T&r,e ccmn:only used light
$ensor in ar nEorjerrr fax machine !g
-@Photo ttibe i^
'-' ,-h,rm*
cnarge cocJDte devlee
!,8. pr.:oto tr-ansrsicL . D, iiqlu[c cirystal, dis5ela5r
"t4' A' her'"metie rfiotor
cornpressor has
a rated load current ef 60 A- wirlat is tr:e e[lorvahle a.afing
'5i-arreh cireuit cverfo*d protectior.t ci the
of al fuse*?
1c;.+ -8. 140 A *C, XOC:i D. ESA
15' uetarmine the kvA rating of each :tr11qf.oyer.
in an open
phase load of M;gs kVA ;t 230 v and g0% tagging p.f.
-- derta bank serving -
"l a Salanced three,
A. 40 B. so -:$n.sD. 30
1s' $uppose that you wish to fabricate ;a uniforrn wire
out of 1.00 g of copper- tf the wlro ls to havo a
reslstance of .0'50 ohm, atnd lt all the rcpper is to be used,
whlt^wrlr 6i thadiameter
el of this wire?
Resistivity of.copper is 1.70 x 10{ o-m. Mass
A' 270 mtrcrometers B. 260 micrometers c. ziro
riCriii"tlri'"$zeo rnicrometers
I /- li/lrat is the device function number,f an ac circurt breakef?
' A.48 8.50
1B' Four 3*c charges are at the comers oj
c.46 6sz
I m side
Equare are positive' The two cfiarge:; on the right
square. The hvo charges on thb left eide of the
ere negativo. vllhai ls the field E(mv/m) at the
rcnter of e.he square wherr Cr = i?
A. 102 B. 120 c- 153 D.204
is. tvlftich of the followlng
cannot have arsingre unii of 100 inw?
A. Hydro power plant qOiesel power ptant
B Steam power plant O]ruucleai power plant
20. Evaluate aj + p2.
A -1.366 + j1.366 B. 1.366 _j1.366 j1.366 D. 1.s66 + j1.366
O-1.366 -
21' Thereat:9T"ff:T:9l:1{'^?:3 pF and cs = 4 xrF. How w*t you connect
the capacitors
to have- an-equivalent capacitance' ot' Z_
if t
J,."q- Cr, Ce and Cs all in parallel
",$,9 and_Cz in series then in parallel tb C,r
{y9, TC paralletthen in series ro Ci
P. Cr, C2 and Cr allin series
2?. y/fig.!: the full-toad efficienry of a power transf<,rme4
@p.BB B. c"
:le' Two generatorc GSand Gz are rated t5 MvA".
Z equais 0.I€1, t1
kv, respectively. The generatori anr connected to a transformer kv;; to;,
Z equafs 0.10, 11
of 1s MVA,, 11 per 66 kv and 6
tri|[:t:frf$Tf,,ffiffH:"*. rautt cunent in pe'un['ir,;;;'*$#t o"** iltdhis;
A 12.5 B. 8.33 c. 1s.s o.14.2
?4"A linoar machine has a magnetic flux density of 0"5
directecr into a page, a reslstance pf 0.2s ohm,
a bar length of 1'0.f 8ry I voltag'e ,t ioo v- rr the bar i"hloeo
oppositp to the direclion of rnotion, a foroe of 25 N
what is t[u *ry"i"nry r"v "'ssr'l';.
ttru machine under "nth
the circumstances?
4.82.S% B. B7.s% C. AS.SV,"i #:%
25. A/An :
relay that operates or pick-up whe* its current
exceeds a pledetermined
- {. direotiorral
.iByover cunent 33lffiilll![u'****
August 15, 2010
Su*',rclay. B:00 a.m. -'12:00 n.n.


?6. An ABC sequence set of v. oltages feerds a batanced three-phase, \rvye-wye system. The line and the
load impedan@s are 1 + il
O and 16 + j10 ohms. respecti'vely. lf the ioadvoltage on phase A is
V* = 1'10 v rms wttlt 30 dgrees angle, determine the tine volltage of the input.for phases A and C.
A.i121.0vmrs (8. 10s +i60.5vmrs c,-10s+J60.svrms D.-1z1.ovrms
a'l are auxillary transfomrers used for nretering or operation of auxillary equipment
and relays.
A dry transformers 1g) ctLnent tnlnsformers
B. oil immensed transformers D. station service transformers
2i). l\ gain of 106 tirnes in power is expressed by,
A. 30 dE '
E. 1200 dB C. 120 drl iJ)oc ce
j -".

:29, A 200-kVA irans!'rnner has an iron toss of 1 kW and full-load copper loss of 2 kW. Calculate its
percent load at riiaxinrum efficiency.
A. 86 8. 81 c!.76 Gn
'30..A generating station-supplies.peak loads of 12,000 kW,9,OOO kW, and 6;000 klAr. Catculate the
rnaximum ddmand of the station and the eneryy it supjtiei; in a year tf rc'Oiversity factor
respee{ivelv. ,
average annual load factor ls 1.2 and 0.7. -i'92:.soo "nO

" 4 A 32.400 lilv, 19!r976.s00

' t$vl-{R t<!v, i37,970,000 t$/HR
B. 32,400 klru, 8,279,200I$VHR D.22,SOO fiilV, S,ZiA,Z50 I$VHR
31. An ele;tric kettle rras marked 500-w, 23Gv and was found to take 15 minutes
to bring 1 kg of water
r 3t 15 "C to tlte boiling pclic! Determhre the heat efficienry cf the ketle.
, !. A.77o/o . . Bi B1olo C- 79% D . g3o/o
,e;"' ' 32.'l&ftat is the frequency of an altemating cunent. if it reaches g0" withinA.167 rns?
/ .. 4.25 tlz B. so Hz c.40 Hz
(.9)oo Hz
33. The capacitana: bgtween any two cdnductors of a three-philse, three-conductor
cable is 2 pF. The
cable operates at 11 kV line voltage and 50 HZ. What is tihe charginQ cunent through
the cable
1'A. 6.91 A B. 4 A c. 2.31 A D. 7.98 A
t ', 34. The per unil reactdnces of a synchronous generator arb Xo
= 1.0, &n = 0.35, and )Q,, = 0.2S. The
generator supplies a 1.0 per unlt load at 0.8 power-faclor lagging. Cilculate
tire voltage behind the
transient reactance. t
' C. 1.17 pu
A l.7e pu B. 1:24 pu . . pu
3$. An electricat outlet constructed so tlrat moisture will not enter the enclosum ls classffied as being
A wattirproof ' B. nainpnoc,f . C. uatertight. ..DTeatherproof
3$.ln E 2*VA, 2,3001230,. 1O transformer the inon arid full-toad copper losses are respee*ivbly
-- 3S0
. aM 400 w. Calcutate the efficienry at hatf load g,R p.f. lagging. i
A ss.7% B.9 .T% .- ./
D. e6.zo/o
3f- The synchronous p3$a1q per p-hase of a 3<D, wyffionnected 6,600 v synchronous motor is 20 o.
For a certain load, the inpi-rt is 91ti kW at nonnat voltage ahd the indirced tine emf ls g,gaZ v.
Negleciing resistance, what is the motor line cr.rnent?
4.97A B.80A C.87A D.9CA
38' An 8-pole altemator runs at 750 rpm and supplies power to a 6-pole induction motor which has at a slip of 3%. what is the full-load speed of the induction rnotor?
A.)1,164 rpm B. 1,128 rgrm C.970 rpm D. 940 rpm
i]9, Firrd the turn ratio of a transformer to match a 20 e load to a 72,0rJ0 o load.
}\. I.O '8.6:,1 clpo: t 'D. 1 :60
August 1li, 2010
B:00 a.m- -- 12:00 n.n.

40' trtfhat is the rninimum vatue of the capacitor needed to

obtain resonance with r 300 pH coit tr:
frequencies between SOg.ctd 1.sOCl kHZ?
A.37.6 pF B\sz.o nF
c. 83.9 pF
D. 33.e pF
41'A completely transpos$ 60.H2 three-phase tine hasJlat
horizontal phase spacing.with 10 m
between adJacent conduciors. fne conductcrs ,r" .:,SSO,,)CO
cmil eCSH witn S4l3 str;anijing and
with GMR of 0j352o fL une length is 200 k;. Deterrnine
lrhe rirre irloucti"e reactarrce
rdrrue in ohms per
rrl onms
'nTl;o.u ,.r_',lro,- ;;,
a. r)) 2oz
+!' fl hycrilulic turbine receives water from a reservoir
at an elevation of 100 meters above it. what is
,,."\ .- m*"tsitTum water flow in kg per s-econd to prcCuce a steady turbine
output of S0 MW?
B. 50,672 C... vv,evtr so,go6 D. CUt
LJ, 50,465
43' A 1'00 kvA transformer is connectetJ to the supply
p'f'; for 4 hrs it supplies 25 kw at 0.5 p.f. line 24 hrs a day. ln 6 hrs it delivers gCI kw at 0.9
' loss at rated voltage is 1,0o0 watts and_itr
and inu *"t of the day it operates without load.
lts ccre
t"r roi$l rrrrio"o-q-;""nii" t,ogo watts. what is
the allday efficiency of this "opp"i
A" B. g0.7ol, no.zx
--"ffi,i:X:11ffi"?Lffi-#"fr:j}il,*"?:1l,lll- 300 an,d @
o",,"J,,or,en 120 vorts is suddehry
36 H.
/. {e. z.s n o.a
o.zs Hr_r \o.
4s. which of the fonowing common*31ff;o"o*oonX.
iqnot found in !cs?
d tnductors g. Diodes
B. Resistors
D. Low capacitance capacitors
46' A 220 volts single-phase induction rnotor
draws cunent of 10 amperes at 0.7s p.f. A capacitor
i T. ",ff$i! " " "'r$t:J;[ili" po*u' i"to[Uf,mffi o'
of 50
" "'o'
what is the force require'd to separate two surfaces
flili# tH*'
'17' with
density is 2 Testa normal to the surfaces? "-" wr
contact et (ic ur
rtqu( area of 150
r ., sq. cm when the flux
A. 10,100 N B. 15,BoO N ,@s,soo ru D. 35,050 N
48. At a 1'lS kV subsiation flre pT ratio
!s 1C00,ano the.CT ratiq is 1200/5. The potentialgoing into the
wattmeteris 115 volts- \Altrat is the l.,l!t{
A " indicatea whurt th;;tt
-[7.""iJe00 wass?
1s0 MW B. 192 rl,ljv C.,ia MW D. i9.2 tW
49' t/vhat-is the totar frux emiffied by a ramp
liso trn' . c. gaiJ*
having an intensity.of s0 canderas?
rif.sta h B. D..62B tm
so' n +pol" lap gonnected.dc ,* oo*, an armature cunent of 100 amps al2o]votts. The motor
armature resistance ir o.z o. E"rJrntu-t[u'[il,"
[Trf#H|ffi.e$,tr devetopedi^ r-i-* n
A. 145 B. 390
. c.467 6'oea
Y\\/ '\ L./ \
l.Gt.. - .-0'l
v: tlqls,il
l"ig) 11:
h:')t- i *..END*ir
- r.L,
Republic of the philippines
Professiona I Reg ulaticrn iomnrission

RtrGISTERED fff'CfruCAl, EIIGINEER Liccnsure Exrnnination

$alurday, Aup 21, 2010
08:00am.-01:00 p.m.
{hlSTRI}Cl'toN: SeleEt the correct answer for each of tli following questions. M,ark
fu)$wgl for each itcmlty shading the box corresponding to tb t.n"r or"yJ.r;;;L enlyjbg
on the answer
she,xt pneivided- STRICTLY No ERASURES nlr.owEo. rse
pencit ir. z ,riy. ptease do not
:e,r'#e ffs"pf* lag on thls qucslionnalre.{ trL,Tt}r .8, CTIOIC:E

i. tZ
What is the integral of cosudu?
A. sinu + C i *,'.'
C.. - sinu C v-'

B. cosu + C D. secu -Fl

2- i!'hat is the degrce ofthe differenriar equarion: I 4;r s*sin.r-x3sln y= 3x4
uI tlx'
A. second degree C. firurth 4ree

B. third dcgree D. tillh
What anglc musr a tin rrough wirh 60 cm width ,ould be
rlsec firs &g<O
so that the volume is
4.30 degrees C.45 deees
B. 60 dcgrees D. 9(|deees
t" A rnrart bn a wharf (nier) is pulling e ropc tied-to a'rf slt 'umc6fd6rg16-rh/s.
of thc man pulling the rope arc 3.66 m abovc dre*cl of thc *utuu. Ii;;:f"-,If rbc hanrls
is thc raft the wlra.r-f whcn therd are 6.iOm oirror out?
A, - 0.75 m/s
B;-0.55 m/3
5. A tDok shclf contains b<x,ks A" B, C,- D, E. Hory:any ways can the books bc. arranged
books C and D arc on tlrc right side of the sletf.
A.2l3t ' :.3'!
B" 4r D.4!
6. Sr.rt1,g for A: .o, 'A : l-- c<,s

a.45o, l35o c. 45'3 lio

8.45o,225o D. 45 2 t50
7. Fincl thc vatuc of finxefrom I to e.

A.0 c.t
8.2 f). c
8- If it tskc$ one hour to burrn 500 calors, assuninlgthe same rate of burning, how long rvill
it take. to burn 750 catorics?
A.45 minutes C. 1.5 i:ours
8.3 hours D.2 hcurs
9" What is tlre cquivalence of lsq. m ti,nm2-
A. lC00 mm2 C- l0to the 4 rnrn2
B. l0 to the 6 mm2 D. l0to the 9 mrn2
10. Fincl the area betwecn thr; ctwes ,,i,ar.and cos0:0
A.2T3 C.4R
B.8A D. 2
,-:_.: :.
' :1'" F-inrl the arsa of thc largest rectangle that can be insr;ribed in a semi-circle of radius, 10.
i;,:,;r1 l.?|:ti
' B. 100 ' ,.
,' i:." t'.rt;li?it of z'l1ro * ra'':t)as z approa.rf.?tr_
, 1r'r,+illiTil',o^+ z+ r),,' z approa"X.tilllt',L,.
c. (8r- 76W6s
B. (-,{ -r Nn o. isi r eynn
1,$, ,r{ space oapsule weighs I00 kgs nt sea ievel. [t rvill b,c orbitcd around the eart]r at a oonsLut
*trtitudc of 5,0@ knu. How long (hours) will it takc lhe satcllitc to mrike one odrit? Assumo
r:arlius of the caith is 4,000 miles.
A. 3"Er c. 224t
B. 4"58 D. 5.&l
3i5" A towcr c,n a hill is 200m away from a mBrL [f the brlse of the toryer is 51.91-degrees and
Its top is 58.24 degrecs. How trigh is lhe rower?
A.93.6 m C.83.6 m
8.51.7m. D.67-9m .,
i6. ';/hai is thc volumc gencratcd lyhen 'Ie a-ea behveecr),: 3x + 4 and y: x 'is generated
about thc:x--axis
A 90n C" 8O,r
8.70n D. 60 n;
17. Theequivalent of 9.5 x lOto the 9 milcs in yards. r
A. 1.672x10 to the 13 C. 1.529r.10 to the 13
B. t.ll49xl0 to the ll D. 1.582x10 to the if
18" if the lengtlu 2, 3, 5, 7 and 9 ;arc to be used to form a trianglc. Wh-at is the probabiliry that a
**i':# rormcrl?
c. 3/ro
8.4/l D. 3/s
19. .TwoparticleshavepositionsattimetgiVcnbythcoquations$l=t3= t, s2=6tZ- !3.
: :i , Fild their velocitics when thcy havc the sannc accchation
A. 2,4 C. 4, g
B. .2,9 D. 4,9
20" tf 19 kilos.of gold loses I kiio; and l0 kilos of silver loses I kilo when weigtred'in water,
' find weight of gold in a bar of gold and silver weighing 106 kilos in air and 99 kilos in
waLcr ? ,
A.76kt1os / C. B4kilos
B. 55 kilos D. 58 kilos
.- 21" FinC the cubc root t>f 27.5 by using differentials.
a 3.0187 c:3.0186
, 8,3.0184 D.3.0185
22. At what point on the y-axis does thc line segrnent joining (1, l) and (9, 7) subtend t}e
greatest ang.le?
A.y=3 C.y='4
B.-y:? D- y= 5 :
23. Find thc area boun<led by {i + J, : J;
- &n
tt. c. azl3
B. a2/+ gaTa i ._!
" ')4. Find the second derivative of 5'with respect tol of the parametric equation :
x==t-3+1, ,-:t2+1 :
', -.;
A. -2ntt c. -?i9t4 dJ.t
i! - j/4r 2 D. - l/3t .r .., I
at that point is
of t1c cquar.ion of a curve is negativcl lh: o'*"
.,.ri_ s/he n the second derivative
n**n;r". in vhat direction? ^ to. . ^L ^
rhe right
A. to the Ieft
D' uPward'
IJ- dowrwarcl to bs folded
a wiottr of 12 ft. what is trre r"ngolof the eqch side that is
z{,, A !*:tg tin sheJiras
. A.3 feet '
tr::' r*iximrrnn caPacitY' n r r'^.-
B.}fwt B.i.i?",
llas u.
tne fo"#i*iTgrqy
fetrrr rL\ + Cl + Dx + Ey'f F:0. If
degree cquirilon
27, The gencral sccond
u ieC > 0, the equation describes
c' ur elliPse.
,r" ;"rrJr" D' a hYocitola
B. a parabola u"u'io'!t;ifi;P*t-
bver a wall' It'the wall is 3-
;1,$.. *\ building is to bc.bracecl
by nrsans oru be used'
3/8 feot nign ana sta'ds 8 feet
[r]iain'" ru,o &.Tlrrirtest bcam that can
B. 1?_7/8 ft D. [1-l/8.& :. . r
?,9. n*t,t'*Jii * ny
A. I
lhr) 65 n approaches zero n non-negative'

;'#il? determinant are proportional'-then

\t 27,",

corresponding ot' rrvo

30. whrB"'$.
value of the determinurt is
C. one
ii. multiplied try the ratio r)" unknown
= a(l '+ coso)
r!.- o.a:r':i
outside the 31c1- a
t- Fin6 the area inside tlre cardic'id {

, A On-;t{ c ,Y^*' '..),,i.i. :.

+"21u:l D't(2t3)* , , '': ' ;'
G, (d4 enclosett by
v*v'v'v- 'l 'y :3x 2 + 2x + 't' '1:'2 and'thc a'16fi'-:--i;j-; ''
32" whar is tbc urea
'uw '/
i" 'vt A @) zo
D' 1
8.24 '
285 wiltch fmtball garnes ! ':' ''
i lgi w*tcU hockeY ganres i' r'
It; ;;[ilk'iu'itlgu*"
and basketball

watch football
' ZO o'ut"tt football urd basketball
50 watch hockcY and
;0 not watctttmy of thc three games' '

How many *"t"h football ganles c- t60 : r '
s. zoo deck of 52
(fl rm
dds. Find thc probabitity p$^t the card
is a
3q. card is drarxn from an ordinary
face card or'heart' /^ !- ^. I

A. r/18
[Q itno

basin of dianrster 20 inches

at the rate of 3 cu' in' per
35. water &ains from a hemisphericar
is 5 inchcs?
second- How fast is thc watct'*""i'r"tri"*;'fplt*ffi::*""r
A" 0.48 iry'min D'
B' 0'g3 irlmin r

per;nin' At *te instant t'he

balloon is belng inflared u, ,h:_,,11i10 cu' fu
36. A sphrerical
ts the surface area incrreasing?
radiusi i:; 15 ft' at what rate
y'.'. 6 cu' fllmin C14 cu' fvmin
D" 3 cu' fl/min
B- 5 cu" fllmin
3:l' Convert to cylindricat coordinate ;system given the rcutalgular
A. (l ,45a,,-Z)
coordinates (1, - l, .-z)
2) r,
.tJi, (;0o, _
s. $lT,*450, - 2) D. (t, _ 600, 2)
'j r-i' A rectrurglc is irucriberl in an equilateral triangle t"i,ti, 1j .*iia.r, such that cine sides
Itrre ractangle
zr,oson onc side oithe triangle.. .z3.Ez , c .
8:22.73 D. t9.48
it. rY * a^2c'os(jlO) i.s thc equation of a
.{-nrsette .-
' B. limacon @temrris:ute
D. carclioids
'lii. lhq .bi:rectors of tlre three angles of a triangre rn.urui u o,*nro' caled
--- - the
4"" circumcentfir C. orthocenter '- :-- ; .

'I1' ;lipheres of the same diarneter are; piled in trrYrorm oru py**id with a square base until
thcra is just onc sp-hcre at the top layer. If therc *" zs sp['.r"r
'- uitrr"Lao*, hnd the total
number of spheres in the pile.
A. 125 C, IIO
8.55 ' D. 53
,12, rinj the area bret*'een the witch.y ,= ga 311a2 + 4n z) a,rd iis asymptotc.
A.ZIZ pi C. (3/2)a? pi
,7 ',)

t'.$*,34'J*n orthe circre inscribed in rhe ilSf*.i+d by the lines:

Zx*.3y+1ll=0, 3x-2y-(i:0; U+3yIg:g'' u. .-,--

B. ,2 t y2 - 6r-ty:8 fE ,z *.'i? y+-ri;r:'s - --

44" Find thc rectangrilar equarion of curve x = 3 - t; y : 1ij--*
A. r2-I +5:A C. xZ = 6x+l-7
B. y2 : 7:t-6 D. x2 = ..rxy * 5
An isoscclcs trianglc of maxirnurn &rca is irucribcd in an, eilipsc with
m6jor ocis l0 cm and
minor rucis 8 crn" so base is parallel to the major ocis and trrr opEirit" vertex on at
tl 9:
*nd of the minor a"xis. Find the area of Ue triangle.
A. 26 C. 24
B. 25 D. 20
,|6, A numter whir:h cannot be the rool. of an integral rational
iqwition is called a
tsy transcenclental number C. irrational numbcrs
. B. EuleCs number D. nuural;";b.; .
d'7 I'ttc charactcristic is equal to the cx.Donent of 10, when tho
nurnbcr is wriuen in
A. irrational C.. exponential
B. scientificnoration d
48" F'ind the area of a rriangle whose vcrrices are l,rcarcdlt (3"
0,0), ( 0, 4, 0) and(O,0,
,,\. 9.46 c"

49. Find the equation of rhe hyperboia rvhose asymptotes
are y: * 2x.antl which passes rfuough
- .
A.3r2.-f=e A
5x2 -f )5 ,=
50. FinrJ the sum of the coefficients in thc expansion of (x _ 3y),r.
A. 64,394 c, _ 5 t254
B. - 32,768 D.25236

Republic of the philippines
professional Regulatlo.,
, io*riirrion

ft{-1 fi }sl EI{ED El- Ec) R t c.,\ L I;N (;I N U ti R r.,i cr-.r u uru Er:urrirur* xr
F"{onda1'. Feb. 15, 201(}
()2:(X) a.m.- ():i:0t)

NSISUCION: Selecl the conercl arrswer for each of [re fbllorving questions.
MarL.onlv.he a4srr.el lbr
ear'h* {lenl b1's}ratling the h|x cor,responding to
the letrer of your-ioi*" on the ans\yer sheet pror.ided.
sTiql{:rLY No ERAsi.'lt'ES A LLOWED. pencil no. I
LJse only. ruosc do not witc oaything on this tlu",-


l' '4 rectangle is irscribed in an equilateral triangle rrith lo cm sides, such thar one sides ol'rlrc
recuurgle'rests on one side of the trianglc Detennile the area in -a
----' of the largest possrlilc
-- sq cm.
inscribed rectangtc.
A. 21.(r5 C 2l.t{ 2
B. 22.71 t) 19..18
I Find the'olurne gent:rated b-r'rer or'ing rrrc ivea boundetr br.r, l.
' .r y = 8. -r = t) about dte t'..-sr '

A. 61pr/7 C 768ptl7
& 5l?p/5 D. t)6ptl5
Arechngular tro-x rt, ith cn c)pcn top is to hc mede frorri a picce of cardboard 6() cor.
square br curru:_,:
equal sqrrarcs litlnr,.:ach c,OoICr rttd lrrrnrns ull thur purtincnt portions olthe
carclboard to forn: rh.,
sides. Dgtcrrninc b'culctrl,s tllc rrru.,rrrrur.,i ,,.rt,,n,* cl'thr: bor.
.-1 l..itltt crrr ' (' ,.r,1)(ttt crD r
8. -1.(ltxt cin ' I(r,( i.xt cnr r l).
When the sL'ctxd dcrir attr e ol'thc cquation of a qurvc is rrcgatire. he curr.e at that.point rs
'''- ''> cogcii\ r,
in siru drecrion'l'
A. to the lell C. to tlre nghr
B. dorrnrrird D. up*'ard
5- Find the.point of dre cun'e. r = .l-r - x I rr.hcre ilre cu* aturc is masimum
A (2. {} c. (.t, t)
B- (2,31 D. (1,2)
6. !fa college basketball coaclr hod 3 sorrs in a l 2-plaver tearn. in hon' nuuy \,r"!s
can he select rhe llrsr
5 plal'ers if at least 2 of his sons i\-ere inclurled i
a 25CI
B. 272 D. 23tir
7. Find &e derivatiye of cosh :I4r.
A- l2cosh r4.r sinh ,lx C 3cc'sh
l4x sinh 4x
4cosh l{r sinh -l-r D. I2r;osh24.rsinh 4x
8" Tlxrorbitofllallef iCornr;{aroundlhesunisaneJtipscwidrrhcsun&safocusandeccenrricrt-r.e =
0-9t57. the position rr-hcre the come i is closest to the sun to the position n,here it is faitlresr lronr rhc
sun is approsimatelr" J^J6jl ri ( l0 the 96 pouer) rnjle;. Approximatetyhow ctose the conrer gers ro

. the sy:r in million rniles.

.4. l3 c. s6
It). .r E
Thrlre are n couples at a part)'. Each ntan shrkes hands wit-h everyone else exo:pt hrs, sr:ouse N,r
handshakes talie place betn'een \\'ornen. l{orv nranyhandshaJies talic place? (a! a pol.vrromial func-
tion of n)
Ani-t C. (n- lXn-2)
lB" n(n- l) D. (lf,l[3n^Z - 3n)
ii) .'"1 ol'hr:rlllrl .f ll lxrrrgs on u trull rr ttlt llrc truttont of thc painting 6ft aborle tlru llot-rr I lorr lhr
1r-" 61111,y.
fi*rtl thg rvall should l.indsay whosu cl'cs are 50 from the floor, stand in order to get d:e best yicrr'
*flt-ile pdiniing (the besl vietv occurs r+'hen he ang.le of vision from rhe bonom to the rop of rhc
parnlrng ma:timiz.rxl )'l
A.3n Ozn
s.zJR D.2.?5fl
l ! ' "!ust before rrudday rhe body of an apparent homicide victim is for:1d in a room thar is kept ar a l

constant temperature of 70oF.At l2 noon the tenrpcraturr: of thc body is B{F and at I P. M. it is
75"F. Assumc that the temperctue of the bodv u the time oll<Jea0r rvas 98.6oF and that it h:u cooled
in accordance rvit} Nerr.ton's lavy. 'I4rat the tjme of'dsUh?
.4. 8:.12.{,.M. C- 9:lgA.M-
(Dro*eA.M D. ?.53A.Mr.
l?. Wih a throrv cf 3 ,Jice, rvhat rs rhe probability of getting a g oi an I I I
A 50816 c" s6t2t6
B" 54nt6 D. 52f2t6
13. Find thcequation of a linr: &ru (.t, l)perpendicul:r.rto therinE 2x-3y + 4 =0.
A. 4r+5y + ll =, 0 C. -ir+ Z.),.- 14 = O
B. 6r-3y -21 = 0 D. 2-r- 3y+5 = g
l-1. ln horv nlafit'\ravs can 5 perxxrr; he seated in an automobile hrrving places for ? in the front seat anil
I tn ilie back seai if only I car, cirive
430 C.60
B. 36 D. 72
15. Furd the ocluation of the planr: plssing rhru poinrs (5, 4, l), (4, - 2, - 3 ) and (0, 6, 5)
A. 4x -Zy- 3; = 9 C.'Sr+ 45, .t 7 12 =
B..r-6yt5;= i5 D-2r-3t,-t4z=2
t(r. Find the value ol-r in
.r-L'+.r; ,- - 8
rJ'f 't: = I
5.+1r =_3
dtl C. t3 ; .
ts.tZ D. t4 '
I ?. rind the lengfh and *'idth of thc targest rectangular "
building that can be erected facing the perpcn-
dicular sides 90 m and I 20 m,:f the rriangle.
60rq45m A C. 80rq 60m
B. 9orq 40m D. ?5rrr' 36rn
I8. ,{coio is biased so t}rat the heaC is trvice zs likely to occur as tail- If the coin is tossed 3 timrx, rvhat
is tln probabilitv of getting 2 uils and I head?
. A- A9 c. ?w7
B. 4/9 D. A3
t9. AI thc minimum point" the slopx; _
of the tangcnt line is .. ' . .
A infurit,e C. grcsitive ,':: :, i,!: .

B. negativo D. zcro '' ':tr : 'jLli"i ' ':'

20- L€t u= ,!dF . Find the error rvhen i = 100 fl and founcl wirh'an *r,ii'of6.3 ft Find the error in
ti:e velocity.
0.4 fVsec C. 0.3 fl/ser:
B. 0.2 fl/sec D. 0.1 fVse,c
2l . \l'iren tlre second derivative of tj:e cquarion ofa curve is ru:gative, the curve sl'$al point is conca! e
in siut direction?
A. to the le[l C ro the right
B. dorvnward D. irp*ard
?2. Frnd the nrh term 6f 6, 7, - 2 ...
A.2n+6 C.2n+ll
3. -4n+6 D -4n+10
l,l ('lrrborr cstrlrclctl
Iir)nl ut)lurciuill sIrrll
-''';:'i:l'#lll;?'"''.,;;;;'i"": iil'ffi;',!li:i:[]';11,il;;fi r

radiou'l r c 'r( rs e rri"r

tii. I 6,61 x'r urus c' l'1,735 y ears

'- ,il1'J,"J];il?:i*''
of arr eripse is .r ancr
'-,3;,];lli'Jl1 ,, 3 rhe disrance riorn ure cc,)rer r(,
A. 7.685
B. 4.J71 C. (1.0.17

f"5" r"ind the areo enclosed ,.rru

unirs ' -;lr
b.y drc cun.e = .r=_ ".,.
3/S sg.
B. u3sq. unirs C' 44isq. unir
26' water otoi"l'rtom a
hemispheric*r basin.oidS;,{;t:rTL ,i rhe rarc
i,,i,g of 3 cu in. per seconrr
"Tfif#il"er reren
",t,Jie deprh oi,*r* ilfr,.r,or
ts.0.83 C.0.7ri in/min
{?. kr resring
";;;;^ kind or.truck,;r" ou.r, *f,g:;::;H:i is round tharzlyoorrhc rruck rirrr t,,
ut,,,"oui oi,r.,r,ii-, rii,r.r,r;;,;,,'*T,:J*11."''''c'ur rurd rhe probabirirl,drar ,rr:rc
A. 0.46t3
B. 0. t652 c. 0.7071
:9. A brig corrrajns -l rc<J D.0.7:t37
balls, I grec, balls a,t, i brue bars. nre probab,ity
'Jre flrst drarv is ofnot gerring a rcd bair rn
A. t/3
D.a3 ct
?9. Find the,rcchngular D 2
equation ol curve
r = lnt,
y = t2- r.
C'Y= e}-l
30.AI maximum polnr,
rhe valuer otsecona a"r"r3r"?#lr,rr.*;j
B. negarive C' Positive
ttl.T of the cenrroid of
' ' fifttc a priure
by *re parabo : 4-; r and
B. 3.552 c. 2.1t0 " -' ra,y
rhe x_i^is.

" J:i#ffifr rorvs) ora rjeterminanr

areti"rlnu.l** dre new daerminanr is
the_-_-- or
. A. inverse
B. trarspose C' negau'e
33. Supposxl rt D' Same valuc
,*tiu,n Denlolrarhir^t l-
btoo<lsrrearn "l ,*ili#,:ffi;H,Jised io ar.estherize a d?g
dos is anesrherize *,hen irs
:_'*" :
;;;, JTiffIHJfi ffirJ,#ilffi [i* ix; :#i:i[
t.,: os
1.r 1'
["Js lil" r"rt ru;: l;[ i]- 6 "; ; ; ffi -r, " r
; -'a',m sho,r o bc ad minis r ere d in o rd e
A. 2,41t5 mg
C' 2,385
B. 2,58-s mI
3a' A drug rot a" tir;trof asrlrma r;an be
,**t{ n'oiTo,n rnanufactu
;:#',m#';lll'*;J;:*',g;ffi ffi1T:i.;;;;;',ilx",'..,,scana
eru in riquid. rabrer. ur

.,{. 2!
B.3o cto
35. Find rheiansenr/s
ro rhe parabotaF
t' = o, - ,i6lj|*n tr, ,l
A' r-y = t' Lr-Y =' 9
B. 3r- Zy = l, D. 4x-3-v = 13
l,l ('lrrborr cstrlrclctl
Iir)nl ut)lurciuill sIrrll
-''';:'i:l'#lll;?'"''.,;;;;'i"": iil'ffi;',!li:i:[]';11,il;;fi r

radiou'l r c 'r( rs e rri"r

tii. I 6,61 x'r urus c' l'1,735 y ears

'- ,il1'J,"J];il?:i*''
of arr eripse is .r ancr
'-,3;,];lli'Jl1 ,, 3 rhe disrance riorn ure cc,)rer r(,
A. 7.685
B. 4.J71 C. (1.0.17

f"5" r"ind the areo enclosed ,.rru

unirs ' -;lr
b.y drc cun.e = .r=_ ".,.
3/S sg.
B. u3sq. unirs C' 44isq. unir
26' water otoi"l'rtom a
hemispheric*r basin.oidS;,{;t:rTL ,i rhe rarc
i,,i,g of 3 cu in. per seconrr
"Tfif#il"er reren
",t,Jie deprh oi,*r* ilfr,.r,or
ts.0.83 C.0.7ri in/min
{?. kr resring
";;;;^ kind or.truck,;r" ou.r, *f,g:;::;H:i is round tharzlyoorrhc rruck rirrr t,,
ut,,,"oui oi,r.,r,ii-, rii,r.r,r;;,;,,'*T,:J*11."''''c'ur rurd rhe probabirirl,drar ,rr:rc
A. 0.46t3
B. 0. t652 c. 0.7071
:9. A brig corrrajns -l rc<J D.0.7:t37
balls, I grec, balls a,t, i brue bars. nre probab,ity
'Jre flrst drarv is ofnot gerring a rcd bair rn
A. t/3
D.a3 ct
?9. Find the,rcchngular D 2
equation ol curve
r = lnt,
y = t2- r.
C'Y= e}-l
30.AI maximum polnr,
rhe valuer otsecona a"r"r3r"?#lr,rr.*;j
B. negarive C' Positive
ttl.T of the cenrroid of
' ' fifttc a priure
by *re parabo : 4-; r and
B. 3.552 c. 2.1t0 " -' ra,y
rhe x_i^is.

" J:i#ffifr rorvs) ora rjeterminanr

areti"rlnu.l** dre new daerminanr is
the_-_-- or
. A. inverse
B. trarspose C' negau'e
33. Supposxl rt D' Same valuc
,*tiu,n Denlolrarhir^t l-
btoo<lsrrearn "l ,*ili#,:ffi;H,Jised io ar.estherize a d?g
dos is anesrherize *,hen irs
:_'*" :
;;;, JTiffIHJfi ffirJ,#ilffi [i* ix; :#i:i[
t.,: os
1.r 1'
["Js lil" r"rt ru;: l;[ i]- 6 "; ; ; ffi -r, " r
; -'a',m sho,r o bc ad minis r ere d in o rd e
A. 2,41t5 mg
C' 2,385
B. 2,58-s mI
3a' A drug rot a" tir;trof asrlrma r;an be
,**t{ n'oiTo,n rnanufactu
;:#',m#';lll'*;J;:*',g;ffi ffi1T:i.;;;;;',ilx",'..,,scana
eru in riquid. rabrer. ur

.,{. 2!
B.3o cto
35. Find rheiansenr/s
ro rhe parabotaF
t' = o, - ,i6lj|*n tr, ,l
A' r-y = t' Lr-Y =' 9
B. 3r- Zy = l, D. 4x-3-v = 13
-J{r Perl'crrnr tlrc indir:atctl operltrorr J-v r V_ ijf 1.
A. I -'2 1..' ZIJ, , ,,,,.'\ __)
D.-2tj (-
D.2t -'' -t
3 7. A culture of bactcria gro\(,s rvith a constant of - .:
^ ^t
0.t12 Holv,long wrll rt lalie lo gro$' Ironl l.(Xxl to
io(),(x)0'l .'(' i
A. 2(Xr.-15 C. 2()1.?6 :

B. ?3().2fi D. l{}9.31
3ll" An isoscelx righr triangle has its perinreter'l'0.2{?6 fr. What is the area of the triangte'l
A.2n2 ''
i rt2
B. 4.5 n2 - ' C.
D.'q fi:- i"
3$. Evaluale ( I + l) riused to thc I0
A. *2i c. l2
B. 32r D. 2i
a{i. Finri the perirneter ol tlrc lar,qest rectf,ngte rhat c.rn be r;rs;ribed jn x/400 +
1y'16 = l.
A. 4(X) c 4t6
B. 41.(r D. .lo
41. Acardisdrawn[r'ornanordirrarydeckartl\\earetottltlratitisred.Whatistheprobabi[ir1 thartlrc
card is gr$ter th:ur 2 but l*;s fh"ur ti'l t.'- :
A. (rl ll C. ii}.(,
u. t2t5t D. r l,'J?
42. Er.aluate tlle lrrnil ol'srn r all or cr.r iL\ n ri)proaches z.cro
AI (' tt
B. irrfiiiitv Dpi
'13' Determir,e lhe equation of the line tlrrou$r (3. .l) \\hich l'orrlrs, rvith the pgsirivex utl positire.r
a\es. tlie triangle *'irh the leasl arer
A. { .r + 5-r'= JJ ('. .l.r r j) = 2{
B. 3x + 4J'= 25 D. 2r -' :l;'= 18
44. Carbolrestructedfronrurarrcicrliskuil containcdonir.oll.,-s;\thasmuchradioac.lirer,Casc;rrtr.,,.,
e.\tractcd lionl prcsent-da_r' Lronc. I'torr old is tlre skr:ll ri i == 1y.1111g 2;6'1
A. l,.lt/). 1'uars C. l-1.71-i ]'uus
B. l(r,(r ltl l elrs D. 5,?(Xlvears
.1i. Find the equation of thc ralgent linc tcr rhe qraph grvtn (.r ,
,,)l = x + y+ 6, l1
A. 3r- -y= 6 C.r+),.-3 (. I .\ -
8. 2x- 1'= 1
D. .t ' 3'=2 ('
4(r' The rectangular coordinatcs of a point ur' /square roor olS, l The.polar coQrdfiues cf.rhis pornr
,1,. pil.l)
(-1" C. ({, pi,/l) t'/ f J' :- i-
R /? ni/?) n /1 ^:r-(I
u \;, PL \',, (
-17. Find the radius olrhe sphere rr,hose equari,rn is ;rl+ y2* :2 = 6x !2.
A. .5 c.9
B.: D.^l \
'tli. A bag contairu 3 u hite balls urd 5 black balls. lf I balls are draun in succession *ifiour repku;ernenr.
uhat i:; tlre probabiiitr tirat both bljls are black'l \-
A. -"/l.l c. ,t/ti
8.6!t1 D 3/r.r
19. AmcrkstnarthttsT-s'.li,ol-iill histrrgetr; \\/l:at isrhuprobabilrty'ofhittinge.\acrll'-lol'lrisnc\r lri
.,\ () {)l{:11 (' {) r)(}li)<:
B. 0..1(X)5 D () 00I 622
50. llre fcrllorr-ingare thc vertici:s ol'a triangle, ( l, 2), t9, ]), (4, ll ). Frrd tlre equariorr olone ol-r]:c
A. I0.r-tl-r,- il C. 7r + l3-r. =- !rJ2
I ,.).r I .lr, = l(, I) l7-r F 2t- = 9U
Republic of the philippines
ProfessionaI Regulation Commission
, I,,tanila

Ii fi G I S'I:ERED ELECTR.TCA L ENG I I.r r: E rt r-i cerrsure Exarn rn ;rri,rr

J"NSItsiicTIoN: select the correct at)srver lbr each of rlre following
quesiions. Ma.rk onty rhg.
rlg$wl for each i"P-! the box corrcsponding t. rhe letter of your
slre*t provided' srlUCit-y'Ndertasunes choir:e,, rhe,.S\\r.:r.
At.t-ofEDr. Use pe*cil no. 2 only . plau,-e d, nrtt
wr ili uny lh ln g on th is. uestion n a
t1 ir c:

r'rtrtll-ylpLE CI{OICE

t. If the area bounde<! by thc curvcs Js j-r: ,i,r..r = 0-.1, =.0 is revotvecr ab'ur r. (r
Find the molnelrt of irrerlia rvitlr r.csPccl
lo tlrc a.xis ol.,..rrol,,iiu,.,.
.1.. nia5/ t :o . : ,i ,-
.. l)tat_t)\, ^
B. piaSrao @(p,u:sng,
) tf l9 kilos of golcl lose-s I kil': rrrrc l(r kilm ot'illu"," i.rses r kilo rvlrcn rveighercl in \\.,rLl.
find the weight of gold irt:t trar ol'gokl ;rrrrl silvcr,,rcigii,,g't06
tvatef ') :t .1" -.,- a '
kilos in air ancl 99 kilo: irr
(Al 76 kilos (.. :lJ kitos
B. 55 kitos I). SiJ kikis
3. The bisec'tors o{'rhc tltrcerttglcs.t':r rriaugic r}}cct
itr l corrrrnou calle<l tlrc
,\. circunrcer)ter .- -' . t r_ ( .. ortlrocenrcr _ gli-i f ) ri i
ii. cenrroid
4. A buitrting is ro be rrracc<r by rrrcarrs.,,',, rr.u,,i'1n;iffli::,,;rr
3-ii8 l'cet high arrd s,tp,^ds ti tl'ct l*rrr the brrildi.g. irr;;ir" SJ#'; rv;r1 rf rrre *,:r, is
shortest bcanr r6ar carr lrc
used. . L.,l_ r,,, ,
; A. 15-5/8 fr C:. Lj_:i/8 fi
B. t7-7/B fr D. I t_ ti8 fr
The perimeter of the trialr:le ABC' is ct;ual to g 1r.
sin.{:sinB:sinC = j:4:5. Firrcl r5c
smallest side,
A. I G),
8.3 r). 4
6. II:i".i rl.-
rrre a-ri-^r-
vruuldlc ^ c ^r-
ut ,ng cgllll.ol,-l ol il plattc
area boulrded b-y the pnrabota
the x-axis. )l = 4 __r 2 ;ur.l
A. 4.247 q. 2.u(l
B. 3.552 (ij.' i oo
7. Vy'ater drains frorn a henrisplrcrical basirr oldialnctcr'20
irrches at the rate of _l cu. ilt. lrur
second. How fast is thc rvatr:r. levei lallirrg u.,hr
tlepth of water is 5 incires /
A. 0.43 in/rnin
L9 Q.-20 in/rni1r.
B. 0.83 ir/nrin D..0.65 iilniiu
8. Find the area borrntled by G ,i, .i;
a. aztz t'. t-it
R. a2lq z1, r

9- Find tire rectangular erluatiorr ol' cur vc

-r - .t *1, _u = t? -z
A. r2-l .F-s=,0 iIi' .t 2 ' 6n'' .r, * 7
B Y2 = 7.r-6 D. -r2 ,. Zr1, ;5
r"Cr' tr"""-!'o' i
,,.r j'..
v) ?8 alCs
t0. e>:Pans i o,, or (x -
.-.-\ ,-(o )
0-{Y) ^kt-;f
"''tl';,f$r5;; ;ll lt:, (Q'tt-,<9or:'? j
8. 3,345,900*'o y'' D=gJttfi"-y'e
I t, What is the area enclosed by y = 3x 2 * |.1tr.x = 2 and the axei.
4.. l5
R. 24
q29 ;
t2. [;ind tlre tangent/s to the piu'ab,rla x 2 = 6y * l0 through (7,5)
A'- x-Y =' 2
B. 3"r - 2Y .= 11
I3- A card i5 {pwn from an ordinlry deck of ind the probability pthat the card is a
faca cardp.hearr.
A. t/t8 c. 3/tB
1Q :rsz D. %
14. If an*alloy containirtg 30ozo silvcr is nrixed with u 557o silver alloy to gets 800 pound: ot'
a0%2itll9f. itow nruclr oIeaclr nrust I.r-' used?
(/tJ 480 ol)0%,320 ol'557o' C. s00 of 30Zq 300 of 55%
B. 55b of 300/o, tso of sjyi, D. 200 0f 30a/o\600 0f 55g,0,
15. Find the area behvee, the witch,y = 8a 311p + lqzs .$tQ its asymptotc.
-A. 2a 2 pi C. t|/2aZ ii
ft) +a? n; D..5i2a2 pi
16. Find theeqttatiott of tlre circle inscriberl irr tlre rriang!e forined bythe lines:
b-3y+2[ =0, 3:-2r,-(>=(]: Lr+3y+9=0.
A. xZ u y2-l\-tl.y=B (1. ,3 + yz-Zr+4/:g
ts. 12 * y2-{',x-4,.y=B (6)(;z yjzor.jy=g
17. The chari'cteristic is equal to t'ne cxporrenr oI ili rilren-,SEiiuin6er rs wrrtten i1
A. irrationll C. exponential
r8" Two positive numbers nrriy bc irsened be nh-en i iurd 9 s;uctr that the first tlree irre irr
geornetric-rrosressiorr. while rhe last rlrree are in ar.ithtnetic progression_ What is the surn
of these'two posilve iiurnbers?
A. r1!5' "1'
(frD I
. B. 12.25 D: oFYr' :

19. lf 31sx +. t)-: 9, then tinct loi;2x i f- i ;r) [n : i i^; lff" U=, S -,
' A. i'3 '-i ';q; 1 ' "*.Jf'\I,
l7r:, t

@-r D. +z rli
?0. Find the cube root <tf ?7.5 by rrsing diftcrentials., . .sl
4.3.0197 C; 3.0186i
B. 3.0 t84
,:' @oD
21. Find the iblution of 2xydx + (x 2 + t)dy = 0
A. ol * 7y = C. c;.{lv}rI*1c'

B, 3ry - 5y
C (il*zv +.y C ). ==
22. Find the qrea of a rriangle rvlic,se vefiiccs *eibtitpa arr(3iO-, 0), ( 0, 4, 0) and(g, 0.6)
A. 9.4{. c. 2r.83
23- \rri,KGno-nespondi:rg elerner)ts oI two
o:zz.ii''i:" , ''rr}fl' x
rows of a dcterminariil*'i.I[qpgg91i.rl. thcrr rlrc

6](G" . C. on(:
B. m-ultiplied
by rlre ratio urlcnorvn D.
24. Fuici the'r'olume generatcd by rcvolving the area bogn'iied by'-;,,'= y 3, ),= B, x = f) u[1trr
the -p-a;ds.
A. 6apt/7 9. 7gfir(7
5t2prt5 Q.oong)
?5. Findtheequationof theplancpassingtlrrupoints(5,4, 1), (4,.-2,ig)and(0,r:,5)
A. 4x - ).y,-32 = 9 C 5.r1'rfy+ z = 12
. il. x-6y+52=.15 @',j, iy*y-tr.-:zS
'l,i), Findthecbordinates of the centroid of the areaenclosecl.tryy.-r-.r2 and the y" 0 about
the x-axis.
A. (tn,3n) O,@,.,{l0r'
B. (1i3, z5) D. (U3,2i3)
'i'/, If tbe area bounded by.y ='.y, .r " 2, arrci ,y ,. 0 is rcvolved about ,y= 0, find the mornent of
' inr:fiia of the. solid fornred rvith respect to tlre axis of revolution.
A. 17 pU6 C. 14 pil3
,.,(, r\t what p6iit on the y-nai5 <ioe,, tle ri,',. ,.f;,n1i,'jl1r,r* (1, l) an<t (e, 7) subtend thc
greiltest angle?.
*.,r = ? 6r=4f
WY=z Yi=,
).'). lt'x'ry=2, x2+yZ = 3, lin<i the valuc of.p{+y'I
. A.
6.65 $) a'so
6.55 D. 8.75
10, Detennine the solution of thc inccualirv .r '( ?-
A. "r 5 -3 /g)-3<.r<3
B. -3 < x / D. - 3>x>'3
ll, Two particles have positions at tiine t given by rhe equations si = t 3 - t, s2=612--,3
Find theirvclocities when tlrey have the san:e accelerarion.
& ?.j. c. 4,8
6i ee)
fenCrd ssecond degrec equation has the fonn Ax2 ,- Bxy
h'eneral I Cl+Dx+Ey+F:0. If
. 6?- 4AC.:0' tlre equation ilescrilres
A. a circle C. an ellipse
S a'parubola
Q/ a'papbola D. a hypcrbola
33. hind the areh enclosed by the ciirr/e.v 2 =t 2
- 4' '- bw h!'
A. 3/'units q' 4/5 sq. units
B. 2/3.sq. units (D {6sq.-unir
3,1. eonvert to cytinerical coordinate systenr giueffie re*tungirlar coordinate's (1, - l, -2)
. ' A. (1, 45o, * 2)
0. tJ;,*45o, - 2) D. (1, - 6,00, 2)
lJ. VliiTrt is the vaiue oix in trigonornerric subsfitution with
an integrand invblving (il * x2 )?
A. asec0 @ asin9
B. atan€l D- acos6 '.
-Jb. Find the second derivative of l,rvith rcsl)ect tox of the parametric equation:
- r=t3+1, -rz=t2+l
e. - ztir4 ({.1nt )
B. - 3/4r 2 o. -7:t
37. An isosceles triangle of ma.ximurn area is irrscribed in an eliipse with major axis l0 ctn at;d
minor axis 8 cm. so that the bast: is parallel to tire major axis anc[\he opposite vertcx on a.t
end of the rninor axis. Find tltc at'ea of tlrc tr-inngle.
(A;('261 C. 2'l
'tr'z{ D. 20
38. Ln horv rlany ways car) we sert 7 people at a round table with a certaiu 3 peuplt ttot iri
A. 3960 _c. 5320
639 (Dszo
j|). A regular quadrilateral is inscribed in a cirole and a relSular triangle is circ:mscribed about
it, th* differeinr:e belween these sides of'the polygons i:; equal to 10 cm. Deter:rnine the area
r:f the circle.
A. 7451 c. 754t
Et. 5741 D. 7415
,'.'l0, ilin<tr the area inside thc cardiod r = a( I "F cos0) arrcl out:;ide [he arc r = a

f"') prz)& c. (z/5)a2

Y (zvt) n o2 D. (?t3)t,2
+1" The asithmetic mean e[2a and 3tr is
,4. ) gvorrdic, mtar'"
J6al; C.6:rb/5
B. (2a - 3b)/2 (9
(2a ; 3b\/2
tl ) y\n existing road AT is just pasiing along tire circumfrrrence of a circular lake at a point'['.
.,\ pnoposed bridge is to be constructed over the lake. IiAT = 2.5 km and a diversion road
fiom A to the foot of the bridge ,AB - 2. I 5, dctennine the length of the bridge.
($ o.ze c.
B. 0.52 D. 0.96
4.1. F"indlhe angle berween tlre diagi:nal ol'a cube and its firce.
t8/ 15.26(', c. 26.6'.7
B. 54.2() D- 34
r14" Find the sun of the coefticients in the cxpansion oi' (x.- 3y)''
A. ff,384 c. - 5 1.25.1
@'- rz,zoa D. ?5,216
45- A rectangle is inscribe<! in an et;uilateral triartgle witlr I0 crn sides, such tlrat one sides ol
' the restangle rests on one side lf the tliarrgle. Detcrmine the area in sq cm. of tlre largcst
' possible inscribed rectangle.
(p c. 2-i.82
8.22.73 D. t9.413
4{r. Evaluate the hmtt (l -r l/x,1 as x approilclres rntitttiy.
@.e c. I
B. in{'urity D. indetenuirtatt:
zt "7 At what point on the parabola y = .4 - .r' 2 does the tangent together with tire coorciinate a.xes
on the first quadra:rt determine n uiattgle of minimum arca?
A.(a3,) AOl2.5/3)'
B.' (2R,2t3) Qrl izr, all)
'r {. $,tlen tfuc second derivative of the etluitriou of-I curve is negative, the r:urve at that point is
concave in what clirer;tion?
A. to the lell C tn the rioht
($. do*nwar<l D. uprvard
49. Determiile the raclius of thr'sphere rvlrosc equatiort is: -r 2 ', y? , ,2 -2.-' r. 8.v i i6; ' 65
A. 5 rrnits C. 3 units
@)+ units
f) 6 urirs
50. Find the centroid of tire at'ea bouttded by the curves -v x2,y=4x-x2
lR. rt.zt cr. (1, I )
\t i.-'2.'zi D. (ls.-2)

$lepublic of the philippines
Professional Regulation Commission

Sahrrday, August 21, ZA1O.
ry*,e!% 1:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m.
"*, "g, il; ;;r.fiG;;
e;rl/Gr/VE Erf ril C-
r, sl]-t'* A
rF{sTRU(iloN: seloci the coract anslver forgacfr of
tho fo[owing questions. Ma'k onrv oDo
slErer for each itarn by shadins ul9 br;
on rhe an-swor sheer provid"dT. aTRtA.[i"ij6'LnusuRES ;;;;;il#s,;,,-#ffi ffi iilr r;rroice
2 onty. p/oaso da
ALLowED. use
fl,t U LnpLE
no tm a * or wri t a ; r rO;;;; ;;;;r;#;;.
l. What prefx refers to 10 to the negativo
15b. power?
A s[o
i' r" o -/ Pico
D. nano
2" Two forces act on a point objr:ct
as foilows: 100 N at 170" and 100 N at
rosultant 500. Fincl their
(4t tooNar 1to"
C. 173.2 N at -1600
E) aEA
v. twllorlr -..,-otlC
D. 173.2 N at20o
s s' & lhe instarlt the .traffic light turns green, an automobite that
' htersoctbn stsrts alpad wifi ; *ni"nt has been waiting at an
accereration of-o-rusec/see. At ths samo
truck' traveiins instant a
far beycnd its starting ?l*lly."r*rty
or so ru"* ;;r&L ano pas$s the auromobire.
point wi, rne auiomouira overtake
A 250 fi the truck?

. R td;i e. lsort
(d)soo rr
4' A 10o kg woighl rosts on. a 30 <tegree incJined plane. l.leglectirrg
friction how much pull must
one exert to bring the weight up the plane?
,,. s3 kg
C. 30 kgl
El gaaL^
ry.w t.y
D. 70.71 kg
5' A body weighing 40 lbs. starts flom rest and
slides dowrr a planq at an anglo_ of 30o with the
horizontal for which the coefficient of fliction
n ''';';':'.':'
0.3, How far it moved affer 3 sec?'

B. z'.ss ft 3 ll3l I
:"'16' A 2lg
bhrck of wood rests on a long iabletop.
A S g bullet moving horizontally with a speed of
.150 mlsec ls shot into the bloclc and sticks in it. Ttie block
then slidos 270 crn a&rng the table
. :r,r-"!cps" Find tho spoed-of the b,tock Just after impa<t.
A" 0-347 m/sec
C. 0.437 rnlsec
GI, 0.37{ m/sec D. o.75 rdsec
7 ' \ffhat rnomenturn does a 40-lbm projectile
if the Projectite is moving at 420 mph?,
B. 765rbf_sec
52O lbf-selc

s li:il:iff:::, ? -_er
' I 8' A c€r is mcving around a level curve or radius 200 m. Fincl the velocity to provenl
skidding- Tlre coefficient of static friction betrveen lhe car from
the tires and the road is 0.6.
A. 62-16 rrr/ssc 34'31 m/soc c'
B. 43.31 mlsec D Zi -26 m/sec

9" v/hat can the isad be orr ther colurnn, ii *re crcss-sectic.rnar area
'estress cannot excee(J Z0O btn.?
is 144 srt- ft. ancl the
A. 28.8 kps C. 22 kips
B. 20 kips D. 32.2 kjps
.*i'to' A steelwiro 10.m long hanging Vertically supports'a tensile load.of 2,ooo N. Neglecilng the
wolght oI the u'fre, determino tho roquirod dianreter if ths stress in not to exceed 140 Mpa
anci tho totblekrngauon is nol to exceed s mm. Assume ti ,, 200
,4" 5.24 mm C. 4.04 nrm
B" 4.26 mnr D, 5.05 mm

11. A hollow sterel chimnoy 20 m high subjected to lncrousa iln

[ongth of 3.5 mm dus ter passage
of hot e.rhsust gas. What Is'the temperaturc cheng* on the steel .chimney? Assume
q = 11 x10-o por"C
A 160C c. 120C
g. " 260C
o" 2?'c
l?. A-stgel cylinclrirxl tank weighs 35 kg vdth of 7.87 contains a 4.Liter of liquid urith alernsity
o{ 997 kdm.,What is the total mass ol the tank?

; l:[3 Dr'&r,of
L9 A blc,ck of aluminum weighs
0.2.4525 N in air. What udll be the tension in a string thai"
\4 ). ?:,)
r-- 6
srj$pencs the b'lock when the block is totally submergecl int wale(l The density of aluminum is z
,t) t
2700 kg/m3.
A. 0.1s44 N c. 0.44s{i N VO = Sb - 9-!:!J:-:'
B. 0.1455 |.1 D. 0 s361 N {b \T#-i(
14. At a height of 10,000 m above sezr level,-atmospheric prerisure is about 210 mm of lig. What
is tho resultartt normal force on a 600 cm2 winbow of an airl:lane flying at this height wlren the
hydrostatic condition ancl a pressure insicJe the plane of 76ir mm oi H! and densit-y of nrercury
is 13,6C0 kg/rn&?
A. s.7kN c.4.4kN T=O.z4.S/j_
U. 3.4 KN D. 2.6 kN
15. The Froucie number is a ratio
A- of two irrational prime number,,;
B. proportional to the coefficient of heat transfer dividerC by ihe thermal conduCJvity
C. proportionalto the'specifii heat a constant prossuro di,ridod by the thermalconductivity
.JP) proportirrnal to the velociiy dividecl by the squsrB root <if the characleristics dimensiol

16'When a thin-bore, hollow glass tube is inserted into a cont;ai;rer of mercury. the surface of
th* mercury in the tube
A. is levelwith the surface of the mercury in the container
€ is below ther container surface due to cohesion
C. is below thel cpntainer surface due to adhesion
D" -. is above tho container surfaco due to cohesion

17.A siram engino operales between 15C'C and 550"C. Wlrat is ils 'theoretical maximum
thsrmal officiency?
A. 27% c. 73o+_
,g) 49% D. 95%

.; 1B.A 48-ft2wall has an average the,rmal conduaivity o{ 1.2 BTU--fUfi2-F-hr. lf the temperiitui'e
difference between the iwo sides is 18oF and the thickness is 0.7 ri, what is the total heat loss
in 5 hours?
A. 1480 BTIJ C. 73OO BTU
19. \l/hat is ths coefficient of perforrnance
of a Carnot refril;oration cycle operating betvieen
-'J0 "F Bnd -190"F?
A. *{].5
c. 1.06
8. 0.5
t:.iji l '

\..',,". 20' in 1993' a consurnption energy

(in MegaBru) from various oources wB$
follows: coal, 18.1; oii, 32.1; natuial gas,20.2; ts
hydro,2.9; and nuclear,2.g:.Calculate in
Megawatthours th'e totil elec*ric energy
that coukJ be produced from these so*(Es,
assuming 8n BverElge power-prant r:onversion
effidoncy otir.zs.

rA- ,\5.44 ..,.
I: i#
I l. Ortnvert SO"F to oC.
A. 2dc c. 1rc
ri. 12tC D. 10PC
22..ehemical symbol of Sodiunr Oxide.
;\. Nao
ri: i'i;i.sqj,*n,,
?cay,tc(g;r;E4 e il:fl Y:ffi[frry5or.
?3. Whieh of the followilrg is the formula:
for acetic acid?
A. COOH ^-'^..
c' cHrcH:llooH
ts. cH2cooH ,, r
@ cHrco,)H -+ tsuka, (yiqg*- ) c.Un,
' acid
'- rffi.l'rl: r,.:.yr#i
rJ' znc ffiis rodur-d

25' what is the mass in grants of 1 liter,s of

f ,. :,"" "n
Zncis ier,ucod and
d hyd.s :
hvdrogen is oxidized
r, :,J

carbon monoxide (co) at staiidard temperaiuro

pressuro? The MW of CO is 2g g/nrole. and
litgnS? : , .l; :::!-;_
At STp. mole .;. .:iun a*a3+_ ..-.. -_
=,,j ^oc i.,i. rupigs a- Voaliml,
of o-., Oi

@ 1.2s g.
C. 1.45 g
8. 1.35 g
D. 1.20 g
2ti' A droplet of mercury has a radius of 0.5 mm.
How many mercuu atoms are in the croplet?
For Hg: MW = 20?
I$tsmotand = 13.6
A. 2'l .23 xl 017 G. 21 .23 xt 0ro
$1, 23.21 x1010 D. 23.21 xj0r
i27. Given: r = distanoe between the particle
in Angstrom, V(r) = LennarC-Jonnes potential,
delta = finite distance at which inter''particle is 6,
zlro,' e,
-' signra
--r" = depth of potential well. what
is tho potentiat in tarrns of sigma?
A. 0.163 r c. 0.0163 r
cr-A-{.0163 E D. _c.163 L

?B' ln a tilraticn proce$s, suppos6 that a 20 mL of

0.1 N HCI neutralized 16 mL of unknown
sodium hydro*do (NacFr). what is the ,ormarity of tho basa?.
A. 0.2s - C. 0.15
B. 0.17s W.tis
29- L is a nonvolatile, non-electrolytic liquicJ. A solid,
S, is addod to L to form a soluf ion that just
bgilt atm pressure. The vapor iressuro of puro L ls 85rl
lt.1 torr. what is the mote fraction
of liquid L in tha soiution?
(& es.+"6 c. Ts.4%
B. 64.3% D. Bs:7%
19. \l/hat is ths coefficient of perforrnance
of a Carnot refril;oration cycle operating betvieen
-'J0 "F Bnd -190"F?
A. *{].5
c. 1.06
8. 0.5
t:.iji l '

\..',,". 20' in 1993' a consurnption energy

(in MegaBru) from various oources wB$
follows: coal, 18.1; oii, 32.1; natuial gas,20.2; ts
hydro,2.9; and nuclear,2.g:.Calculate in
Megawatthours th'e totil elec*ric energy
that coukJ be produced from these so*(Es,
assuming 8n BverElge power-prant r:onversion
effidoncy otir.zs.

rA- ,\5.44 ..,.
I: i#
I l. Ortnvert SO"F to oC.
A. 2dc c. 1rc
ri. 12tC D. 10PC
22..ehemical symbol of Sodiunr Oxide.
;\. Nao
ri: i'i;i.sqj,*n,,
?cay,tc(g;r;E4 e il:fl Y:ffi[frry5or.
?3. Whieh of the followilrg is the formula:
for acetic acid?
A. COOH ^-'^..
c' cHrcH:llooH
ts. cH2cooH ,, r
@ cHrco,)H -+ tsuka, (yiqg*- ) c.Un,
' acid
'- rffi.l'rl: r,.:.yr#i
rJ' znc ffiis rodur-d

25' what is the mass in grants of 1 liter,s of

f ,. :,"" "n
Zncis ier,ucod and
d hyd.s :
hvdrogen is oxidized
r, :,J

carbon monoxide (co) at staiidard temperaiuro

pressuro? The MW of CO is 2g g/nrole. and
litgnS? : , .l; :::!-;_
At STp. mole .;. .:iun a*a3+_ ..-.. -_
=,,j ^oc i.,i. rupigs a- Voaliml,
of o-., Oi

@ 1.2s g.
C. 1.45 g
8. 1.35 g
D. 1.20 g
2ti' A droplet of mercury has a radius of 0.5 mm.
How many mercuu atoms are in the croplet?
For Hg: MW = 20?
I$tsmotand = 13.6
A. 2'l .23 xl 017 G. 21 .23 xt 0ro
$1, 23.21 x1010 D. 23.21 xj0r
i27. Given: r = distanoe between the particle
in Angstrom, V(r) = LennarC-Jonnes potential,
delta = finite distance at which inter''particle is 6,
zlro,' e,
-' signra
--r" = depth of potential well. what
is tho potentiat in tarrns of sigma?
A. 0.163 r c. 0.0163 r
cr-A-{.0163 E D. _c.163 L

?B' ln a tilraticn proce$s, suppos6 that a 20 mL of

0.1 N HCI neutralized 16 mL of unknown
sodium hydro*do (NacFr). what is the ,ormarity of tho basa?.
A. 0.2s - C. 0.15
B. 0.17s W.tis
29- L is a nonvolatile, non-electrolytic liquicJ. A solid,
S, is addod to L to form a soluf ion that just
bgilt atm pressure. The vapor iressuro of puro L ls 85rl
lt.1 torr. what is the mote fraction
of liquid L in tha soiution?
(& es.+"6 c. Ts.4%
B. 64.3% D. Bs:7%
ll0, The mass (in alomic nrass
units, ilmu) of a photon
at 0.8 tjmes the speeil of light is most
[5"X' \ q *o nross D Vrwl-u1 / C. 0.8 anru
E!. 1.7 amu,
D. A.2 amu
ll1. he radius of a hypotfretical ole,:tron orbit
' Wavolsngth of tho oloctron
is known to be 0.75"4. What ls tho Broglio
if four completo cyclos constituto
nueiCIus? a stablo patlom around the
' A. 2.38 A
0.118 A
gn Q ,'1)
Q i.
\r., i r

ono of tho main differences between

D. 4.71 A

iron and steet is that
fu $teel has a hlgher silicon contorrt
-i{}} {itool hss a hwer carlbon contont _-//
e. $!e€l cannot be annealed whereas cast iron
.t3, $tael conteins a large amount of uncombined carbon
;')3. Viekers, Knoop and Brinellare ell narnes
A" i'Jcbel prue.,tinners in n:etallurgy
B. Magnetic.consianl
C. The:'mcdynelnlcs cc'nstaql
\e Hardness lesls t/
steelrnav bo increased by
" ;T,lltffi;,;r
heatins to appro;<imarery rsooT and quenchins

aY y"csrbon content if from 0'2% io 2.O% c. Ths carbon

B' Tho carbon c$ntont is abovo 3'0'/o D contont is below 0.2%
The steel has tioen hot rollod lnstead of casr
35' Whicrl or*r,e r1*gwing{actors wi, affoct
the hardenabirity cf s*oor?
t. Composition i:ll:'^1:.:i.'
A rnnh,
ii, il,;ffi; ,,,
il}. b*trJ[if":q{ftab rrpncress L,, ,,r),
' B. lv only .
' Q t and 11 {+!-- brdrya4,itlf !r trl
D- ll and lll '--,:.r. L/,r./i
36, Hoq many dosest neighbors rJoes B(lC (body
FQlerftd crrbie) atom hava?
tr. 6 (9) o
D. 10
37, What is the eqJivalent of (11.01) base
13. 3
2 ro base 10?

f jSii \ @)' t lLLf + o(:i+" ,,)-'

ir)S 38. What is the equiv;alent of (75.t) base 8 lo base 10?
A. 62.78s .. c.6.t.785 ,
B. 62.875
ft. ot.ats
;19' ls a type'of Inefi'lorY chip that rrltains its
clata when its
words' it is non-volatilo' lt is an 'anay of floatinggate Fower supply is switcheo-of, in other
jgo.;istors individually programrnod by
erocrronic devi,ce that suppries higher vortag;j;;#;; r,rrvrlrr-rrry
,"*rr,rv ust'(,
tn st9
,a,: capacitive storage \zC. gpnoM
( e' sReu
)'{' DMi'i
40. \tVhat is tho rnost common type of digrtal
lC (integrated circ,.rit.r package?
)4\. Dualin-tine packagei (Dtp)
B. Compiementary rneial oxidr: semiconduCor
e. Metaltypa
tl. Transistor-{ransistor logic (1TL)
4l' lVhat-refers to'the value of an intartgible itom whiclr.arise$ from ths oxclusvo riglrt of r:
eor'Rpany to provide a spocified prodr.rct and servico in a certain rogion of the country?
A; par value a. Goochyill valuo
, B" Going vhlue Franctrise vslue
..,.")' 'i?. VVlrat is the factor namo of tho formula (1 + ,)1?
(iV Slngte payment compound amount lactor C. Unifonn gnrdient future wortlr factor
B. singlo paynient presont worth factor D.'capital reo)very factor

4i]. On his 6h. birthday a boy is left an inheritanco. The.inheritanrx will bo paid in a tump 6urr of
' i)1O,OCICI on his 21't. birthday. What is the present worlh of lhrl inheritanco es of t\e bo/s tih.
l)irl.hriay, il intEr,Est is compounded annually al4%?
A. P4,442.64 c. P5,552.64
r], t5,652.4 D. P,4,542.46 -

ii) 44. $uppose I rnan receives an initia! annual salary of F'}60,000 incroasing at the nato of
})5,000 I year. lf money is worth at 10%. Deterrnine his oquivalent uniform srlary for a
period of 8.yrs.
.{.Dp75,022.39 c. P70,0s5.35
3. P72,A4s9 D. P72,22A35
'15. A machino has an initial cost of P50,000 and.a scrap value of P10,000 after 10 yerars. Find
tha boohvalue after 5 years usinE straight ling depreciation.
A. P32,000 . c. P25,0A0.
B. P28,000 D. P30,000v
I corporatiorr
or iirm be regstered or licensod to practice electrical engineering?

u;r, dsponding on the naturs of business of corporation or firm
D- Y.cs, upon aorrroval of govemmeni: regulating body

47.Th; official seal of a proiessional Electrical Engineer (PEE) as provided'in sgction a (q) of
A. 52 rnm C. 50 mm
8. 45 mm @+e mm
,4a. is delined as properly krcalizing a fault r:ondition to restrict outages to the
equipment effeiteti, accomplished by choice of selectiva fairtt protec*ive aevi-s.
. $eoordination C.. choi,r selsction
-\. device
B. fautt D. monitoring
Q!-) +g. The connocted electrical load of an o,ffica 3OO kVA,. The main circuit breaker to be
installed is 1,$00 Amp,2 poles,250 Volts. The'Menilco distribution transformer is rated
. 20,000/230 Volts, lt is to sotve this loa,C with u rated oonrroCocl load of 5OO kVA, single-phaser,
- q0 Hz, 3% impedancs,'230 Votts. What interrupting rating shotrld be required for the nrain
circuit breaker?
A. s0 kAtc c. 150 kAlc
El. 100 kAtc D. 75l-3JC
50. A pad of specjficrtion which describe:s the tochnical details types of construcilon.
A. specific ciause C. generaldause
B. shop dra*ing D- ord,er to work

Please subnrit tlris test question set togetlier wilh ihe ansyer sheet lo your watchers.
Republic of the Ptritippines
', Professional ReEulatiott Commission
' Manila

ItF-G{$TERED ELECTRICAL ENCilt\IEER .Board Examination

$unday August'.22, 2A10 8.00 a.m. - 12:00 n.n.


INSTRUCTIOtI : Select the correc;t .rnswer for each of tire following questions. Mark onlv one
.m&WSt for each itent by shading the box conespondinrg to the lettor of your choice on the
iln$wer sheet prr:vided. STRICTL'/ t{O ERASURES ALI_OWED


1. A series RLC circuit has 1 onrn resistance, 0.5 H inductance and 0.5 F caparcitance.
\Mat is the resulting transiernt current?
A. Undamped case - no tg-tsdarrC( C. C;-itically damped case r'
B. Overdamped case D. Underdamped caso

2. Two single phaser transforrners are connectecl open delta banll is supplying a balancecJ
three phase load of 64.95 h(VA . What rs tho Kva load of each transfoimeri
4.37.5 t' c. 32.5
8.25 D.30
3. At a dc steady stato, capacitor looks like aian circuir anci an inductcr looks like
" alan_ cin;uit.
L Grounded
li. Shod
lll, Open
A. land ll C. iliand li
B, ll and ll D. lll and tll ,, r

4. Calculate the efficiency of ;r 230 Volt shunt motor from the following data : lnput
current ls 33 Amp, balanca reading is 12lbs.. brake arm is 3 ft long & Speed is 1200
A 83% C- 860/o
@ at-v" o.85%
5. Suppose that you wish to firbricate a uniform'rvire out of 1.0 grarn of copper.
resistance of wire is to be 0.5 ohm and if all of the copper af€ to bo used, whttt will be
the diameter of v/ire? Resistivity is 1.7x10{ ohm-nneter and mass density is
A.2701m C, 290 s-on
8.280 pon 4.20A ;ttn

6. A 25 krn three phase transrnission line is compos;ed of conductors 500 rnils in diameter
are arrange in triangular formation 6rn apart. Calculate the capacitance per prhase in
I-"^-- du.
A. 0.3C9{t c.0.202'.7
B. 0.6067 t), 0.9154

7. A short tirree phase transnrission lirre delivers 10k\A at ,eceiving end line voltage of
240 volts nns The impedance of the line is 0.1+j0.2 ohms. What is the receiving;
power factor so that the voltage reguiation is zero?
A. 0.866 c. 0 86r,
B: 0.874 Lr. U.B7{i
8' A genenator 15 Mva, t lkvwith 107o readsnce ln parBllelwith
't0% roadrince are connectod to 10 MVA llkvwith
a t*11rg*."iri'#ili'irrc6 kvwith
u .', iffi I
6yo roarxance.
1Ytl:,m-ffiJ#:i:n:i: ---'--'-'r'# c,np n t ror a thres ir,,,"

A 14.44 ^ ^ ^-
B:3ll" ,

A i.SZ p.u.
8. 3.33 p.u. 9' 4.29
D. 9'91P.r-

'- gfii:l?-,ffiff:ff.:1""t*f^^lyl
,""tio"",ti,;#'#;"#ffi trznsrormer, Determino the cr"p-up',ff
delta) does not exceed S A. ff .:,il.3,",;ifif i,;X,il_,
A 1200:5
{.}oors D.400:5

are suppried rrom 20r] v rrns,

""J,[:ir:ffJ'ilj:'j:,:H;"1[T; 60 Hz rhree phase
!*q A 24 kW at 0.8 lagging ;o*er
Load B: 10 Kruat unityi.*",
Load C: 34 kVA at.o.o'6weiraciolieaoing.
the totai rine lurre'ii'""' '"o''ll''r^
,8..,1964 c. bg..{
D. 113A
12. Basically lightning arrester is a .

(r) Surge diveder - C. Surgo altornator

B, Surge reflectsr
D..Surge absorber
t3.A lighting llxture is 75 crn above an objdct. By how rnuch be
illuminatiorr at the o6ject.:, lowired to doubte the
d.53.03 cm C. 37.S cnr cm
D. 45.27 crn
14'A three phase induition motor
is'rated 2300 v, 11 14 and 0.75 power factor. wfut is
thettue of thie capacitof in ivnn ;t".h
" rjnpjyq the powdr facror to giy, hgsins? 4;tL'fi#n par:ailet wirh the circuit to
A 141.9 --'-"."'b
ts..243.6 E.
"'l5"A single spafl of transmission line is 1.58m in [ongth, tho supporting
level- The condustors have orir'"g"gon stn"rctures being
or r.'i'sE'cil-'nd weighs 0,8 kg p€rmeter.
Find the sag wlrictt must be allo*ua,
if the tensio;t;;i to exceod one-fifth
Z.olm s' .,
ylti1n1r.r strength 4000 kg pui of the
A "q ^^
^ ^.r.Uzfn
E. 1.20m D. S.oi*
16' lt is desired to the power
factor of a roarJ 99.76 rcva, B*Topower
the capaciroirrv* to improve nu p*r*, factor
frffS _?::"rmine C. at.ZkVai
factor to unity
B. 96.1 kVar D. 57.1 kVar
is the type of communicatiorr
that only'one of the turo party can transmit
" m; at a
A Futlduplex
C. Bicomm
B: Half duplex
D. Simplex
18.A switctrgear is a devios used for

'. f:-

l" lltqrrup$ng an electricatcircuit :

B, *sM-tcfi ing an electrical circuit
!, $wltcting and controiling an eteciricat Circuit
. 'p) switching, controfling ar;d;io];;;;g an
ekrctricarcircuit and.oquipment.
'!9"A Shunt motor
is takinrl 11 k\V at220 volts at
otrm and field rrrsistance of 1I0 full load has annature resistance
of 0.2
Find the fullload speecl.
ohm. At no toad #;il;;';;;, ar 1000 rpm.
A 1rX3 rpm
Clsss rpm
B. 1022 rpm ' D. 976 rpm
20'A llhreefhaforgl*n, 60 Frz, 34s
kv tlanspoi,ed transmission rine is <nmposed
rt, especxivi, [,] i,ffifff;,rxnffi:"xhllffi::il i*H*i t"l^::$* r
Per Phase o? ths tt*.,ri.Jn rine?
3 l:ii
21. Bttcfrho lz relaycannot be used on t oir erws-d aV)t c-)e-
A" lnre€ phase transformer c air a^^,.-) t_transformer,
B. ,500 !(/ L'ansfcmer $ Ilglod
r_r: i UUUiTV transformer

22' Tho i!-phase poY"{ center is to be served

. high siOe (primarv) grcrlit 1t.-2.q0 kv, tne power center will incJude a
MMAI zebiis kV transformer w*h 5
im,edanco, and a main circuit
y il;tr"
what ls mu i"ilttuiing outv .a,vace'fiint has
SlJtS*^ the marn secondary circurt
"t-s "vJ*-or
A\}S.S kR
gio.s kA c. 7:5 kA
D. {.tt kA
armaturo with 1000 turns rotates at
60 revorution per seconrJ across a oair
gf pglg wilh a flux donsfiy of c.2 Testa. The pote
raoe nai an fi";f o.i;;.?fii
A 3.s7 kv . c. 7.95 kV
S.2.4 kv D. 9.3 kV
24. What type of.conduit bend is used
in modorn lighting frXure?
A Comerbenci C. Saddle tsond
@orset oeno D. Gooseneck
25.A transmission tine at ri,y_er crossing is
supported ftrom two towers at height 40m and
90m above water levet- ]-he rrorizoiGr oiit"""rGt'"u;;-th"
ma:<iunum tbrmion in the conductor is not
towers is 3ocrrn. If tho
to exoeeorisg0 ig, find the dearanoe
l betu'€en conductor and urater *iu*ry between
supporti. weight of conductor is 0.g

-l A 49m
C. 39.5rn
c a.}-
@ uulrl
26'4 dalta conne<*ed load has a per phase in:podance
of 10 +j 10 otrms. lt is supplied by
I a wye conneded balance source through
I ' a s-pnase tin"
1.0 ohms induc*ive reac*ance. The vctta-ge.uql"n*;'!ir"n
un 1.0 ohm resistance and
Vb=1Z!LIEC Vc=120te[. t&trat is the line.n L,renti o by G:iz-o/*[
A. -13.86+j13.86 A c'
5'07-i18"s3 A
8. 13.86-i13.86A D. -18.93+js.07 A
27.Which poler plary can have a r;ingte unit
up to 100MW?
,q". Hydro electric power
(p) Diesel power C. Steam power plant
D. Nuclear power plani
. ?8- TrT sknllar cfrargos of 250 statC are sttuated on srnall spheros 1 5 cm apart tMlat is
{*.e"l"ntiElat point midwa'r betwoen the spheresi,
.A 16.7 statV C.'OO.Z stzrtV
8. 25 statV D. 33.i otatV
?t \{fut is fullload officiency of power,rrr*rry;' ( 9V 0O 7>
B. 90% D. u%
30.|f a tropical storm is going tc, the F'hilippine area o{ resporrsibility within 24 hburs, what ')
. kind of alert to be rqised in arccordance to phitippino Distribution code?
A Bluo Alert / C. Woathe,r Disturbe,nco atert
B.Yellcnralert ( ttcs than Apacdg D. Redatert ( _cD1tihrr:nE
Sl.Threeresistors arc connectrd in series acress 240 volts'dc source draw 4 amperes, lf
Vnt=60 volts, R -,1.5 Rt. Wirat is fu?
416 c. 27
B.'18 a. 24
3?.An ideat transformer has a volhge rating of 2300/290 volts, a motor is connscted to
ttie secondary draws 30 A at 200 volts, what resistance must be connected to maintain
this voltage?
A" 0.67 ohm C. 0.75 ohm
B" 1.O ohm D. 10 ohms
33-WtEt is the povrer factor of poten.Jal transformer?
A.0.s7 L'

34"'tho tungsten filament lanip has its^filament wlie bf bngtfr' cm[nd'6-.oi mm in

diamstor. The resistivity is 5.55x10s ohm-meter at 20oC...What is tho resistance at
A !5 ohms C. 20 ohms i:'" .1:t'.') '
8.27.5 ohrns D. 60 ohms

. 35. What ls the'lnsulation tast ,vrcltage userd?

A1000 volts {e600 volts ':.,:,: rl'
B. 600 volts V. ZS0 volts
36. Wtiatb the name of Ratio in a transformer
A Polariiation Ratio C. Neutralization'Ratio ii'
B. Myers lndex
$Transftrmertum ratio
37.Wtere a grouM fauft eircui,t intemrpter (Gfe[ sho,utd lro installed?
l. Garage
ll. Bathroom
!ll. Outside
M. Dining Room
V. Guest Room
D i;ll,lil c.t,ll,v
B.,v D. l,lll,lv

38.VVhat is the type of relay that detecl excessive cunent?

A Differential Relay @ Overolnent Relay
B. Reverse cunent Relay D. Overvrtltage Relay
3-CI.A Hermetic motor-compressor has B0 A full load qrrrent. Wl:at is the rating of
llisconnecting nreans?
A.) 92A C. BOA
B. 100'4 D.200A
4rJ, Slectric Discharge'larnp of 150A and a 250A inrzndescent lat'np ii-supplied rom a
singlo phaset wire system. Vt/hat is the neukalcumant?
ru iooA c. 38sA
g, aooe D. 425A
41,Three induct<lrs Lt=20mH. L2::!Qmfl and to=4ontH aro connected in parallel,
il-etermino tho equivalent inductance'
e. tZml-l
c. 24mH
D. 36mH
's,l:2,Wtat is ihe main purpose of f:use?
A. Protect tlre line C. Protect appliances
B. Protect the load fDr limit'the exc€ssive cunent r,'
.i3" fiind the Connaction of capacitors 1 pF,3 pF &47.r F neoded to havs atotalof 2
, micro-farad.
' A Ct & C2 in parallet, series w/
'd rut
C3 O. C1 & Ci] in parallel, sories wlC2
inp'arallel D. allin series

44. Four 3 pCcu! spheres are in corner of a sq';are lcnt on sides. Find the'force in
:a e.1*10'to c.4.05x1(l'ro.-
D- 20.25x1c'10

,4S. Equal aniount of electrons are placed in two spheres 3 cm apart in air. lf the resultant
foice is 4 KN, How many ele.ctrons does gqch spherres contain? ' ' i
R. i.azxto". G)'2sx1tlla :" -
g. r.sgxlot{ b- t.ex'io'lt
46" lf a forc6 of 4.8x10'2 N is required to move a 4A pC charge in an.eJectric field
. beh6reen tle two points 20 cm apart. What is the potentiZrl differenie between two
'r C. 120Volts
A 240 Votts
B, 160 volis I

47.Vvfrit witl happen to the time c.pnsta." * e6:ilfril;e is increased?'.

A docrease
El. increaie D. conskrnt
.. "': "'--.'

48. tn a balance thre'e phase voltitge, Van=11orcq h/hat is \rbc using ABC sequence?
{tps.z-1tos c" 95.3+j165
H-ss.z+llos D. -190.53+j0

49. Ev:rluate the value of aj+t

A -0.866-j0.5 C. 1+i0
" B. 1.866-j0.5 D.0.J34..j0.5

50. Evatuate the value oi ai+a2

A -1.366-i1.366 c. 1.366-j1.366
B. .1.366'+j1 .366 D.. 1.366+i1.366

Republic of the Philippines
Jiilc;. Professional Regulatiorr Commission
*- 'iir'; : I Mani[a
lar ")' .


SaturdaY, MaY 01, 2010. 1:00 p.m,- 5:00 p'm'

E: N A t N E E FII/V(} S C t E N e E S A N D A L Ll E D SUEI*IEC7-S SET. A

INSIBIIEIION : Select lhe coneci snswar for each of tlre following quostions. Mart Cnlyj,n3-
a,1sur6r for each item by shading the bo:x conespondino
to [r9^le{91 9l vuur
choico on the answer sheet provided. sTI{IGTLY. NO ERASUEES ALLOWED.
Use pencil no.2 only. P/oase do nct mark wwrite anything /n lhis guostionnairc.
along the
t. A box is pushed along tho lloor with a force of 40lbs with an angle of 30 degroee
components of the
trortzontal. Using a sc;le of 1 in =- 10 lbs. Find the horizontal and vertical
forco by graplrlcal method.
A Fx .: 34,6|bc. & Fy = 20lbs C. Fx = 36 tbs. & Fy = 3616"
B. . Fx * 34.6 lbs. & Fy = 37'6 lbs D. Fx = 32.6|bs. & Fy = 34.8 lbs

2. A with a bngth of 1O units makss an angle of 30 degroes with I wlth the longth of 6 units-
Find tho value of tho differenrz A-8 by parallelogranr mslhod'
a ,.'6L-
! tr[p C. 6.25 tntts
^ D. 5,66 units
B. 4.34 uniis
ve,locity of 550 mlsoc is fired frorq a gut- on I {itr +50 m
3. A pr,oiectile with mrste
sea level. f tfrs pojactitl nits tne water surface 5O eec after being firetl- Dotermine
tho horizontal rango of the proiectile.
A. 24.E58 km C. 23-933 km
B. 28..433 km D. 25.533 km

4. Ofi a normatday, lhe speed limit of a hi-way curve is !_0 *ptr" lf the cune has a radius of
betwEen tirss and
S?S fi, at ufiat lpeed ,nttt *kiOaing impend if the coefficlent of friction
rosdway k 020?.
r{" 62.55 mPh C. 71.15 mPh
n Co 7E aah
!r9. a v ,.rPr
B. &4.93 mph 9. !

5. l/Vhat is the stresg id an 8-inch round x 16-inch high concreto cylinder (E= 2'5 x10e lbf/in?)
ufien the unit rleformation is 0.0012 inch? 'C. 5@0lbf/tnlPsi)
A. 30OO lbfiot$61)
B. 4OO0 tbfnnlGsi) D. 8100lbf/lnr(Psi)

"' wlld h the minlrnr.rm diarneter of a solid steol shaft that will not twistlhroug! lore than 3
i" ronr*ter hlgth utren subiotxed to a torque of 14 kN-rn? Use G = 83 GPa.
n mm C. 0.118 m
E. 327 cm O. 7.912 in

7.' A cylindricat rrrater tank is 5 m ln diamoter and 10 q high. lf the tank ts to bs completely
I i,if,i6. Oet*rmhre the minlmum thickness of ths tank pliting if the stress ls limited to44 MPa'
A 2J5 mm C. 5.5I mm

"t g.
B" 3.25 mm D. 4.57 mm

A certain steeltape is kngwn to bo 100.0O0 ft long at a tomperature of 75oF.-Whon

the tape
what tapo reading-co-netP-t-lf to a distarrco of 80'000 ft?
is'ai s tempxrature of 20"F,
Assumo a cooffrcient of thermal oxpansion equal to 65 xl0-'f'F'
A. 7s.e5S ft c- 79.971 ft
B. 80.032 ft D. 80.029 ft

g. to a ho[row shaft
A flanged bolt couplir:g ir; used to ccnnecl a sotid shafi 80 mm in diamoter
lCB m-nr in outside diameter end 90 mm in inside diamater. lf the allowable thearing stress
ttr" Uoii"-il gO trttttn". how many.JG*Tl diarneter stosl botts muet be used
in ths shafi
""0aiameiei Uolt circle so that the coupling witl be as. slrong as the weaker shaft?
on a 20$mm
A. 10 botts C. I botts
B. 7 bolts D. 8 bolts
t0"A' flanged bott coupling consists of eight stoel 2Gmm
diarneter bolts spreec ovonly around a
&olt circls 300 'i'nn'r in diameter. Dotermine tre toirluo
sfiowable strcaring stress in lhr: lrclts is 40 MN/mr-
----- Lpacity of the coupling if lre
A. 5.75 MN-mm C. 15.08 kN*n
B. 57 N.+m D^ 85 GN-inch
'iI'At a height of 10,000 m above sea level atmosphoric
pr6ssure is about 210 mrn of Hg.
\fr/hat I$ ths msultar( nornal fonn on a odo crn'winJorriirn
airplane flylng at this hoight
utren the hydrostatic conditiorn and a pressuro inside
tho plane of 760 mm of l-lg and
gensltl of mercury is 13.600 kgr,tn!?
l. 5.7 kN
B 3.4 KN 3 i:[ fil:

x3' A horizontal pipe hars.a diametor of 2 mm water

flows at 2 m/soc and at the constriclion of
{ rn/sec. 'the
\{trat is the diameter of constriclion?
A.1mm C. 1.S mm
B- 0.5 mm D. 1.41 rnm
'13. A jet of water issuers frorn 90 rnm diarneter nozzle with
horse power of the j,et.
a velocity of 1B rnlsec. Find the
A, 25 hp C. 20 hp
8_ 30 hp D. 40 hp
14'At what critlcat spood which the flow of water in
a long cylindrical pipe of diametor .1.5 crn
becomos turbulont t:onsidorirtg thal ttre tomporature
rc zd"c. vlscoolry lc 1.0 x10- pa-sec.
and cdtical Reynoldr; number G ZOOO.
A. 0.155 m/sec C..0.133 m/eoc
B. 0.233 m/sec D. 0.255 tVsec
'15' Bemoulli! law for fluid flow is b:rsed on which
of the foflowing principles?
A. Consorvation of mass
B. Consorvation qf angular momentum C, Conssrvation of onergy
O. Continu-ity oquation
'!6'A tank contains 3
of f 20 psig air at B0'F. Horv many tires of votume
inflated to 28 psig at gO.F?{Y:j::t 1.2 ft! <xn be
4,5.0 complete tires C. 4.0 <nmplete tires
B. 6.5 cornflete tires D. 5.5 <nnrplete tires
'tr?'The mass llow
ratS of F1e1n-12 through is 10 tbvmin. Enthatpy of Freon
entry is 102 BTU/lb and of Fre,:rn exit-is 1lEjl€xchanoer
26 BTU/tb. wli", *otant is altowed to rise .t0"F.
The water flow rate in lbs/min is:
A. 24 c. 83
B" 112 D, 76
187Th€ maximum thermal-efticiency that can
be obtainedr in an Neq' reversibie .rt.
"' ideal
.ope-ryqry botween lt{trF and Jio"F is <Josest to: 'svsro's'., ireat engine
A. 100% c- 78%
B. 60% - D. 22Vn
'19.A Camot clcle hoat engir,e
operating betwaen 1S40''F and 440F has an
approximately? effrciency of
A 35%
C. 55o/"
B. 45%
D. 29%
20'second lar"r limitation on the ntaximum horsepower
orutput from any power unit burning
1'@0'000 6l-Ll/ hr of fuel with high and low temperature
.4.. gB of 1540"F and 40,F is:
Q .r,) c. 1140 "*ti".*,
Lr. D. 3a30
21.1-iti: siate oia ti rerrrrodyrrar,-ric srsterrr is aiways,iefi,ieci i:y
A. availabiiity O,, prop€rriies
B. process i) iemp,lrature ancJ pressure
??" What is the speed of sound through compressod water
(100 kPa) if iis volume decreased
hy 0.005% of iis,original volume?
s" rsrS m/sec -^^ ,
9' t?09 m/sec
E.,,1ala ny'sec D. 1?12 m/sec

?3. Wircn a sburce of sound is moving with respect to an obse'ver

or an observer is moving
is different from the
wiil.r respect to the sour@, the pitih of sound heard by the observer
pltch heard when the source and observer are both al rest. Wha[ do you call this change in
{requency caused by the motion? ,,t - ^L
n. Stin Eftert C' DoPPle/s effect
a, iatt's efrect D' Poltier's effoct
p*4. Wlrich of the lollowing is the u:sual geometric view facllor for a black
A. zero C' one
B. infiniiy D. incleterminate

pressuro is seon to
liquid in whicfr the bJb rcf the thermometer is immersed when the
87-7 cm?
A. 34"C C. 4:PC
B. 45"C D, sffC

26.l{ow many moles are tltere in one atorrr'l

A. 1.66:<10-2t moles C.. ?.5 x10":'moles
l B. 2.02;x10-amoles D. 3.6 x10-a moles

27. Which of the following is the reason why nretats are goocJ conductors of heat?
A. Metiils have reflecting surfaco
B, Metals contain free electrr:ns
- C. Met:rls have atoms frequerntly collides one anothe:r
D. Atoms in metals ars too f::r fronr another
28. The ratio of the radiation of arctr.ral body to ths radiaticn of a blackbody is known as;
A. refledance C. emittance
B. transmittance D. conductance

?9, A double convex lens has faces of radii 21 anrj 23 cm- When an objecl is 25
crn from the
l€ns, a'raal image !s formed 40 crn from the lens. What is refractive index of the lons
A 1.61 c. il.B1
B. 1.71 D. 1.51

30- Vvhat is Ure description of 'P'' in profix used in tool steels?

A Hot-work Cz lVloid
B. Special purpose D. trtigh-carbon, high-chromium
!q .31. What b the ASTM tonsion tr:sting designation for standard methods for steel prorjucG?
A. E345 c. ,A370

ii B. E8 D. A256

32. The term'brass' is vdry cornmonly used to designzrte any alloy primarily:
A. aluminum and iron C' copper and zinc
B. zinc and nicket D. copper anci iron

33. ,/ellow brass contains appr,cximately how many percent cf r-inc?

A. 15% C. 4Aa/o
B. 200h D. 30%

34. Divide (15) base 15 by (01 1) base 2 Express the ansv"er irl base 10
A5 C' 7
8.4 D.B
35. What [s the true comptenrent of (2S) base g?
A. 52 t\
c. ?,
. t). 55
36' what do you call a method of identifying the loqrtion
of a given data record by its name?
Ar handshaking cr hashing
B. accoso
.D. debugging
37. A device that sends infomnation to another device
is called:
A. Recoivor
B, rransmitter [i: lliJffi,ion

38' lt is I t/pe of annuity where the first payrnent

rJoes not begin until som6 later date in
qash flow. t^e
A. Ordinary annuity C. Deferred annuitv
B. Annuity due t). Perpetuity
39' A faclory oporator brought a diesel generator s;et for p -10,000.00 and agreed to pay
deater unlform sum at th1 end of eacrr years.for ihe
for Flti0'0o. thal the final paymoni*itt iancol
s-v.s g%. lnterost
t*Lbt "tlor prlnclpal arid-compounded
lnterost. what ls tho

B. pz:so;:oo
A. P4,600.35
3 Fj,133 33
1I 40' The originatcost of equipment is P150,oo0.lnd
k de6eciated uy io% sinking fund method.
what i* the annual depieciation charge if the b,ook rrtu* after 1o yea6 is the same as it
!."d_Ell (epreciated it eu"[ y"", ayitr"lgitiine
A. P8790.45 formura?
B. P79g0.54 c, P78oo.6s
D. P87t14.36
41' Randy and Ed"uard workeld on ldentlcal machines
some of tho pigces they produce ere dofec*ive, urt oactr-produces 200 piercos. per hour..
tiiese pieces can be repairect at a cost
of p1.50 per pieca. on tne aveGrqg,. ilk";-i;e[.]!.r"jil,TJ#,
makes 6% rhe aame. rf ftandy r. pig E"ay p g.ob pu; h"r; and Ed,vard-;'i p Edwsrd
"ncper hour,
dEtermino the average cost- pei
r -' pieie
r'-v' for
'v! es*'
ea"n ririui;-;id;rg;t il
""r^nr rA,,I
ryeg,s and their*ggit. '
cost or defecrive
I .?
& Randy: P0.Xg5 per piece. Edward : p0.145 per pieixr
B. Randy: P1.0S0 por piece, Edward : pO.Z,+S
*; ffi;
Randy: p0.495_per biece, Edward : pO.SOf p";;il
D- Randp p0.S 45 por pkrca, Edward : p0.967lar;;;

{ 42' sec 4 article lt states that the board shallexercise

I quasi-judicial, which nrcans?
A Control'
s. Cd"*n.uns 3: ffiS,::"
43. What is Article Hl, Sec*ion 17 (b, of R.A
Hs is a.citizen of the phitipiines
8.. He ls at hast twenty-one (Zt; years of age
Hs har not treen ftnaffy conrciuo by tho-court of an
offrrlse=iry[dng moralturpitude'
D. ti; i;;;;*prtation with high rnorar..,arueE
4i''ln sec'29 of Arl lll:' Revocation of certificates of registratiolf,
practico of the profession. The Board euspension from the
shatt trave [" p5"ur, upon""n nofico of hearing revoke
'any certificate of registration of any registr$ 6 ![u*uo
his/her profossion for fraucl, deceit. grosJneglig€nre trim*rei rro;'ih; practice of
above policy?
o.1n.r*p.tonco which wilt satisfy the
A. Act of governrnent
B- Order of court
C. P.R.C. ruting
D- Rules and reguration, poricies of orofessionar ethics
of this act
_i 1*'.
' ; '-. -
' '--Ji"6!;f:,:1
d', ", . .:
"3': i'-.-
?+. & ;
' i;- ')- 1' .' '
.'n-:li; , I
35. What ls the true complsment of (25) base B?
.1 . .,: A52 ', c" 54
B, 53 D, 55
38. What do you utll a mothod of idontifying the location of a glven data record by lts narne?
Ar handshaking Cr hashing
B. accoss D. debugging
37" A device that sends information to another device is called:
A. Receiver C. information data
B, transmitter O. medium
38.|t is a typo of annuity witere the fii^st payment does not bogin until sorno later date in the
cash flow.
A. OnJinary annuity C. Deferred annuity
B. A.nnui$ due D. Perpetr;,ity

39. A factory.oper,ator brought a diesel ganerator sot for P 1O.OOO.@ and agreod to pay the
dealar unlform eum at ther end of each years for $yrs at 87o lntsrest comp6unded annually
for Pl50.00, that tho final paymont will cancel the debt for prlndpat and'lnierest. What ls thl
A. P4,600.25 c. P3,O05.00
*i .8. P2,504.00 D. P5.200.CI0
l 40.Trt€ or[lnal cost of equipnrent'is P150,0o0 and is deprcciated by 1O% llnklng fund methocl.
What is the annual dopreciatidn charge if the book value after 10 yearu is the sarne as it
had been {epreciated at P14.000 eacfi year by straight line formula?
A. P8790.45 c. P7800.65
B. F7980.54 Dr. P87t!4.36

41. Randy ard Edvrard trorkr:d on identical machines ard each producog 2OC piecae per hour-
S9T9 of the pieces tlrey produce are dofective, but trse pieoes can ba rd,peireO-at a cost
of P1.50 par piece. On the 8v€r3g€., Randy nnskes 10% def€€tirr€ plecis and Edward
mak6e 6% the Earna. lf Rendy ls paiC P 9.00 per hour snd P 11.OO per hour.
d€t9rnino the average cost per piece for eaclr wrrker considering only UE cost of defeciive
" pioqss and their wages.'
A. Randy: P0.195'per piece. Edward : P0.145 per piebei
B. Randy: P1.950 per piece, Edward : P0.2a5 plr piece
C. R4ndp P0.495 per piece. Edward : P0.561 por piea:
D. Randy P0.3 45 por pioco, Edward : P0,$67 por priece

"{2. Sec.4 article lt states thet the board shall exercioe quasijudicial, wtrictr means?
A Control' C;z lnvosggate
B. Rulo-making E). Superviso
.43. Whst is p,rtiAe llt, Section 17 (b) of R.A. 7g2A?
A l-le is s.cithen of the Philipplnes
B.. l-[e Is at bast twenty-one (21) year^s of age
' C, l-le has not boen finally convicted by the court of an offense invotving rnoral turpitude.
D.. l"le is of good reprrtation with high moralvaluers

'44.1n €ioc.29'of Art. lll:.Revocation of certificates, of rogistration and cuapension from the
praciice of the profession. The Boaid shal! lraver ttre poweq upon notlce of hearing rovoke
any cedificete of registr'ation of any registrant to suspend him/trer fn:m ttre practice of
his/tror ptofession for fraud, deceit, gross neglig{}nce or incompotence which will satisfy the
above policy?
A. Act of government
B. Order of court
C. F'.R.C. ruling
D, Ftules ancl regulation, policies of professional ethics of this act
''"4S"WhatisArticlo I, Sediofi 1 ? ;:':,'l :'ri:.*,"" j:,':,-,ji,'. r
, '" . 6*; 611 Ehdd€l Engineer snail Oiscniirio his'Outhi...
', i-;'
with absolute fdelity to his clients and
' omployprq and shall at alltimas lmpartial to all.
B. An Elodrical Enginoer shall uphold the honor and dignity of hls professlon.
C. fui Eloctrklal Englneer ehall only advertise his work in a simple mairner and avoid any
' practice that will discredit or d<l injury to the digni$ of his professlon.
D. An Eledrical Englnoer shall have due regard at arll times for safetyof the lite and heatth
of his employees, other wod(ers, as well as general public.

46. What is Articje t, Section 2?

A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and
employers. and shall at alltimes irnpartialto all,
B- An EletXrlcal Englneer shall uphold th.o honor and dlgnity of his profosslon.
C. fur Eler;trical Engineer shall only advertise his work in a simple manner and avoid any
praciico that will discredit or do injury to the dignity of his profossion. .

0. An Elor*rical Englnebr shatl have due regarct at all times for safety of the life and hsalth
o( his emptoyees, other workers, as well as geneml public.

47. Whst ls AttitJe lll. Section 7?

A. An Electrical Engineer shilll not accept compensation from more than one interested
party for the same professional service pertaining to the Eame work. without the consent
cf e!! gflected pa*les
8, An Elecdrical Engineer shall not divulge confide,ntial matters or information which has
come to his knowledge c;onoeming affairs of lris clients or employers, without their
C. An Etectrical Engineer vrho has been engage to prepare the specifications of
machineries, equipments or things needed in'a project. shall not make the specification
to frt the. machinories, equipmen( or things of a prospective bidder for which tre hbs been
or expects to be employr:ld as an engineor, u,nless he has consent of tris cliqnt or
D. An Electrical Engineer ehell promptly disciose to lris client or employer an in'terest which
he may have in a businoss that may conflid with or arfect his decision regarding
enginoering wo{< forwtrich he is employed orwhich hs may be called upon to perfonn.

48. t /hat Rule is the opinion on and interpretation ol'R.A. 7920 and the board's rulds and
' A Rule8 C: ttule 9
B. Ruls 10 D. ttule T
49. What is Rule 13 in R.A. 7920'7 '

A' Action on Qommunication C. Ilrogram of Examination

B. Places and Dates of Exantinations Dr Publication of Examination

50. ln Fulicle l, Section 3 states that an Electrical Enginoer shall strive to upgrade his skills ancl
knoudedge in Eleclrical Engineering in order to give the best possible to the public.
A- workers C. enginoors
Bz service D. interest

Please subrnit this test question set{ogether with the answer sheat to your watchers.


''"4S"WhatisArticlo I, Sediofi 1 ? ;:':,'l :'ri:.*,"" j:,':,-,ji,'. r
, '" . 6*; 611 Ehdd€l Engineer snail Oiscniirio his'Outhi...
', i-;'
with absolute fdelity to his clients and
' omployprq and shall at alltimas lmpartial to all.
B. An Elodrical Enginoer shall uphold the honor and dignity of hls professlon.
C. fui Eloctrklal Englneer ehall only advertise his work in a simple mairner and avoid any
' practice that will discredit or d<l injury to the digni$ of his professlon.
D. An Eledrical Englnoer shall have due regard at arll times for safetyof the lite and heatth
of his employees, other wod(ers, as well as general public.

46. What is Articje t, Section 2?

A. An Electrical Engineer shall discharge his duties with absolute fidelity to his clients and
employers. and shall at alltimes irnpartialto all,
B- An EletXrlcal Englneer shall uphold th.o honor and dlgnity of his profosslon.
C. fur Eler;trical Engineer shall only advertise his work in a simple manner and avoid any
praciico that will discredit or do injury to the dignity of his profossion. .

0. An Elor*rical Englnebr shatl have due regarct at all times for safety of the life and hsalth
o( his emptoyees, other workers, as well as geneml public.

47. Whst ls AttitJe lll. Section 7?

A. An Electrical Engineer shilll not accept compensation from more than one interested
party for the same professional service pertaining to the Eame work. without the consent
cf e!! gflected pa*les
8, An Elecdrical Engineer shall not divulge confide,ntial matters or information which has
come to his knowledge c;onoeming affairs of lris clients or employers, without their
C. An Etectrical Engineer vrho has been engage to prepare the specifications of
machineries, equipments or things needed in'a project. shall not make the specification
to frt the. machinories, equipmen( or things of a prospective bidder for which tre hbs been
or expects to be employr:ld as an engineor, u,nless he has consent of tris cliqnt or
D. An Electrical Engineer ehell promptly disciose to lris client or employer an in'terest which
he may have in a businoss that may conflid with or arfect his decision regarding
enginoering wo{< forwtrich he is employed orwhich hs may be called upon to perfonn.

48. t /hat Rule is the opinion on and interpretation ol'R.A. 7920 and the board's rulds and
' A Rule8 C: ttule 9
B. Ruls 10 D. ttule T
49. What is Rule 13 in R.A. 7920'7 '

A' Action on Qommunication C. Ilrogram of Examination

B. Places and Dates of Exantinations Dr Publication of Examination

50. ln Fulicle l, Section 3 states that an Electrical Enginoer shall strive to upgrade his skills ancl
knoudedge in Eleclrical Engineering in order to give the best possible to the public.
A- workers C. enginoors
Bz service D. interest

Please subrnit this test question set{ogether with the answer sheat to your watchers.


sirnple power rystent composed of a generator, an-ideattransformerftl) phase load

20:1 three
transmissionline of impedarrce 30+i21dohms. transfornret O2-)
of impedan cE 7 .O'7+i7.07 ohrn per phase at line voltage
of iOfj vo[s' Bases aro 10
MVA:460 V. Vr/hat is the pen unit current?
A.0.02116 pu @9 00116 Pu'
B. 0.2116 Pu
D. 2.116 pu

power factor tagging' The tirst

i 1.The total load of parallel generator is 17.5 kva at 0.76
rated condition' Whrat is the real
machine has rating of 12 kur at 0.8 pf is operating at
Qower delivered by the secxlnd machine?
@l isclo watts c' 13'3oo waus
D' 10,000 watis
. B. 1200 watts
at i10 volts' Tlro cold resistance of
X2. A tight bulb having a tungsten fitament, draws 0'5A
the filament is Zgbhms at !tg.'c. At thi; temperature the temperaturB coefficient of
resist.ance fcir tungsie1 is 0.005 per
oC. Determine the operating temperature of the
A.122A.C c. 2520'C
B.52O.C D. 2020oC

square rreter rnust

13.The lighting lcad for a office expresse<I in terms of 'voli-ampere Per
be at least
n" rg Vnr"q *- 9' .tz !flse

@ruVNsq m ,, F
o'24 VlVsq m
4- 6urtltt'
as follows:
14.The voltage equation in a,certain elecCric circuit are
lf Rr=12, 1-1"='d 3nd Rr=S- Fincl lr & lz

A. lr=0.057A &l*1"44 (p. l,-0.'zo7A & lz=1.7594

B. L=0.97A & lr=2-63A l,=0.t57A &l*2.474
resistive rretwork shown
l5.Determine the tota!current supptied by a battery to the

l0v 3oft

A. l=0.5A C. l=0.lZA
B. l=0.3A D. t=0.'7A

l6.An emf of S volis is induced in a cci! of inductan e 2 H- What is the rate of change of
cunetnt in the coil?
A.2 AJs .,L = l.r J, (U O N'"
8.3fus ",lt D. 5,{''s

power factor lagging. T9 9u ibte to

17.An be ptant has a load of 100 kva, 3-phase 801/o
be connected-open delta' 'Nhat is
serve this-load, h,vo single phase tranlfc,mre, a,oio
the rninimum kva rating r>f each?
A.50 c.75
B. 1oCI
D. 124;

to be cpnnected open delta to

lB.Whatis the kva rating ol two singte phase tran:;former power factor'
800 kva, 240 vo'its, three phase, 80%
supplyr a load of
A 333
I b' sot)
8.1000 \J
:i:*ff":Hf; 3itT.?:lfl T,HB[li.rromthreephasez0T.svorts
. 4.8.64 kvar c. r.Z-dri,-"i'
6.e kvar o:i:iil;'
20.A 24 votts battery delivers 15A to a motor toad in
i0 rninutes a"v.what is 6e
!"! tnrnr C. 7.3 tcwhr
B. 6,.2lo,vhr

^- - Y ..* e{(nY?arr*"' ,*,'n ).,r1,' *E4f '!*t

a ltrys connected balancs $ourco through a 31hase
tino wir@6rrm resistance and16_
-"- '1'
ohms lndudive reactancs. The vottage
\to=:240L1-[Qdee Vc=240[Q0de9. WEat k rhe tine
g'tu"n by Va=240&aodrg-"
4.5.q14.4 A hr..n 'LJ&
C lurrentZ
g. e,gc*iir.e'A
B. 15"14_i2.62A D. -1t;.,14+i;.oze u*ls
22.Calculate the vetocity with which a 200-kg rnas:s
must move so that its kinetic energy
equals the onergy dissipated in a a.2 ohri rresi:stor
ttrrougrr which a 100 A current
flows for2 hours. p : v -r.L
A. Z7$.8 m/s r. ,.'rr ,.. @ SZrl.Smrs.
B. 453.6 nVs x,,.-1 ''; D. 1215.9 m/s
l5^-,I' Irtr.r-) zt" . ,|,lu'' ! rur i'"-
23'l F.ltjriven generator suppties tizs kwat gio6 emciency. tf the
toss in the drive bett
is 2.{i7o. calculate the horsepower of ne ;eer; t'o urive gie gunu*tor.

H iiii ffi rrp -

@ 1267.hp ,r "njine,
llt;'rclro'r* j,1" 3. ffi|13
24-A fiLlcva tr,ro *ildjlg l,ffi;:
l,*urvortr 3yo impedance is converred as
autotnansfcrmer 2640:2400 vorts. what is fte n"* p"r*rit
.A- 0"2'fo/a
25- what k the minimum size grounding electrode copper conductor?
A l.! { c. s.s sd.;;
'v"Ysv\vr '
(98-0 sq'mm qrfpi^-
*) D. 1t$ql*, -r olun\urn
26'in s.hort three phase tran:;mission [ine, thb rebeiving end line
voltage is i.+o votts rms
a{ th"o lmp€danr :}*.:rrn{!1qg2.ehrr.}s c"di;;" a 1:i-!(${at
oG]nui-'' "
the receivins
end ard the tosses l{Q{t*gi wE-a[ b fte ptuse vortase
A 136+ila \---l i:iap..ziiA,U
B. 138.6{j6.8 o. fi2.+i1a.{

2?. What is the minimum sizir grounding rod?
A lomm €
c. i3mm
f. lr, ?ec wn
28. ln a pouer station. 2xloo GWH of energy b to be produced ln a yoar..To be supplied,
'th" gn."ryy content of the coal is s00 waits-yearltdn. How rnuch firel ls ruquir"a
energf ls to be supplied
Lry the coal.
A tons
253.7x10E C. ZS.37x10o tons
8.2.537x106 tons D.0.2S37x106 tons
29. A synchronous genera-tor having subtransient
reactance of 0.2 p.u. The generator is
connected to a transmiss[on line having a reac*ance of 0.304 p.u
and , Jnort circuit
rating oi 0.6 MVA at 480 volis nominal-voltage. A three phase fault
occurs at generator
terminals. Dqtermine the fault curi'ent. Basei are 2000 kva and
480 votts.
A. 16,300 c. 13,200
B. 17,620 D. 16;700
: '.
30. ln an ac clrcuit" the resistance is 4 ohms, while the r;urreirt is 12 &}deg. What ls the
voltago [n lns,tantanoous fonn?
A 48cor;(BO00t+g0d€{i} C. 68 cos(ll000t+30deg)
[]. B8cos(8000t+30669 ; D. 98 oos(13000t+30deg)

31.4 6000 trolts generator suppilies power to the transnnission line with the three loads A,
$3 anC C. The loads are 4,6 and 10 km from the generator and draw 75,25 and 50A
respectlvoly. The resistance of the lino is 0.05 ohm per km. What is the voltage at load
A. 5970 volts -; 7 . C-5s50
8.5S62.5 + yU D, 5952.5,r{ c

ix?"'l"wo identical coupled coils traving an equivalent inductance

of 100 mH wtren series
glding and 50 mH when serir:s opposing. What is the value of mutualinductanm?
t'/.i. sz.s mH ,^ |
l(\ r, c. 62.5rnFt
B' 27'5mH IYI' q "t' D.75mll

33.When an electron moves be':ause of the press(,re applied b it. What is the resulting
(Alnow of cunent C. magnetic induction
8. rnelting D. generating

34.lVhat is tirc purpose of reaclors in short circuit?

S) to lessen tho current in shrort circuit. C. to open the line in short circuil
B. to lncrease the current in short circuit.D. to decrease the circult reslstance

35.An iron ring one meter mean circumference is made from an lron rod'of round cross
section 10 sq.crn. lt is wound for 200 tums. What cunent would be necessary to
produce a flux of lmwb? Relative permeability of iron is S00.
A,7.964 c. 4.97A
8.0.54 D. 9.6s4
o nl*ii?ncc
36. For y-bus system shown, fincj yrr
Une (bus to bus) Fi,pu Xpu
1-2 0.05 0.15
. 1-3 0.10 0.30
?-3 0.15 0.45
a4 0.10 0.30
3-4 0.os 0.15
A &j9 C. -2+i6
B" -1+j3 D. 3.66&i11
37.What is the frequency is the wavelengtr b 0.5km?
A 600Khz C.600Hz
B.600MHz D.60KHz
38.A syncfironous generator having a subtransient rselctance of 0.15 pu and operating
5Yo above lts rated vottage srupplies a synchronous motor having Q.2 pu subtranslent
reactance. The motor b connected to the gonerato,r by a transmission lino end a
transformer of total react^ince 0.305 pu. Riudden llrree phase short clrcult occurs at
the generator terminals. Determine the per unit sutrtransient fault cunent.
i$ S.OzS p.u. C.. 8.65 p.u.
8.7.98 p.u, D.7.86 p.trt.

39. Three single phase transfonners. 25 kva are connected delta-delta supply a batanced
load of kva. One transformer is removecj for re;air, Fina the kva load of eaclr
remaining transformer.
A. 43.3 kl,a C" 5{l kva
B. 75 kva D. 57.7 kva
,{0.What is the maximurn
_ _.._ o
.,,f Rigid Metallic
A" 2 euarter Gonduit (RMC)?
O 4quarter C. 3 quarte r
D. S quarter
'l I, Convert ,ggg-rprn t,c racfian pr:r
,,\. S00 ra,lrsec second
U.'377.4radlsec C- 477"46radlsec
D. 314.16 rad/sec
42, J"fre maximum
tidal heacl avail,abte for rh^
:"i:l8l",f ifiT,"f",ff ir;,J.,trffi
-'.- :it#,7rn,re
. *:'r?4ffiil*"ffi
B. 220 ud.k
" 9. 112 '-'--' -"
'',{i!il ,; s#,#,tr [ :lJHgl]-# :.:Tff ,^ilil
c,ose t?
:.l" punarit luminai-e - -d fixture with completu.on"iJr-uo
C. incendescent f3(ure
with padially
r), i.candescr:nr dil;;
*ii 5iun oo,pencloserJ tamp
--#?1'ilIX,['n't'm size orwire in ri"rhting
ouueri]{."r*. I ?!
D. 1.6 sq.mrn.
A BS5 rpm
B. 1704 rpm 9- 1!so ",r.n
D. 1gO0 rpm
46.An armature crDnrlrntnr <.
^_ mov€s risht crnsre
it r
A. l-Z N
--.. ,r.,a*s ure rorc€ exeetc€diyine ,:
n,ssnetic nux or.,r.20
B. 120N
O. 12 N
t'df#tffif*tl ca,:acitv of cr'rcuilftrreaker
is generauy.derermined
' E. line to grounrJ vr-'
fault . 9. 3symmetrical riun"'-Y
D. line to tine fault
lr lagsins -':-."yq,priud ar 200 vorts 60 Hz uis desired
LY:,9.9usins capa<:itor. wfG
@lz['e.a.ii"^-:,flfltr il- rr,r. orcapaciror? ro raise
E. 2.3S8 mi:riraruct 9.23.98 micro-far:ad
D' 2'3gB rnlcro'far:aJ
4g.A syrrchronous g;enenator
incl m,ctr
ii"Hi-ffi xtr*H*#it'Il:,trftTl$,'4[iJ":J:*&#fdiH".
,1,ffi ffi t:#ffi ljffi
A 9.6 [..g",,jiffiifrii,rxHf,i;t:?#l*,,JTiif
vvr ur*( rd.- *o,o,
ts' 7's 1]r ro.g
50'Two wa'ttnreter
n,etnoo"or measuring
phase power is
r*o *"ti*;ffi;:,; itgs *"L
ozr z
r[o']Ess wans
to a three phase
respecrivery. whar
oe t i:s

6 glSg

t'l'ulNEE'I{ Lrr;blt iuRE bxAl'-ai^i l:l !: i)Lr F'r'
l,r:,uiot i-itLLr i',LLrj'l'itluAL

i ff,l;:in"::'::i,,:li*B'i,i'ii:"
]ifi iiill? iL *n-
gpffffi. ih9ii:-
#$iltrffi1g-i : i. : : :; : :fr
^t?,.1: aT"::f,
3f; :l " P-IsY:eeo':-
o?:X'::5 :: ea
ti];;:^ niit.,i'[u. i's''-p"n"1] no' I on]i'' i- ";-

!rUL'i'IFLL iiHUICL I \- I
circ.Le, ltC Ic" ceni"l4'*P..ll:-o1-
I Ftnd L'o polur of the circ.Lu, eqrraLlorr
*'h.-;"--s;;:' I d-'e' r - 6cos u '' oI Ol
Y. I - lZcos'u" -'o'-o' r -'''I'cos
-.''I+COS u - q
U '- { \
maLtsr wlLlr'marglns
'1. h'1tv;'.sr is Eo con!ain.lpOJgrr square)^9i^ftl"lod Ehe ove r-
iir'jr"li,.,:li;it,,:i"i["'i;g'::i1":iHry.' lt':t:n.ilffi;':'"0
.'t5 ,-.l,Zlg B. zO'.b5 , 3f ro co
d .'.":';: I ;;;':i "t;; D. ,5.5, . r'("7 c,o the llmlts of r are O
!,v;rlriir,-'r t,trs ctoutrle lntBgral r slnouo':*.r-*
d1 drrr'
pl 'rn1 rzr
' 3. ar,,i co.'i u ,ia*itii-ir!i.iu"oi-u-s.e
' "6: ii and
' ,a. I B' L/'n, . - oonth ho
tn lhe cookle Jar' "Each
' u"
veirrr, lle counted hip nolley ' ' ' ?
rv' EEv'-
i,-:[:l'3"T''i;??::ri!i":[:"iil'llii.f;"r;*:;ti:l*' uti'f;I ]3,.
in-iii*''iar ln" the laq!-month'
"""u1.fr1 :tot'' c' n4'5a. D' n2'5a
6, .v'l).ra
: \'/ o,n':'il;1,:ri"'"'u. "
r?t-r,-i) @ (r,2,-r) ' D. (-r,-2,1)
6. rows. te
A tro<rLto;rn a.plaeg.l*s
Eo ta'r'J''1uE "" -^iii-U[u-i[i*r,
*l:".11":31:.3n1.0ffi[ in the :tr]""tlrl"il
saoe tlme as
ir"i,-iii,a Lhat h€' row-lr niles v'Lt' !L-. 5^) rha q.Lreatrr.
!'h i l'J" ";:il
x:' i :,,'fi ".d'.,i;
ii:;L.'6 :;'iF;.
Iii:;nl'"8 .
*: ? :?l.t*l'31
5' i"
i /t'" iti
.[ grouP 'of J PeoPle. enter a-theatgr after the llshts had rllm'ned'
r@ g;Pi ;i "
;;-,';; bv the usher'
'rh.v ero shown to Lhe corrocs
;' ;$Ii'::
number stllD' BnEE 'l5 eus il.iif:: ::ll:"f';;ll".liil"*
gacL pe
EacL person hold3 a
rson holds
ts ln tho eorre*i i"ii[-"c"q4r"g d. *:l
io ,the numberS 1 lA 'I stqa:/
' i/g
O rzo B, l/2 t/,r - o.-
8.. r t' *,*12-*: :l'" r'nv;rslrllPrace transrorm
-- A. cos i\L (!) sln r't'
covertng l+ fL the' lsL second'
-' 9, i, '- r'l oti * Uicycfe !?1:i?-downhlll
..["i;i";;i""]i L-ri ioi" each socond than
end of lli, Llit se"oir,l second
rl^qt'u*tiu"f,;;-;[; oot'ionr-at the
Ll": r)r"-:v' 'rus sccolg:
:i.'.,i,j;ii i;" r"" fli+ril"rlol"@" zau r, D. ?Bc r.'c

polnL otr rEs'circurnference

., {ii)rl''.r c,:lILcr ol ,:r.clrc}e }:-.t" {I'}).:ld,?:"
"l\' ln Lhe f orm of :r con'prete pyra,,.,itl "i'tl'
' ]:1 . r i uqual!.1:'tlrher''as arr: i'i lect
-':,it;:;r:::a;:li.l::"1':l'l::'1,:t spneres
. :, , 'ii,.7 r:I'rI
:::i"I]:' tL"""
,.t,^,.,,r.,t,,t.' t,",.diu lJ. lil

L',, ,. 'r'i':i: J.:,;.r1

ii';';;i"il), ;
io;r'i'' lli"lrs ! w) i,. :rr (: i 'v)
O ''/1.:': I
,,'-t.ti;: . t:[,
l.t. lr
r" "
.1. _r
,i;!i1i;'li,' ji ' . ri i;i

, ir.
ri , , I -o'
i iii|iI111p'l

,* \itra! Is':he elurpl1fj.o'iil;ticr,,i$|px ,ixplf{iJston (4..rI + , ,, . | ,

O ,,"51121"65 a. 1b[:,zgliili.. :_ 2,.ci

.i i . A t;ra1n, an hour aft.o:.i ,laJi-.alrn*.n:ereLs
tiitili, '
wlrh an ar:c;rtItr:r';

l,-tLt'll:.' drrl airls

. ] - ,,

1i, an iroui-, ar'ie:- ',rirtcli :rtil,liiod,iea:i iir 3/5 of j.t,.s ,:.'f) i' 1I t' t'rrlt: a trr.d
arrlves uhiee hours af ior , uilr"; b;; nua- lr," accirJr,rrti, ,) : l,,r: 1,(t I
m1les r arLher cn the }lrre r, : woulC ,inave ar.riyerl ;rr:r:l l;-(lIr;,,:.r,:)llrr: htr--.1
hour sooner. Flng[ cire. }cngCd i ,f:, [he jorrr-1oy .
A. grc/9 milos ft)

doo/t) o|,!es.t.;.,.9?j/9 ml_tes D, ,i., r.-,r") riil-,':::
j. "'':
J (,. rf rr :.:i, any posl!ir,,,'ri-filir,ugilll; ri",l l'irr-r) in-2 )' (n-l
'b.- ) ' ' ' !:iI :' llIJ -
t: o sn-'l fF) )l',iil'
r.r il-;.-n:.;

i,i -.i. lr,

\-/ '.1

ii'" the area boundrrd by uhJ parabolas y = C,x -rr2,, ::ti ' y '" .,'' .:' - ilx .,
l'he parabolas Intenract at,pointi' tO;Ot'rn. (tr rli)"
A.. b\/ ) sq unrtsg} 6r),/3 jsci unltsiC; s,9 unib,i l. , lth,/'.| sg rrnit.s
,7Lt) ,)
I {;. locate t.he poinus qll in:llectlon of the cur,!_€ y = i'( :(t =:(,:, ,,'f o
A. *?tt[T @ zlVZ':ti . .,;Q, -zjtJi ..- l;, ?!{:1
,( J i). A and IJ are poinus ()n Ute,opposfte banks of a corL.t,:it, ood;r::)f. lririer'.
. -Another point C ls .Loca'ted suclr lhat'AC ls troLl m lt.l:i 3C is j;ji00 ro.
,.,;;2fi.Fuin!s A,B and C fo;:m.a rriangle, whose is (,ri ) i.,iult :rrr anglo :r

-t r;;i7ot l! ct egrees. *naL rs lhe , ryldth- of the t,ody' c,f w.rl,(: :t in ln.t t;o:'t: '/ t,

".V)' A. o51.I2 B, b)a.r,8i rC. 6JLr.l!. l.'. o4.J, jj

lt; (). Glvon the equatlons x{.yrz ;12 i )x-y-?z' -.' t> i Sx-'.r-f s:.L 7 .: .-'l I

Solve f or y using d,)ierlninants. 'i

I{. } ts-2 G): D

i:--" lf e'= tuu srniwc+jrjoj-iJ cos iwL + 2) si.n(:;wt+tll).); uclLs irnd

I = 20 sln(vrt+lr0o) F l-0 sin(3wt+3C9)-) sin(iiwt,-5Oo) ,rr:pilr,r.:, c.3L-
culate the po;ver rn -il.1.,;.1LLs.
A . t7'.i? iil7 o, I0Ll D. 12?d
"i, :
--,--1 , kadiur: ceconiroses aL n rat€ propor.blonal to Lhe a.norr :: t irE
. j.nsca:rt. In ittO ycars, IUU ng of r.adirru Oe.:otr,1)osc tr: lto ,r,a. Cor
matly r.g vril-l. ne left. al"uer lOU yearl':
,\; . l .:tr l@, 92., -t,,
r r,A "
B. gs "l/' c ,' tto

,L ,.], I;:"r*"u of orick! rris br ;;i;;-, i;,,.i;;, Dort,.xi rayer, )B rr*cds

ip the. s;econd r,ayerr' 55rUi;fiksrinIUie, rh:ird layei,,rnn so cr
' untll there are LO bricks'1lh the ';t ,laye'r, J{ow aarr5' bric}::i are
there al 1 together 'r :' ' :. I
A. 5lt; -
a. 637 i 6 or, r,., r,i;..)
I l!' From a trill 600 ft high, uhb aogtt,sloL- dr:;,sr3ssien !o t;hir b;.ses ir.
opposi.Ler dlrecbions are 42 ,deg anrl. 1.9 del! 2.) rnin- r,ili.:.pect,il'ely.
!'lnd thu IengLh of t-he propbsed trrnrre.l Llrr.orrg;r the }:a.i;es,
A. ?,:;89,:.5 ft, bnt2t,r91::L't, C,. it,5'X),.iji fr tl" i.,59I.2 ft
't:15. Ii,.rl.rlpll. r,ha ff. {lx+Jy)(iiley1.

A. 1u:r2-2)-xy+tOy2 B, @ iu";l +21;cy - r ri./2

16" SoIve fr)r G j-f CSC{lf3-.}oo)i = i)EC (5,G{.2bo ) -

A, 7. ,les @ I q".
C. O rle'l ir. i1 rlr,r1.;
)a jlhe prcilucL of iwo posj.t.ive nunibe:cs is lb, F'.i-nc, ':.lre lrjmt)r:rr':: if' t he:
siu11 of, r)l)c Bnd the squ€ri'e 'of t,lre r)tlter i.s Ieirst.,
(4" ij',,z ij. 6,4 C. 8,ti r, ;J rtt
t8; .q'cur di.iierent colc,r 1),ags carr e hi;ng j.n a _co."r .i.o rt,ii;<.e ,::{)(j.ed. lrigr:.,tI,

Ilow rranT slgnaJ-s ca.r, br: nrarle i-f - sig Al rt o ri-s 'i:i-i, :; -r, l I -:t. h':... l.,i t;PJ't'"ir - <

Lrf ol e ,)r more f 1a6,.-, 'i

ff. t,/, il, rri)
(: \/' .l-1 \
;9. r,:efri.xl I * 2 t:.t.r j.:r eq':':-

L-i Ir
A- Ze-r - 4e-c @ ;;"; _'i$j|": ,W,.:!':._lj ! +/t' ,* j1
iisli; "k* i
***rjj ;; *;;
i T*,1*: .""'
"ifli i i#ffii :"'eairh. lr,r;
"egi ltf,
sPeed or che .nii;,r,'gii:_:fii:a
e" t+ B, $.4
ii-ip:6".ii9.: "., iff,
,,,. I Jo88er sr. c' 6'r*
r:lgi,'; ;;ill,i j"ffII':.:;,:hi,,scjy rare or @rr.o
($'*, ; ;; : u r "!t.,i;-* qffiiji. it*t^ :ft il; i:iJll ii;' .,*r;.i;, u
i;, n

D' ]8 rarn
"' l,ii'f,,'ii;;;' lif,_.1*;;,/";;i$-r,;,:;"it
"j:,; rhe €ruarlon o1.Dhe
(e + rzrp,+ 1
_x_2r$ _;:-b
,! l;:.:"""t_,
,u.,,,**.fltty i';."r1;. ,D.y_Z**
?^il-'' ffi,,,:i: t.
"'5r,$,i; r#dli{i}if,,r'"il,to
*t, ;;
", $j:ii:r'r:
**:- B. 2,
Hhi ;t
#l :l
ll- 3^

;iTr;-{:,:"t"#;'6},l*FffJ+, $",ffi1[il;-:"
:i};,r," i
, li/ffiffi'T*itr:'L:-

'.,)t.i..iti.., .l .. i i \, ]). Lrz
L. ",
j:': " ,,::i;;i:i:,ll;i'::r'3ri:;i:i;"il,_;,io,,r 1,,,, are
,;',,,'tjli: , |t ;,., ;,
:;;1" ::1,:, ;i"
-Llrr ye', n2y n6' ""d: j'i5'5; i,!;".]J;r,:
-*.'", ur,u <lJ usect
l.';]I.n7|". , ,rn_!
r in,i ree rnl*tra u,j rr(' (4I ,,i Llrer yes ()r
I or 1gx _ ., , ;'iri erJ t.r,,, (,.,i ,r rJ no
:. ,.n(r:x )..t a-| rlx .
x-r (l ; t :!
f.*.cos E - ] frld y - Zsln t
l. Jln::,oxLr,eno raLos, G-1:i tloo .1rr rroconds.
,4. and 2 tt/srec A. 3 anj the cur-ve ')
4/i . If $ln (rny ) - ; O. 9o5g ana
@?'u:,'a L t,"/,
v.t+2j a..o.i;io
^. D.
45" tvalua.:e rhe lnt,egral lnx
A, lnf 1n.Lty B.l aro r and e
, ,,', D. rl
46" hrlte 1n rhe -foro a -i. bl t ,3219

A, I B. -1 1..-1 .l+27 . .18

' D.
47, Dotermlne the
A. Llllpsoid- 3v2l
4B: Flnd rhe lOt,h D. EiIlrprlc
/r. t)fo ,24 Para bolold
u';.' D. 1653
,ri Lhe nurqber of
il" 8., 60'
oe rions lgutigr tsANArr"A
:' D. l+2 ? ,I

can choosrng {
1p men J'rc,o
lr-r t
D, T)65
lr .!- t-

l'. f;J
| :!'.ll/:

r,lAl.4E ./ sc:10ct-

'. a: 1!ar'-



i 't. .Yt

.A: 'I
,f ,4- I i

,s, ,,$,
hr. ll

t', ,Wl
ii.. .'rir'
I. ... -
t; ,:f
rili ,l: i! I:
)'ffi' L----i- -
r,-'" -- ,:.
'ry .ml ir,r\!- r.'
'#i ,jtr!.
t) tu .,) =(*) ..-)__.x::rL*fit{=U:__-l
'* 1= = I i. t_ t:, =Lr *"
^ )a _ _U. - ItI
rt' _,
.,, _-t-:
--' .- ..-.-:aH_:(/__-.,. -

'4 l-dY#,r.irtg

i; l"'"'-,i:-- *":) = *,{e ,)i- - -__

rr_j _
6/*O.- _":-_

l)= (r-:I -/-f


:;ir..i.j ,- .J,, 1

I ;!,5i1 1.,',;tr, j' r'

.-Lt '':

['x. ,rl

I, '1

_-r! - - !x D

DU :j .5

--.' I
: l--
3 Lt

!tk. ,'.,i.... ,,0 l.r,

t fo &o a.{.u.;.,t. tt,ilr c.p4^ utlrt .ro.fdyt, ,n.t"lLoJ

i'.r. i. , .J,; r: f. !/r_; o)| r .:
:1,,,:! , .!At ,r"lt rr [ 'iit. & oo]-rnac,
rlrt Ji ll l^-,,-t;,,, . '

r L /.r1.,, ,, ,,,, -i ii ., i ,*"r.1, , . t, -/ ..\ ii gl Ou,rr.ty'o;o ,,

"j d,a

t :.-. '1,',,.., j.t- t i,
! c., l-,. :1 I" Ne-r$- . crl*.ifu*+*:_.
I 4t
l, t
,. ..'1,


cL,-r ll 4"i.'t


?-f P1r,r. "y,:./t( n^-l

)1 -,.

.i ::)si;,1.:i,....r...* ., . i,
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,'rr r< 1 = /t, t) '', -gu. ',iui.ts&: ".f f*' ?v:-l*':

.,1 ) .-, 1.,.'- '.,{'.1'^^fr,['f'Jfux af/':'- ^'l
of fd'-'
f('\:t tii]'/'t '-'l n i fk' oi-o(-" ii'n*'^Ti' (- ' ' :

li Gl -i)l

*' :,= lljti)lXg _.dg* -f ,&4 *ty&&fi:2+'-


Wl' e

.rrr ,: / 'tr'rta.,r

: , -l . . .; :.r1:;y11r,... ':
: . . ,irit;'t ',1,;' 'i]: {iil,l ,..r:.

*Tf-- -, ------:-
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-z1//'r/a^ol = e:;./,dgJ,
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, i , 1-.]' = . a:;

+t 3
,; 'i )' I

-:- i I

rir ---,--l
19:--1{Y--.-u?-;'+i1-:-3;4*J=-t-sp.(lm ll , _2,-
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iz_[x*1'; u] I \

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- ::.'
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I , t ll -

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-.'.. j l.o..r.r- ....

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il '-r ,,' ,, ' l. -- -;-1, ijet )irlI -.1?'

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:--l - ;)l! ?!i\v! -t--:t 1i" ) l::-:, -lli f::-(] :-9. 1 ,24 -

i -t .-.

----iTil["I;:irr---rfr:--*-.r?i ::-,l..- :+-TI-F--B:

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*.{ .: :i:s- //;u*r.r)'

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!ti' q
__;_; -.

fy' :: I Itl

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.-t izt ; il,r.11;1t.

.it.- i( : .- c,, rtoologz(zoo) 1 la iA

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1. t
i) ;- li-, inrr.{fi.,y )y *T 4.P, aL-z !-o*, flt: tJ_r_d=:g _-.-- _-.
-t A 11 = 0, *b,-!-\ol_ ;
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-El ;l
:.I 'I
. i.)
-- -L-"
__-._- _*
\v ,/, -. (l = 4oo+ ro' : ,tfl)c c
,.!io'1?.0'' =
-.-- lr-, ip-
- 1-70_:_tf oo.=..-d- -!

fuJ "Lrrr 6.{ ,rrL; su tl, o*lru.'^ *=:-',-
ii9l:i i,_t_ .*\.
=. 9t1{Lqg-:!,
*.p-bs/L- C'r-\-./ i
t;.s ll : \/ <--.
cJs lL.cJ5.:.-_ i
. </t

i<'s (: -- (.r'1..;1-..3'4. t,. lt f-r

.= Lo.:,lr.o " ao

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L'I + i '' -L)
t'i-fu'- btat- r-L
-.,_.__.r_ K t--,-tl !{,, _vud,i\t-
ut tt /{ ll l<, I tu1 Iu &.Lr.i'

I .. '.
'. ', ,, Ili.iliil
. .1 : i .,i i-. i

-1 I

l,qt 4( oo",bo'l',ri,an,\ =d-Ld irialirotroo+,c.,,.;0.) -,,- /;,p-'

,:i:i *..:'^ tt--- -i .- ;.s'--:ir6g.,;|-,,. ,5-:=- -*, iti


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:'- r.-.- - D- ,--i' 22;:\' 4;.) ,'' l ,I.i.1->3

--^ ,,, . i'.,
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(-) ,-l
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tl --J--'!-
-+ i l:,. :]'.-'l I a
I.." - .- tL
- | ,-t I
- -t':l :-:1 :3r l

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r 1,, _. _.,:1) i:

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t-- /-
S tirt

:zr8* !)-z-a:-9:-65i --; -Ynt

C4:,,4 .: 0,.,i1t ',7 -'.' G:)
,j. =. _-6 r^D._- .t tt-a
fr_ T_.2il.---:'..\t n'.-- --')' ' - '--J---

r jic.t ajf L-iiED

]iLEc].. Rjcr\I,,.i*arrJEorNc
Li"u."u." Examinarion
0B;00. a.&r,,
r:_'={ut-lQ4!_erci_NEflil.Lq 04:00
,r I
r,, r c:iy HlS#.:
ffi }#ff.,
;,: ; *,f=:i,ni#
:i':il"' :'ff .;t, l;,
;ff ;H * l" il:i
#l:ffi":i;I$Ii::i"i "ff $ :-,-iliijii
iL ":,:3il:
:,, .,,,,
: j r,r^ ..! f

,:J .-'i,?i..-L,I CItOICE PeiciI no. r*;nf,. sheet Flr-o!.ided

; .1,

I. -\ 12s KVA di-crrir-,....

,ffi {*$,ip

' \

.';i,l I


tl voo a69oi*ri- S. j3gg,
. D' : ,,ii
jl i. Three amiJres soso
I Para)rt:i.-';;It of 1r)-' I5-
i" .i,"',,,i;ii;.il:l.'i;:l1',.ff:Xrare conne*ec
l.!. .rs-ol,,n""i'
1?.2 oirms
R o.2z-;,;'
t :l , 'T\''^ -1. g,I
v 4'6:l
- ' v" ohms
i l'r" _alqernatr' a5e.$riverr i
r;:eed-t.oa. 1 by shunE nuir.-o
i3?",.r,"iI.i".i":i";n;?tr[n'jii';u ]l:_shu*r moror.s have -l
;ll.:n,u.i;-;p;:;- i.l;5";3llijri"o""u.1.",li 50 kw' l'he:'r' l:'l'""r'i""i'J''".h=-'-}'..f,ql.i,-;.':"i,..?l.AltadrliLioi-.i--,.i",-l*..1'ne:reilJno I '

irr'1 i;;;;"''n:'' "oaiii"itus

I .,,,1.::"lr
Ji ;l'f*i::fj;'l1r"l:r':ni""':;':it:;;='-it
l.'x"'il ;;'l';;ll:;i'
D. eo.3r xitii.69 ,)..w
;: i
A 25 .hrn rt:sisic
-;;j''fl l

rcb'isLa:rc; in sr-.rjes d r.., r i

mlr i"J"..r".:':t;;:.-,i1n.i,,.:i,
-so ohnr
c j r,\:L)i c / or
a5t - -" "'i-*XryRr foceor of

L. jri c. er,rz:s'l.f![zfi-f t) -- thtr
""'' i


:;rlii il.l; j :' iJ :;l:5;::

a.rl/.t,i|. )r ^ -.,,,trurus
crrcuit *,riJ".li
lto. 4 =,i;i r_;I_I.l
r r ln"
L=\,4 actor.- :-e
i:r()Ller concluctoi.rf 1.5, whac is l:he rnirr:. i
LI,I).) arnpaciry of th,:
I.-. ,ri /r:\ o, .rmr)eres
;-, tsg o*p".*l I6 . r s z an,pe

ie'r: tt)tn ' {t,',sa|.riy -. ls_t l-!ii

l'( 'j
crontir:rled on pagc 2 -"-\'lfJI1
,i:-j I S:'iiIiLD ELqC,J'rir r, ENrc.rNff
CA Li cerrstrre Examlnar ion
:jil" a,trl. - O4:O0 p.m, Page
,{ '.:.,ir:;!.1-!,_!rIilt{gEi[lt!] 2

[-t cu]r- t''\'

] F

; A generator rr,..euprrlee power Eo balance Load. ?tre

voltage is 230- icrts, rhe 'J.rrr-r,L ie 18
f ,(:ror 1s 051. Ivhac'i,"-itre-power? o*p"r*u and rhe power.
* i.3 [lJ l,L-:,, , ; gl f :i [x
8' poue=p-la't.go::^y"E..r
;rr ihe raLe of r000 cubi"l-"Ef u darn fronr a heighu ot L2.z.4s merers
';)a;r. i.s l.5,bO0 krr,, what f.*t.fru plf;:er-minuE."l'"ir"ilr"-""ii"ll of the
A. Uot ""c'. "f-iili.rr"y,
B. 7o," gl ;:l
9. .L:r fission, is pr:ociuced wheln.
A. chemical ccrr,por_rnd spIit, i'f.., ite conBtit,enf.B
;.. nuclear pa:.t:tclee
\,r t.rucJ.ear parcicles sptir_
D. mr:l.ecul es combine
r,J *\ nragneEic cl.c,:-i.E., consigi," or slr.icon eteel 3:ooo
irrd an air gap. r""g[[ or permeability
-Jh,u t-r,u 10 cm. and E.he aj.r
';ap is 2 cm. Bot,h "i "i*"i-a;;-.-i"
have 6urr-"rore secEion of 1.5 ,g. cm. A
cui''ent of L/z an'rpere frows chr:ough. rrr" ri"Jings ro procruce 2351
rn-rxwel ls IJrrx. llr>w *urry ,-.,rrr1
A. ;l 120 tLlrns i.e Cher:e in the coil?
, 6
e' 25oo' turne !/
B. 5co l-r,rrn.s D. 1250 Eurns "'-- "?': t' t
..- ',:' '" "
'ltie Lhret:-pi)"rse utrb.ll;rnced -
- .'i5 -- "'4
. are , .
-t;r - ro cii (-30 ) .:-,lr -,,.-" .

.ILt=g ..r\ ';

::c = io cis 150 t, l
'-="';-.,. r-r' n' ' t-Ire .nsr_J.r[:iv,l sequencc currer)E of phase a. = 'l'tt'.j '

ir-. 8-66 crs 30 . (i _5.77
(9 5 ".'7 cis (- sc 1 , .o, s.'ti
,..,\ ii 2-1 0 Kv r-rdrl,snr.i:,lsion Jine hae arr irnpedance
cr ca;>aciLive rear:Lance of 1200. ohm.g.'rc ci"rrr*lt, of 50 cis 78 ohsrs and
Ehe povrer of a
i';;'n,',1"13 f 1:",:. ?:-,u.:i'-:i.':-d:v 'uuo''n tr'e-alnains end porn er is
,:ir:,.r monrh. rr .o,,t-."r1J."Ir;;i.;"il;"i
t.he cosL of the -Line 1osses for Lhr: one :;";:::3';:I i;;.: l;Iiti.",
month period?
.\. P565,000 C. p5.E millioir
B. P12.2 mill.ion D. p2.2 million
-) ifh;a arrf.]stcr nr>rrrirta.I r-:r.t ing s):ajf b€r uce.i i:i a 34.5 kv lrngrou:rdod
s,)i]\ ern?
QJ'2't kv C. 22 kv
B. 42 kl 'D 35 kv
A !,ower ctlstonler- draws power aL 2:]0 volts it E.rangfornrer..j on.i
1,';oit:. c'-)rrenr- tr-arlsfornrers wlth r;rtio of ?-ao/5 a!-e use r_o rner.e):
';ht' elecLriCal u:;a{e. !,I}rar .is t}rrr rn,-r1t ipl ier- of the kw trr arrcl
(lerr,arld meters?
i)l' 4o C. 1CC
3- 200 h Tf on

A r;irrgle phase irrriuction rnotol- is raLe.i 5 hp, ./5t power facror arrcl
22 0 vol Le . l,Jhat. appl.'oxinraLe s i ze cif caqaci tor i.s necessary Lo
:; 'Lhe power f actor io about 951;?
KvAn : (-". 2.5 KV/'-R
I n. 3.5 i(vAR

Cont inuec-l on i)aclrl

CI] ] ,J':':]NF'D ELT.:CTR.I:AI,
o8:oo - onloJ,.i,.r. pa3e
,1._,: i.*i.-: i:L "
gNq_:!::R rlq
ru. jc is a verrz p')wcrtui
A. diode /
o,ru,!rr,\r smal
^_^rr l comprqrenE
of a cornptrre:r
ti. t,riode (}".rrtJ' 'r ' whi'ch one?
l). int.ernet.
:-1. A D"C ammeCer )ras an internal
-j registance of 0 .l ohm. A shunt. of
1- 0I0 x 10 ohnr
rlultiplier bf t.he rsset.
,g6 Ehe whaE, ig Lhe
A. 80
rS roo c,. 50
\7 Ei . 10
tt. l'h!.ee.inrpedanc::,_j1s,j10 and
tO cihms are
uhe impedance r:f'";-;;ii;uil[.':.i:Tt ..u wve
r. 10,iio;:;i;'"i;;=
t2-s, ;ir:l de]ra.
u, connecEed. DeLermine
onm, S' lB:s,-J12..s, 8.ohme 2i7 tt-(l:1:'
Fl uhms
;s. rv sisnal ,1_.5,rr,"*r.."o r.o rhe j;rt.jl:-J5
A. o}ecEron LE.:ranemlEi..-- ""=,F('.:l:.*"_:__--_
n. ay.rr"Jrr ransmlEter anrennE-
,S) gender
.2"1. .h* followins ier nor one.of the
]::::.:ffrof classee of surse
A " Transmissi<>n c.Lass
B " Dierribueion .r"u"

'21 A 50 and l'0^microfarad

r$ ::;:H:.ili:"., ...
capacit,c,rs are cr:n,ec.ed in ser:i,ee
100 sjn (wt +30 i volr"!".'Ehe and
-@-ilie equarlor: of Ehe .

) (a .#""o-.-
E. "i"
r.2G eln i*,i*go"r, i,. i.Ii iil l;li;3.,)
?7' f'r';o resistarice of 10 and 1t:r":r
each respectively are <.:onnec.ed
in paraJlel' rhe ux'o a-.-it u. connecced
i.i series wrth 5-ohm
;;:';,I:ff;;,ii ;:;:,i""""'J'a ;;;;;;"u-ri",orr baccei, a-wi,aE are
.1.. t.2A, tz.zit waEEg (S;t.ogA,
3" 0.96 A, 11.ti2 rratt.c 1j.1 wa6ra
D. 1.5 A, 20.25 watEs
ill At a cert:ai'n r-ccer[.ion i.n arr elec.ric
I'fvA is 400 i,yA. A 1s nvA, is.i-iute eyaEem, Ehe avai].ab,e faul.t
3rcunded E.ransformer is inst;rt lea'rr.zi, iil,.z. ir. irp"oance, \tye_We
,,,,i:.r;*T;i. i.ivA aE ,,"-o*.,o,.iiry siae or Determine Ehe
E. 150 MVA , 't@ Q' 90 PIv'B'
240 MVlr
2li . f wo resistance oI 10 and 15 ,ohms
paral}e] , The two ar(: then connected each respr:ctivel.r 61a conrrecterJ in
in eerlee w r-h a S_ohrn
.esisEa'ce- whaE is che eqr.riwuf""i-."Ji"IIi..,
E. 12 ohme : ;: ;.";XI=
ihe pirase ]: tine^.yol:is,.. ilhSn:-l tiq. curre;rL of a ba"tance:
ch:-ee phase sy.BE.ern are-V-22d e j.n lwr+2rO i i"ha-i t10 sjn.(vrt-30
r-especrive-ly. wn,rr.-ip irr""'p".,u,. or rhe svbtreni? )

.S1 3300 warts
q.s7rs*irt-5' I
: '.121; terO waEts
!O I'ire :eeisEance of a ,,rire i"i rzg.48 r>hnrs .rt 100 C and ro0
ln,.,J r-reLerm) i-le the f ernperaIrrre coef f icient of c:opper ut ohms
,c. ar-
B. 0.00615 D. 0.0356

Cont j rueC '<:n Page

-:;i'!.:;tt::tt,L(."r.liJ(_,A1, )iN*INl.t[iRING Liccur:Lrre F]xarrirrat:
- 0B:00 u.m. _ 04:00 p.rn. ir>rr Page 4
.,,._!- :-:SirL _ =!$G I Nqqit I t lc

r,",. A cerca:in shuntr mot.qr has an arrnature res:isLance

.l-:.'.rurs 5(j anperetr i1E, of 0.05 ohms. Ic
:r:-r'sc€l']rjne.rrs <>srsesaatt:erm
j na] vol Lage of
120 . Assr:me. cCher
-1 rt. Deterrni^! ti" Jicprc horee power of the
erre vL

l'3. 8'Ii hP
7.1 hp c. 6.8 iro
. ,/il ;';
,1$ I:
7.8 h;
iL; A coil cf a 50 chm regisL.ance and of 150
in parallel wich a 50 uf capaciEor'. WhaE, mh inrlucEance is coilneceed
rlle clrcuit.. ? is t.l'-e power faelor of
]1. 80t ' .ftr
a',Qt 70t
8.50t D. 60*
'A 230 kv transmission ]ine ie'L00 milee
10ng. The condur:tor is
;i'csjR of r-, r-r3, oo0 cM. The conductor-"i*riorizontarly
20 rE' bpacins. rhe z:esie;;;;;";;; iii."lu arrangecl wi Lh
i s c " o43s f E. l.rhaE is irre*ine;Jqi.:; o.os6e ohm *nd itro smr
.\. 9.69 + j 95.25 ohms ii-.n" line?
ts. 3.23 + j 95 .25 ohms @ s.69 ; j 77.19 ohma
D. 3.23 +, j 25.93 ohms
:{1 'rl r:oil, ?f 50 ohm reeistance and of 150 mh inductance
par.rllel rvich a 5o uf capacir:or. -ifr" -r" rce voltage ig connect.ecr
' rn(rv[+.i0 ) - tJhar is-.ltre
-:1" (wr.,s2.s ".i".1i"" of tire ]ine ..urrenE, ? is 100 ein
lk l.?1
(ilJ 1.25 sin (wLr.?S.S )
) cl i.'sz-"ii r,;r_82 )
c,l f,- l.3r ern i...._?q
- A cieep we1 I pumps waLe,' ir:t-o an op€rrr reservoirs aE Ehe raEe
,;r1r*. 'l'lrc rv;rEer table ie 200 ft, berlow of 1co
fhe ouepuE pipe. ?he whol e
iiystem han an overaLr efficien.y ot-iot.---wrrar
h1> of tlrc purnp?
sha11 be the tnirrirlunr
4., 5.3 hp
E B.7hp !* 12.4 hp
]2. I'irr:ie equar posi:ive cl:arges of 1o sr-accoul-ornb-each are
rhe ve::tices of an equilaierar crrangi"-oi-z .* r.g. I.Ihar loc;iEed ac
ir:,:t3:tllrrcle of Lhe force acring on each charqe? is the
l-:. 12.5 clynes &. 43.: dyies
B. 25 ciynes -D. 50 oynls
i ) P lt::zo elecrricicy pr:ncipre ie a4p1i9a in. one
ri.. llir rasound equipmenf of the tollowing:
@ uicrophonee
Ii ,. 'i'herriromet er , D - :tV seis
;'l . i i.cecl of 2a + j i5 ohrns is connecLeci<>ss a 220 voLt.s
i).l L.;r-nlirte tlte power f cct.or arrcl clte vars . ,olrrce.
. t , 1a42 vars c. 52 .2* , 102 3 vars
C)lJ.. 1: !
U5 . J I , 975 .yars D. 42 .3t, l0B? vars
5 A cerrain laminat,ed sLctel;core haa a permeability of 3000. The


lenc;tl'r is 5 cm an,l L.he cr-ot;e section is 2 eq. cm. l.Ihat -.-s irs
::r: i r-rc t.lrtc e?
A. i ir00 ': :: gt!',
v.' , ir.33 y. lo 'i

c. 1200 " \r \'

D. 2.5 ,t I '.1'' \.
16. Tlre subscation br.r:: bar ie made up of 2-inches round coppe:: bar-s 20
l-'t.. 1ong. What is Lhe resieEance oI each b.rr if reeietivi.ty is
1.7.24 x 10 ohrn -r_-ms. , ,.' I.:f \r'i!l;

i )
A. 5 r '-^
: .r "
1-'.'.J -)(' It'r
7.21 x 10 ohrng

Cont i nrred ,:rl

I "(,
l, :I
.i, ( r:T'GI STERED EI.ECTRTCAL ENGINEERING . Liccrnsure Examination
.vicnoiay, March 30, 1998 - 0E:00 a.n- - Oc.::00 o.m-' Page 5
Erxc rr!f$!._ENGr NE E R r NO

r; n. -5
-. 3.8 x 1O -sohrns
T.; 5.i.ii) x 10 oi)ms
D. -5
i'i 2 - 95 x 10 ohrns
i. 3'7. A'-generator is r:at.ed r.oo Mr{, r3-g kv and 90t power
effeccive reelstanc" to or,rnic rearsE,a""" i, r.s facE.or. The
resiscanctl is obtal'ecl bv connecclng .wo t,erlnrnale T.he <>hnrrc
slcurce.The curreht. C voltage co a d-c.
reEpecEivelv. erhaE is the effecEive are 0U le .rnp.ra, and 6 volte
.-6) 0.0513 ohm ;";il;;;"e per phase?
,E; o.oc85 ohm c'.o'3'!2 ohm
D. O. O,,; 7 0hm
Jtr. A cerEaln capaciE.or is charged at 48 vol.- rfter
which iCs sEored
energy in 5.75 :x L0 jolrIes. What, is t,he r r; ecit.ance
capaci E.or? I
of E,he
A. 2 farads .i
30 microfarads
El . 5O mi crof a r.ac_ls
50 mlcrofareds
lr9: A 13" 8 kv/48o v, l0 MVA tlrree plrase transformer
h rs 5t irnpedancr=.
Wirat io che inrf,eclarrcr: in. olrms ieferred Lo
P l:i;'ixf; "'i """-

40: A 50 H-o three phase mofor, raEed Z2O V, 75\ pot e

rhe primary?

p.cles. The' slip aE f ull toad is 3t. ili,.i - is flre facE.or has G
rox)r currcnE, aE ful] load? freguency of rhe
61 1.8 I{z . i C. 5.4 Hz
B. 6O Hz D. 58.2
.:1 il maana>^+^Fir..> F^--^ j^ j-.r
!v.r,vv- i g ivi i..,C i:; --,-._!
lfi t_

rhroieh 1oo-rur's. rhe

of i000 permeabilic,y,. 10 *.r,il[ii=IrII"ir'I;;:l;r:'"?":
to.,g ana-+-sq-Jm: areai
one cm 1o'9. Wl:at isr the"il, and an air gap
f ielcl ;,_ruerrelt] ac Une ;i, ;;p;--
l\. 12.250 oersE,ed . ! 100.53 oereE.ed
B. q97 .66 oersE.ed
@ tza, . s. aei"a;-
42. 'fhe illumlnation of .r roorn ie being 'J designed
ThedaE,a are as l:ollorvs.
Itoom _lengEh= 30 f L. Room wi.clth= 20 fc .
coef f ic:ient of trLiLizaE.i,on=0.6 MainE.enance f actor=70t
Recluired foot -candles= 50 Lurnens per iimp = 3300.
i{arts per ).amp ! 53 Vc.Irage, = 22A
Power f ;lct or =. I S./,
rllraC ts fl're f-otilI c,.lr-r.€.Iil the
r equrrern?nc ?
h. 2I amperes ,
O'I amper-esr
ts. 15 amperr.:s D, 25 amperes
i3 In beLohr, which orre is not a type of present ciay nucLear
power plant?
Bo;i. Iing r€c']Cror C - Fus j-on- f iss j.on reactoi-
A Lolv preasrrl-e
LBI r.eacEor D. Fast breeder reactor
Con[. lnrreC on Paoc
-sl'EItED BLiic'fRIer.L
.:ilir),, IIJC Liccrl$ur.e Examiuar-i.n
-,f l4.rrch. 30, .l.ggg : 0S:00 a.m. _ 04: OO p;m, Page 6

'l. f'he scquence. ccnlponenE,s of phase a currenE ar:e:

i ':erO SuX'lLu.:tlC€ r.:rtllfetlL - 0.4? + :t..49

i.' posiU.ive uecJuertc<: current = 18,a J
i' cis (_31.8
negaLive sequence current = 3.23 cis 16g,2 )
DeEermine the plrase c currellE
A. L7.5 cis 91 @ 22.5 cle 82
B. 18 cis 215 I. 15 cis 1oo
Ir a short, circuiL sE,udy, El-r.e posit+r", ,negaEive and zero seguence
-inrperiance are 0.25_p-u" 0.zs'per and'o.r p]" ieapecrivery, ih;
base MVA is r.00. Dlrermine cire fault currie,rL foi a three phase
faul.c. at. Lhe 115 kv Level .
A 3o0o arnperer: C- 2500 amperes
.Q/ 2000 anrperer] D. 3500 amleree
ri5 Three impeclance eaeh 1o +. j 5 ohms
three phase source-. rt Eha eguaEionare of
connect.ed delca on a barance
phaee-volrage ii, vin=iio
sin wE. }that is t,he equaE.ion of t.he curienL Ehroug6 E,he impedance
connecEed across phase A and B?
A:r ?9.9? "." !*r -22 ) c. 16.2r sin (wE, + s6. s6 )
'i?. A- four-grole d-c- generaEor wich lap winding has 48 sroE.s and 4
elemenrs per sLoE. fiou marry coils does ie 6ave?
A- 48 c. L92
n..r,rr @,o
.i t. A 50 MVA, J3 kv,/11 kv. Llrrr:e phaae, wyr:- ck:ILa, connecE.ecl
t-r-rnstorincr lias -;.r 3t -irnpeclance. whaE f s tlle p"r impeOance at
1C0. t'wA base anrl 34.5 kw bage? ""rii
-4f 1.53er c. s.74*
@J 5.4e4 D. 5.s6 r
i-. ):,;:: 2r? 7.',/ rranglitssron line has an impedance of 5 cis 7B
:l--ns. ?he sendjng end power is 100'tiw ar 230 kV and B5t povrer'
f.lccor'. I.lhaE i"-q Ehe voltage at fhe oLher end?
,ir. 225.4 kV c. 223.? kV
il. 226.3 kV @, zzs.2 kv
j.0.- 'l'hree resisEors of 10,L5 and 20-clrm each are connected
'ripqr- is the'E,oCal conductance?
in paralle!..
(,y) 0.217 mhor C. 4.6? mhor
B. 3.41 n&or ' D. 0,52 mhor

'"t'' ?-' '! '" <'
'. " "r "'v'I-

. ,: - . -ft
i.-.;1, 'r"i','-1)

t..:- |.-\.---

r \-j),'

l: _'
." t! al-
/tr,,,_ = :J :)?i. :___- v l4i6_li($1r)--_ -

*r-p-,. l7ru

* aN
L; +,Hr4 =-
5o xw-J l\W lLs'ul
-E Ai
-l*-tr"4-r = -,rru /y-"t! - ,l-o4.r! *.!,ut yg--.
t-i t%$t -? L'., Son,y,
l, b,,fiT*=, i:, O,ilsnn:
e, : :LL )[=.t l- . LL [a p_:t)
Lr--=-i9-21-*g-:--a tu ..5-Lx tt _

slaao (r; s
I 't. r,.

{,1 , =

,irrJJ , .5u
.l'.2 1

) 7 .KLt ^ (,4)

,Qn =o,t ?--

'ln Rn = Ltl Rc{

In t In, k! = .I; t:t;f

t,,t Iy
.L-l--- ---.- -.--.
__--" -
rnlp^ L&:IJ - :ly,.l?_rt
' Inl 6" Yto /0 I
Jtt (R^ o*t .)

----Io-u-- -G'; -- ::_l:

- :- . ..---------i:-
Url . Z)a. =

lC -!L ' .- - , -...

^,U,Yh-ei4)tW #;W}= lojtu' :,i

I 3
-7r: -ln-*--

b, rp-- 6c i P, f {g?,,f )-(r:,qs),_:. _.-- ._-
P" " r/t,,r-ulfi W,rXJ-_e:g /rp _-_Qr_ _,,_ _ , j:

- -- .
t'-\'r\ Cr, lul D
=-){ '* .'':,
- -]-

/*--t'-*1'- /c*l - ,:,

of r"g1nL* .^^J

L, - l,>r *14

].LZ 6)
. _,_

i,(t lo
*.s = ii _t aD_

*!/* frD* *_gi_uj)_

=!c,.b =_

0o.* )t lt V,.b 4,7c,.

Vob = -Vq" 3 *;\?ogLt(Afuztr:) ._


/'' l'l I

W -If = 9: (:tt (;,,79;.0,(.e r *!) y.d'

=-91 = o,-{a-
l'ro- ---- -ra-=.{.
-l{- = g)-- o,r=4'?'rtt.
6,<rw - 6o: Po f (g,/:t)%,q5j_

=JD/r 56.Cf ^l.}

-Y, t:=-ae .t-'4-{75er;-a +*-ff @-- ';-$;

-]h W x.2x&-L44*a*3-
MR c4 o73s o'

o- 1,
-qi' 3

--a-T{q-Mffi)ffiil#i,lh jE#)

r7: \

'' </, /-r-\

-l-.-:- lB)-

::r,'r':' j -l-
&o = i.E lo,obp{1 A

P.- {Gd --=- t, & l/2 =G-)
-il A
{O sh-tl :

0i'ff ,


lrD y p$
V".b =- Vr,tf lf L :_ ,,tyt:-V2:y


S,(P',t -G)

bf n:-

_-_.,* ) r, =


I '' , tf

:. "-. ,

': --,
. - _-- i(

L Ii, t)

n (.rr + r)Crr + r)
@.:; =

'j -*h-"1s

f1 * l!.
I fi-e .. -"-.- .-.. lt.-
--'l .!fn-::*


' t'llr


,O-* U, ?2 *i;'s )i- = G I;iP:-= -sy I *d :lu


,t _-'-:+
"i "U--
--:- +.- -s.*dtl--
..,L'ti-*, !* t-,"dt-"-f t.Wi- --*---:- - -- , - ---. '"'

t-,,- ,^ I-"..

@ ,^,,=.LX.-Xt--;
-jll .

,lA= 0l ,-U,)dx

',...;i': '1,t,,, '',,,.'(-"llllCn t, l':tt(i.l NltDRlllc Licenaure ExarnlnaLiolr
.- _::r;J./, og:oo a.m. _ o4:00 p.m. paqe 2

'.;. , .-..1:,.,i I lL: S,AT A

,,.--a*.,1r.,,, are a!'rangecl on horizonral x,y-axecr as folloup:
Lr'.rtl li.:, X-coordinaEe . Y-coordinaEe Kilowatr.s l.oad
f 0 (. 2 t,c.. 100
?. rI \(. ].'lr. 180
. I rt 3 {r,u 200
4 ,2 , 0,: 12O
5 2 -.:. ' 4.t'> 150.
6 3 ,.;,:. ' 1..,-.- zOO
j .3 .. r.. 3 ot .-: lg0
I .r4:; r 2r,:,f.) 100
'che t li''>
DeEer-nrine tire 'of cencer of iltect"
-ts. "x = 2,,000,.
6) y - 2.049 C- x - 2.153, y = 2.195
' ].{] 54, y c 2.2l.l- D. x - 2.]-46, y - 1.902
i. Solve for Lhe general solucion of r.he differenr.ial eguaEion:
(o + 100)/ = 0
wl:cre D Is Lhe dlfferenEial operaE.or d/dx
llhen x - 0.L, dptermlne y in Eerma of Ehb conaEanEs of inEegraLion.
A. 0.841 C1 +'0.594 C2 C. 0.8411 Cl + 0.540 C2
B C.925 C1 + 0.594 C2 D, 0.925 Cl + 0.540 C2
. .ll,] i;r...'3;l.irt Irirlnrllo ]rae o l0 cnt baoo.rnct s lO cm a]Elr,[tcla.
l,rr.',!:r,i:;iinc Llre rn..,rrtcnt of lnerfla of ftre Lrlangular area relat, lve to
o I rn,: piral]e1 Eo be base an'd t!,pough che upper verE.ex, in cmo4.
A. f , 750 s/ Z, SOO
ir. i.0?5 (!7
. A :rt.rr:k of brit:ks lrlr.r 6I bricke aL E.lre buEEom 1.eiyer, 58 bricktr in
t:irrr 2nci layer, 55 hricke in Ehe 3rd layer. and Bo on, unLil the
J.r.rL l.r!ef wlriclr lr.r:r 1O bricks. DeEcrmilre L.he total nurrdrer of
bricks uaed uo.
9:ti c. 535
D. 64?.'
:i. Determine Ehe sirnnlif-ied fcrm of siLr2B/ (1 - cog2B)
C, E.anB
COLB D. elnB
Li l.l(.Lurnrine Llrt] tlUl't oI t]tt, poa1E,lve-valuod eoluLlone l-o Lht:
.simultaneouB equaEions ;
xY = 15 yz-35 zx=21
E. 13

!.'o:: a hi gh -'ro1 t age Iong tr.ansrnission line, we h.rve Ehe per-pttase:

v(rc ror ref a r- i oli :
Ee = Agr+Bfr
If Flr . L2't,000 volts aE O derlree, Ir = L00 amperea aE -30 degreee
j\ = b.90 ar 0 degree, and B = 100 aL 9C degrees, det:ermine the
rr,roni;ude of thr: srending-end voltlge Es.
A. 1,:1,5?li volt.rr O 119,614 volte
3. 125,595 volLr; 5. 111.633 volts

1 nu. d on Page
'' "' r l r ;.;l':ii ulJ IiLE*TR I ci\L
_ 0B;00- Llc*nauro
a.m. - 0{ r 00 p.m. ion

.{f, rhe polynomial .*3 * nri?

il,Airrii ne the r,,=,nai.n..lor, '11 3ry\+ B ia rJividect by x " 5,
G) 2rB
j,. .i5 c. 42
. t. . :j._,11-c f orx in t:he equ.-lLion: ,

-1} + arcEan(x-r) - arctan(r2)

'Ii ,.r;t"tut(>r+1)
i ;; c 1.20
D,, 1.25
,'. i..rr :.soceles rr.-iangle
r'.,r..j,,!,>lc .lquiri r,,f,i..nwich
equal sj.dee of 20 cm has E hese
sidos a t:
,::rL.:inaLrle by r:he arl""giu. -
"i.n-Ir-r" baae. Decermine Ehe rnaximum area
.& 250 sqcio
(9 zoo oqcm c" 180 sqcm
D. 300 aqcm
';'l:': 'r'r.,rr of cy/o oquarcs
dlri:r^.u-t 7
riri sr-ru or-sq tE, and Eheir pe.imec.ers
inJrr areas
B. ??. ca scr f r c' 29.00 sq f u
D. 22.0o eg f c
. :,. (j;l ven che fo-l, l.ow:ing staE istical
ci,:yigaiq,tt;,.: daE.a, deEermine Ehe stan<Jard
1.., : ..

'b ,.. ij' l'44 1sE 164 t76 ' 'ir. 'ts-t'

lr. _. /. s3 frl ;;:ll
titJill.;" t/stin(13A) ; rletermine angle 'A
- JJiiuu" c' I in desreea
O D. 7 degrees
.'.'. ,.;rr,,,..n tlre line Lr: ./x + 5(. -. 35 * g . Determine Ehe
Iine I!
l;,l,ilill!:9": :lu.;",1,;;:.j*:f:r';:; rr,uuu, iicL,i,,o
"f"f'on, cr,,,
,]., _-l .73
E. 3. i;!; I 'i
.iZ '

ti':;L ii;rs a wcigltE eguar uo-3 peri"ai.

'rqudr:ilE gcrive fo:r j rninimum r..iao.
-ii""r shourci clie
i,.:- ljrtf rJ .r 1:cssing minimurn avera{Je resE BCore, ao --har
;\. 00 of BO ?
r''' 81 C. Bj
; :. r;i,/et'r f he series;
@ ;;
(:CBXnl - x i2t x /at
+ -
x 3
afx + x /)l + x /3! +

;;iiai r,-. larion can you draw from lirese rhree ser.ies ?
j-1. x
cos x r sin x
= r COs] :( + AIn X

' u,-):r A I 1 l;irt ;i

I', rtl-.1.) )..!l r:it


ll I

. .,,. ::.J.T;FI:i) ELECTRICAL ENGTNEI.:RINB Li ceneure ExaminaE 1q4

. : :irdiry, - 00:00 a.m, - 0{:00 P.rn. 'Page 4

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1e ra].nx
ir arrrt B are indeP'endenC evenEa. I'he probabiliEy Ehat evenE A will
ci:,'iir is p(a), and trhe probabi).iE]' Ehats A and B t+i1l occur is.
piAs). From Ehese cwo stratemerltra, whae is Ehe probability. t,haE
.:\'f::IE E r,lilf occuf ?
e. p(A) - p(AE) c. p.(A) p (&e)
ir. u(B) - p(AB) @ p (AB) /P (r)
,i ;;.i:-, -,he uniE vector at 12o deg angle, deteunine the 'uect,or sun
.l 1- a+a) in oolar f >rm
i-.. i.'733 aL -3rl deg anEle @' ai -50deg
deg angle
i1. ? ,000 at 60 deg angle D. L,732 aE, 50 angle
.rt t:rain i:i trcvell ing .rE a rpeed of 100 km per hr. The locomoEive
l:a: uracEion sreel wheels of 1,2 megers ciiBmecer on level eueel
1a:1:;. Decernrine t,he maximLlm recEiiiner speed of a poinE on Ehe
i:i.rcurn!ererrce of che tracE.ion r*heel
.4" 3,313 m per: minuEe C. 3, O0O t-n Per minuEe
Li. 4, coo m pe:.. minuEe @ t,667 il per minuEe
I,. )i71,r,rl:ola has Ehe equation: xY - I I
ijr:r r,:lr:ri:re t-lrc ecluaEion of fhie l'ryperbola if trhe x,y-dxeli are
ror'iI e,: 4 5 Cegrees clockwiee.
r\...:r5x - a"25y - 1 (ct r.oox,+ 1.00y "' 1
ir. 2.,.)i)x - 2.00y - I D. O.50x'- o.50Y * 1
A r r.i;r;rgle lras rrariable 'sides x, !, - z surbjecE. Eo Lhe coneE.ralnc
:hilr Lhe perimet:er P ie fixed Lc 18 cm. gthau is che maximum
r:.r':.siblrl area for the Eriangle ?
i''. i5.59 sqcm C. 14 . 03 sqcrn
li. 1& . 71 sqcm D. 17.15 eqcm
,.,i circir: is ciri:umscribed abouc a criangle r*iuh verticeg aE
(-.).,11 , (5,2) , ancl (6, -1) . DeEermine Ehe;eguaE.ion of the circle.
A. 2 2
x + y -2;< + 2Y *'23 + O
*l( ry r..2-x+2Y+23=0
x +y -2x + 2y 23-0
rl?x-2y 2i=A
I...;r.[:r .rr'r.: tii])l]r:d .rIc>trg a oingle-i haae primary diaEribulion ]ine ae
t q;.i lowr.t : ' '.-.

L):.:r;arrce 't::om I.0 ktn 2.5 km 4 .0 krn 6.0 )cm

ll.::i\.li rr.1 end
1rr,rr.l rlL . rrrri L7 20 kl^l 1i) khl 15 kW 10 kt^l

i1r.:i,'ei: t'ac-[or
t-he erlrriv;rlcrrL lengE): oI lilte, wiL!.r a Load ac Lhe errd of
-ch" lO;rrJ, that 1rrte'
Lllu LoLr-rl I give fhe vame t-ocal nrontcenLe
U;i;E eq.,ivalenE "vil rvilir an impedance of (0 + j 10)
i'-nr, d*r.e!'mine rie- ne''tli"'1-r.'nrl vo'l t";ri1r:..Vrr if .,t)t?..],iIrt't
!t iu 4O0r) '/',)t'-t'
rl . 4,625 volrs
I: 1 ,?22 vol r-ll

jgc l;

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