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Intra Haryana

How to Access: Intra Haryana can be accessed over internet using web link (​​)

For new registration click on New Registration Button as shown in above screen, after you click on new
registration button below screen will appear.

In the above screen as shown select employee Type, Enter your Payeecode and Your Salary Bank
Account No. and then click on submit button. When you click on submit button below screen will
In this page select your mobile no either from Esalary or from HRMS and then click on submit button.
When your mobile number is not updated in Esalary or HRMS, then a message will appear as shown in
below screen.

So according to message ask your DDO to update correct mobile number in Esalary or HRMS.
If your mobile number is updated then no message will appear and you click on submit button. After
clicking on submit button an OTP is generate and a message has been sent to your mobile number.
Enter the OPT number as shown in figure then click on submit button. If no OTP has been generate then
click on Regenerate OTP button.

After enter an OTP click on submit button then a message box will appear OTP verified successfully.
Click on OK
After Clicking on OK button below screen appears

In this screen Your User ID will appear and you have to enter password and confirm password as
mentioned in below screen and then click on submit button.
When you click on submit button again message box will appear as shown in below screen, user
registered successfully then you click on ok. This is the processor of new registration.
If you have already registered then you have to enter your user ID, password and code shown in right
box as shown in below figure and then click on Login Button.

After clicking on login button below screen will appears. After that from left side menu click on
Property Return as shown in figure
As you click on property return below screen will appear and from the select year box you have to
select the year whose details you want to add.
As you select the year Step 1 page will appear. This is immovable property page.
If you do not have immovable property then click on below mentioned box

After clicking on the box you have to click on save button and then click on next button. If you do not
click on save button you will not move to next step.
And if you have immovable property then you have to enter all the details which are mandatory (​*​) as
shown in below figure. Whenever you entered all the details you have to select save button, otherwise
your details have not saved.

If employee have Joint Property than he or she can select multiple family member from given list which
specified his joint property with family member as shown in screen shot
After clicking on save a message box will appear Saved Successfully, click on OK
As you click on OK below page will appear and now the details you have entered will be shown at the
end of the page. If you have more than one immovable property then after clicking on save button again
fill details of next property and then save. All these details shown at the bottom of page after entering all
the immovable property details click on next button.

If you want to edit or delete your details click on edit or delete button at the bottom of the page as
shown in figure. Otherwise click on next button.
After click on next button Step 2 page will appear. It is moveable property page. Just like Immovable
property if you do not have any movable property then click on check box as shown in figure and then
click on save button and then click on next button.

And if you have any movable property then fill the entire mandatory (*) details as mentioned in below
screen, then click on save button.
All the details you have entered are shown at the bottom of the page as shown in below figure.

Like immovable property if you have more than one movable property then after click on save button
you again enter all the details. After filling all the movable property details click on next button.

If you want to go back to previous page then you have to click on menu bar as shown in figure
When you click on next button Step 3 loan detail page will appear. Same procedure will follow like
immovable property and movable property pages. If you have do not have any loan then click on check
box otherwise fill all the details and then save it and then click on next button.
When we click on next button then step 4 page will appear in this page you have to upload your
signature in jpg or png format. For this you have to choose file then select upload button
After click on upload button a message box will appear click on ok and then click on next button
When you click on next button a Form will appear this will show all the details you have entered in
every steps.
Check all the details. If there is something missing or you want to add some more details then you click
the menu from the menu bar. And if everything is ok then click on submit button. When you click on
submit button a message box will appear kindle confirm the data. If everything is ok then click on ok
otherwise click on cancel button.

If you click on OK button an OTP will generate and message has been sent to your mobile.
Enter the OTP as shown in figure and then click on submit button.
Once you submit you cannot delete or edit your details. And when you submit a report has been
generate in PDF Form. You can download it and print it.
If you want to reprint your reports then first of all you have to login then click on Property Return
button then select the year you want to print the report. Then click on download button as mentioned in
below screen.

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