Integrated Science Exam For Form 3

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Joseph’s Anglo-Chinese School

First Term Examination 2012 / 2013
F.3 Integrated Science

Time allowed: 1 hour 15 minutes Name: …………………………………… ( ………… )

Total marks: 100
1. The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.
2. Answer ALL questions.
3. Write your answers in the Answer Sheet provided.

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (20 marks)

1. A ball is thrown upwards and it falls back to the ground. Which of the following is the reason that
the ball falls?
A The air resistance stops the ball from going up, so it drops.
B The ball loses all its energy so it drops.
C The force of gravity pulls the ball downwards.
D The weight of the ball is too large
2. After staying in the space station for a long period of time, astronauts cannot stand when they have
just come back to the Earth. Why?
A The force of gravity on Earth is much greater than that in the space station.
B They move like divers in the space station. They cannot change this habit
immediately after returning to the Earth.
C The astronauts cannot get enough nutrients because they eat packaged food in space,
so they become weak.
D The muscles do not need to support the body under weightless condition, therefore they
become weak.
3. Tom is riding on a turbo drop in an amusement park.

He feels weightless when he is falling freely. This is because

A Tom’s mass becomes zero when the turbo drop falls freely.
B there is no force of gravity acting on Tom’s body.
C the weight of Tom disappears.
D the seat does not exert a reaction force to support Tom’s body.

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4. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health refers to
(1) having a fit and strong body.
(2) being able to cope with stress.
(3) being able to maintain a harmonious relationship with other people.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
5. Which of the following is a primary food substance?
A Vitamin C
B Water
C Calcium
D Dietary fibre
6. Which of the following food is/are rich in fats?
(1) Butter
(2) Beans
(3) Nuts
A (1) only
B (3) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
7. The best reason for including protein in a healthy diet is because it is the main source of
A energy for the body.
B fibre for digestion.
C raw materials for cell growth and repair.
D vitamins for fighting disease.
8. Which of the following statements about water are correct?
(1) Water has no energy value.
(2) Water allows nutrients to be transported to all body cells.
(3) Water carries undigested wastes out of the body.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
9. Which of the following food is/are rich in vitamin A?
(1) Apples
(2) Fish liver oil
(3) Carrots
A (2) only
B (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
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10. Which of the following food is the richest source of vitamin C?
A Milk
B Kiwi fruits
C Fish liver oil
D Carrots
11. Intake of which of the following food helps prevent rickets?
(1) Milk
(2) Pork
(3) Fresh green vegetables
A (1) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
12. Eating food rich in soluble fibre regularly can
(1) lower blood cholesterol levels.
(2) keep blood sugar levels steady.
(3) reduce the risk of heart diseases.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

13. Which of the following statements about energy values of food are correct?
(1) The energy values of carbohydrates and proteins are more or less the same.
(2) The energy value of fats is about twice that of carbohydrates.
(3) One gram of sugar provides us with more energy than one gram of starch.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)

14. What is the purpose of digestion?

A To break down the food into small and simple forms
B To moisten and lubricate the food
C To turn excess glucose into fats
D To remove toxic substances in the food

15. Which of the following does NOT belong to the alimentary canal of humans?
A Mouth
B Pancreas
C Large intestine
D Anus
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16. Which of the labelled teeth is/are used for grinding food?


A P only
B S only
C P and Q only
D Q and R only

17. The hydrochloric acid in gastric juice

A emulsifies fats into smaller oil droplets.
B kills most of the bacteria in the food.
C speeds up the absorption of food.
D kills the enzymes in the saliva.

18. What is absorption?

A Food entering the mouth and being chewed
B Food entering the stomach for digestion
C Making complex organic molecules in cells using digested foods
D Taking digested food into the blood stream

19. Which kind of human cell does the diagram below show?
A Red blood cell
B Blood platelet
C White blood cell
D Egg

20. If the number of white blood cells in one’s blood increases significantly, it may imply that
A the person catches an infectious disease (傳染病).
B the body needs more oxygen.
C the growth rate of the body increases.
D some blood vessels are damaged.

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Section B True or False (10 marks)

1. When we take in starch, the starch is finally broken down into glucose inside the body.
2. Vitamins are important for regulating many chemical reactions in our body.
3. Dietary fibre can be obtained from vegetables but not from fruits.
4. Chewing is a part of the digestive process.
5. Intestinal juice contains enzymes for digesting carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
6. Our circulatory system carries out gaseous exchange between our body and the environment.
7. When you hit the wall with your hand, the wall hits back your hand with a greater force.
8. Many rockets use hydrogen as the fuel because hydrogen is lighter than air.
9. Rockets need to carry oxygen or oxidizer for burning fuels.
10. Astronauts in a spacecraft orbiting the Earth have weight.

Section C Fill in the blanks (30 marks)

a. (1) always occur in pairs. They always act in opposite (2) . They are an (3) and
(4) pair.
a. Before entering the Earth’s (5) , astronauts will get into the re-entry module of the (6) .

There is a metallic heat (7) at base of the re-entry module to protect the module from

overheating when it returns to the Earth.

b. Before landing of the re-entry module, (8) are opened to slow down the re-entry module to a

safe landing speed.

c. Dietary fibre which cannot be digested by our body but helps us prevent (9) .

d. The food (10) provides us a guideline for having a (11) diet. Without getting enough food

substances in the diet will lead to (12) diseases.

e. People will suffer from eating disorder such as (13) if they force themselves to under-eat and

become seriously thin. In contrast, over-eating will result in overweight and more seriously is

known as (14) .

f. Our digestive system consists of an alimentary canal and some (15) that secrete digestive


g. We have two sets of teeth in a lifetime, milk teeth and (16) teeth.

h. (17) is produced in the liver and temporarily stored in the gall (18) .

i. Pancreas produces pancreatic juice which is (19) so as to neutralize the acidic food from the


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j. The blood is a (20) of blood cells, which can be separated from the (21) by using centrifuge.

k. In order to indicate our health status, we can measure our (22) rate by putting a hand on the

left side of our chest or feel the (23) rate by putting fingers on the (24) . We can also measure

the blood pressure by using a stethoscope and a sphygomomanometer and the unit is (25) .

l. The shape of red blood cell is (26) disc shape while blood (27) are irregular shape.

m. There are (28) found inside the veins and the heart to prevent the (29) of blood.
n. There are three types of blood vessels. Vein carries blood towards the heart. Artery carries blood
away from the heart and (30) is the fine blood vessel which connects the other two types of
blood vessels.

Section D Conventional Questions (40 marks)

1. In September 2011, China successfully launched its first space lab module (太空實驗室), Tiangong-1
(天宮一號), into orbit on a Long March 2F T-1 rocket (長征二號 F T-1 運載火箭).


Long March 2F T-1 rocket

a Why is the Long March 2F T-1 rocket designed in a streamlined shape? (1 mark)
b The Long March 2F T-1 rocket has two stages. The first stage is dropped off after launching.
What is the importance of having stages in a rocket? (2 marks)
c Describe briefly how a rocket is launched. (3 marks)
d The Long March 2F T-1 rocket used liquid fuels. Give TWO comparisons between the using of
liquid fuels and solid fuels in a rocket. (2 marks)

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2. The diagram below shows the human digestive system.



a (i) What is the use of teeth in A? (2 marks)

(ii) Name the structure H. State clearly its function. (3 marks)
b State how structures B, C and E are involved in digestion of fats. (4 marks)
c State and explain TWO features of F that help speed up the absorption of digested food.
(4 mark)
d Use letter in the diagram, in which of the labelled organ do faeces form?
Why are faeces brown in colour? (2 marks)

3. Several food tests are carried out on three liquid food samples (A, B and C). The table below shows
the test results.

Food sample
Test material
Albustix paper green green yellow
Clinistix paper pink pink purple
Iodine solution brown blue-black brown
a What kinds of food substances do A, B and C have? (4 marks)
b Suggest another test can be used to replace Clinistix paper and state its positive result.
(2 marks)
c Suppose the three food samples are orange juice, milk and chicken soup.
What is C? (1 mark)
d Name TWO primary food substances that are not tested. (2 marks)
e Write down ONE use of each of the primary food substances mentioned in (d) in our body.
(2 marks)
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4. The diagram below shows the cross-sections of three types of blood vessels.

a Which one shows an artery? (1 mark)
b Explain why arteries can withstand higher blood pressure than veins. (2 marks)
c (i) Compare to the size of the red blood cells, what can you tell about the diameter of the
structure C? (1 mark)
(ii) State TWO features of the structure C that allows efficient exchange of materials between
the blood and body cells. (2 marks)

End of Paper

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