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2 Cor 10:4-5- Foundational Scripture. (For the weapons of
our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of

Spiritual warfare is a way of life for the saint of God

When you were born again you became a soldier (whether you like it or not)

We live in enemy territory in a combat zone.

John 3:8 says “ the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works
of the devil”

Destroy refers the the act of “untying” or “unloosing” something.

Jesus loosed us from satan’s binding power over us.

 To Wrestle means to contend in struggle for power over an opponent. A

wrestler in the natural must:

 Train, practice wrestling, have proper diet, learn the rules of wrestling
in order to be victorious. Skill is gained through practice.

 Wrestling involves intimate, face to face, personal contact with and

opponent. No other believer can take your place in this battle. There are no
time outs. Your enemy never rests.

The battle is spiritual:

 "principalities." an old word that is used symbolically to denote ancient

times. depicts individuals who hold the highest and loftiest position of rank
and authority. These have held their lofty positions of power and authority
since ancient times - probably ever since the fall of Lucifer.

 "powers" denotes delegated authority. This tells us of spirits who have

received delegated authority from Satan to carry out all manner of evil in
whatever way they desire to do it.
 "the rulers of the darkness of this world." kosmos and kratos. raw power
that has been harnessed and put into some kind of order. This is talking
about Satan's rank and file.

 Finally, "spiritual wickedness in high places." depict something that is

bad, vile, intense spite or hatred, dangerous aggressive violence, lacking in
respect , and evil in influence and nature producing death and deterioration.

Eph. 6:13 reads- Wherefore take unto you ( or put on) the whole armor (every
piece) of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done
all, to stand.
Why do I need to do this.. so that I can stand against the schemes or methods of
the devil. His attacks are methodical they are systematic.

We know from Job that he studies us…He scouts us..watching for our weakness
and our strengths …He will use both against you.

You need to be dressed…

Put on is a picture of God’s power coming down from on high and.. when it hits
the head of the believer the power begins to change shape …It begins to change

 When it hits the heads it manifests itself on the believer as a helmet

 Gives him a belt to hold everything

 It clothes the believer with a breatplate

 It puts a sword in his and and provides him with a shield

 Puts greaves on his feet and a lance on his back

The bible says put on literally “be open to a flow of power”

 you already have them on but now you have

 To apply them and function out of them.
Stand – Some saints think that you have to advance on Satan..Some think
you have to retreat..But if you appropriate Christ and trust him you aren’t
going to move you will stand.

 Positionaly you are in him and you just need to stand…

 What Satan is trying to do is move us out of our postion.

In the day of battle , Roman soldiers were to stand their ground, not retreat.
As long as they stood together on a flat, open field and did not break ranks,
their legions were considered virtually invincible.

Satan persecutes us..the word persecute means to chase..

For example: A cheetah…is about the fastest animal around. What he does
is he chases his prey. He could overtake them at anytime but he chases them
until they get tired. He runs right behind his prey about 6 inches (and when he
sees they are tired) without skipping a beat he will just reach out his paw and
trip them. By then the prey is so tired he just gives up and lays there…

That’s what Satan does…

Take your position in Christ and STAND!

Ephesians 6:14- Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

Your waist Girded in truth –

The BELT was the piece of armor that kept all the other

Pieces in place. Men wore flowing robes. When travel

Or combat they pulled the robe through and up around

 The waist and they would put a belt around the waist
 And held it with a belt.
 The belt also held the breastplate in place.
 It had hooks on it for other pieces to hook into place
 And it had a holster so the dagger and the long
Loin belt of Truth - The Belt, or Girdle was the first piece of armor that a soldier
put on. Truth is the most important part of our armor. Truth Holds everything
in place.

Truth, Sincerity, and Faithfulness…is what this truth is speaking of.

This was also the one piece of weapon that we can see. The bible says “thy word is
truth”. We can see the word because it has manifested itself in this physical rhelm.
The LOGOS. The Bible.

The Breatplate of righteousness. Shielded and protected the chest area where the
heart is and all the internal organs – the inner man.

The breast was the most glamorous and beautiful piece of armor the soldier wore.
It began at the neck, went down past the waste to the knee. This breastplate looked
like the scales of a fish, they were like shingles. It was made of brass and very
shiny. As the soldier walked the shingles would rub against each other and polish
each other which would cause it to shine even more. So as he walked in his
breastplate his weaponry was even more developed. As the sun hit it would
give off rays of brilliance. Imagine if a legion of soldiers walking in the sun.
The rays would shine much like the brilliance and glory of God…..

Rom. 8:18-Glory revealed in us…

Raised Jesus from the dead

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