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Preliminary report of the prominent economically important

entomofauna of Apple ecosystem in Kashmir Valley, India

Muzafar Riyaz, K. Sivasankaran, Pratheesh Mathew, Sylvester Darvin,
Savarimuthu Ignacimuthu

Kashmir, the leading producer of apple, with its natural floral diversity forms an abundant habitat
for its rich faunal diversity. The present report will acknowledge some economically important
insect species from the apple orchards of Kashmir. The horticultural fields of Kashmir homes for
various insect species with which the agriculturists are profited, despite what might be expected,
a considerable lot of these species have conveyed disaster to them. Prominent insect groups like
hymenopterans play a vital role as pollinators, which is a prerequisite for all the major cash crops
of Kashmir. Lepidopterans as well as many Hemipterans are causing minor to severe damage to
the dominant crop of Kashmir – Apple. Biological, eco-friendly and chemical control measures
are being utilized by farmers against these pest species. Comprehensive future surveys will open
way for better management of these insects causing monetary benefits to farmers without
disturbing the natural biodiversity of Kashmir.

The apple is the member of sub-family Pomoideae of the family Rosaceae. The apple is
considered to have emerged in the Caucasus mountain of South-Western Asia. Thereafter, the
apple stretched out to all Europe and Asia during the pre-historic time and was fairly well
entrenched at the beginning of Christian era. Apple is considered as one of the most preferred
healthy fruit by most of the international markets due to its nutritional value.
Insects are most abundant class of Invertebrates, both in terms in no. of
species and individuals. They exhibit enormous diversity of size, shape and biology, and in the
habitats they occupy. They not only the behave as an enemy but also behave as good friends of
Agricultural crops by attain a class of predators and parasitoids which feed on the notorious eggs,
larvae, adults of Insect pests. Some Insect pests are by far more dangerous and cause very serious
damage to the agriculturally economic crops.
Horticultural sector is the backbone of the economy of Kashmir valley. The
apples grow promptly right through temperate climate zones of the valley, where fertile soil,
climate, slope, new techniques and favorable temperature add more boost to production of the
fruit. Apple cultivation needs more care by farmers, compared to other crops like rice which was
once the major crop of Kashmir. Throughout the year, the fruit growers and farmers are busy in
maintaining the apple orchards by adding fertilizers to soil, spraying pesticides and then
harvesting the fruit crop in the months from September to November. They bestow employment
to about 60% of the population and are the foremost genesis of livelihood of many households,
due to their good backward and forward linkages
Aim and Objectives:

Collection of the economically important Insects from the apple ecosystem of Kashmir.

Identification of the Insects

Classification of the insects based on their beneficial and pest importance.

Preservation of Insects.

Materials and Methods:

The study was carried out from April to June (2018) in a rich apple ecosystem of District
Shopian, (33°43´47´´N74°50´02´´E). For collection of the insects following methods were used:

A. NETS: Aerial nets were used to collect hymenopterans, moths and other Hemipterans.

B. BEATING: Beating sheets were used to collect Insects from Apple trees; usually a branch is
struck with downward motion to dislodge insects in the foliage. Insects can be collected from
the sheets then.

C. HAND PICKING: Hand picking of Insects were carried out to collect larvae, eggs and
sometimes Adults.

The following species were collected from the apple ecosystems:
Eriosoma lanigerum (Wooly Apple aphid)
Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Aphididae
Species: Eriosoma
Archipis podana (Fruit Tree Totrix Moth)
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Torticidae
Species: Archipis podana

Quadraspidiotus perniciosus (San Jose scale)

Class: Insecta
Order: Hemiptera
Family: Diaspididae
Species: Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
Apis cerana indica (Indian honey bee)
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Species: Apis cerana indica

Apis mellifera
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Species: Apis mellifera
Xylocopa violacea (Violet carpenter bee)
Class: Insecta
Order: Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Species: Xylocopa violacea

Chrysoperia carnea (Green Lace Wig)

Order: Neuroptera
Family: Chrysopidae
Genus: Chrysoperia
Species: carnea
The present study revealed some pest and beneficial insect fauna from the apple
ecosystem of Kashmir valley.
The beneficial insects are identified up to species level and they act as
pollinators, Apis cerana indica, Apis mellifera, Xylocopa violacea.
The pest insects are identified up to species level and responsible for the tree
and fruit damage, Eriosoma lanigerum, Quadraspidiotus perniciosus, Archipis
One species Chrysoperia carnea which is from family Chrysopidae act as
parasitoid, usually feed on aphids and other small pest insects.

The data recorded from apple ecosystem of Kashmir have clearly opened new avenues to explore
insect diversity which can lead to even new conclusions, for conserving the biodiversity of
pollinators in Kashmir valley. The honeybee diversity is dominant in agricultural and
horticultural fields of Kashmir; besides species of Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Hemiptera and
other groups of insects must be taken into consideration for preservation. Since honey bees are
the significant pollinators of apple, it is fitting to do apiculture alongside apple development in
the apple plantations which will improve the pollination of apple trees.
For controlling different pests of apple, alternative steps should be taken to
replace the toxic pesticides and implementation of integrated pest management should be put
forward to regulate the much use of pesticides, which have a great impact on insects as well as
birds, aquatic organisms, and human health.

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