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Chapter 1 HUMAN ANATOMY: Basic Body Proportions Lessons & Homework Included + Printable Grid Proportions Simple Skeleton « Male and Female + + Body Landmarks - Homework Tips + Serena Archetti HUMAN ANATOMY: Male Body Proportions When studying proportions always remember that all ‘measurements can change fom individuals to Indvidual and that sex. ethnicity and age all have Influence on proportions Studying a standard model lke this one can help you better analyse your lve models and draw from memory. Once you have leamed these basic rules make sure to drawal sorts of different people from life and reference, to practice and expand your knowiedge! [The body from the font and back view is approximatively3 heads wide [Ei The aim is approximatively 3 heads long from the shoulder socket to fingertips IN The scapula lowest point ends a about 1 head from the base neck back ew [Bl The naval usualy sits inthe 3rd head ine IH The distance from the clavicle tothe top ofthe top of the hip bone is approximately heads front and side view! The crotch area is located on the ath head line, Fememier that if you are using a 8 heads (heroic proportions) model this measurement wll not ‘change, only the legs will become ha ahead longer. IW Kees are located on the 5 head. Imi The distance between the hip and the knee Is anproximatively 2 heads |B The distance fom the knee tothe bottom ofthe foot Isao 2heads, IN The foot and ankles is about head tall HUMAN ANATOMY: Female Body Proportions When studying proportions always remember that all ‘measurements can change fom individuals to Indvidual and that sex. ethnicity and age all have Influence on proportions Studying a standard model lke this one can help you better analyse your lve models and draw from memory. Once you have leamed these basic rules make sure to drawal sorts of different people from life and reference, to practice and expand your knowiedge! [The body from the font and back view is approximatively3 heads wide [Ei The aim is approximatively 3 heads long from the shoulder socket to fingertips IN The scapula lowest point ends a about 1 head from the base neck back ew [Bl The naval usualy sits inthe 3rd head ine IH The distance from the clavicle tothe top ofthe top of the hip bone is approximately heads front and side view! The crotch area is located on the th head line, Fememier that if you are using a 8 heads (heroic proportions) model this measurement wll not ‘change, only the legs will become ha ahead longer. IW Kees are located on the 5 head. Imi The distance between the hip and the knee Is anproximatively 2 heads |B The distance fom the knee tothe bottom ofthe foot Isao 2heads, IN The foot and ankles is about head tall

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