Pre-Assessment Goal

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Pre-Assessment Goal:

The goal of our pre-assessment was to gather information on the children's current knowledge of
math so that we could differentiate our lesson plans to meet the unique needs of the children. The
data that we collected was used to determine where the children's strengths and weaknesses, and
where we as teachers needed to focus our teaching. For the pre-assessment, the students were
tested on their ability to count as high as they could starting at one, their ability to write the
numbers one through ten, their ability to identify shapes, and their ability to answer simple word
I was able to administer the pre-assessment to each of the children individually. As I gave the
pre-assessment to each child, I asked each child the same question, and asked the question in the
same order. Because I administered the test to each child, and administered it the same way, the
reliability of the test was not compromised. I began the pre-assessment by asking the children to
verbally count as high as they could starting at one. I then asked the children to identify different
shapes on a piece of paper as I said the shape name. The next two questions were simple word
problems that the children were asked to solve. The children were then asked to identify how
many sides a triangle, square,and hexagon had. The final pre-assessment question was having
the students write the numbers one through ten on a piece of paper. To our knowledge, the
children did not have vision or hearing problems.

Administration Conditions:
I administered the pre-assessment test individually to each child on Friday, July 6, 2018. The
pre-assessment took place between 8:15 a.m.- 9:15 a.m. I gave the instructions orally to each
child. There was no time limit for the pre-assessment, and each child was allowed as much time
as they needed to answer the questions I asked them. Because the test was given one-on-one
with each child, the children had sufficient time to answer the questions at their own pace, and
they were not rushed to give the examiner an answer. The content of the pre-assessment
appeared to match the children's current abilities. There were certain test questions that the
children answered correctly, and others where they were not able to give the correct
answer. With these test results, we as teachers were able to know the children's areas of strength
and need, and were able to adapt the lesson plans to meet the children's needs. Listed below is a
link to the Pre-and Post-Assessment Key.

Pre-Assessment Results:
Based on the pre-assessment data, we as teachers have a greater understanding of where our
students are currently regarding the standards we chose to assess them on. Listed below are
graphs of pre-assessment. Based on the pre-assessment data we gathered, we are able to see our
children's strengths and weaknesses.
Ryden was able to count the highest compared to his peers. He counted from 1-92 before
making a mistake. Macy counted to 38, Lincoln counted to 13, Grayson counted to 31, and
Adelaide counted to 11 before she made a mistake. The range of scores for counting are: mean,
37; median, 31. Based on the counting test results, Adelaide and Lincoln need additional
instruction and practice counting. Macy and Grayson also need support with counting,
especially as the numbers get higher.
All the children ,except Macy, were able to correctly identify the shapes I named on a piece of
paper. This assessment data shows that the questions were too easy for the children, and the test
was not difficult enough to tell us their true abilities and knowledge of shapes.
Grayson was the only student who was able to correctly answer the first word problem, and all of
the children did not answer the second word problem correctly. This data shows that each of the
children need instruction and support from the teachers on how to use addition and subtraction to
solve simple words problems. The data also suggests that the word problems were too difficult
for the children's current abilities, and we do not know what the children actually know about
addition and subtraction problems based on the test results.
When asked to identify the number of sides of various shapes, Macy, Lincoln, and Ryden were
able to correctly identify the number of sides of a triangle. Grayson, Lincoln, and Ryden were
able to identify the number of sides a square had. None of the students were able to identify how
many sides a hexagon had. Based on this information, we as teachers have a deeper
understanding of the student's knowledge of shapes. The majority of the children were able to
identify the shapes on a piece of paper, but they need additional support on identifying the
number of sides different shapes have. With this information, we can differentiate our lesson
plans and spend additional time teaching the children about the characteristics of shapes.
The children's abilities to write numbers 1-10 varies. Ryden was able to write each number, but
he wrote 3, 7, and 9 backwards. Macy was able to write 1,4,7, and 10. Lincoln was able to
write 1,3,4,5, and 7. Grayson was able to write 1,4,7,9, and 10. Adelaide was able to write 1 and
9 on the paper, and she identified the rest of the numbers that were hanging on the wall. Based
on these results, we are able to see the unique needs of each child, and we know how to
differentiate our instruction to meet those needs.
Pre-Assessment: Counting







Pre-Assessment: Identifying Shapes



Circle Rectangle Square Star Heart Triangle Oval Hexagon

Pre-Assessment: Word Problems






Question 1 Question 2

Pre-Assessment: Identifying the Number of

Sides of Shapes




Triangle Square Hexagon

Pre and Post Assessment Key:
1. “Starting with one, count as high as you can for me.”
2. I will say the name of a shape, and I want you to point to the shape I said.” Pictured below is the
worksheet I used on this question. The copy the child pointed to did not have the names of the
shapes on the left-hand side.

3. I read the students the following word problems, and gave them a paper and a pencil to help
them find the answer.

“Susan planted six flowers. Then, two flowers died. How many flowers does Susan still have?”
“Jessie watched three videos. The next day, she watched four videos. How many videos did she
watch all together?” (7).
4. I asked the children the following questions: “How many sides does a triangle have? How many
sides does a square have? How many sides does a hexagon have?”
5. I asked the children to show me how to write different numbers the following numbers:

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