Mr. Kyle Jarrell, 3 Grade Mathematics Unit: Area Lesson Plan: Area of A Rectangle Two-60 Minute Lessons Context of Lesson

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Kyle Jarrell, 3rd grade Mathematics

Unit: Area
Lesson Plan: Area of a Rectangle
Two- 60 Minute Lessons
Context of Lesson:
Students are currently learning about how to find the area of rectangles. In this lesson, students
will create a game using the program Gamestar Mechanic. Within this lesson, students will use
the program to create a game. Within this game, there will be rectangles built into different
levels. Students will find the area of the rectangles within each level prior to moving onto the
next level.
Common Core Standards:
Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement.
Student Objectives:
 Students will be able to create a game using Gamestar.
 Students will be able to find the area of rectangles using the formula Length x Width.
Materials Needed:
 Entrance Visa
 Gamestar
 Chromebooks
 Exit ticket
 Anticipatory Set: As students enter the classroom, they will answer the following
question on a sheet of paper, “What does it mean when you are finding the area of an
object? How would you find an area of an object?” These questions are review from the
previous days lesson on finding the area of an object. Students will have five-minutes to
complete this “Do Now”.
 Introduction to new material: After students finish their “Do Now” they will be directed
through the use of Google Classroom, to a game I created with Gamestar. Students will
receive 10-minutes to play the game. After this, I will explain to the students that today
they are going to create their own game. Students will be grouped in groups of four, with
a total of six groups. I will then walk students through the steps of creating a game (20-
minutes). Students will create a 3-leveled game with multiple rectangles embedded into
each level. Tomorrow, students will be paired up with a different group, and have to play
their game. During each level, students will have find the area of the rectangles before
they advance. After these instructions, students will be instructed to create their own 3-
level game. Each level, I will instruct the students to make it harder, but also, make the
rectangles more complex. This will allow not only the game to get harder, but the
questions pertaining to the area of a rectangle harder as well. Students will have the
remainder of the period to create their game.
 Prior to students leaving class, they will answer an exit ticket on finding the area of the
square. This will allow me to assess if students understand the material.
 Day 2: Students will come in and get to work on their assignment. They will have 15-
minutes to complete the assignment. Then, they will have 45-minutes to play the game of
their peers, and answer the area questions for each level.
Student Activities:
 Students will enter the classroom and answer the “Do Now”.
 They will then go to Google Classroom and follow the website to Gamestar. They will
work for ten-minutes on playing the game.
 Then students will be instructed to get in groups assigned to them. They will move to
these seats.
 Students will then work on their Chromebooks, and follow along as I demonstrate how
to create games using Gamestar.
 Students will receive the instructions of the assignment.
 They will then work as a team to create their own game embedding rectangle into the
game as they go. With each level that pasts they will create area problems which are
harder than the ones before.
 Students then will answer the exit ticket for day one and transition to the next task.
Day Two:
 Students will come in and get right to work on creating their game.
 Students will assure there is an answer key for each level.
 When finished, students will be paired up with a separate group and play their game.
 They must find the area of each rectangle within the level, prior to moving on to the next
 A group leader will check with me prior to them moving on.
 Students will 45-minutes to finish this task.
 At the end of class, students will answer an exit ticket on finding the area of a rectangle.
Once finished students will transition to the next task.
Independent Practice:
 Students will create their own game, inserting rectangles and finding the area of the
rectangles they embedded into the game.
 Students will answer exit tickets both days assessing their knowledge of area.
 Students will create answer keys assuring the information they have is right for their
 Prior to students leaving class, they will answer exit tickets on both days. The first day,
students will answer an exit ticket on how to find the area of a square. The second day,
they will answer a question on finding the area of a rectangle. This will assess if students
understand the material or not.

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