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Seyed Hejazi

Arizona State University



I have been writing for a relatively long time. Of course I started out with learning how to write

in kindergarten until probably around third grade when I could form basic and somewhat

“complex” sentences, and then I was off to the races. It seemed as if everything I did writing

wise after that was an assignment that needed to be done and turned in for a grade. That all

writing was to me, something that needed to be done and had an end that needed to be turned on

and graded. That was it. However, to be completely honest, I have not found writing very fun

until my last semester of needing an English class ever. Now. This last semester has taught me

more than I have learned about writing in the past eighteen years about writing, all thanks to the

fabulous teachers (Mark and David) and the surprisingly intriguing writing books I needed to

read this semester. This semester I personally feel as if I have come a long way and made leaps

in my ability to write. Writing to me now is somewhat of an enjoyable experience of gathering

all of the ideas in my head and putting them all together in a cohesive yet playful essay (writing

project three being my absolute favorite out of all of the writing projects). Coming into this

course I saw this course as the last ever English class I will ever need to take in my academic

career, and I am not going to lie that excited me. Now, as I am approaching the end of an English

era (for me) I have realized this, and all the English classes I have had before, mean so much

more than just a credit. This class, and all the ones prior to it, have taught me how to write and

form my ideas down into an eloquent piece, and in an indirect way, this class and all its

predecessors have taught me how to speak in a grammatically correct way. It has expanded my

vocabulary and use of the English language which makes me sound a tad bit more professional.

The two books we have read in the class, as well as the one on one meetings with my professors

taught me and has contributed the most to my writing. Surprisingly, the books (the assigned

chapters) have taught me a lot of rules and methods when it comes to writing my essays which in

translation made my essay leaps and bounds better than if I had not read the chapters. As well the

one on one meetings after writing project one and writing project three helped me as well. My

professors would tell me what was good about my paper and at the same time tell me what to

improve upon for next time, which I definitely kept in mind while writing. Right now I believe I

have a sufficient knowledge of writing, at least enough to help me write essays in my English

101 and 102 class and additionally to write lab reports for Chemistry 116 and all of the many and

future science classes I will need to take on my path of becoming a doctor (still don’t know what

kind I want to be unfortunately). However I understand I still have many things I need to learn

about writing. Everything from other writing types such as MLA, Chicago, etc. and that does not

take into account I still need to master the APA format of writing. I still have to learn about how

to fully place all my ideas into muy papers and also fix a lot of grammatical errors. I don’t know

where I will learn everything else due to the fact I will not be taking anymore English courses,

but I will look forward to anyway possible of learning more about those things throughout my

college career and increase my understanding of writing. My understanding of writing has been

and will continually be used in the classroom setting. Anything from writing lab reports in my

general science classes all the way to the possible research papers I will have to write as a

medical student later on in my life. I for sure still have a lot of writing to do in my future, so the

understanding I have of writing I have currently will be continuously used upon and improved

upon. For in classroom, again, I will use my understanding to write lab reports and research

papers all throughout my academic career. As for outside the classroom I am not quite sure, I do

not write freely outside of the classroom much (or at all for that matter) however if an

opportunity arises for me to write outside the classroom, I will most definitely use my

understanding for whatever comes my way.

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