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widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

Battle of Trench:
After the Battle of Uhad, the Muslims were able to regain their former position.
The Quraish could not reconcile themselves with the growing power of Muslims and felt
Meanwhile, the Jewish tribe of Banu Nazir who had settled at Khyber kept on plotting
against the muslims. Their chiefs went to Makkah and asked for help against the
Muslims, which the Quraish agreed to give.
Then they went to Ghatafan tribe and gained their support too.
Some other tribes also agreed to give full support against the Muslims, so with an army
of 10,000 men under the command of Abu Sufyan they marched to Medina in 5
A.H. when the Prophet came to know of this, he consulted his companions.
Hazrat Salman Farsi, who was a Persian, suggested that a trench be built.
This suggestion was unanimously accepted by all.
As medina was safe from all other sides, a trench was built only in the north. '
The Prophet himself took part in digging the trench.
It took 8 days to build a trench 15 feet deep and 3 km wide, 3000 companions took part
in digging the Trench. '
When the Quraish arrived, they were shocked and did not know what to do as this
trench was far beyond their imagination.
Despite several attempts, the Quraish were unable to cross the trench and so they
camped behind it.
Minor skirmishes took place for a couple of days in which Muslims had an upper hand.
Whenever, a person would attempt to cross the Trench, Muslims would hurl stones and
Muslims had to remain vigilant throughout and could not even assemble for prayer.
Meanwhile, Banu Qurayza, a Jewish tribe residing in medina violated the covenant of
Medina and decided to attack from inside Medina.
The Prophet sent a detachment to watch and this threat was successfully eliminated.
The siege of Quraish lasted for a month after which a terrible storm came which blew
away their camps and they were forced to flee.
Thus Muslims gained victory.

what lessons can Muslims learn from this battle?

 in times of difficulty to keep hope like when the Muslims were hungry and
weak during the battle of Khandaq (allowance was made to eat non-halal
food if there was no other option
 Muslims should remain strong and patient and work hard for their victory
 Despite victory, Muslims should remain fair and trustworthy (keeping their
promise to the Jews to allow them to remain in Khaybar)
 they should have faith in God at all times
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

 It is important to be open to suggestions from others (e.g. the Prophet taking

advice from Salman al-Farsi)

Describe the Prophet’s conduct as leader in battles he fought in

 the Prophet constantly turned to God for help

 he would take opinions from others
 he was patient and did not fight out of anger
 he treated captives/prisoners of war well
 He took part in all the battles himself.

Treaty Of Hudaybia:
In 628 A.D, the Prophet dreamt that he was entering the holy Ka’abah.
So, he planned to go to Makkah for the lesser pilgrimage. In the month of Dhul-Qadah,
the Prophet along with 1400 unarmed companions left for Makkah.
Although they had no intention of waging war and were unarmed yet their huge number
surprised the Quraish and so they weren’t allowed to enter Makkah.
Instead, to resist their entry they sent a force under Khalid Bin Waleed and Ukrama Bin
The prophet did not want to fight so he diverted his route.
The Muslims camped at a place called Hudaybia about 3 miles from Makkah.
From here, the Prophet sent a messenger to the Quraish to tell them that they had not
come to fight.
But that messenger never returned.
The prophet sent another messenger, who, too did not return and so eventually the
prophet sent Hazrat Usman due to his high reputation among the Quraish.
When the Quraish had detained Hazrat Usman for a while rumors spread that he had
been killed.
Therefore the prophet called his companions to take a pledge to fight and avenge the
blood of Hazrat Usman.
This was known as Bait-e-Rizwan.
After this, Hazrat Usman returned, and negotiations started with the Quraish, eventually
a treaty known as the treaty of hudaybia was devised,. Its terms were as follows:

The Muslims would not enter Makkah this year, but would return the following year
Makkans taking refuge in Medina would be handed back but medinites talking refuge in
Makkah would not be returned
There will be no war for 10 years
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

Both makkans and Muslims would stay neutral if there was a war with another group
Agreements could be made with other tribes.
Apparently the terms did not favor the Muslims and many of the leading companions like
Hazrat Umar had objections, bur Allah himself says: “verily have we granted thee a
manifest victory”.


 After the Prophet’s death, some of the people rose in revolt against the
authorities in Medina and renounced Islam.
 Abu Bakr, without any delay, launched an expedition against this
 After collecting the troops at Medina, he divided them into eleven battalions
each with an experienced commander, and sent them in eleven different directions
to crush these revolts.
 He instructed each commander to first invite these tribes to Islam. If any
refused to comply they were to be attacked.
 Some of the tribes accepted Islam but the others were stubborn and were
dealt with harshly.
 All campaigns were successful and Abu Bakr was able to re-establish
control of Islam throughout the Peninsula.

Prophet’s Wives:

1. Hazrat Khadija:
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● Prophet’s first wife

● Only wife of the Prophet until she died
● Mother of the only surviving children of the Prophet
● Helped Prophet most in his early years
● 15 years older than the Prophet
● Before marrying the Prophet, she had been married twice and widowed
● Was a renowned female trader of her times
●Hired Prophet for a trade trip to Syria after hearing accounts of his
● Her slave girl, who accompanied the Prophet on the trip, told her how well he
had handled the affairs
● In 595 A.D she sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet
● It was accepted on the Prophet’s behalf by his uncle
● She gave the Prophet moral and financial support, which alleviated many of
his worries
● They lived together for 25 years, and had six children, 2 of whom died in
● She comforted and reassured the Prophet after he came home with his heart
beating severely after receiving the first revelation
● She took him to her cousin and Christian scholar, Warqah Bin Naufil
● Was the 1st person to accept Islam and learn how to pray
●Remained with the Prophet throughout and suffered persecution with him
● Spent her wealth in the way of Islam
● She was buried in Makkah

2. Hazrat Sawdah:

● 2nd wife of the Prophet

● Married in 620 A.D
●Married the Prophet few months after Hazrat Khadija’s death
● She was 30 years old and the Prophet was 50
●She was a widow and amongst the early converts to Islam
● She had migrated to Abyssinia along with her husband
● Took care of the Prophet and his children
● Migrated to Medina once her apartment had been built over there
● Was very punctual about prayers
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

● Wholeheartedly welcomed the new wives of the Prophet

●Did not even perform the Umra after the Prophet’s directive to not leave the
● Narrated 5 traditions
● Died in 23 AH

3. Hazrat Aisha:

● Amongst the favorite most wives of the Prophet

● Daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr
● Prophet visited her house since her childhood
● She was six when the Prophet married her
● Their marriage was solemnized in Medina
● Prophet used to play games with her
● Held special place in Prophet’s life
● Her beauty and lively character attracted him to her
● The hypocrites played a role in slander against her after she was seen
coming home from a fair with an unknown man; however verses of Quran
were revealed to prove her innocence
● During his last days, the Prophet requested to be shifted to her apartment
and even died in her lap
● She was 18 when the Prophet died
● She lived quietly during the 1st two caliphates
● Showed disagreements over the policies of the 3rd caliph, but opposed
killing him
● Fought the Battle of Camel – which she lost and was escorted back with
● She freed many slaves
● Hazrat Umar kept for her double allowance in pensions for widows
● She was often sought be leading muslims and her approval was
considered important
● She narrated 2210 Ahadis and has a whole section on her name in
Hanbal’s Musnad
● Died in 58 AH and buried in Medina

4.Hazrat Hafsah:
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● Daughter of Hazrat Umar

● Married to Hunais
● Migrated to Abyssinia
● Husband died in Battle of Badr
● Prophet married her in 3 AH to strengthen ties with Hazrat Umar
● Lived with Hazrat Aisha and Sawdah and became their good friend
● Spent her time reading and writing
● She was fasting when the Prophet died
● She kept in her safe custody the mushaf-e-hafsa
● Asked her brother to distribute all her property amongst the poor at her
death bed
● Narrated 60 ahadis
● Died in 45 AH

5. Hazrat Zainab binte Khuzaymah

● Daughter of Khuzaymah bin Abdullah

● Married to Abdullah bin Jahsh
● Husband died at Battle of badr
● Prophet married after a year after she was widowed to give her protection
● She was called Umm-ul-Masakin due to her generosity
● She died within three months of her marriage to the Prophet
● The Prophet himself led her funeral prayers
● She is buried in Jannat-al-Baqi

6. Hazrat Umme-Salamah:

● Amongst the early converts who migrated to Abyssinia

● 1st woman to migrate to Yasrib
● Her husband was wounded in Uhad and passed away at another expedition,
leaving behind many children
● She initially refused to the Prophet’s proposal to marry but later agreed on
● She went to battles with the Prophet
● Suggested that the Prophet give Sadqa after the treaty of Hudaybia
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

● Her style of recitation was identical to that of Prophet’s

● Narrated 378 ahadis
● Died in 60 AH and buried in Jannat-al-Baqi

7. Hazrat Zainab Bin Jahsh:

● 1st cousin of the Prophet

● Married to Zaid bin Haris
● She did not want to marry Zaid since he was a slave but she did so on
Prophet’s insistence
● However her marriage with Hazrat Zaid was unsuccessful and they got
● Then the Prophet proposed to marry her
● She was initially reluctant but got married after orders to do so came in the
● Bought along a dowry of 400 dirhams
● Used to do needle work to meet expenses
● After the death of the Prophet, she refused to take allowance from the state
and gave it to the needy
● Was the first one to die after Prophet’s death in 20 AH

8. Hazrat Jawaria Binte Haris:

● She was a captive taken from an expedition against Banu Mustaliq in 5 AH

● Given to Sabit Bin Qaisin as booty
● She wanted to pay her ransom and be free
● Prophet saw her nobility and agreed to pay ransom and marry her
● Likewise all her tribesmen were freed
● Her father - a tribal chief - also converted to Islam
● She died in 50 AH

9. Hazrat Umme Habibah:

● Former name was Ramlah

● Daughter of Abu Sufyan
● Early convert
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● Migrated to Abyssinia with husband, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh

● There he converted to Christianity so she divorced him
● On hearing this, the Prophet married her and built for her an apartment
● When her father came to see the Prophet she did not allow him to sit in the
Prophet’s bed
● Took food and water for Hazrat Usman while he was besieged during his
● Died in 44 AH

10. Hazrat Saffiya Binte Huyyay:

● Daughter of a Jew: Huyyay Bin Akhtab – one of Prophet’s leading

● Left Medina when her tribe, Banu Nadir, was exiled in 3 AH
● In 6 AH, muslims conquered Medina, where her tribe was settled
● She was initially given to another Muslim, but when the Prophet saw him,
he put his cloak on her as a sign of marrying
● This is why she was called the chosen one
● She accepted Islam from the Prophet
● Narrated many ahadis
● Died in 50 AH

11.Hazrat Maimoona:

● She had been married before twice and was a widow

● She was sister in law of Hazrat Abbas, Prophet’s uncle
● Hazrat Abbas suggested her marriage to the Prophet while he was
performing Umra in 7 AH
● Prophet propsed her during pilgrimage
● He invited Makkans to a feast but since the Makkans wanted him to leave
in 3 days as agreed, the married outside Makkah
● She died in 61 AH , at the same spot where they were married
● She was last of the Prophet’s wives to follow him

12.Hazrat Rehana:
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● Belonged to Banu Qurayza

● Captive of war
● Prophet proposed
● Initially reluctant, but finally agreed.

13.Hazrat Maria Qibtia:

● She was a Christian

● Sent by the archbishop of Alexandria in Egypt as a gift to the Prophet
● She accepted Islam before reaching Medina
● Prophet married her
● Gave birth to Prophet’s son Ibrahim, who died in 10 AH
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

THE HOLY PROPHET (peace be upon Him) WITH POOR

One day a poor man brought a bunch of grapes to the holy prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
Him) as a gift.
The holy prophet (pbuhf) ate one, two, three and then the whole bunch of grapes by himself. He did
not offer grapes to anyone present. The poor man who brought those grapes was very pleased and
left. One of the companions asked, "O prophet of Allah (peace be upon Him) ! How come you ate all
the grapes by yourself and did not offer to any one of us present?

The holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) smiled and said, "I ate all the grapes by myself because the
grapes were sour. If I would have offered you, you might have made funny faces and that would
have hurt the feelings of that poor man. I thought to myself that it's better that I eat all of them
cheerfully and please the poor man. I did not want to hurt the feelings of that poor man."
Such were the manners of this most noble prophet of Allah.

With slaves

Once Muhammad (peace be upon him) saw a slave grinding some grain on a grinding mill driven by
hand. As he ground the grains he was crying. On seeing this Prophet became anxious. He asked the
slave the reason why he was weeping. The slave said, "I am sick. I cannot grind the grain. My
master is very cruel and he will beat me if I cannot finish my job." At this, the Prophet stepped
forward and ground the rest of the grain saying, "Always call me if you have any grain to grind. I will
do it for you."
That slave was Hazrat Bilal R.A! 😊


If the Prophet saw, any animal over-burdened or ill fed he would speak mildly to
the owner and say, “Fear God in your treatment of animals.” However,
refraining from physical cruelty is not enough; abstaining from mental cruelty is
equally as important. Even a bird’s emotional distress should be treated
seriously. One of Prophet Muhammad’s companions narrates, “We were on a
journey and during the Prophet’s absence, we saw a bird with its two
chicks; we took them. The mother bird was circling above us in the air,
beating its wings in grief. When Prophet Muhammad returned he said,
“Who has hurt the feelings of this bird by taking its chicks? Return them to
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda


Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The best house
among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the
house in which orphans are ill treated. I and the guardian of the orphan will be in the Garden like that," indicating
his two fingers. [Adab al Mufrad 76. The best house is a house in which orphans are well treated 137]
During selecting place for masjid e nabvi. He did not took the plot of sahil ad sohail for free although he s.a.w. was


In an authentic tradition, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)is reported to have

said: “Whenever you see a funeral procession, stand up till the procession goes ahead
of you”. [1] One day a funeral procession passed in front of him and he stood up.
When he was told that it was the coffin of a Jew, he said, "Is it not a living being
(soul)?" Also, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) used to visit non -Muslims who
were sick. Hence, the Prophet (Peace be upon him)visited Abu Talib in his sickness,
and he also visited a sick Jewish boy. [2]


As soon as Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her), the daughter of the Messenger (peace and blessings
be upon him), entered the room where the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) was, he (peace
and blessings be upon him) would stand, take her hands, and make her sit where he (peace and blessings
be upon him) was sitting. He (peace and blessings be upon him) would ask about her health and family,
show his paternal love for her, and compliment her.

Go to meet his son when he was ill and prophet p.b.u.h was busy. He also brought his daughter
back when her mother’s necklace was given as ransom and kept her with him without think ing of
her as a burden. Asked usman r.a. to take care of hazrat Ruqaiyya r.a during badar instead of
going with him.
widows#ixzz5NWGZcmf0 book’s reference of Farhanda

 Surely, we have sent on it (Quran) in the night of power.
 Don’t move your tongue so fast, it is our responsibility to reveal and preserve it.
 It’s not fit for a prophet to receive a revelation except beyond a curtain, in dreams or through
Jibril A.S.
 Read in the name of your Lord Who created, created man from a clot, Read and your Lord is the
most bountiful, He who taught by the pen, Taught man what he knew not.
 This day I have perfected for you, completed my favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as
your religion.
 We found you in need and made you independent.
 O you rap up! Rise up and warn the people.
 And admonish your kinsmen.
 Proclaim openly whatso are you have been preached and turn away from those who join false
gods with Allah.
 Glory to Him who took His slave one night for m Masjid-e-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa to show him
some signs of his power.
 Here things are not changed, there are five but you will be rewarded for fifty.
 To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
 And He is the Highest, the Greatest.
 [He is] Originator of the heavens and the earth
 How could He have a son when He does not have a companion and He created all things?
 And of His signs are the night and day and the sun and moon. Do not prostrate to the sun or to
the moon, but prostate to Allah, who created them, if it should be Him that you worship.
 You alone do we worship7 (serve) and You alone do we ask for help.
 When the earth is shaken with its [final] earthquake. And the earth discharges its burdens. And
man says, "What is [wrong] with it?" . That Day, it will report its news. Because your Lord has
commanded it. That Day, the people will depart separated [into categories] to be shown [the
result of] their deeds. o whoever does an atom's weight of good will see it. And whoever does
an atom's weight of evil will see it.
 And the Hereafter is better for you than the first [life].
 when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you
breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission….
 It has been revealed to you and to the previous prophets that if you commit shirk, every deed of
yours will go waste and you will be at a loss.
 And offer your prayer and pay charity.
 ….True righteous consists in believing in Allah and the Last day, the angels, the book and the
 Nearly the heavens might be rent asunder from above them and the angels glorify the praises of
their Lord, and ask for those on the Earth.
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 There in descend ANGELS and Jibril by the command of their Lord for every affair.
 I have belief in Allah and his angle ,His books and His messengers,and The Day of judgement and
all good and evil and fate is from Almighty Allah and it is sure that there will be resurrection
after death.
 This is the book in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; who believe in the
unseen,are steadfast in prayer…..
 We have without doubt, sent down the message and we will assuredly guard it (from
 We have sent not a messenger,but to be obeyed ,in accordance with the will of Allah.
 ….We make no distinction…between one and another of His messengers….
 We have not sent them but as a universal (messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings and
warning them(against sin).
 But he is messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets.
 One day,the earth will be changed to a different earth and so will be the heavens.
 ….Any who believe in Allah and the Last Day and work righteousness shall have their reward
with their Lord…
 They are the companions of the fire, they will abide there.
 They are the companions of the garden ,they will abide there.

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