New Trends in Staffing (The Best Boys) - 1 PDF

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Course Name: Strategic Human Resource Management

Course Code: HRM-501

Submitted To
Md. Awal Al Kabir,
Associate Professor,
Department Of Management Studies,
Jahangirnagar University

Submitted By
The Best Boys
MBA 1st Year 1st Semester,
Department Of Management Studies,
Jahangirnagar University

Date Of Submission: February 23, 2019

Group profile

Name ID

Arif Faisal 1740

Sudipta Shaha 1743

Fozla Rabbi Sourav 1749

Mohammad Siam Hossen 1756

Fahim khan 1751

Ahmed Julker Nine 2548

Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Overview of New Trends in Staffing ......................................................................................... 2
1. E-Recruitment at Marriott International and Nike: ................................................................ 5
1.1 E-Recruitment in Marriott: .............................................................................................. 5
1.2 E-recruitment In Nike: ..................................................................................................... 6
2. Employment Brand at General Electric ................................................................................. 6
2.1 How GE do employment brand ....................................................................................... 7
2.2 Advantages of Employment Branding in GE .................................................................. 7
3. HR Outsourcing at Alibaba .................................................................................................... 8
3.1 HR Outsourcing Reasons and Benefits: ........................................................................... 9
3.2 Problems with HR Outsourcing: .................................................................................... 10
4 Artificial Intelligence at Amazon.......................................................................................... 10
4.1 Reasons for becoming AI a popular trend in staffing: ................................................... 10
4.2 Various examples of AI in recruitment .......................................................................... 11
4.3 Use of A.I. recruiting tool in Amazon: .......................................................................... 11
4.4 Benefits and Challenges of Using AI in Staffing........................................................... 12
5. Virtual Reality at Jaguar and Commonwealth Bank of Australia........................................ 12
6. Candidate Relationship Management at Whirlpool ............................................................. 13
6.1 Importance of Candidate Relationship Management at Whirlpool ............................... 15
7. Remote Working Options at Nielsen and American Express .............................................. 15
7.1 Benefits of Remote Working Options............................................................................ 16
8. Referral at InMobi Company and Intel ................................................................................ 17
8.1 The referral program of InMobi Company .................................................................... 17
8.2 Staffing through referrals in Intel: ................................................................................. 18
8.3 Process: .......................................................................................................................... 19
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 20
References ................................................................................................................................ 21

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In today’s hyper competitive business environment employees are a source of competitive
advantage. It is absolutely critical for businesses to hire the right people, with the right skills,
right knowledge, right attributes, at the right time, for the right job. The recruitment and
selection process have become one of the key processes determining the success of an
organization. This paper describes the latest trends concerning staffing and their application in
renowned companies.

The process of hiring suitable candidates according to their knowledge and skills in an
organisation is termed as staffing. It refers to the continuous process of finding, selecting
evaluating and developing a working relationship with current or future employees. As the
business environment becomes more and more competitive, having the right people with the
right skills for the right tasks becomes all the more critical. Indeed, it can be a source of
competitive advantage. It is common to hear organizations speak of their human resource as
their biggest organizational asset. Indeed, ultimately the capabilities of an organization fall
upon the shoulders of its employees. An organization is only as good as the capabilities of its
employees (Burkholder, Edwards and Sartain, 2014). Therefore, adopting right mechanism to
obtain required human talent is the most significant task for an organization which consistently
performed through employing distinct staffing strategies that consequently facilitate to
establish a highly integrated talent pool.

Overview of New Trends in Staffing

E-recruitment, also known as online recruitment, is the practice of using technology and in
particular Web-based resources for tasks involved with finding, attracting, assessing,
interviewing and hiring new personnel. The purpose of e-recruitment is to make the processes
involved more efficient and effective, as well as less expensive. Online recruitment can reach
a larger pool of potential employees and facilitate the selection process. A recruitment
management system is an integrated product suite or portal that streamlines and automates the
processes involved. The use of websites such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for some
aspects of recruitment is sometimes referred to as social recruiting (John, Nightingale and Syed,

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An employment brand is the market perception of what it's like to work for an organization.
In other words, it’s the image that your prospective, current and past employees have in their
minds about the employment experience at your company. This includes characteristics like
the organization’s company culture, work environment, employee benefits, and employee
value proposition (Van Dyk and Herholdt, 2011).

Human resources outsourcing is when businesses hire companies to manage personnel

functions. HR outsourcing (also known as HRO) is the process of sub-contracting human
resources functions to an external supplier (Muson and Dell, 2016).

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to technology used to do a task that requires some level of
intelligence to accomplish — in other words, a tool trained to do what a human can do. Three
core components — high-speed computation, a huge amount of quality data and advanced
algorithms differentiate AI from ordinary software. AI technologies offer significant
opportunities to improve HR functions, such as self-service transactions, recruiting and talent
acquisition, payroll, reporting, access policies and procedures (Iliadis, Maglogiannis and
Papadopoulos, 2012).

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a

simulated environment. It incorporates mainly auditory and visual feedback, but may also
allow other types of sensory feedback like haptic. This immersive environment can be similar
to the real world or it can be fantastical (Waddill, 2015).

Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) is a method HR Professionals use to

encourage Candidate Engagement and improve Candidate Experience. This relatively new
method in recruiting was introduced to the world of Talent Acquisition as a solution to one of
the biggest challenges in the HR industry - attracting talent. Building relationships with
candidates is necessary on three levels: with current candidates, with past candidates (also
known as silver medalists), and with potential future candidates (Trost, 2014).

Remote Working Options is a working style that allows professionals to work outside of a
traditional office environment. It is based on the concept that work does not need to be done in
a specific place to be executed successfully. There are a variety of ways in which people can
work remotely. People can choose to work in a way that makes the most sense for their lives.
Some people have the opportunity to work remotely for the majority of the working week, but
have to commute to in-person meetings at the office one day a week (Olson and Olson, 2010).

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Employee referral is an internal recruitment method employed by organizations to identify
potential candidates from their existing employees' social networks. An employee referral
scheme encourages a company's existing employees to select and recruit the suitable candidates
from their social networks. As a reward, the employer typically pays the referring employee a
referral bonus. Recruiting candidates using employee referral is widely acknowledged as being
the most cost effective and efficient recruitment method to recruit candidates and as such,
employers of all sizes, across all industries are trying to increase the volume of recruits through
this channel (Kugler, 2002).

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1. E-Recruitment at Marriott International and Nike:
Marriott International

Marriott International is an American

multinational company which offers various
hospitality services to their customer. It was
founded in 1927. Now it has 127 country
branches worldwide and employees of more
than 177000. Hotel and Reso rts services are their main product.

1.1 E-Recruitment in Marriott:

Marriott International hires most of the employees by E-Recruitment. is the web address which is used to conduct recruitment process of
Marriott International. People get information and answer of their queries from here. Beside
the website Marriott publish their job advertisement in a Facebook page. Marriott also discuss
a lot of things about different career opportunities, possibilities and scope in their official
Facebook page. Marriott International use Facebook as one of the most influencing social
media tools. All the circulars of vacant position are displayed in this website first then in
Facebook. Candidates have to make an account to apply for any position or post. When a
candidate creates one account, the company gets the information about the applicant’s interest
and skills. The applicant can apply to his interested position as well as the company can also
offer the candidates for any suitable position. Once a candidate fills up his account information,
he/she can easily apply for multiple positions. The applicant doesn’t have to fill application
form again and again. After shortlisting the CV for one position The HR Executive set
Interview time with applicants. The Interview process is completed by video conference. The
selected candidate got conformation Email.


Nike is an American multinational Athletic footwear and apparel recreational products sports
equipment producer company. It was founded in 25th January 1964. Nike is one of the attractive
companies in the world. Career in Nike is a desire for energetic young people. Currently every
month 800 applicant send their CV to Nike.

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1.2 E-recruitment In Nike:
Managing this huge amount of application is very challenging for any kind of organization.
Nike have to fill 100 to 120 vacant position in every month. Nike have to response to every
applicant as they don’t miss the appropriate candidate. So many problems were raised in
previous analog process as Nike set some strategy to solve it.

The Human Resource firms give a solution to Nike with an E-recruitment System, Where Nike
posts their job offerings in Newspaper and other job portals with an application sending address
link. Through this link candidate can easily send their resume and the resume stored
automatically. Candidates have to make an account in that website. After creating one account
applicant can easily apply for more than one job. It just takes one click to apply. The candidates
have to develop their Resume in the account in every six months.

As a result of this process Nike is saving around 54% less cost than previous. The result
was tracked in July 2002. Because of candidates accounts Nike can easily research the data
about them. As a result, the database management become easier. Company didn’t have to rely
on external recruitment agencies. In 2003 to 2004 total 556 vacant positions was replaced with
235 internal Nike candidates, 144 from the Nike Database and 35 from the other companies.
The system of E-recruitment in Nike is named as Active recruiter. The company gained the
investment outcome within just six months.

2. Employment Brand at General Electric

An employment brand is the market perception of what it's like to work for an organization. In
other words, it's the image that your prospective, current and past employees have in their
minds about the employment experience at your company.

General Electric Company (GE) is an

American multinational conglomerate incorporated
in New York and headquartered in Boston. As of
2018, the company operates through the following
segments: aviation, healthcare, power, renewable
energy, digital industry, additive manufacturing, venture capital and finance, lighting,
transportation, and oil and gas.

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2.1 How GE do employment brand
General Electric has earned a reputation as one of the very best examples of employer branding
in the world. Consistency, humor and a multi-pronged media distribution strategy was the
winning formula for GE’s, “What’s the Matter with Owen” video series. In the video series,
we are introduced to Owen, an average developer just trying to get his friends and family
excited about his new job. The problem is, no one really knows what Owen does. Perhaps
poking fun at themselves, GE took the time to understand their target audience and created a
high-quality television video with an optimized web version which included an embedded job
apply button.

Some other noteworthy mentions include its robust careers site (as mentioned above) that auto-
populates personal information from a number of social profiles; including LinkedIn, Facebook
or a resume upload.

As a very global company in the U.S., a lot of times GE’s challenges are just a completely
misunderstood brand, they are not a consumer-based brand whatsoever. When one would talk
to some people, even still today, they think that GE make toasters, or refrigerators, or
dishwashers, and we no longer make those. GE is a business-to-business company.

And then globally, they actually do struggle with just being a recognized name globally. GE’s
history presents a little bit of a challenge because if they’re transforming the company that’s
always a branding that has to get to the people. And with being a business-to-business
company, that’s not always an easy thing to do.

2.2 Advantages of Employment Branding in GE

Now 72% of recruiting leaders around the world agree that employer brand has a significant
impact on hiring, and even more so has a significant impact on your business’s success.

For organizations that aren’t quite sure why they need employer branding; these reasons why
employer branding is so important for General Electric.

i. Decrease in cost per hire: According to LinkedIn, a company with a stronger employer
brand than its competitors on average see a 43% decrease in the cost per candidate they
hire. Because by simply investing in employer brand, a company doesn’t have to spend
all of your hard-earned profit on advertising and marketing campaigns creating
awareness for your business.

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ii. Reputation carries more weight than money: Moving on, if General Electric were to
disregard developing General Electric’s employer brand, they risk paying
over $4,000 in salary premium per employee hired.

Sure salary is important to candidates, but it’s not the most important factor.
CareerBuilder reports that 67% of candidates would essentially accept lower pay if the
company they were interested in had very positive reviews online.

iii. Attracting and retaining the right talent: A staggering 78% of people will look into
a company’s reputation as an employer before applying for a job and 88% of
millennials believe that being part of the right company culture is very important.

So, having a strong employer brand that potential candidates can access at any time,
especially online, allows them to see their potential fit to your company. It works both
ways, it’s essentially the matchmaking stage for you and potential candidates.

That’s why it’s highly important that General Electric build out their employer brand
on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn as an access
point for candidates to get a look into company, as 79% of job seekers are likely to use
social media in their hunt for their next job.

iv. It’s in the stats: A strong employer brand leads to 50% more qualified applicants.
Employer branding becomes even more important in highly competitive sectors where
niche skill sets are in serious demand.

So General Electric is wasting far less time shuffling through unqualified candidates
and getting the candidates that fit your criteria.

3. HR Outsourcing at Alibaba
The Chinese Company, Alibaba, is changing the way global business is conducted. This fast
growing B2B company has benefited from the explosion in information technology and has
developed a unique business model. With the explosive growth of Alibaba in China, the
company is now ready to expand to the rest of the world.

For many, is China’s eBay but few know that it started as a small “internet
company” called China Yellow Pages. Today Alibaba is the world’s biggest global

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marketplace, one that in 2014 when it went public, was able to score the biggest IPO to theses

But what does outsourcing have to do with? Well, according to the book "Alibaba: The Inside
Story Behind Jack Ma and the Creation of the World's Biggest Online Marketplace", in its early
days, the founder Jack Ma outsourced the website development to a U.S. firm. At the time,
development talent in China was in short supply, while developers in U.S. had the skills
Alibaba was looking for and needed. That’s just one reason, though. The other being Ma had
to find workarounds and viable ways to grow his company overcoming all Chinese internet
restrictions. Currently, the company still relies on outsourcing partners for production, but
they're mainly located in China.

3.1 HR Outsourcing Reasons and Benefits:

Organizationally-driven Reasons Financially-driven Reasons

• Enhance effectiveness by focusing on • Reduce investments in assets and

what you do best fee up these resources for other
• Increase flexibility to meet changing purposes
business conditions, demand for
• Generate cash by transferring
products and services and technologies
assets to the provider Revenue-
• Transform the organization
driven Reasons
• Increase product and service value,
customer satisfaction, and share-holder • Gain market access and business

value Improvement-driven Reasons opportunities through the

• Improve operating performance providers network

• Obtain expertise, skills, and • Accelerate expansion by tapping
technologies that would not otherwise be into the provider's developed
capacity, processes, and systems
• Improve management and control
• Expand sales and production
• Improve credibility and image by
capacity during periods when such
associating with superior providers.
expansion could not be financed

Cost-driven Reasons Employee-driven Reasons

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• Reduce costs through superior provider • Give employees a stronger career
performance and the provider’s lower path
cost structure • Increase commitment and energy
• Turn fixed costs into variable costs in non-core areas

3.2 Problems with HR Outsourcing:

Despite the rising popularity of outsourcing HR activities, the practice is not without pitfalls.
One of the most serious is maintaining the continuity of skill supply and the retention of in-
house knowledge and expertise. In many cases, firms seek outsourcing to save training costs,
assuming that someone else will carry out the training to ensure the delivery of key skills. Skill
loss can have damaging effects on competitiveness. Another major concern with outsourcing,
particularly for those firms that operate in the upper end of the product market, is the loss of
quality. Employees often judge service quality by comparing their expectation of the resulting
service under the proposed change with their view of what the services should be or with the
services that they used to have. Switching the HR services from in-house to an external provider
inevitably causes disruption to the continuity of the services, often for a prolonged period of
Time and with unpredicted problems. Indeed, there have been reports in the media and in
practitioner journals on the failures of outsourcing resulting from unfulfilled promises and/or
expectations. These perceived benefits and disadvantages must be considered when firms make
strategic decisions on whether or not to outsource functional HR activities.

4 Artificial Intelligence at Amazon

AI for recruiting is designed to streamline or automate some part of the recruiting workflow,
especially repetitive, high-volume tasks.

4.1 Reasons for becoming AI a popular trend in staffing:

The biggest recruiting bottlenecks include:

 A recruiter spending approximately 60% of their time sourcing candidates

 A resume spending 38% of its time stuck in the applied and screening phases
 67% of resumes received for a high-volume role being completely ignored

As an AI recruiting tool, Ideal tackles these recruiting challenges by:

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 Automating candidate sourcing from external databases such as Indeed and from your
own ATS resume database to rediscover prior candidates
 Automating resume screening by learning the qualifications of successful employees
and applying that knowledge to grade and rank new candidates
 Automating initial outreach and interview scheduling of interested candidates through
auto-texts and auto-emails

4.2 Various examples of AI in recruitment

HireIQ — an AI assistant that helps to hire
candidates based on their voice on the phone.
HireIQ revolutionizes talent acquisition for
front-line customer service positions such as
those in contact centers, retail stores, branch
banking, quick-service restaurants, and hospitality by automating the early-stage
screening process, automatically assessing for critical communication skills, and using
outcomes-based data to facilitate continuous performance validation.

HireVue — uses facial recognition to “read” the emotions of a job candidate. It helps

global enterprises to gain a competitive advantage in the modern talent marketplace with
video interviewing software and assessments.

Chatbots for Recruiting – Use of chatbots assist to engage candidates in real-time

conversation. Basically, it assists to handle general queries of a wide pool of candidates such
as do you have any openings, what’s the compensation package etc., to help reduce application
questions and pre-qualify candidates could free up recruiter’s time significantly, helping them
focus on filling roles.

4.3 Use of A.I. recruiting tool in Amazon:

Amazon is a USA based multinational technology company that basically focusing in e-
commerce, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence.
Amazon had been building computer programs since 2014 to review job applicants' resumes
with the aim of sorting CVs automatically and select the most talented applicant to hire for jobs
in an automated process. This hiring tool used artificial intelligence to give job candidates
scores ranging from one to five stars — much like shopper’s rate products on Amazon. But by

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2015, the company realized its new system was not rating candidates for software developer
jobs and other technical posts in a gender-neutral way. Members of the team working on the
system said it effectively taught itself that male candidates were preferable. That is because
Amazon's computer models were trained to vet applicants by observing patterns in resumes
submitted to the company over a 10-year period. Most came from men, a reflection of male
dominance across the tech industry. Later, this tool was discarded in 2017 for this biased
outcome of recruitment.

4.4 Benefits and Challenges of Using AI in Staffing

The main benefits of using AI include saving recruiters’ time by automating high-volume
tasks and improving quality of hire through standardized job matching. AI will change the
recruiter role through augmented intelligence which will allow recruiters to become more
proactive in their hiring, help determine a candidate’s culture fit, and improve their
relationships with hiring managers by using data to measure KPIs such as quality of hire.

The major challenges of using AI for recruiting include requiring a lot of data, the potential
to learn human biases, and scepticism of new technology by HR professionals.

5. Virtual Reality at Jaguar and Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Virtual reality (VR) is an interactive computer-generated experience taking place within a
simulated environment. Major players in Virtual Reality include HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and
PlayStation VR (PSVR).
Jaguar is the luxury vehicle brand of Jaguar Land Rover, a
British multinational car manufacturer with its headquarters
in Coventry, England.

Jaguar used skills-based interactive activities to evaluate prospective candidates for their
software engineering roles. it’s launched a free mixed reality app. Candidates using the app
learn about the nuances of electric vehicles and play engaging but demanding code-breaking
puzzles. According to Jaguar’s press release, these games “test their curiosity, persistence,
lateral thinking and problem-solving skills.”

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This unusual approach has two huge immediate benefits. Candidates who enjoy the games and
are impressed by Jaguar’s inventive approach are more likely to go on to apply through
traditional methods. Meanwhile, those who perform exceptionally at the code-breaking games
are fast-tracked through the recruiting process. Jaguar’s app is a means for the company to test
for much-needed skills, instead of looking at qualifications alone.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia: The Commonwealth Bank of Australia is an Australian

multinational bank with assets upwards of $975 billion, is seeking to become one of the most
innovative companies in the world.

CBA’s Virtual Reality Candidate Experience let’s candidates experience the kind of projects
employees handle, and tests their ability to make agile, smart decisions.

CBA uses an Oculus Rift device for an experience of total immersion. The individual candidate
is introduced to a small team to run that includes a developer, an analyst and a marketer. In the
experience, a series of challenges arise, and every individual is asked to make tough decisions,
which have corresponding benefits and consequences.

The goal is two-fold:

 To give the job candidates a clear insight into the culture of CBA and the projects their
employees take on;

 Along with the app itself showing off the type of innovative and agile thinking that
happens within the bank’s workforce.

6. Candidate Relationship Management at Whirlpool

Whirlpool Corporation is a global manufacturer of major home appliances under brand names
that includes Maytag, Amana, KitchenAid, and Jenn-Air. Recruiting at Whirlpool is treated as
an opportunity to market both the organization and its product line.

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In order to streamline and automate this process, many companies have started
implementing Recruitment Marketing strategies through Recruitment Marketing tools. These
tools enable HR Professionals to implement Candidate Relationship Management strategies in
an easier yet personalized way. some Recruitment Marketing tools offer solutions for creating
engaging email campaigns to provide highly relevant, educative and interesting content in order
to build stronger relationships and expand their talent pools with highly-qualified job

Whirlpool has designed Exceptional Candidate Experience (ECE) Program to develop both the
employer brand and customer loyalty. The ECE involves three-stage process as

i. Initial Candidate Touch points: Focuses on consistent, positively branded messages

about the organization. It will create an inviting image to the candidates.
ii. Candidate Engagement: Ensures that all candidates are treated warmly and engaged
during the interview process.
iii. Candidate Closings: Ensures that all job candidates remain customer for lifetime
regardless the outcomes of the interview.

Initial candidate
Engagement Closings
Touch Points

Figure: Process of ECE

The goal of this process is to provide an exceptional experience to ensure that the candidates
leave with a positive impression of the organization. The ECE is designed to ensure that

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Whirlpool is not only successful in recruiting the best available talents but also creating
ambassadors of the company.

6.1 Importance of Candidate Relationship Management at Whirlpool

Having a strong Candidate Relationship Management has become one of the top priorities for
new recruiting at Whirlpool. Providing an exceptional candidate experience is one of the best
Employer Branding strategies Whirlpool can have. Here are some important factors of trending
CRM as staffing is given:

• Employees are the best ways to get insights in a company.

• Candidates are more likely to get cold e-mails from recruiters if they have interacted
with the company’s brand before.
• Most of the professionals are passive candidates. Build your brand and engage with
them proactively.

Figure: Importance of CRM

7. Remote Working Options at Nielsen and American Express

Nielsen is an US based international performance management, information, and measurement
company providing clients with a comprehensive understanding of what consumers are buying
and watching. The company’s mission is to help businesses innovate new products and new
marketing solutions that will resonate with consumer needs using its end-to-end insights into

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consumer behavior. With U.S. and international corporate headquarters in New York, New
York, and Diemen, North Holland, the Netherlands, Nielsen maintains a presence in
approximately 100 countries around the world.

American Express is also an US based global provider of financial goods and services,
including solutions related to payment, travel, and financial management for individual
consumers and for businesses. Headquartered in New York, New York, American Express has
more than 63,500 employees worldwide and posts nearly $32 billion in annual revenue.

Nielsen and American Express has offered temporary, part-time job opportunities along with
offering remote work from home since one and a half decades as both are global services
company that provides customers with access to products, insights and experiences that enrich
lives and build business success. Each day, American Express makes it easier, safer and more
rewarding for consumers and businesses to purchase the things they need and for merchants to
sell their goods and services. Both companies have been receptive to new ways we could
deliver our customers the superior service they’ve come to expect from them.

In particular, the home-based customer care team provided by Nielsen and American Express
is a committed, engaged and high-performing group of employees who bring our service vision
to life every day. Having a remote workforce allows them to cast a wider net, reaching
prospective employees who may not live within commuting distance of one of their brick-and-
mortar customer care locations. They also can attract people who have the right profile but who
have specific needs that make virtual work a good fit, such as parents, students, veterans and
their spouses, and people with limited mobility. And thus, they must be able to attract and
select the very best talent, people with a passion for service.

7.1 Benefits of Remote Working Options

Some remote workers take full advantage of the opportunities that a remote working lifestyle
gives them. On top of being able to set their schedules so that they are able to work whenever
they are most productive or creative, some remote employees decide to leave their traditional
routines behind and hit the road. In an effort to open their minds, achieve greater global
understanding and expand their professional network into a worldwide community, they take
their remote work to different countries around the world, either through work and travel
programs or DIY travel arrangements. Besides the flexibility, the employees are also benefitted
by better health and wellness, renewed passion for the job etc. On the other hand, the employers

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are also being benefitted by cost savings, better service output by the remote workers, high
productivity and more engages by the employees.

8. Referral at InMobi Company and Intel


InMobi is a global provider of enterprise platforms for marketers. The platform enables
consumers to discover new products and services by providing contextual, relevant, and
curated recommendations on mobile apps and devices. InMobi has 22 offices in 12 countries
across 5 continents and employs around 1000 people. InMobi provides mobile advertising
solutions and competes with Facebook and Google on the mobile advertising front.

Staffing through referrals in Inmobi:

Before April of this year, they sourced roughly 20 percent of their tech hires via referral. Since
April 2017, 50 percent of InMobi’s hires have been sourced via referral. They stopped giving
out cash for referral bonuses. Instead, they started giving gifts or experiences – all-expense
paid trips, motorbikes, etc. – that cost the same as cash bonuses they were paying out earlier.
And then they marketed the heck out of the program -- this included parking a motorbike
employee could win for successfully referring a friend right in the middle of their India and
U.S. offices.

8.1 The referral program of InMobi Company

i. Team huddles

InMobi announced the program via “team huddles,” where they would bring 20-to-30-
person groups of InMobians together and share the details of the new referral program- they
would now be getting experiences for a referral, instead of cash. The response to these
huddles was "overwhelmingly positive, which created a buzz throughout the company,"
Freitas said.

ii. Screensavers and posters advertising the referral program

Like most companies, InMobi’s offices have TV monitors placed all over, for presentations
and conferences. Identifying this as unused internal advertising space, InMobi’s recruiting
team put screensavers on those monitors listing all the rewards people could win if they
successfully referred a candidate.

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iii. They publicly recognized employees for their referrals

InMobi wanted to recognize the employees who successfully referred applicants, beyond
just the reward they received. One of the most noteworthy examples was when one
employee in the India office successfully referred someone and was rewarded with an
iPhone. The company’s founder awarded the employee the phone in front of an audience
of other employees. Obviously, the employee appreciated the extra attention, and it served
as another great way to market the referral program.

InMobi also focused on streamlining their referral program, so it was easy for employees to
refer and referring employees got quick feedback on their referral. Specifically, that meant:

i. An easy-to-remember email

To make the referral process as simple and easy-to-remember as possible, InMobians were
told to email all referrals at Obviously, the simpler the email
address was to remember, the more likely people would use it.

ii. Canned social media messages for new job postings

One of the big ways InMobians began to refer their friends was by posting an open job on
social media and asking their network if they were interested. To make this even easier,
InMobi recruiters would draft social media updates, along with fun images for advertising
new jobs, which employees could cut-and-paste onto their own feed.


Intel Corporation (commonly known as Intel and stylized

as intel) is an American multinational corporation and
technology company headquartered in Santa Clara,
California, in the Silicon Valley. It is the world's second
largest and second highest valued semiconductor chip
manufacturer based on revenue after being overtaken by

8.2 Staffing through referrals in Intel:

Intel will offer thousands of dollars in cash bonuses to employees who refer women, minorities,
and veterans to its workforce. The chipmaker will pay up to $4,000 in bonuses to employees
who refer a woman, minority, or veteran to its workforce, the company confirmed in

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a statement to the Wall Street Journal on Monday. The fee is double Intel's current referral
bonus and viewed by the company as a way to increase chances of having women and

8.3 Process:


Experiment Acknowledge
with referral good
tactics referrers

Enhance user Offer a mix of

experience in monetary and
your job non-
application monetary
process incentives

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Recruiters everywhere are becoming familiar with a new type of candidate in the talent pool.
This candidate’s resume might look different than their counterparts and they may place value
on aspects of the employment offer that hasn’t received a lot of attention in years past. Smart
recruiters are adjusting the way they evaluate and attract these candidates, whose experiences
and values may not be traditionally “ideal”, to ensure they don’t miss out on top talent.
Companies must be open to hiring this type of candidate if they are to gain access to a wider
talent pool and find hidden gems just waiting to be scooped up.

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