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Tugas Bahasa Inggris

Membuat Teks Analitikal Eksposisi

Nama: Dendi Feri K
Kelas: XI TKRO 1

The way to be healthy be vegetarian

Being a vegetarian for our future

The modern people lifestyle, such as eating junk food, smoking, and drinking alcohol are unhealthy.
No wonder there are many people who die at such a young age. This kind of lifestyle should be
changed. Changing the diet can be a good start. People nowadays eat too much unhealthy food,
such as burger and pizza, it can be replaced by vegetables and fruits instead, or in other word being
a vegetarian. Vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat and, sometimes, other animal products,
such as eggs or cheese.
Being a vegetarian bring a lot of benefits. First, it can avoid us being obesity. It is because vegetables
and fruit contain high antioxidant and fiber. Second, being a vegetarian can also avoid us from many
diseases, such as cancer and constipation. and many other benefits which are good for our health.

Besides its health benefits, being a vegetarian also can help us to fight global warming. First, a meat
eater produces 2 times more carbon dioxide than a vegetarian and 2 times and a half more than a
vegan. So, being a vegetarian can save more carbon emissions. Moreover, do you know the
differences between producing a pound of meat and producing a pound of soy? Producing one
pound of meat takes about 12 times more land, 13 times more fossil fuel, and 15 times more water
than producing one pound of soy. It wastes our land, energy, and water.

Thus, being vegetarian brings many benefits not only to its consumer but also to the environment.
It’s not difficult and it doesn’t need a lot of money to do it, but it has a big impact on our health,
earth, and also our future.

Thesis :Being a vegetarian for our future

The modern people lifestyle, such as eating junk food, smoking, and drinking alcohol are unhealthy.
No wonder there are many people who die at such a young age. This kind of lifestyle should be
changed. Changing the diet can be a good start. People nowadays eat too much unhealthy food,
such as burger and pizza, it can be replaced by vegetables and fruits instead, or in other word being
a vegetarian. Vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat and, sometimes, other animal products,
such as eggs or cheese.
Argument 1 :Being a vegetarian bring a lot of benefits. First, it can avoid us being obesity. It is
because vegetables and fruit contain high antioxidant and fiber. Second, being a vegetarian can also
avoid us from many diseases, such as cancer and constipation. and many other benefits which
are good for our health.
Argument 2 :Besides its health benefits, being a vegetarian also can help us to fight global warming.
First, a meat eater produces 2 times more carbon dioxide than a vegetarian and 2 times and a half
more than a vegan. So, being a vegetarian can save more carbon emissions. Moreover, do you know
the differences between producing a pound of meat and producing a pound of soy? Producing one
pound of meat takes about 12 times more land, 13 times more fossil fuel, and 15 times more water
than producing one pound of soy. It wastes our land, energy, and water.
Reiteration :Thus, being vegetarian brings many benefits not only to its consumer but also to the
environment. It’s not difficult and it doesn’t need a lot of money to do it, but it has a big impact on
our health, earth, and also our future.

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