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Myself as a Communicator Part 1

Myself as a Communicator Part One

Hannah Kuhnhausen
Salt Lake Community College

How am I at articulating my needs, opinions, views, or concerns?

When it comes to articulating my opinions and views, I have no problem. I have always
been excellent at discussing how I feel towards situations, people, and other things. I tend to
have strong opinions on topics such as politics and often share them.
I am not great at communicating my needs. I am one to put my needs last, so it’s hard for
me to communicate what I need sometimes. Although I tend to be highly self-aware, I
communicate some of it well and keep a lot of those feelings in.
How am I as a listener?
As a listener, I tend to think I have a lot of practice. I am always listening to other’s
problems and concerns, and I tend to give a lot of advice. However, I use small details like
repeating back what the person had said and using eye contact in order to show that I am really
I am also great at adapting to different situations, which makes it easy for me to
communicate with others in all types of circumstances. I work in customer service and
previously in politics, which I believe has allowed me to develop this skill. I am able to listen
and solve problems well in those environments.
What aspects of my nonverbal behavior are effective? What can be improved?
I effectively use nonverbal communication such as eye contact, smiling, nodding my
head, and standing using an open body position. These all allow people to gravitate towards me,
as well as help them understand that I am truly interested in what they have to say.
As for improving my nonverbal behavior, the first thing I recognize is that I tend to roll
my eyes often. Sometimes it’s even involuntary, but I need to work on doing that less. I also tend
to use an assertive tone, but it comes off as bossy or bratty. Being conscious of my tone when I
speak to people is something I have been aware of, it’s a work in progress.
What are my communication strengths?
My strengths as a communicator being with my ability to be highly empathic. I am able
to put myself in other’s shoes often, and their emotions tend to effect mine. I am also great at
taking different perspectives, I realize the world is not black and white and I try to imagine all
the grey possible before jumping to a conclusion.
I also think of myself as an ethical communicator. I am a horrible liar, so I tend not to do
it to save myself the embarrassment. I also believe it is important to be truthful, which also leads
me to be highly self-aware.
Myself as a Communicator Part 1

What are my communication weaknesses?

Like I mentioned before, my emotions often show on my face such as rolling my eyes. If
what I’m saying does not match my face, it is often not truly how I feel. I am working to show
less of my emotion on my face, however I also see this as a strength since it makes me unable to
be a good liar.
I also have an issue with tone, and avoiding communication that makes me
uncomfortable. Because of that, I am not great at communicating my needs. I am working on
voicing these things, like stating that I am hungry or tired, instead of often downplaying those
things in order to help others.
What is it like to have a conversation with me?
Having a conversation with me is easy and carefree. I tend to give lots of nonverbal
communication right at the start, and from there I adjust depending on the contents of the
conversation. I am adaptable to situations, meaning that I can communicate well with people
from all walks of life.
I listen well, and can be very empathetic to others. Because of this, people tend to confide
in me during conversation and often ask for my advice. I try my best to make whoever I’m
communicating with feel heard.

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