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Digitally Driven lesson plan

Ebony Green
EPI Cohort 115

States of Matter
States of matter

• Grade level: 2nd grade

• content/subject area: ESE Science Access points

2. Lesson Description:
• In Whole group students will be asked if they know what matter is? If they could identify or
give an example of matter. This is to assess students prior knowledge.

• Students will be given brief description of what matter is:

• students will listen to study jams karaoke song on solids, liquid, and gas.

- All matter can exist in three forms: solid, liquid and gas. Matter can change state through heating or
cooling, and it sure changes its state when it reaches its boiling or freezing point.

• students will be given key terms and description:

-Matter: any thing that has weight and takes up space as solid, liquid or gas.

-Solid: is hard and firm, not liquid or gas.

-Liquid: is a wet substance you can pour.

-Gas: is a substance, such as air, that will spread to fill any space.

-condensation: the process of gas turning to liquid.

-Evaporation: the process of liquid turning to Gas.

• students will watch study jams short video on solid liquid and gas

• students will be asked to act out states of matter after watching video. when teacher calls out
the name students will move as the molecules or atoms would move in the state of matter.


• The states of matter at the molecular level, and how their movements change as state of matter changes.

2 - water cycle is an example how solid, liquids and gas matter changes due when heated, and cooled
3. Learning Outcomes of the lesson including Curriculum & Technology

Curriculum Standards: students will be able to:

SC.2.P.8.In.2I dentify objects and materials as solid or liquid.


Explore and identify that observable properties of materials can be changed.

• 7a.Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and
cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.

• 2b.Advocate for equitable access to educational technology, digital content and learning
opportunities to meet the diverse needs of all students.

4. Components of the lesson that are enhanced through the use of

Components of the lesson that are enhanced through the use of Technology...

Learning Environment: ESE Classroom.The setting allows for the possibility of group work. students
use interactive white board to assessment after watch study jams video

Teacher provides opportunity for use interactive white board to view video content and to answer
assessment component that accompanies study jam solid, liquid, gas video.
Teacher characteristics: The teacher directs students in the conventional use of interactive white board
for working with peers to complete assessment

Student characteristics: setting allows for the possibility of group work, and at least some
collaborative technology tools are available.

6. Assessments used by the teacher to evaluate the student products.


• students will complete assessment together on interactive white board after watching study jam solid, liquid and gas

• students will complete individual paper assessment on own with needed support from teacher and teachers aid.

• student will independently with teacher support be able to connect images that are solid,
liquid gas

7. Use the Technology Integration Matrix to code the lesson (provide


Students. Students are using technology in conventional ways and the locus of control is on the teacher.

Teacher. The teacher controls the type of technology and how it is used. The teacher may be pacing the
students through a project, making sure that they each complete each step in the same sequence with
the same tool. Although the students are more active than students at the Entry level in their use of
technology, the teacher still strongly regulates activities.

Setting. The setting is arranged for direct instruction and individual seat work. The students may have
very limited and regulated access to the technology resources.
Levels of Technology Integration and evidence…

Learning Environment: white board interactive assessment in whole group setting

Teacher characteristics: teacher controls the use of smart pin and who gets to answer in what order

Student characteristics: the students are in whole group setting on carpet.

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