Optimization of Routing in Smart Grids Using Intelligent Techniques

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3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2018

Optimization of Routing in Smart Grids Using Intelligent Techniques

K.Deepaa Dr.Meenakshi.S.Khuranab

Research scholar-Manavrachna University-Faridabad

Professor-Manavrachna University-Faridabad

Electric power has undertaken numerous progresses in recent ages causing enormous growth cautiously and also socially. It is also to be noted
that there is no remarkable change in the electrical grid design. To meet up the pitfalls of the existing grid a new model known as smart grid was came into
view. Smart grid is future enhanced power grid which is planned to incorporate communication/networking techniques into existing electrical power grids
which makes it smarter. The intention of accessible reliable and effective networking solutions for smart grids is a core research problem as the network
comprises lot of controlled embedded appliances ordinarily interlocked with communication techniques. Sensing real time values, Routing and power
control are major issues in the grid structure. To succeed the invention of smart grid an intelligent routing strategy is required for significant results. In this
paper we try to define a routing technique that can efficiently derive and secure the communication in smart grid in terms of traffic profiles using LEACH
Key words-Smart grid, Smart meters, AMIS, Routing, Traffic, Leach

flexible addition and deduction of devices and also decreases installation

1. Introduction expenses. The data produced from individual home appliance are
categorized in to four group based on the basis of their communication
Internet of Things (IoT), IoT is an upcoming domain in research needs[4] as minor load utilizations, uncontrollable large load utilizations
almost in all areas like communication networks and computer networks. ,controllable large load utilizations and electric vehicles. Generally HAN
IoT helps in communication between things and humans also between covers an area (1-100) m.
things.. This is achieved by making the devices smarter and intelligent The next layer is “Neighbourhood Area Network (NAN)”. NAN
without human involvement. One of the typical applications of IOT is in is link of smart meters [5] and gateways to send data. It is collection Of
smart grids. A smart grid is a power grid which comprises a variety of HAN’s for AMI applications. NAN is composed of centralized control unit
active energy sources comprising smart meters, smart devices, and (CCU), smart meter recording unit (SMRU) and NAN ids. CCU acts as a
renewable energy sources. In smart grid the data that is being collected is link between energy dealers and various HAN’s. SMRU is generally a
real time. Integration, reliability, scalability, security are the key features wireless node which maintains all the details of the connected smart meters.
that describes the smart grid network [1]. The network is accountable for Generally HAN covers an area (100m-10Km) [6].
processing the data, routing the data, observing all the nodes etc...Smart The final layer is “Wide Area Network (WAN)”. WAN provides
grid is a collection of various networks which uses a variety of connection between the grid and utility systems [7]. WAN is composed of
communication technologies for safe communications. This grid permits Distribution systems (DS), WAN id’s and controllers. It acts as a link
bidirectional data transfer between smart meters and advanced metering between distribution units, utility grids and NAN’s. Generally HAN covers
data management system [AMIS][2]. The network has to process huge an area (10-100) Km.
amount of data so the network process must be distributed.AMI offers a
customer related approach for handling the electricity management in smart
grid. For example AMI will give particulars regarding consumer voltage
details, customer outage details, periodic meter reading load control etc…
Communication in smart grid takes place in three layers [4]. The
foremost layer is “Home Area Network (HAN)”. HAN is nothing but the
households involved in pricing. Han is composed of Service unit (SU) and
metering unit (MU).Each home in the network will direct their energy
usage details to the home meter(smart meter) for AMI application. The
meter generates the energy expenditure and energy consumption details of
consumers. Wireless communication is chosen over wired as it allows Fig. 1 Communication infrastructure of smart grid



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3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2018

number then the available nodes can be grouped in to clusters and routing
can be done through clusters.


Sensors play a very important part in creating smart infra

Sensor nodes should behave autonomously so that it will be
structure. Sensor and sensor networks are employed in smart grids for load
capable to adapt the changes within the area of operation. To make the
administration, metering, fault analysis and remote examining [9]. In the
nodes behave intelligent certain intelligent techniques are to be followed.
conventional grid, transmission is monitored with the help of wired
The sensor nodes are collectively responsible for routing the information
networks which has its limitations. On the other hand when WSNs are
from source to destination [16]. During this process the sensor network
deployed the sensors can communicate through wireless links hence where
must handle various operations like data loss, node energy consumption,
the limitations of wired networks can be resolved. As renewable energy
battery life, network robustness etc…During the design and integration of
sources are increasing WSNs becomes important. The sensor networks can
the smart grids various protocols are used for effective and secure routing
be applied in any of the following units: production side, distribution side
of the information. However there may be unexpected failures in the
and user side [10]. Transmission system is composed of overhead and
network due to node failure, logic failure, changing weather conditions,
underground power lines for transportation purpose. Substations
interferences etc.. So optimization of the network is mandatory.
transformers and wiring units are part of Distribution system. Within the
transmission and distribution unit if any system crash or breakdown occurs
it may result in serious effects. WSNs will provide effective solutions for
scrutinizing the transmission and distribution units. When sensor nodes are
Remainder of this paper, section 2 briefs about how leach
incorporated with smart grid certain issues should be taken care. Sensor
protocol is used in smart grid communication, section3 briefs about how
nodes will be employed at harsh environments which may damage the
leach GA improves the network lifetime and identifies attacks, section 4
sensor. Different network topologies are adopted for energy distribution
outlines the simulation results and section 5 concludes the research work.
process in the network so the sensor nodes must be capable of handling
various types of devices [11, 12]. Memory capability is a challenging factor
when sensor nodes are employed. Security is also a major issue when WSN
networks are deployed.
LEACH (Low Energy adaptive clustering hierarchical protocol)
is one of the oldest clustering protocols. In smart grids HAN’s are
combined together to form NAN.As more number of pricing data is being
forwarded in the network, to reduce network traffic, decrease latency and
Routing is the technique of choosing a path for data
ensure proper data communication it is recommended to group the available
communication in a network or multiple networks. Smart grid is composed
smart meters in to number of Clusters. Grouping the nodes into clusters
of various nodes which include smart meters metering units, various home
and selection of its cluster head is tedious task in order to achieve longer
appliances etc… To facilitate efficient data exchange among utility and
lifetime of the network. LEACH is one such protocol that is used for
metering units routing has to be done appropriately. It can be done for
selecting the cluster heads in a distributed fashion. Each and every node in
examining and protection requests for intervallic meter readings and
the network can become a cluster head. The cluster head communicates
analysis of demand response by base stations [13]. Routing can be done
with the HAN and NAN network nodes thereby energy consumption on
through various routing protocols. Routing in any networks can be
member nodes is drastically reduced. “Setup and Steady state are the phases
categorized as network structure base routing and protocol based routing
involved in cluster head selection”.. During the first phase any node in the
[14]. In flat routing every nodes are allotted with identical tasks .In
cluster acts as head. The base station communicates with the head and the
hierarchical routing all nodes are allotted with different roles which will
head forwards the message to its members. Followed by in the second
describe the hierarchy of the system. In location based routing the node
phase the member nodes forwards its pricing details to the cluster head
location is used to route the information in network. Various protocols like
where the head transforms it to the destination. Incase of smart grid all the
LEACH, QOS, MCFA, TEEN are used for protocol based routing. In
nodes forward their real-time pricing data to their base stations. When these
addition to the above classification routing protocols can be further
data’s are forwarded the nodes are prone to attacks. The can be internal,
categorized as reactive, proactive, and hybrid protocols based on how the
external or a cyber attack. In this paper we propose LEACH-GA that not
source routes to destination. In proactive type the paths are computed
only increases the life time but also does secure routing.
before they are actually in need whereas in reactive type protocols [14, 15]
paths are computed when there is requirement. In hybrid both the
techniques are used together. When the numbers of nodes are more in



Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3170181

3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2018


GA is one of the available intelligent optimization technique
based on natural selection. It is random search algorithm based on fixed
operators “Selection, Crossover and Mutation”. The optimal best solution is
picked trough selection referring to the desired fitness function. Cross over
produces new off springs for the next generation. Mutation avoids the GA
from premature convergence.


1. Specify the field dimensions the number of nodes.

2. Find source and destination.
3. Divide the smart meters nodes in to clusters based on
geographical area coverage. Fig 3 WAN Structure
4. Elect the cluster head.
5. Identify the source and destination.
6. Find routes to proceed.
7. Check for malicious node. If found take necessary action.
8. Calculate the energy consumed for one round.
9. Repeat the energy calculation for various rounds and check
for death of node.
10. For every round calculate the trust of the neighbouring


To validate our research model software simulation was
performed in MATLAB. LEACH energy calculations were performed
using first order radio model. Fig 4 Liveliness of the network with initial energy 0.2J and
malicious node detection

Fig 5 Liveliness of the network with initial energy 0.5J and

malicious node detection

Fig 2 HAN Structure



Electronic copy available at: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3170181

3rd International Conference on Internet of Things and Connected Technologies (ICIoTCT), 2018


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