Fructose Table USLetter en v2018 01en

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sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose




Thank you for downloading and printing our fructose table. Please BOOK TIP
carefully read the information about using this table.
Our Book “Food
99 The values in this fructose table are calculated from mean values. Intolerances: Fructose
Since most products may experience natural fluctuations, these values Malabsorption, Lactose and
are only a rule of thumb. Histamine Intolerance” is
available on Amazon.
99 Values are only given if we have found values in the scientific literature.
If no value is displayed, this does not mean that the food is free of this It is a guide and cook book
substance! This is only the case if “0” is listed. for people suffering from
fructose malabsorption
99 The values are given in grams per 100 grams of food
(and lactose or histamine
99 The contens are given in total fructose content (and total glucose intolerance). It includes info
content). This always includes the free fructose and half the sucrose about food intolerances,
value, since sucrose (“sugar”) consists of 1 molecule of fructose and 1 food tables, and recipes suitable for fructose,
molecule of glucose. histamine, lactose intolerance, and gluten
99 If the ratio of fructose to glucose (last column of the table) is less than
or equal to 1, then the food tends to be more tolerable (the tolerability Just search for the ISBN on Amazon.
also depends on other factors).
ISBN: 978-1481020312
99 For tolerability, various factors such as degree of ripeness, storage,
amount consumed, variety etc. are crucial. Therefore, we have
established a “tolerability index” that evaluates individual foods in
terms of their average tolerability. In addition to the above factors, we SYMPTOM DIARY
interviewed more than 800 people in an exclusive study.
To narrow down a
99 The tolerability index is broken down to pictograms and displayed as food intolerance you
a smiley. We have indicated in the left columns such smileys for the should write a food- and
recommended intake in the elimination diet (ED) and the permanent symptoms diary.
diet/test phase (PD).
You may:
99 These smileys include all factors such as fructose, fructose-glucose
ratio, sugar alcohol content (sorbitol & co), average consumption 99 download a free
rates, etc. printable on our
website (Din A4, US

In the first days after diagnosis you should omit all fruit and vegetables 99 get our mobile food-
and you should avoid any sugars. In the second phase of the ED, one and symptoms diary
can begin to consume veggies that are marked “well-tolerated” in the ED- app (for Android)
Column. After the test phase, after about 2 weeks, you can consume all
99 get our food- and
foods suitable in the ED.
symptoms diary as
real book on Amazon
ISBN for
Pink Cover: 978-1543202519
Blue Cover: 978-1543202694
This table was created over many years in hundreds of working hours. It is
protected by copyright. Private printing or sharing is allowed, commercial use or
distribution, whether in apps, spreadsheets, websites, books, etc. as well changing
this file in any way is prohibited or requires our permission.

Thank you for your respect for our hard work.

(c) 2018, Society for Public Health; Version: 2018.01en

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 1 his

sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose





G = total Glucose
F = total Fructose

PD = permanent diet and test period

ED = elimination diet, first weeks after diagnosis
Acerola cherry 1,9 1,6 1,2
Agave syrup (average) 55,6 12,4 4,5
Alfalfa sprouts 0,1 0,1 1,8
Almonds, raw 2,1 2,1 1
Amaranth 0,8 0,8 1
Anchovies 0 0 -
Apple (average) 6,9 3,4 2
Apple Cider Vinegar - Does not contain fructose or sorbitol! 0 0 -
Apricot, dried 16,4 37 0,4
Apricot 3,5 4,5 0,8
Artichoke 1,7 0,8 2,3
Arugula 0,6 1,2 0,5
Asparagus 1,1 0,9 1,2
Avocado 0,2 0,3 0,5
Balsamic vinegar (average) 7,4 7,6 1
Bamboo shoots 0,5 0,5 1,1
Banana 7,2 7,4 1
Basil, fresh - 0 0

testing during the test phase recommended

sometimes tolerated – individual

not tolerated

well tolerated
Beans (canned, average) 1,2 1 1,2
Beef, meat 0 0 -
Beetroot 4,3 4,3 1
Bilberry 4,2 3,8 1,1
Blackberry 3,2 3,1 1
Brazilian guava 4,4 3,8 1,2
Brie cheese 0 0 -
Broccoli 1,1 0,7 1,7
Brussels sprouts 1,2 1,2 1
Buckwheat 0,2 0,2 1
Buttermilk - - -
Butter 0 0 -
Camel milk 0 0 -
Camembert cheese - - -
Cantaloupe 4,2 3,9 1,1
Carrot 2,4 2,5 1
Cashew, raw 2,9 3 1 indicator! Find out what YOU can tolerate.
tolerability, they may help you, but they are only an
The smileys include sorbitol and other factors for
Cauliflower 0,9 1 0,9
Celery 0,4 0,4 0,9
Champagne 0 0 -
Champignon Mushroom 0,3 0,3 1
Chanterelle 0,1 0,1 0,7
Chard 0,4 0,3 1,2
Cheddar cheese 0 0 -
Cherimoya 6,6 6,3 1,1
Cherry, sour 3,9 4,6 0,9
Cherry, sweet 12 13 0,9
Chester cheese 0 0,3 0
Chestnuts 5,7 5,7 1
Chia seeds (average) - - -
Chicken 0 0 -
Chickpea - well tolerated, but may bloat 0,1 0,1 1

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 2 his

sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose




G = total Glucose
F = total Fructose

PD = permanent diet and test period

ED = elimination diet, first weeks after diagnosis
Chicory 0,9 1,5 0,6
Chinese cabbage 0,6 0,7 0,8
Cinnamon 1,1 1,1 1,1
Cocoa, pure 1,1 1,1 1
Coconut, whole 2,3 2,5 0,9
Coconut milk (average) 1,5 1,7 0,9
Cod 0 0 -
Coffee 0 0 -
Cola / soft drinks (average) 5 5 1
Cola light (average) 0 0 -
Corn (canned, no sugar added) 2,9 3,1 0,9
Corn on the cob, cooked 1,1 1,2 0,9
Corn salad (lamb‘s lettuce) 0,3 0,5 0,6
Cottage cheese 0 0 -
Cranberry, European 3,1 2,1 1,5
Cranberry direct juice / juice - -  
Cranberry 0,7 3,3 0,2
Cream (without additives) 0 0 1

testing during the test phase recommended

sometimes tolerated – individual

not tolerated

well tolerated
Cucumber 0,9 0,8 1,1
Curd 0 0 -
Currant, black 3,3 3,3 1
Currant, red 3,8 3,5 1,1
Dandelion leaves 0,8 1,5 0,5
Date, dried 31,7 31,8 1
Date 3I 34 0,9
Dessert wine, sweet (average) 2,5 2,6 1
Edam cheese 0 0 -
Egg, quail - - -
Eggplant (Melanzani) 1,2 1,2 1
Egg white 0 0,4 0,1
Egg yolk 0 0,2 0,2
Emmental cheese 0 0 -
Energy drink sugar-free (average) 0 0 -
Energy drink with sugar (average) 0 0 -
Fennel 1,3 1,5 0,9 indicator! Find out what YOU can tolerate.
tolerability, they may help you, but they are only an
The smileys include sorbitol and other factors for
Feta cheese 0 0 -
Fig, dried 26,5 28,7 0,9
Fig 5,9 7,2 0,8
Fruit tea (average) - - -
Garlic - well tolerated if low amounts are consumed; better tolerated if cooked 4,9 3,8 1,3
Gherkin (average) 0 0 -
Ginger - if small amounts are consumed, therefore well tolerated; helps with nausea 4,5 4,5 1
Goat milk 0 0 -
Gooseberry 4,2 3,9 1,1
Grana Padano cheese 0 0 -
Grapefruit 3,5 3,4 1
Grapes (red, green) 8,2 7,3 1,1
Grapes 7,4 7,2 1
Great sapote 9,7 10,1 1

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 3 his

sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose




G = total Glucose
F = total Fructose

PD = permanent diet and test period

ED = elimination diet, first weeks after diagnosis
Green beans 1,7 1,2 1,4
Guava 3,7 2,2 1,7
Ham (average) 0 0 -
Hazelnut 1,6 1,6 1
Herring 0 0 -
Honey 40,2 35,2 1,1
Horse milk 0 0 -
Horseradish 3,5 4,8 0,7
Iceberg lettuce 1 0,9 1,1
Jackfruit 9,4 9,7 1
Jalapeño peppers 2,6 1,5 1,8
Japanese medlar 4,6 4,8 1
Kaki 10 9 1,1
Kale 1,4 1,2 1,2
Kiwi fruit 5,2 5,1 1
Kohlrabi / stem cabbage 1,8 1,9 0,9
Lager beer (average) 0 0 2
Leek 1,7 1,5 1,1

testing during the test phase recommended

sometimes tolerated – individual

not tolerated

well tolerated
Lemon - Low Consumption 1,1 1,2 0,9
Lenses 1 0,7 1,4
Lima bean 0,5 0,1 7,1
Lime 1,1 1,1 1
Linseed 0,6 1 0,6
Litchi 7,7 9,3 0,8
Liver, beef 0 0 -
Macadamia nut, raw - 2,3 0
Malt beer (average) - Watch out for the ingredients! 0 0 -
Mango 8,2 5,5 1,5
Maple syrup (average) 29,8 30,1 1
Milk, low in fat 0 0 -
Milk powder 0 0 0
Millet (average) 0,2 1,4 0,1
Mozzarella 0 0 -
Mushroom, boletus 0,3 0,3 1
Musk melon 3,2 2,6 1,2 indicator! Find out what YOU can tolerate.
tolerability, they may help you, but they are only an
The smileys include sorbitol and other factors for
Natural yogurt md. 3.5% fat 0 0 -
Nectarine 3,8 3,9 1
Oats 0,4 0,4 1
Obstler, Schnapps 0 0 -
Okra, fresh 0,9 0,6 1,4
Olives (pickled) 0,3 0,3 1
Onions - Shallots are a well tolerated substitute (test individually!) 2,3 2,6 0,9
Orange 4,4 4,3 1
Oregano, fresh 1,6 2,4 0,7
Oyster mushroom - Contains sugar alcohols 0,1 0,1 1
Oysters 0 0 -
Papaya 3 2,9 1
Paprika, yellow 2,2 2,6 0,8
Parmesan 0 0 -

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 4 his

sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose




G = total Glucose
F = total Fructose

PD = permanent diet and test period

ED = elimination diet, first weeks after diagnosis
Parsley leaf 2,4 2,7 0,9
Parsley root 0,7 0,6 1,2
Parsnip 1,5 1,5 1
Pasta (average) 0,1 0,1 0,9
Peach 4 4,1 1
Peanuts - do not contain sorbitol! 1,3 1,3 1
Pear (average) 7,2 2,8 2,6
Peas (average) 3,1 3,1 1
Pecan, raw - 2 0
Pepper, green 1,4 1,5 0,9
Pepper 0,2 0,3 1
Pineapple 5,1 4,7 1,1
Pistachios, raw 3,7 3,8 1
Plum, dried 12,5 25,5 0,5
Plum 3,9 5,2 0,7
Pomegranate 8,5 7,9 1,1
Poppy, seeds 1,5 1,5 0,9
Pork, meat 0 0 -

testing during the test phase recommended

sometimes tolerated – individual

not tolerated

well tolerated
Potato (average) 0,4 0,5 0,8
Prickly Pear (average) - Unclear! 4,6 5,6 0,8
Prosciutto - - -
Pumpkin (average) 1 0,8 1,3
Pumpkin (butternut) 0,8 1,1 0,7
Pumpkin (Hokkaido) 1,4 1,6 0,9
Pumpkin (Hubbard) 1,5 1,8 0,8
Pumpkin (spaghetti) - - -
Pumpkin seeds, dried 0,7 0,7 1
Quince - does not contain sorbitol! 4,9 3,2 1,5
Quinoa 0,9 0,9 1
Radish 0,8 1,4 0,6
Raisin 31,6 31,2 1
Raspberry 3,1 2,5 1,2
Red cabbage 1,5 1,9 0,8
Red cabbage 1,6 1,9 0,8
Red dragon fruit (red meat) 10,1 22,9 0,4 indicator! Find out what YOU can tolerate.
tolerability, they may help you, but they are only an
The smileys include sorbitol and other factors for
Red dragon fruit (white meat) 10,5 17,1 0,6
Red pepper 3 2,7 1,1
Red wine 0 0 -
Rhubarb 0,7 0,7 0,9
Rice, polished, white 0,1 0,1 1,2
Rice milk, unsweetened 2,2 2,2 1
Roquefort cheese 0 0 -
Rutabaga 1,9 2,6 0,7
Rye flour (average) 0,4 0,4 0,9
Salad, green / lettuce 0,6 0,5 1,2
Salmon 0 0 -
Salsify 0,9 0,8 1,1
Sardines 0 0 -
Sauerkraut 0,2 0,4 0,5

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 5 his

sorbitol lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose




G = total Glucose
F = total Fructose

PD = permanent diet and test period

ED = elimination diet, first weeks after diagnosis
Savoy 1,8 2 0,9
Schnapps, clear - - -
Sheep's milk 0 0 -
Skimmed milk powder 0 0 -
Skimmed milk 0 0 -
Sole 0 0 -
Sorghum (average) 0,4 1,3 0,3
Sour cream 0 0 -
Soybean 2,8 2,8 1
Soymilk, unsweetened (average) 0,8 0,8 1
Spelt wheat, grain 0,5 1,1 0,5
Spinach 0,2 0,2 1
Starfruit 1,7 2 0,9
Strawberry 2,9 2,7 1
Sunflower, seeds 1,4 1,4 1
Sweet potato 2,3 2,4 0,9
Tangerine 5 4,7 1,1
Teff 0,8 1 0,8

testing during the test phase recommended

sometimes tolerated – individual

not tolerated

well tolerated
Tomato - Problematic in heartburn, therefore often perceived as incompatible 1,5 1,2 1,3
Trout 0 0 -
Turkey, meat 0 0 1
Turmeric, ground 1,6 1,6 1
Turnip 1,8 2,3 0,8
Verjus (average) 1 - -
Watercress 0,5 0,1 5
Watermelon 4,1 2,2 1,9
Wheat, grain 0,2 0,2 1,3
Wheat beer / weiss beer (average) 0 0 0,5
Whey powder 0 0 -
Whey 0 0 -
Whiskey 0 0 -
White cabbage 1,9 2,2 0,9
White wine 0,4 0,4 1,1
Whole milk 0 0 -
Wild garlic 1,5 1,4 1,1 indicator! Find out what YOU can tolerate.
tolerability, they may help you, but they are only an
The smileys include sorbitol and other factors for
Wine vinegar 0 0 -
Yeast extract 0 0 -
Yeast 0 0 -
Zucchini / courgette 1,2 1,1 1,1

The information provided on this file or the the Food Intolerance Network website is no substitute for a visit to a registered dietician, nutritionist or
a doctor. The information that you will find here may not be used as a substitute for professional advice and treatment by a medical professional or
approved and registered dieticians. The content of the Food Intolerance Network website may not be used as a basis or means for any form of self-

t lactose fructose histamine gluten sorbitol lactose fructose 6 his

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