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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Olivia Mills Date of Activity: 3/30 & 4/8 Faculty name: Darlene LaCroix

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

On 3/30 I helped Yvette Mathesen in the SILC lab. We helped her organize lab kits for

upcoming nursing cohorts. We helped set out all of the medical supplies first, label the supplies,

and then went in an assembly line to distribute all of the supplies into bags.

On 4/8 I volunteered at Casa Maria where we helped make sack lunches and cleaned up outside

the shelter. We organized the food in crates and then similar to the assembly line of the lab kits,

we distributed the food within bags and organized the lunches in crates to be handed out. We

also swept, attended mass with some of the people there, and then cleaned up the trash off of the

ground outside the shelter.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

Making the lab kits was held in the SILC lab for 4 hours. Volunteering at Casa Maria was held at

a homeless shelter/refuge called Casa Maria and we were there for 4 hours as well.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

The value of helping Yvette in the SILC lab felt as if we were passing down the baton to the new

generation of nursing students. We helped put all of the medical supplies together for them just as

someone else had done for us before we started nursing school. The value of volunteering at Casa

Maria opened my eyes to the hard-working people who serve the community daily and was a way
for us to give back a small portion of what this city has given to me for the past four years. Both

experiences were valuable in different ways and I will remember them each.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I would recommend each of these experiences to any student in the future. Helping out Yvette is

so fun because she has so many stories of her own personal experience as a nurse and she is so

cheerful, it makes helping her that much better. Volunteering at Casa Maria is a great way to

help the community that isn’t far from campus and is greatly needed. All of the people there

were all so kind, thankful and eager to help around. I would highly recommend both of these


Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? yes Signature on validation of clinical hours form

obtained? yes

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