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Myself as a Communicator Part 2

Myself as a Communicator Part Two

Hannah Kuhnhausen
Salt Lake Community College
For this part of the assignment, I interviewed my best friend, Bethany, dad, Steve, and
boyfriend, Danny. These are some of the closest people in my life, however they have known me
at very different stages and in different environments so I hoped they could give me a broad
sense of my communication skills. My biggest take away from this assignment is that I am a
good communicator in aspects that I have recognized myself, however I can work on a few
things to make myself even better.
Articulating needs, opinions, views, or concerns
All three of the people I interviewed agreed that I am great at communicating my
opinions and views, however I struggle with communicating my needs. My best friend, Bethany
Katz, expressed that I am often unsure of my needs so it is hard for me to express them (B. Katz,
personal communication, February 1 2019). My father, Steve Kuhnhausen, remarked that when it
comes to communicating my opinions, I am not very subtle (S. Kuhnhausen, personal
communication, February 2 2019). However, my boyfriend, Danny Uribe, stated “You are great
at communicating your opinions and views when you find them interesting,” (D. Uribe, personal
communication, February 4 2019).
These statements mirror how I perceive myself. I often feel strongly about my opinions
and views and I express them often. It makes me feel great that my perception matches the way
others see me, but I know there are things I can work on. I would like to be better at expressing
my needs and learn how to communicate them clearly.
My father had a lot to say about my listening skills. Kuhnhausen stated that I am a decent
listener, but a better talker. He said that when I am listening I interject my own opinions, and
when I am finished I listen better. Uribe said that I am better than most at listening, I tend to
remember details and recall them in conversation. Katz expressed that I am good at listening and
understanding whether an opinion or just an ear is wanted by the person communicating.
These things also mirror my perceptions. I had stated “I use small details like repeating
back what the person had said and using eye contact in order to show that I am really listening,”
in my first paper. I was surprised to hear that I interject, it isn’t something I would have noticed
without it being pointed out. That is definitely something I can work on.
Nonverbal communication
Two of my interviewees, Katz and Uribe, agreed that I am a big eye roller. They also said that I
use a lot of nonverbal communication, such as facial expression and eye contact. Katz stated that
I am very emotional with my face so if my verbal communication does not match it’s easy to tell
Myself as a Communicator Part 2

I am not being honest. Kuhnhausen stated that I am very warm with my nonverbal
communication. Uribe said “You use body language more than anyone I’ve ever met!”
I found it interesting that my interviewees noted how much body language I tend to use. I
had noted my eye rolling and know that it is something I can work on. Most of my perceptions
were the same with this question, which feels positive.
Communication strengths
Kuhnhausen feels that I am a very good communicator, and that I can articulate what I
am saying clearly. He also feels I can be critical and serious without being rude. Uribe believes I
am good at telling others what to do, as well as great at customer service communication. Katz
felt I communicate in an informative and factual way.
My perceptions were a little different here, I believe I am very empathetic and none of
my interviewees mentioned that. However, they agreed with me that I can articulate things
clearly. I think I can work on being a better listener, however I am glad they all felt I am a good
Communication weaknesses
Uribe stated that sometimes I can be too forward or blunt in my communication. Katz
noted my eye rolling, again. Kuhnhausen said that I need to take a breath sometimes, and pause
before I continue.
Eye rolling seems to be a common theme here, and one I really need to work on and
address in order to better my communication. I am aware I tend to speak very fast, and my pace
means that I need to slow down and take a breath like my father said. I also am surprised no one
mentioned my tone, I felt like this is a problem I can work on.
Having a conversation with me
Katz, being my best friend who lives on the other side of the country, only gets to
communicate with me via telephone. She stated that our conversations balance well between
listening and speaking. Katz said that I am engaging and easy to talk to. Uribe said that our
conversations always flow well, and that I am informative and easy to talk to. Kuhnhausen stated
that having a conversation with me is good, once I begin listening.
My perceptions of conversations with me seem to match what my interviewees had to
say. I feel that it is easy, and the conversations I carry tend to flow well. I feel that I listen well
and try to really understand who I am talking to and what they have to say. However, I will be
working on listening even more and not rolling my eyes as much.
This assignment has reinforced a lot of my perceptions of how I communicate. I am very
self-aware of how I come across to others in conversation, and I am glad to know that overall I
am a good communicator. I am excited to know more about myself in this aspect, and to learn
what I do well in order to master those skills.
Myself as a Communicator Part 2

There are things I can work on, such as not rolling my eyes and allowing others to speak
before I interject my opinions. I will work on these things in conversation, and hope to become a
better communicator in the future.

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