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In asphallt pavementss cracks treaatment is a major

m part off every mainntenance worrk. The objeective
of such treatment
t is to minimizee the intrusiion of waterr into underllying layers of the paveement
structure. Local defeects in an aspphalt pavem
ment can be repaired
r locally, just as in concrete. The
key is too determine the depth off patch requuired. It is of
o course eassiest simply to plane ouut the
surface course
c and replace it but,
b if problems extend deeper, thiis will only be a short--term

Patching materials caan be either hot

h or cold. Compactionn of a patch is
i always diffficult, relyinng on
small maanually-conttrolled rollerrs or vibrating plates, and
a a thin laayer of hot-m
mix doesn’tt give
much tim
me for comp
paction to bee carried outt. The resultt is that low density is almost
a inevittable.
Whichevver material is used, it iss virtually im
mpossible to produce a layer
l of equiivalent propeerties
to a machhine-laid hott-mix. Figure below illusstrates the tyypical patchiing process.

1. Cracks in the pavement surface shall be inspected before and after milling of ACWC to
the design thickness of the overlay.
2. Core to the full depth of ACBC shall be taken after completion of milling process (in case
cracks are observed), to ascertain nature/extent of the crack.

3. For full depth cracks (width more than 3 mm and depth more than 40mm) (A in X-
Section) :
I. The crack area shall be milled to full depth leaving 20 to 30mm of existing ACBC
intact to ensure no disturbance to the existing aggregate base course layer. The
remaining crack shall be grooved and sealed with bitumen based sealant.
II. The milling width shall not be less than 300mm.
III. At least 300mm portion beyond the end of the crack edge shall also be milled for
deep patching.
IV. Prior to the placement of asphalt for all pavement types, spray seals or wearing
course any remaining cracks greater than 3 mm in width shall be sealed with an
approved crack sealant.
V. The crack sealing compound shall be selected as recommended by the design
consultant, modified with an appropriate polymer if required, designed to
penetrate the crack, adhere to the crack surface and resist further crack activity.
Prior to the use of the product, the Contractor shall submit the manufacturer’s
instructions and product performance data.
VI. The material shall remain stable on the pavement surface during periods of
extreme temperature.
VII. Gritting off of sealant or plugging excessively deep cracks prior to sealing shall
be undertaken with suitable Sealing Aggregate (as recommended by the design
VIII. Prior to placement of sealant, all cracks shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign
material, without damage to the adjoining sound pavement, to provide a clean, dry
surrounding. If the pavement is damp, warm/hot compressed air may be used in
the drying of the surface of the crack.
IX. Crack sealing shall not be undertaken unless the surfaces of the cracks are dry.
Cracks shall be cleaned to a depth of between 10-15 mm. In excessively deep
cracks, the crack may be plugged with the appropriate Sealing Aggregate to
within 10-15 mm of the pavement surface. All cracks shall be filled with sealant
material to a level of not less than 10 mm below the pavement surface.
X. The level of sealant after gritting shall be flush with the adjoining road pavement.
The width of the visible bond on the pavement surface shall be as narrow as is
practical. Run out of the sealant over the asphalt surface beyond the crack length
will not be permitted
XI. Tack coat shall be applied on the milled surfaces (horizontal and vertical) as per
NHA Spec item #303.
XII. Layer of HMA (ACWC mix in case thickness is upto 50mm and ACBC if
thickness is more than 50mm) shall be applied to the patch area and compacted in
accordance NHA Spec item # 203

4. For partial “top to bottom” cracks with crack depth less than 40mm from the top (B
in X-Section):
I. The crack shall be grooved and properly/fully sealed with crack sealant before
laying of HMA layers.

5. Typical deep patching patterns/processes are shown below. Each crack or set of cracks
will have their own patterns and their treatment shall be decided at site in consultation
with the Resident Engineer. However, deep patch cut lines shall be kept generally either
parallel or perpendicular to the direction of traffic.
6. The Contractor shall place 5-2 mm Grit on the surface of all sealed material while it is
hot and prior to any vehicular/construction traffic. Grit shall be placed at the minimum
application necessary and only where it is required to prevent pick-up of the sealant by
the construction traffic.

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