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Draft DPSIR: Habitat Loss

Human population growth Status
Watershed activities Physical Characteristics
- Coastal development Changes in freshwater inflow - Altered physical setting
- Altered flushing, water circulation
Marine activities Changes in hydrography, - Changes in salinity
- Boating bathymetry
- Aquaculture Water, Sediment quality
Habitat loss - ↑ in suspended sediment
Direct habitat alteration - Changes in water quality
-Construction of docks, marinas Changes in climate
-Dredging - Effects of storms Biological Components
-Trawling - Sea level rise - Altered distribution of organisms
-Building seawalls, jetties, etc. - Changes in trophic structure


Wetland mitigation Impacts
Limited access (i.e. to dunes) Habitat Loss and
Wetland restoration, beach
Monitoring, mapping


ORPP Themes 1,2,4,5

Draft DPSIR: Eutrophication
Drivers Status
Human population growth Pressures Physical Characteristics
Watershed activities - Low flushing rates
Point source pollution - Stratification
- Urbanization/ Land use change
- ↑ emissions
Nonpoint source pollution Water, Sediment quality
- ↑ effluent
- ↑ organic matter
Marine activities Changes in freshwater inflow - ↑ nutrient concentration
- Boating - Changes in nutrient ratios
- Aquaculture Changes in hydrography - ↑ in suspended sediment

Direct habitat alteration Changes in climate Biological Components

- Dredging - ↑ in primary production
- ↑ in O2 demand
- Storm events

Point source pollution control
Stormwater controls
Eutrophication mitigation Eutrophication symptoms
- Fish kills/ hypoxia
Development of models - Increased HABS
- Decrease in SAVs
Increased monitoring - High chlorophyll concentrations

ORPP Themes 1,5,6

Draft DPSIR: Fish decline

Drivers Pressures Status

Physical Characteristics
Human population growth Overfishing - Decrease in appropriate habitat

Watershed activities Habitat loss/ disruption Water, Sediment Quality

- ↑ concentration of contaminants
Marine Activities Point, non-point pollution - ↑ pathogens, pharmaceuticals
- Commercial fishing
- Recreational fishing Biological Components
- Reproductive failure
- ↑ in disease
- Change in food web

Response Impacts
Fisheries Management
- Catch limits Fishery Decline
- Ecosystem based management
- Marine Protected Areas
- Improved fishing technology
- Diversification, rotation of targeted

International Legislation

Monitoring ORPP Themes 1,5
Draft DPSIR: Human Health and Quality of Life

Drivers Pressures
Human population growth
Point source pollution
Watershed activities Physical Characteristics
- Urbanization/ Land use change Nonpoint source pollution - Low flushing rates
- ↑ emissions
- ↑ effluent Changes in freshwater inflow Water, Sediment quality
- ↑ sewage (fecal coliform)
Marine activities Changes in hydrography - ↑ pollutant concentrations
- Boating
- Aquaculture Changes in climate
- Storm events

Response Impacts
Point source pollution
control Human Health
Stormwater controls
Contaminated Seafood
Eutrophication mitigation
Beach Closures
Source tracking
Development of models

Increased monitoring
ORPP Themes 1,5,6
Draft DPSIR: Valued Species

Pressures Status
Drivers Habitat loss/ disruption
Physical Characteristics
Direct alteration of habitat - Decrease in appropriate habitat
Legacy of overfishing
- Trawling
Water, Sediment Quality
Marine Activities Bycatch
- ↑ concentration of contaminants
- Boating - ↑ pathogens, pharmaceuticals, etc.
Point, non-point pollution
- Fishing
- Swimming Increased boat strikes Biological Components
- Shipping
- Reproductive failure
Acoustic effects - ↑ in disease
- Change in food web

Response Impacts
Legislation (ESA) Declines in valued species
Management provisions Right whales
- Use of TEDs, BRDs
- Altered shipping lanes Turtles
- Limited use of lights on beaches

Population, food web models


ORPP Themes 1,5

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