Rhetoric Essay Ad Paragraphs

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Grace E Tarara

Eng 110

Rhetoric Essay Ad’s

March 11, 2019

Found on google images from https://www.robbinsdiamonds.com/

The purpose of this advertisement is to sell wedding rings. When looking at the

advertisement initially, the shock factor is the woman holding up her finger. Though this looks

like a rude gesture, it is actually her ring finger. This show’s that the advertisement is for

wedding rings because the model’s ring finger is bare and is the center of attention. The hand is

where the focus of the image was when taken by a camera. This is a purposeful detail by the

company to draw the audiences eye to the ring finger. However, though the rest of the image is

out of focus, one can still see the model’s frustrated expression paired with the phrase ‘She’s

tired of waiting.’ It seems that the ad is trying to portray that the model is frustrated by the lack

of ring on the focal point of the image, her left ring finger. In western culture, where this
advertisement is presented, the left ring finger is reserved for promise rings or wedding rings.

Another societal norm relating to wedding rings in western culture is that they usually contain a

diamond. The company this ad is for has their logo and name conveniently placed next to the

model on the ad, which reads Robbins Diamonds. To make sure that the company only sold rings

and not general jewelry, I visited the website on the advertisement. On the Robbins Diamonds

website, it describes a company that specializes in wedding rings. Because of the nature of the

company, and all visual cues in the image of the advertisement we know that the purpose of this

specific Ad must be to sell wedding rings.

Found on google images, https://www.chefboyardee.com/

The audience for this advertisement is children who are picky eater’s and their parents. A

common problem in western culture is children that are known as picky eater’s because they are

very selective of food they wish to eat and often retaliate when given different foods. Chef Boy-
ar-dee is attempting to offer a solution to this problem to picky children and their parents. We

know the advertisement is centered around children because the image is of a Child enjoying

ravioli. When viewing a food advertisement, children are more likely to be agreeable towards it

if the person in the photo is also a child and not an adult. On the other hand, parents of the picky

eaters will also resonate with the advertisement because the image of a child eating may resonate

with memories of attempting to feed their child. Furthermore, the child in the image is not

looking at the camera, but instead upwards. This gives the impression that the child is looking at

someone else behind the camera. Because the boy is looking upwards and eating, I believe he is

looking at the person who gave him the food. This is an important detail for parents viewing the

advertisement because the child is smiling, showing that he is happy about the food given to him

by who could be his parent. This solves the arguments that parents may have faced previously

and thus works with the target audience of parents. Overall the happy tone of the image as shown

by the smiling model provides comfort when viewing for both ends of the audience.

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