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SAS® Sentiment Analysis

Automatically pinpoint sentiment from the Web and internal electronic
documents to understand trends and develop effective strategies

In today’s economy, it’s vital to quickly language processing techniques.

What does SAS® Sentiment understand opinions and experiences Built-in reports show patterns and
Analysis do? across channels – websites, communi- detailed reactions.
SAS Sentiment Analysis automatically cation centers, emails, forms, surveys, • Identify feedback sources to
rates and classifies opinions expressed internal files and reports. But tradition-
in electronic text. It collects text inputs define new targets. By actively
ally, the process of analyzing electronic monitoring internal collections (such
from websites, social media outlets and
internal file systems, and then puts them text to discover positive and negative as call centers and the Web) com-
in a unified format to assess relevance to emotions has been very labor-intensive. bined with social networking sites
predefined topics. Reports identify trends
(using predefined templates for
or emotional changes, and an interactive SAS Sentiment Analysis speeds this
workbench allows subject-matter experts Twitter and Facebook), the software
process by scoring input documents as
to refine sentiment models. The solution shows where you’re being discussed
they’re received and providing real-time
automatically scores input documents and what is being said. It automati-
as they’re received, providing real-time updates to the status of consumer
cally extracts feedback as content is
updates about sentiment changes. sentiment. By uniting statistical learn-
crawled, filtering out the most impor-
ing with advanced linguistic methods,
tant concepts so you can pursue
Why is SAS® Sentiment Analysis the solution hones in on the sentiment
important? promising opportunities.
buried within textual data and provides
By assessing sentiment in real time, the accurate insight into consumer opin- • Continuously improve customer
software provides quantified insights ions. Results are based on an entire experience and competitive posi-
into the overall impressions people tion. The software searches for and
document and calculated separately
have of products, services and brands. evaluates internal and external content
Harnessing statistical techniques and for concepts (and their attributes and
characteristics). This lends flexibility and about your organization and com-
linguistic rules, its superior results can
quickly reveal consumer opinions, trends thoroughness to your analysis. petitors, identifying positive, negative,
and potential problems – helping you neutral and “no sentiment” texts –
evaluate competitive standing, adjust quantifying perceptions in the market.
tactics and prevent problematic issues Key Benefits • Promote ongoing discovery with
from escalating.
• Evaluate sentiment and monitor a closed-loop, integrated analysis
For whom is SAS® Sentiment changes over time. The software environment. With ongoing evalua-
Analysis designed? automatically extracts sentiments tions, you can refine models and adjust
SAS Sentiment Analysis is designed for in real time or over a period of time, classifications to reflect emerging top-
marketing, public relations, service and with a unique combination of statisti- ics and new terms relevant to your
development departments charged with cal modeling and rule-based natural customers, organization or industry.
enhancing the customer experience,
evaluating new products or managing
logistical operations for improvement.

Figure 1: Graphics and user-friendly reports readily describe sentiment insights.

monitor opinions after making adjustments subject-matter/business expertise will
Solution Overview
and changes to process improvements, create the most powerful and efficient
SAS Sentiment Analysis delivers supe- and gauge the impact of promotions sentiment models.
rior results for understanding opinions and business communications.
because it harnesses the power of sta- Multiple-level taxonomies
tistical techniques and linguistic rules to Integrated with the SAS Business With SAS Sentiment Analysis, you can
provide more accurate assessments of Analytics Framework, sentiment evalua- extend to multiple taxonomy levels to
sentiment extracted from electronic text tions can be included within structured assess the expressed opinion of:
documents. It provides detailed feature predictive modeling for insight into what
• The overall document.
and attribute evaluations through highly will happen next. And by using SAS
• A concept in the document
configurable linguistic rules. Business Intelligence, business users
(e.g., a brand or product).
can examine sentiment results in their
• An attribute or feature of the product,
Use the software to monitor and assess familiar reporting environment.
brand or concept.
consumer sentiment through rich visu-
Unique hybrid approach to • A characteristic of a feature
alizations, reports and monitoring tools
sentiment analysis (a subattribute).
that make it easier to identify issues and
potential problems, evaluate competitive Subject-matter and business expertise Linguistic rules can be configured at
standing and update measures. With can be applied in addition to the rigor of each level – providing the detailed
this insight, organizational teams that statistical approaches to best classify knowledge needed to understand
monitor product capability, branding ef- textual information with SAS Sentiment what’s at the core of the expressed
fectiveness and servicing gain feedback Analysis. Subject-matter expertise sentiment. In turn, you can easily iden-
that’s useful to marketing, research and alone is effective but not necessar- tify what actions are most relevant in
development, as well as operations and ily efficient, available or economical. any associated response.
logistics. Statistical models alone are less useful
to identify the nuances of the features Extended sentiment evaluation
With these results, you can identify and attributes described in the text. At times, statements are made without
emerging issues before they become Typically, a combination of statisti- emotional intent. SAS Sentiment Analy-
larger-scale problems. You can also cal methods/machine learning with sis enables you to specify these terms
as unclassified to distinguish them from
comments that are positive, negative
or neutral. Unclassified categories can
assist with model refinement – because
this forces you to decide if there really is
no expressed opinion or whether your
model needs improvement to uncover
the sentiment that exists. Another ad-
vantage is that recognizing unemotional
statements – particularly if you are seek-
ing to elicit sentiment – can help refine
activity and communications.

Context examined for more accurate

SAS Sentiment Analysis searches and
evaluates phrases, assigning weights to
word and phrase matches to deter-
Figure 2: Multilevel taxonomies classify sentiment detail to pinpoint issues. mine the optimal concept match for
any particular document or source.
The software also supports com-
plex linguistic rules for one or several
matches of a term, regular expressions
and part-of-speech tags, along with
prebuilt, sophisticated Boolean opera-
Key Features
tors expressing constraints, such as the
distance and occurrence of concepts in Statistics and linguistics combined to provide more accurate sentiment analysis results
• Provides a choice of approaches to sentiment analysis:
relation to other words.
• Statistical modeling: Provides predefined default parameters – that can also be configured –
Dynamic sentiment analysis to identify the document sentiment from text.
• Linguistic rules: Lets subject-matter experts define the elements to be examined for senti-
Utilizing the power of your scalable
ment assessment.
hardware, the software can run in real
• Hybrid approach: Provides the unique ability to use both statistical rigor and linguistic rules
time or in batch mode to scour intranet
to define sentiment models driving more detailed sentiment evaluations.
and Internet websites and to process
• Ability to import and/or create concepts for evaluations.
document collections. Predefined APIs
are available for popular social sites, Context of features examined for accurate interpretations
and an interactive markup matcher • Supports complex linguistic rules for one or several matches of a term, regular expressions,
part-of-speech tags and more.
makes extracting field data from XML or
• Includes prebuilt tasks to simplify linguistic pattern identification. It offers:
HTML easy. As a result, you can keep
• Predicate rules to define semantic relationships between concepts.
a pulse on the sentiments expressed
• Operators to locate related information with greater precision, such as co-referencing.
about your organization.
• Identification of intermediate concepts that contain rules referenced by other concepts
A rules management system is included (shortens the rule-writing process).
so you can create your own specialized • Case-insensitive matching, so you can match both uppercase and lowercase terms.
sentiment rules that can combine the Dynamic sentiment analysis
use of Boolean rules and other linguistic • Permits improvements and/or changes over time with multiple model generation within the
tools. The solution permits improve- same project, and the ability to edit and test model modifications.
ments and changes over time through • Allows subject-matter experts to refine model performance with an easy-to-use point-and-
multiple model generation within the click workbench.
same project. It also lets you edit and • Monitoring of results over time will inform model analysis refinement, and comparisons to
test model modifications before auto- benchmark training sets can be established to allow for continuous improvement.
mating the server processing. Easy-to-use interface for model development
• A mechanism to directly upload sentiment analysis models to the server reduces manual
Extensive native language support, model deployment.
part of an integrated framework
• Keyboard shortcuts are available for interactivity, as well as enhanced search functionality
SAS Sentiment Analysis addresses all assisting with model development activity.
types of electronic collections, and is • Project wizard allows you to configure your project while it is being defined.
readily extendable to natively address • Panes in the interface simplify tasks and display more information, such as rule evaluations
multiple languages, so you can evalu- and search results.
ate sentiment from across the globe. Interactive workbench for model refinement
SAS Sentiment Analysis is part of an • Graphics depicting sentiment are displayed to readily identify the resulting classification –
integrated analytic framework. Because as positive, negative, neutral or unclassified.
of this, you can discover patterns for • Point-and-click exploration of classified text, drilling to detail as desired.
materials with completely unknown • Enhanced report formatting improves results display.
topics; integrate your information with • Ability to add new concepts/entities to capture desired topics.
SAS categorization and extraction • Word cloud report, based on defined concepts, automatically illustrates extracted noun phrases.
models to extract the sentiment; and • Some workbench functionality is available through Web services APIs so documents can be
use SAS business intelligence capabili- programmatically added to different projects, exported, managed, searched, etc.
ties to extend findings to stakeholders
Updates on Web postings, reviews and opinions
throughout the organization.
• High-performance, multithreaded crawler that can be deployed in a distributed and/or grid
mode to maximize processing and support extremely large-scale crawls for both internal file
system and Internet crawls.
• Powerful linguistic technology is built in to extract URLs from Java scripts.
• Crawler plugins are available for popular social media sites, including Google, Facebook, Twit-
ter, Bing, BoardReader, Flickr, LinkedIn and Yahoo! scripts.
Key Features (continued)
SAS® Sentiment Analysis • Crawls can be interrupted and resumed or incrementally updated. The transversal depth of
System Requirements crawls can also be eliminated.
To learn more about SAS Sentiment • Markup matcher provides a point-and-click interface to simplify the extraction of fielded data
Analysis system requirements, from HTML or XML, specific to a site, and a stream or batch process to update new docu-
download white papers, view ments. Edit and test matches for both XPath and regular expression rules.
screenshots and see other related Multiple languages supported
material, please visit: • Full suite of 30 native languages (plus dialects) available. • Supports Arabic, Chinese (both Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English
(US/UK), Farsi, Finnish, French (French/Canadian), German (New/Old), Greek, Hebrew, Hindi,
Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian (Nynorsk/Bokmål), Polish,
Portuguese (Portugal/Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish (Spain/South America),
Swedish, Thai, Turkish. Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

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