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450 ■ CHAPTER 13

NURSING CARE PLAN The Child with Bronchiolitis


1. Ineffective Breathing Pattern related to increased work of breathing and decreased energy (fatigue)

NIC Priority Intervention: Respiratory NOC Suggested Outcome: Vital

monitoring: Collection and analysis signs status: Temperature, pulse,
of patient data to ensure airway respiration, and blood pressure within
patency and adequate gas exchange. expected range for the child’s age

The child will return to respiratory ■ Assess respiratory status (Table 13-1) ■ Changes in breathing pattern may The child returns to respiratory
baseline. The child will not experience a minimum of every 2–4 hours or occur quickly as the child’s energy baseline within 48–72 hours.
respiratory failure. more often as indicated for a reserves are depleted. Assessment
decreasing respiratory rate and and monitoring baseline reveal rate
episodes of apnea. Cardiorespiratory and quality of air exchange.
monitor and pulse oximeter Frequent assessment and
attached with alarms set, if ordered. monitoring provides objective
Record and report changes promptly evidence of changes in the quality
to physician. of respiratory effort, enabling
prompt and effective intervention.
The child’s oxygenation status will ■ Administer humidified oxygen via ■ Humidified oxygen loosens The child’s respiratory effort eases.
return to baseline. mask, hood, or tent. secretions and helps maintain Pulse oximetry reading remains 94%
oxygenation status and ease oxygen saturation during treatment.
respiratory distress.
■ Note child’s response to ordered ■ Medications act systemically and The child tolerates therapeutic
medications (nebulizer treatments). locally (on respiratory tissue) to measures with no adverse effects.
improve oxygenation and decrease
■ Position head of bed up or place ■ Position facilitates improved The child rests quietly in position of
child in position of comfort on aeration and promotes decrease in comfort.
parent’s lap, if crying or struggling anxiety (especially in toddlers) and
in crib or bed. energy expenditure.

2. Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit related to inability to meet body requirements and increased metabolic demand.

NIC Priority Intervention: Fluid NOC Suggested Outcome:

management: Promotion of fluid Hydration: Amount of water in
balance and prevention of intracellular and extracellular
complications resulting from compartments of body.
abnormal or undesired fluid levels.

Child’s immediate fluid deficit is ■ Evaluate need for intravenous fluids. ■ Previous fluid loss may require Child’s hydration status is maintained
corrected. Maintain IV, if ordered. immediate replacement. during acute phase of illness.
Child will be adequately hydrated, ■ Maintain strict intake and output ■ Monitoring proves objective Child takes adequate oral fluids after
be able to tolerate oral fluids, and monitoring and evaluate specific evidence of fluid loss and ongoing 24–48 hours to maintain hydration.
progress to normal diet. gravity at least every 8 hours. hydration status.


resolution of all symptoms may take weeks. The same supportive therapies implemented in
the hospital may be needed at home:
Skill 10-15: Performing
Nasal Suctioning ■ Use of the bulb syringe to suction the nares of an infant under 1 year of age
■ Fluid intake to thin respiratory secretions (making them easier to clear) and provide
glucose for energy (since the child’s appetite may not return to normal for several days)
■ Rest
Children are usually capable of recognizing their own activity limits. However, parents
should encourage active toddlers to nap and take rest periods. Teach the parents proper ad-
ministration of medications. Acetaminophen may be prescribed for persistent low-grade
Alterations in Respiratory Function ■ 451

NURSING CARE PLAN The Child with Bronchiolitis (continued)


2. Risk for Fluid Volume Deficit related to inability to meet body requirements and increased metabolic demand. (continued)

■ Perform daily weight measurement ■ Further evidence of improvement of Child’s weight stabilizes after 24–48
on the same scale at the same time hydration status. hours; skin turgor is supple.
of day. Evaluate skin turgor.
■ Assess mucous membranes and ■ Moist mucous membranes and Child shows evidence of improved
presence of tears. Report changes tears provide observable evidence hydration.
promptly to physician. of hydration.
■ Offer clear fluids and incorporate ■ Choice of fluid offered by parent The child accepts beverage of choice
parent in care. Offer fluid choice gains the child’s cooperation. from parent or nursing staff.
when tolerated.

3. Anxiety (Child and Parent) related to acute illness, hospitalization, uncertain course of illness and treatment,
and home care needs.

NIC Priority Intervention: Anxiety NOC Suggested Outcome: Anxiety

reduction: Minimizing control: Ability to eliminate or
apprehension, dread, foreboding, or reduce feelings of apprehension and
uneasiness related to an unidentified tension from an unidentifiable source.
source of anticipated danger.

Child and parents will demonstrate ■ Encourage parents to express fears ■ Provides opportunity to vent Parents and child show decreasing
behaviors that indicate decrease in and ask questions; provide direct feelings and receive timely, relevant anxiety and decreasing fear as
anxiety. answers and discuss care, information. Helps reduce parents’ symptoms improve and as child and
procedures, and condition changes. anxiety and increase trust in nursing parents feel more secure in hospital
staff. environment.
■ Incorporate parents in the child’s ■ Familiar people, routines, and Parent freely asks questions and
care. Encourage parents to bring objects decrease the child’s anxiety participates in the child’s care. The
familiar objects from home. Ask and increase parents’ sense of child cries less and allows staff to hold
about and incorporate in care plan control over unexpected, uncertain and/or touch him or her.
the home routines for feeding and situation.
Parents will verbalize knowledge of ■ Explain symptoms, treatment, and ■ Anticipate potential for recurrence. Parent accurately describes respiratory
symptoms of bronchiolitis and use of home care of bronchiolitis. Assist family to be prepared should symptoms and initial home care
home care methods before the respiratory symptoms recur after actions.
child’s discharge from the hospital. discharge.
■ Provide written instructions for ■ Written and oral instructions
follow-up care arrangements as reinforce knowledge. Parents may
needed. not “hear” and remember the
particulars of home care if
presented only orally.

fevers and general discomfort. Advise parents that RSV infection can recur; therefore, they
need to know how to recognize symptoms and when to call the physician.

Expected outcomes of nursing care are provided on the accompanying nursing care plan.

Pneumonia is an inflammation or infection of the bronchioles and alveolar spaces of the
lungs. It occurs most often in infants and young children. Pneumonia in children often

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