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Assiut University 4th year Mechatronics

Faculty of Engineering Mechatronics sys. Design

Dept. of Mech. Eng. Sheet No (1)
Mechatronics Section 2018-2019

(Intro to neural network)

1-Choose the right answer:-

(1)-the network of figure 1, which is called a perceptron, is:

(a) a single layer feed-forward neural network

(b) an autoassociative neural network
(c) a multiple layer neural network

(2)-Which of the following is true?

(i) On average, neural networks have higher computational rates than conventional
(ii) Neural networks learn by example.
(iii) Neural networks mimic the way the human brain works.

(a) all of them are true

(b) (ii) and (iii) are true
(c) (i), (ii) and (iii) are true

(3)-What are the advantages of neural networks over conventional computers?

(i) They have the ability to learn by example

(ii) They are more fault tolerant
(iii)They are more suited for real time operation due to their high 'computational' rates
(a) (i) and (ii) are true
(b) (i) and (iii) are true
(c) all of them are true
(4)- Let us assume we implement an AND function to a single neuron. Below is a tabular
representation of an AND function:

What would be the weights and bias?

(Hint: For which values of w1, w2 and b does our neuron implement an AND function?)
A. Bias = -1.5, w1 = 1, w2 = 1
B. Bias = 1.5, w1 = 2, w2 = 2
C. Bias = 1, w1 = 1.5, w2 = 1.5
D. None of these

(5). A network is created when we multiple neurons stack together. Let us take an example
of a neural network simulating an XNOR function.

Suppose X1 is 0 and X2 is 1, what will be the output for the above neural network?

A. 0
B. 1
(6)- In a neural network, knowing the weight and bias of each neuron is the most important
step. If you can somehow get the correct value of weight and bias for each neuron, you can
approximate any function. What would be the best way to approach this?

A. Assign random values and pray to God they are correct

B. Search every possible combination of weights and biases till you get the best value
C. Iteratively check that after assigning a value how far you are from the best values, and
slightly change the assigned values values to make them better

(7) Given the description of a neural network. When does a neural network model become
a deep learning model?

A. When you add more hidden layers and increase depth of neural network
B. When there is higher dimensionality of data
C. When the problem is an image recognition problem
D. None of these

(8) What is the sequence of the following tasks in a perceptron?

Initialize weights of perceptron randomly
Go to the next batch of dataset
If the prediction does not match the output, change the weights
For a sample input, compute an output
A. 1, 2, 3, 4
B. 4, 3, 2, 1
C. 3, 1, 2, 4
D. 1, 4, 3, 2

(9) If you increase the number of hidden layers in a Multi- Layer Perceptron, the
classification error of test data always decreases. True or False?
A. True
B. False

(10)The different components of the neuron are denoted as:

Considering the above notations, will a line equation (y = mx + c) fall into the category of
a neuron?
A. Yes
B. No
2-Neural Network types can be classified based on a known criteria please mention it?
3-After mentioning this criteria give an example of each topology (Single-layer feed
forward networks) and (Multilayer feed forward networks) where you have known input
and a known output and you have to set weight and modify it to get this output ?
4-how could the neural network mimic the human brain? And why did the neural network
structure become better than the AI computing experts ?
5-In the shown figure we can see a neural network that was trained to work as an logic
AND gate Modify this set to achieve an OR gate .

6-suppose that x1 and x2 are binary valued (0, 1) which of the following represents (not x1
and not x2)

7-the BCD 8421 to decimal training set is an example on neural network, determine the
type of this network and input and output of the system .

8 –in the down figure below the network was already being trained and is able to learn now
, so while known the input trust table of x , y could determine the output .
9-how would you compute a superscript (2) in this network, after known how to represent
the neural network with superscripts and subscripts?

10-design a neural network set that express this Boolean algebra function

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