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What is it? Who wrote it? What’s it about?

What’s it about? Why does it How does it agree/ credibility Rank (to you)?
Title (ie, book, article, scho- (credentials?) interest you? disagree w others (1-10) (1-5)
larly journal, gov. doc, etc.)
It shows both 6 4
It talks about 15 It interest me sides because it’s
Should the pro’s and 15 because, it says the pro’s and
federal minimum con’s about some pretty con’s of it
wage be Website Doesn’t say raising the interesting facts
increased? minimum wage

It talks about all It interest me It agrees 6 5

the highlights because I could because, these
from each year use this are events that
State Minimum about the information on happened with
wages / 2019 Website Doesn’t say minimum wage my background good facts and
minimum wage debate information good numbers
by state paragraph

Cost of living: Website Michael B. Talks about the It compares all It agrees with by 10 1
The purchasing Sauter value of a dollar, 50 states so, it’s proving it’s more
power of a dollar personal income, cool to look at expensive to live
in every state cost of living in some states
adjusted income vs. other states.
and median It also shows
home value by how much you
state and ranks need to make
There's not a Website Dakin And one Takes about how Because it talks I like this 10 2
single US state and Jessica the minimum about how much because, it talks
where a Campisi wage can not get one would need about how they
minimum wage you a 2 bedroom to make per got these
worker can apartment hour to have a 2 numbers, how
afford a 2- bedroom do the states
bedroom rental, apartment stack up and
a report says metro areas
Website Matthew It is about a man It is a real life It agrees with my 10 3
Desmond who works 80 example of a statement by
Dollars on the hours a week at man who lives having the
Margins two part time off of minimum minimum wage
jobs. This takes wages and talks on being raised
up a lot of his about his
time just to struggles
make ends meet.

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