Billionaires Around The World

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Using historical data from something like the Forbes rich list it would seem likely that the same
industries which have been generating Billionaires may continue to do so.


Mining and oil - several billionaires have been created from sales of fracking companies.

Software - This continues to be one of the most publicised industries creating new Billionaires.
With the increase in technology this is a likely industry to continue producing the most
Billionaires over the next 30 years

Retail - most of billionaires in this industry either earn it over a life time (the Albrecht brothers
are in their 90s), or inherit it (like the Walton family).

Fashion - surprisingly this industry created several billionaires perhaps because valuation is
more fluidly based on market perceptions than hard costs of real commodities and so charging
high prices and selling high valuations may be easier. This may become more common in the
future with things like

Real Estate - This is perhaps the most linear route to becoming a Billionaire as it involves some
of the largest margins and in the past decade

Money management - ultimately the number one way to become a Billionaire is to become a
money manager sitting at a desk and moving money from one business to another e.g. As a
venture capitalist. This obviously means you have to get access to a lot of money in the first
place. This is why most billionaires didn't make a billion from a single business but diversified
early on and made their money from lots of businesses and industries.

However I think the more appropriate answer for this question is that becoming a Billionaire is
extremely difficult, you have to smart and lucky. Starting at birth, if you are born as a white male
in a wealthy country like the US then your statistical chances of becoming a Billionaire increase
dramatically. This is a terrible inequity in society but a real one none the less. Remember there
are 7 Billion people on the planet and only a few hundred self made billionaires. It's much easier
to become a self made millionaire (there are 12 million+ of them).

Lastly it is entirely possible that in the next 30 years entirely new industries will develop that no
one has even considered and this is usually the quickest way to produce a new group of super
wealthy individuals. Alternatively the entire economy may change so we no longer value
currency in quite the same way and instead use an alternative like commodity backed crypto
currency which no longer values individuals using a single national currency but values them at
the rate at which they transact business. Keep this in mind if you are trying to become a
Billionaire because no one really knows what the future may hold.

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