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Humans are evolutionarily adapted to caloric restriction resulting from

ecologically dictated dietary deprivation imposed during the Plio-Pleistocene

Article  in  Medical Hypotheses · February 2006

DOI: 10.1016/j.mehy.2005.11.013 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

Nun Amen-Ra
Amen Institute of Ascetic Analysis


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Medical Hypotheses (2006) 66, 978–984

Humans are evolutionarily adapted to

caloric restriction resulting from
ecologically dictated dietary deprivation
imposed during the Plio–Pleistocene period
 n Amen-Ra
Nu *

Amenta Press Inc., P.O. Box 236, Damascus, MD 20872, USA

Received 29 October 2005; accepted 3 November 2005

Summary Humans are evolutionarily adapted to chronic undernutrition as a consequence of ecologically dictated
dietary restriction. Increased aridity, cooler temperatures and increased climatic oscillation effected an alteration
of the quantity and quality of vegetation upon which hominids depended for food during the Plio–Pleistocene
period. Hominids responded physiologically to climate-induced caloric curtailment in the same way organisms
respond to experimentally imposed caloric restriction: by reducing the rate and/or altering the manner in which
they metabolized fuel. Such metabolic alterations are mediated principally by the hypothalamus and it is herein
hypothesized that the human hypothalamus was subjected to substantial selective pressure, promoting an
energetically conservative hypometabolic state. Moreover, the most salient phenotypic characteristics typifying the
human species – long lifespan, low reproductive potential, lengthy development and high brain/bodyweight ratio –
are effectuated in organisms undergoing caloric restriction. These phenotypic/physiological characteristics – herein
termed the quadripartite complex – can be modulated by metabolic rate, which is, in turn, modulated by the
hypothalamus. An appreciable alteration in climate occurred between 2.0 and 1.5 million years ago, a juncture at
which one hominid lineage (Paranthropus) went extinct. Paranthropus was characterized by such external
adaptations as robust cranio-facial morphology and pronounced enamel deposition, indicative of subsistence on
tough, low-quality vegetal foods. Conversely, the Homo lineage responded to its marginal dietary repertoire through
internal means, centering on metabolic suppression. It is herein hypothesized that this adaptive metabolic
alteration, enacted in response to ecologically imposed caloric restriction, produced the defining morphologic
attributes of Homo and enabled the evolutionary success of the human species. Among the implications of this line
of thinking is that modern humans may be particularly sensitive to the deleterious effects of excess energy intake
and, concomitantly, particularly amenable to the ameliorative effects of caloric restriction.
c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Tel.: +1 240 899 6550.

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0306-9877/$ - see front matter c 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Humans are evolutionarily adapted to caloric restriction 979

Introduction Experimentally imposed dietary

restriction vs. ecologically imposed
The hominid fossil record bears witness to a dietary restriction
divergence of two adaptively distinct lineages
from a common stock of ancestral australopiths. Caloric restriction (CR) is the only intervention
This divergence transpired in the late Pliocene found to consistently extend the lifespan of di-
around 3–2 million years ago (Mya) and eventu- verse animals ranging from yeast to rodents to
ated in Paranthrop and Homo clades. It is con- (putatively) primates [4]. Indeed, this experimen-
ceivable that the proximate cause of this tal protocol has emerged as an indispensable mod-
speciation event was a gradually changing climate el in the scientific investigation of aging. Since the
characterized by increased aridity and conse- seminal study by McCay and colleagues [5] demon-
quent alteration of ecological/vegetational condi- strated the efficacy of CR in promoting longevity,
tions coincident with the intensification of investigators have earnestly endeavored to eluci-
glaciation in northern latitudes that marked the date the mechanism(s) by which dietary depriva-
end of the early Pliocene warm period [1]. Paran- tion attenuates aging and augments longevity.
thropus specimens exhibit pronounced mastica- Though there is support for various interpretive
tory robusticity, an attribute ostensibly theories, there are convincing reasons for regard-
indicative of subsistence on coarse vegetal items. ing two – the metabolic theory and the neuro-
This adaptation likely enabled more efficient endocrine theory – as the most parsimonious from
exploitation of fibrous resources prevalent in arid an evolutionary perspective [6–9]. Briefly, the
environs. Homo, the lineage that eventuated in metabolic theory posits the suppression of meta-
modern humans, possessed no prominent external bolic rate and/or alteration of energy allocation
traits indicative of increased subsistence on as the proximate mechanism by which CR exerts
coarse vegetation. Some theorists have inter- its life-prolonging effect, whereas the neuro-
preted the apparent absence of adaptations to endocrine theory implicates alterations in the
a marginal dietary repertoire as an indication elaboration of endocrine hormones. As the hypo-
that Homo was a generalist, efficiently exploiting thalamus exerts ultimate control over the elabo-
a wide variety of resources including meat. This ration of endocrine hormones and modulates
physically inconspicuous behavioral alteration metabolic rate, there is compelling conceptual
apparently proved superior to the distinctive die- convergence of the metabolic and neuro-
tary adaptations of Paranthropus as this lineage endocrine theories.
went extinct 1.5 Mya, leaving Homo as the sole It is estimated that in the Turkana basin of East
representative of the hominid family. It is plausi- Africa, a region encompassing parts of Kenya and
ble that the demise of Paranthropus was due to Ethiopia, upwards of 80% of mammalian fauna
yet another substantial shift in climate ensuing were replaced between 3.0 and 1.8 Mya [10]. This
2.0–1.7 Mya, which was also characterized by period was characterized by considerable climatic
increased aridity [2]. Contrary to prevailing opin- flux and likely exerted a substantial influence on
ion, Homo was most probably possessed of dis- the hominid species inhabiting the region. It is
tinctive physiological attributes and I aver that clear from the record of vegetational patterns,
these traits were responsible for its survival moreover, that the food supply available to homi-
amidst the appreciably altered environmental/ nids was appreciably affected. At this juncture
ecological milieu of the Plio–Pleistocene. Such there is evidence of a gradual replacement of C3
attributes include pronounced encephalization, vegetation (predominantly tropical) with C4 vege-
pronounced longevity, altriciality (i.e. protracted tation (predominantly savannah-like) throughout
development, slow growth rate) and reduced East Africa [11]. Importantly, herbivorous species
reproductive potential. Each of these traits, col- inhabiting these environs during the Plio–Pleisto-
lectively called the quadripartite complex, con- cene bear adaptations indicative of increased
ceivably contributed to the evolutionary success aridity, suggesting subsistence on plant products
of Homo under conditions of limited dietary prov- of a more marginal nutritional quality [12]. Under
isionment. Interestingly, this distinctive assem- such conditions hominids would have experienced
blage of attributes, which are accentuated in a decrement in their available food supply, the
humans, is consistently induced in organisms sub- severity of which is perhaps suggested by the
jected to chronic caloric restriction [3], suggest- eventual extinction of Paranthropus. In short, it
ing a common mechanistic basis. I postulate that seems that during the formative period of human
this mechanism is hypothalamic hypometabolism.
980 Amen-Ra

evolution, hominids were subjected to a sort of breast milk has the lowest protein concentration
ecologically imposed dietary restriction. of any primate, a value of 7% in comparison to
the primate norm of 20% [13]. This would seem
to buttress the notion that humans are exquisitely
The quadripartite complex adapted to dietary deprivation. Moreover, it under-
scores the role of the hypothalamus as the agent
Compared to our closest extant primate relatives, ‘recruited’ by natural selection to buffer the ef-
humans have larger brains (both relatively and fects of ecologically induced dietary restriction.
absolutely), longer maximum lifespan, protracted This adaptation – de-enrichment of human milk
developmental trajectory and lower lifetime repro- – is ostensibly tied to developmental depression
ductive potential. Considering the marginal eco- (altriciality): Slowly growing infants can be sus-
dietary conditions under which the human lineage tained on milk of a lower nutritional content. Con-
evolved, it would be illuminative to derive theoret- ceivably, reduction of milk protein enrichment
ically valid teleological explanations for these sali- could have been effectuated by decreasing TRH
ent features of the human phenotype. That these or, alternatively, by increasing PIH, though the lat-
phenotypic features are interrelated is suggested ter mechanism is perhaps more plausible insofar as
by their responsiveness to metabolic rate and the the hypothalamus exerts mainly an inhibitory ef-
dependence of metabolic rate, in turn, on energy fect on prolactin secretion [14]. The phenomenon
(calorie) allotment. We shall first consider the phe- of milk de-enrichment also calls into question the
nomenon of altriciality or developmental depres- prevailing notion that human evolution was tied
sion because it likely facilitated induction of the to or contingent upon provisioning of meat.
other three components of the quadripartite com- Clearly, the nutritional quality of milk – the sole
plex and because it was undoubtedly the most source of sustenance for the growing human infant
adaptive of the four. – should come to reflect a nutritional profile of
The rate and extent to which mammalian organ- dietary enrichment rather than dietary deprecia-
isms develop is dictated, principally, by two endo- tion if, indeed, meat consumption was a formative
crine hormones: thyroid hormone (TH) and factor in the evolution of the human species. Such
somatotropin (growth hormone, GH). Released by is not the case. Rather, the nutritional profile of
the thyroid and pituitary glands, respectively, human breast milk suggests a perennial diet cen-
these hormones not only induce tissue growth but tered on low-calorie, plant food. Interestingly,
also elevate metabolism by increasing the influx caloric restriction has been shown to result in de-
of nutrients into the cells of proliferating or grow- creased concentrations of circulating levels of pro-
ing tissue. Under conditions of chronic caloric lactin [15]. This further supports the adaptive role
restriction, levels of these anabolic hormones are played by the hypothalamus in mitigating ecologi-
substantially reduced and, as a result, animals sub- cally imposed nutritional stress during human
jected to this restrictive regimen develop at a evolution.
slower rate than control animals fed ad libitum The maintenance of reproductive receptivity
[3]. The adaptive consequence of this effect is and procreative power are energy-intensive imper-
clear: reducing the rate with which an organism atives. These imperatives are, however, superflu-
grows reduces the quantity (and, indeed, quality) ous under conditions of caloric curtailment. It is
of food needed thereby. Developmental depression therefore not surprising that animals subjected to
would have enabled hominids to support their caloric restriction are less fertile than free-fed
young (and themselves) with less food. Further sup- controls. Female animals release fewer eggs during
port for this line of reasoning is to be found in con- ovulation and have smaller litters while males elab-
sideration of lactation. Lactation – a task that orate less semen and produce fewer sperm under
places high energetic demands on nursing females conditions of chronic CR [16,17]. These effects
– is governed by the hypothalamus. Two hormones are mediated collectively by reductions in gonado-
mediate hypothalamic control over lactation: thy- tropins (i.e. luteinizing hormone, and follicle stim-
rotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and prolactin ulating hormone) and by reductions in sex
inhibiting hormone (PIH). These hormones, respec- hormones (principally testosterone and estrogen).
tively, prompt and inhibit pituitary release of pro- Interestingly, both testosterone and estrogen are
lactin, the proximal mediator of breast milk known to increase whole body metabolic rate
elaboration. In addition to causing ejection of markedly [14]. Thus, suppression of circulating
breast milk, prolactin causes the breast to augment sex hormones in hominids would have been doubly
production of casein and lactalbumin, the principal adaptive in that the likelihood of reproduction
protein constituents of milk. Interestingly, human would have been reduced and the rate with which
Humans are evolutionarily adapted to caloric restriction 981

limited energy resources were utilized would have The human brain is three times more massive
been curtailed considerably, augmenting the calo- than the typical ape brain (1/2 kg) and twice as
rie conserving effects of low TH and GH noted pre- massive as the first supposed member of the genus
viously. When viewed in terms of the ‘reproductive Homo, H. habilis. The pronounced increase in the
quotient’ – that is, the ratio of reproductive life- size of the human brain warrants particular atten-
span to total lifespan – human females are far less tion due to the considerable metabolic expense
fecund than chimpanzees. Viewed differently, the of neural tissue, especially in light of the evidence
duration over which human females are reproduc- that the formative period of human evolution was
tively receptive (relative to total lifespan) is re- marked by food scarcity. The key to understanding
duced. If the reproductive range – the period the evolutionary accommodation of human
from menarche to menopause or cessation of ovu- encephalization may lie in the very nature of the
lation – of both chimpanzees and humans is nervous system. Not only is the brain a privileged
approximated to be 30 years and the maximum organ, receiving a disproportionate allotment of
lifespan of chimpanzees and humans is approxi- nutrients, it is also exceptionally sensitive to met-
mated to be 60 and 120 years, respectively, abolic deficits. Due to their high metabolic rate and
then humans have experienced a 2-fold relative limited capacity for anaerobic metabolism, neu-
reduction in their ‘reproductive quotient’. Though rons depend on a constant, nearly invariant supply
this reduction is attributable in part to increased of nutrients from the systemic circulation – an
absolute longevity (without concomitant augmen- abrupt cessation of nutrient delivery to the brain
tation of reproductive longevity), negative selec- results in unconsciousness within seconds. Another
tion cannot be ruled out, especially when indication of the brain’s special metabolic status is
consideration is given to the fact that human fe- the fact that it does not require insulin in order to
males attain sexual maturity several years after effectuate influx of glucose, as do non-neural tis-
their simian counterparts, gestate their young for sues. As a consequence, the brain is perpetually
a longer period and typically experience an abrupt provisioned with its full complement of glucose
cessation of menstruation and ovulation by about while the rest of the body must ‘‘make do’’ with
the fifth decade of life. I posit that comparisons the remainder. Even in diabetics with marginal
of reproductive potential between such socially insulin production, glucose diffuses readily into
sophisticated species as humans and chimpanzees the brain [14]. Moreover, when the level of circu-
are more practicable and tractable than reproduc- lating glucose is too sparse to meet the brain’s
tive rate or output as the former measure is likely needs, the body mobilizes its fat deposits, convert-
more indicative of underlying physiological factors ing fatty acids into ketone bodies that are, in turn,
and less subject to complex situational variables. preponderantly metabolized by the brain, kidneys
The term reproductive quotient is therefore espe- and skeletal muscle. Thus, in the absence of appre-
cially instructive as it expresses an estimation of ciable nutrient availability, the body is able to ex-
the length of time over which a given female is ploit its embedded energy reserves (fat) and
reproductively receptive relative to its maximum convert this vital resource into a form (ketone
lifespan. It is in this respect that I maintain that bodies) utilizable by the nervous system to the
the lineage eventuating in humans experienced a exclusion of other organ systems. Though the liver
reduction in reproductive potential (reproductive plays a central role in the conversion of fatty acids
quotient) relative to extant apes and (inferentially) into brain-bound ketone bodies, these volatile mol-
to ancestral hominids. It is conceivable that natural ecules are also produced locally in the brain by
selection served to suppress human fertility (or astrocytes [19]. This mechanism would seem to en-
more precisely, reduce reproductive range relative sure adequate appropriation of ketone body inter-
to lifespan) in the face of food scarcity, thereby mediates by the brain and, additionally, ensure
promoting the preservation of precious energy re- exclusive sequestration of ketone bodies within
serves. Indeed, it is estimated that energy expendi- the nervous system. There is, moreover, evidence
ture is 7% lower in women when the endometrium which suggests that ketone bodies, in addition to
is in a regressed (non-receptive) state [18]. Clearly, serving as energy substrates for the brain, confer
the assumption of amenorreah (i.e. temporary ces- protection to the brain from toxic insults [20]. In-
sation of menstruation) in the face of protracted deed, a study by Leite and colleagues found that
energy deprivation can effectuate conservation of brain-derived beta-hydroxy-butyrate (the most
copious amounts of energy and avert potential abundant circulating ketone body) induces in-
parental investment in offspring likely to suffer creased secretion of a brain growth factor with a
malnutrition and premature death due to food role in nerve cell proliferation [21]. Two hormones
scarcity. in particular are crucial catalysts of ketogenesis:
982 Amen-Ra

cortisol and epinephrine. Cortisol is released from ons that would have enabled them to accurately
the adrenal glands principally in response to food hurl implements at animals from relatively safe dis-
deprivation (hypoglycemia). Ultimate control over tances. If such a ‘projectile postulate’ is consid-
cortisol secretion is exerted by the hypothalamus, ered, then human hunting conceivably coincided
however, through release of corticotropin releas- with the emergence of the atlatl (spearthrower)
ing hormone which, in turn, prompts pituitary and bow and arrow a mere 20,000 years ago and,
secretion of adreno-corticotropic hormone, there- accordingly, would have exerted no appreciable ef-
by eliciting release of cortisol by the adrenal fect on human evolution [27]. Thus, whereas die-
glands. Cortisol thereupon accelerates gluconeo- tary enrichment, meat eating and the hunting
genesis and facilitates avid conversion of fatty hypothesis have long been invoked to explain the
acids into ketone bodies. The ketogenic compound evolution of the human brain, the available molec-
epinephrine is also secreted by the adrenal gland, ular evidence suggests that dietary deprivation can
though the proximate cause of its release is direct appreciably augment neural accretion via en-
discharge of sympathetic nerves from the hypo- hanced expression of endogenous neurotrophic
thalamus in response to physical exertion (inten- agents and this impressive body of research may
sive foraging for example). Theoretically, by provide the most parsimonious explanatory frame-
prompting increased secretion of the ketogenic work for the evolutionary encephalization of the
compounds cortisol and epinephrine, the hypothal- human brain. Taken together, the elements of this
amus could augment availability of ketone body theoretical edifice are intriguing: Chronic caloric
intermediates, thereby providing the brain with a deprivation imposed during the formative stages
plentiful supply of nutrients (ketone bodies) during of human evolution caused a radical shift in nutri-
bouts of malnourishment and by so doing provide ent allocation resulting in preferential provision-
protection to the brain as well as molecular stimuli ment and protection of the brain, an alteration
for increased neural proliferation. This latter phe- which ultimately accelerated encephalization.
nomenon is particularly intriguing in light of the Maximum human lifespan is more than twice
teleological necessity of explaining human enceph- that of our nearest relative, the chimpanzee, with
alization amidst apparent nutritional marginaliza- maximal human longevity exceeding 120 years [28]
tion. Ketone-catalyzed neurogenesis is a plausible and captive chimpanzees (which are more longe-
hypothesis or at least a clarifying component of a vous than their wild counterparts) approaching 60
more comprehensive theoretical complex. Central years. As to which physiological phenomenon facil-
to this theoretical complex is the robust corpus of itated this accretion in lifespan, it should be noted
research establishing the capacity of caloric that there exists a robust correlative relationship
restriction to increase expression of the neurotro- between the lifespan of animals and the rapidity
phic factors NGF, BDNF and GDNF and its capacity with which they metabolize food – the longer the
to augment expression of neural chaperone pro- lifespan the lower the metabolism of the animal
teins which play a role in ensuring proper protein [29]. Though the underlying mechanism by which
conformation [22–25]. Quite tellingly, while there metabolic rate modulates aging and longevity is
is no experimental evidence that caloric enrich- not altogether clear, there is theoretical support
ment induces brain hyperplasia, there is compel- for a free radical-mediated mechanism. That is,
ling evidence that caloric deprivation does so. because the generation of damaging free radicals
This calls into question theories of human brain is ineluctably elicited upon ingestion of food, the
evolution that invoke dietary enrichment, hunting more calories an animal intakes and the more pre-
and meat procurement to explain the augmenta- cipitous the combustion of consumed calories, the
tion of encephalization in hominids ancestral to hu- more damage done to tissues and the more rapidly
mans [26]. Moreover, the importance of meat aging ensues. Indeed, one of the means by which
acquisition in human evolution is questionable con- caloric restriction is thought to augment longevity
sidering the circumstantial nature of the evidence is via suppression of metabolic rate, by reducing
of early hominid hunting [27]. The juxtaposition the rapidity with which marginal meals are metab-
of hominid remains and those of putative prey olized [8,30]. CR seems to induce increased effi-
and the exhibition of alleged ‘‘cut marks’’ inflicted ciency of energy extraction and, ostensibly, lower
by hominid hunters form the basis of much specula- levels of radicals released per calorie consumed.
tion about the centrality of meat provisionment in Considering the centrality of energy equilibration
human evolution. A more conservative approach to in determining the physiological disposition of
the issue of hunting in human evolution is to posit organisms – rate of growth, rate of senescence,
that the practice did not commence until hominids extent of encephalization and reproductive poten-
were in possession of lethal, lithic projectile weap- tiality – it is plausible that the modulation of
Humans are evolutionarily adapted to caloric restriction 983

metabolism supervenes each component of the iod would have experienced no compensatory met-
quadripartite complex. Further, it is to be noted abolic elevation [33]. Thus, Blacks might be
that each component of the complex – altriciality, expected to exhibit increased metabolic efficiency
longevity, lessened lifetime fertility, and pro- relative to Caucasians as suggested by some studies
nounced encephalization – are ultimately induc- [34–36]. Under conditions of comparable calorie
ible neuro-endocrinologically via alteration of consumption, therefore, Blacks may be expected
hypothalamic hormones: Physical maturation and to accrete more body mass and exhibit increased
sexual maturation, which have undergone selective susceptibility to those conditions catalyzed or com-
suppression in the course of human evolution, are plicated by obesity. Conversely, Blacks who do not
modulated by growth hormone and thyroid hor- engage in excessive energy intake and avoid obesity
mone in the case of the former and by steroidal may benefit from heightened metabolic efficiency,
sex hormones and gonadotropins in the case of with a higher proportion attaining advanced ages
the latter; longevity, which has been augmented relative to Caucasians. Indeed, data from National
during the course of human evolution, is modulated Vital Statistics Reports (since 1997 when such data
by metabolic rate and this physiological attribute are available) exhibit a clearly discernible trend,
is, in turn, modulated by growth hormone, thyroid with Black nonagenarians and centenarians having
hormone and sex hormones; finally, encephaliza- longer life expectancy relative to Whites and the
tion has been increased dramatically over the general US population [37]. While the statistical sig-
course of human evolution and this attribute was nificance of this apparent trend has yet to be estab-
effectuated by meticulous metabolic conserva- lished, I posit that the phenomenon is stable,
tion/reallocation/preservation, a role reserved pri- significant and mediated by metabolic differences
marily for the hormone cortisol (and, secondarily, between racial subgroups. Indirect support for this
epinephrine). To reiterate, release of growth hor- view can be found in a seminal study on CR con-
mone is controlled by the hypothalamic hormone ducted by Weindruch and colleagues which found
GHRH, release of thyroid hormone is controlled that among murine animals subjected to similar de-
by the hypothalamic hormone TRH, release of sex grees of dietary restriction, the most metabolically
hormones are elicited by release of gonadotropic efficient subjects experienced more marked in-
hormones and release of these gonadotropic hor- creases in longevity [38]. This investigation ostensi-
mones is ultimately controlled by the hypothalamic bly implies that within a highly homogeneous
hormone GnRH and release of cortisol is controlled population of organisms, natural variations in met-
by the hypothalamic hormone CRH. Thus, evolu- abolic efficiency exist and such differences are
tionary economization could conceivably have determinants of longevity within the strain studied.
been effectuated by merely modulating the meta- In accordance with the theoretical complex delin-
bolic disposition of the hypothalamus, the body’s eated in this paper I hypothesize that Blacks have
chief homeostatic/regulatory organ. This econom- a higher maximum lifespan potential that is facili-
ization gave early Homo a selective advantage over tated by a higher energy efficiency relative to
sympatric hominids as members of this genus could Whites and that the shorter average lifespan of
subsist on foods of lower nutritional quality and Black Americans is attributable in large part to
consume less thereof. the deleterious effects of overfeeding in organisms
If indeed humans are evolutionarily adapted to adapted to conditions of caloric paucity.
caloric restriction, this may suggest that dietary
indulgence is particularly deleterious for our spe-
cies. Clearly, organisms exhibiting increased energy Acknowledgment
efficiency have a heightened capacity for energy
storage and are able to accrete appreciable This exposition was made possible in part by a gen-
amounts of adipose when food is abundant. Exces- erous gift form the Alicia & Enrique H. Vidal
sive adiposity is associated with increased morbid- Foundation.
ity and mortality in humans, promoting the
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