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Cindy L. Torres

Classroom Management Plan EDU 5310

University of Utah
Classroom Management Plan


As an educator, I will encourage my students to enjoy learning new things

everyday. I want them to learn in a safe environment that will encourage them

to grow socially and academically. In my classroom each students will be

responsible for their own actions. I will have my students participate in many

team building activities that will help create a strong classroom community. As

their teacher I will diligently work on establishing trustworthy relationships

with each on my students which will promote independent learners who rely on

intrinsic motivation.

Teaching the core curriculum to my students plays a vital role in their

academic success yet it does not encompass everything they need know to be

productive citizens. Students spend about forty hours a week with their peers

and teacher at school. This significant amount of time together can either have

a positive affect or negative affect on a student therefore I will strive to build a

strong classroom community that will foster critical thinking.

Creating a strong classroom community that supports independent critical

thinkers will occur if I give my students opportunities to practice team building

activities on a regular basis. I would like my students to be impacted by what

they learn in my classroom so they can navigate through challenging moments in

life with a positive outlook.

Preventative Strategies

Classroom Rules

The first couple of days of school create class rules that are clear and will serve

as a guide which will help students successfully maneuver through school

everyday. Have the students take part in making these rule together with their

peers whom they just met. Creating rules as a class begins to build community

therefore this activity will be the first of many that will assist in accomplishing

a strong classroom community (Wilson, 2013, p.21). In addition, students now

have a vested interest in following rules they had a role in creating. Keep rules

short so they are easy to remember and students will more likely abide by rules

that everyone agreed upon together as a class. Once the rules have been decided

on, it is important to display them in a place that everyone can easily see them

and be proud of their work (Wilson, 2013, p.23). It is not enough just to display

rules on a poster in the classroom. I will teach the students what each rule

looks like by modeling. For example, What does ready position look like? Eyes

on speaker, voice off, pencils down.

Classroom Arrangement

The first week of school I will have my students choose their own seats as we get better

acquainted in order to help me design seating charts that will help them develop good learning

habit ( Brinkman-Forlini- Williams, 2010, p.37). The best time to develop to lasting habits is at

the beginning of the year therefore assigning seats can set students up for success. I will position

the desk where students are able to view the smart board and white board while I am teaching


My classroom bulletin boards will remain blank for the first couple of weeks of school.

This will allow them to be filled with my students work that will serve as positive reminders that

they are learning everyday.

Classroom Job

Assigning classroom jobs is a good building activity because it reminds

students that we are taking responsibly for a specific duty in their class. In

addition, it reinforces the fact that we need to take care of each other by

working together.

 Pencil Person – sharpens pencils
 Paper Passer – Passes out papers
 Paper Collector – Collects papers
 Door Monitors – opens and closes classroom and other doors
 Operator – answers the phone when the teacher is working with small groups or students
 Librarian – organizes classroom library
 Electrician – turns lights on and off when needed
 Line Leader – leads the line and sets the example
 Caboose – Monitors line from the back, last in line
 Botanist – water and cares for any class plants
 Supply Chief – passes out supplies, replenishes and organizes as necessary (3)
 Meteorologist – checks and records the weather and temperature, reports to the class
 Calendar Chief – in charge of changing date and keeping calendar updated
 Sanitizer – sprays one pump of hand sanitizer for other before lunch (2)
 Nurse Buddy – accompanies students to the nurse’s office if they are sick or hurt
 Messenger – delivers notes to other teachers or to the office
 Ambassador – helps visitors or new students learn their way around and keeps them
company at lunch and recess; explains classroom projects or displays to parents or visitors
with questions
 Clean up crew – everyone pick up 10 pieces of paper from the floor
 Decorator – helps with bulletin boards and classroom displays, tacks things up and takes
things down (3)

Time Management

I will display a daily schedule in my classroom that will help both my students and I stay

on track. It is also a wonderful tool to use that will remind students they must be quick during

their transitions. Time management require time limits so it is to let students know who many

second they have by counting down during a transition (Brinkman-Forlini- Williams, 2010,

p.53). Before I begin to do my countdown I will announce it is now time for Math. You have 20

Seconds to get out our math workbook, math journal, and a pencil. 20… 19… 18… 17…

Awesome Chris is ready. 16… 15… 14… 13… Abby is ready. 12… 11… John already has eyes

on me perfect. 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… Everyone is ready. Fabulous! 

Daily Routines

Students will begin to build good habits on the first week of school by developing

routines. It is important for me to make my expectations perfectly clear in order to avoid any

confusion. I will begin by asking students about how they have accomplish prior procedures.

This is a great way to have students access background knowledge of good habits they have been

taught in the passed yet taking one step further by asking students to visualize the procedure

(Brinkman-Forlini- Williams, 2010, p.39).

Morning Meeting

I will have students sit in their assigned seats while we pass around a small stuffed animal

that everyone gets to hold while they share their disposition from a scale of one to five. It is also

a time to share any exciting news they wish with their peers. A wonderful team building activity

that allow students to share yet it also helps me understand the dynamics of my classroom. It

will help me support students who might otherwise go unnoticed.

Collaborative Learning

It is important for students to be able to work indecently yet it is equally vital that they

are a capable to work with a partner, small groups or even whole group assignments. Students

need to learn as many social skills as possible which will prepare to productive citizen in our

society. We as adults need to collaborate with so many people throughout our day therefore it is

important that is teach my students the importance of skills.

Engaging Curriculum

Getting my students to be engaged and keeping their attention while teaching a lesson is

not an easy task therefore I will first explain the lessons goals and connect real world situations

that I may interest my class (Wilson, 2013, p.160). Being excited about what we are teaching are

students holds a lot of value therefore I will stay positive so that my students keep an open

mindset. I will have my students get up and write on the smart board or white board so they can

keep their bodies moving. I will tell them that I will be choosing random students in the

classroom to answer questions from the lesson I am teaching in order to hold them responsible

for their learning.

Safe Learning Environment

Using positive affirmations is key to creating a safe space to learn. In my classroom I

will use the Praise Two Approach. This approach encourages teachers to praise two students

before correcting one student (Brinkman-Forlini- Williams, 2010, p.71). This strategy reminds

me to say encouraging statements to my students throughout the busy school day.

Preventative Teaching Strategies

I will focus on meeting students needs by scaffolding lessons that will get students

engaged therefore reducing undesirables behavior from students who might get bored. This also

promotes constructive and prevents the conditions for misbehavior.

 Make your topics and units interesting and worthwhile.
 Be mindful of students’ needs.
 Be Approachable, friendly considerate and caring to students.
 Provide a positive role model for you students.

Supportive Teaching Strategies

I will designed to be implemented once I feel that students are getting off task. It would

involve me changing strategies during a lesson to support my students learning.

 Show interest in my students work by engaging them with questions and comments.
 Using not-verbal cues such as eye contact and head shaking (Wilson, 2013, p.29).
 Use proximity as a way of getting students back on task.
 Use positive teacher language.

Corrective Teaching Strategies

I will need to use this strategy as the final resort to correct inappropriate or undesirable

behavior in the classroom as it happens in the classroom. This is a way of disciplining students

when a serious violation or a major disruption has occurred.

 Intervening when my students break a class rule.
 Discussing students’ actions calmly and respectfully.
 Have a buddy teacher (Wilson, 2013, p.34).
 Maintain your composure (Wilson, 2013, p.35)

Parents/Guardians Open Communication

On back to school night I will inform parents/guardians that I will be available to meet

with them before school and after school. Furthermore, I will encourage parents to come to any

field trip we will be taking during the school year with their student.

Other Means of Communications (E-mail)

I will have a sheet during back to school night where I will ask parents/guardians to write

phone number and email address on the sign up sheet. I will also have a welcome letter to hand

out to parents that will have my e-mail address on it.


Wilson, M. (2013). Teasing, Tattling, Defiance and More: Positive Approaches to 10
Common Classroom Behaviors. MA: Northeast Foundation for Children, Inc.

Brinkman-Forlini- Williams, ( 2010). Class Acts: Every Teacher’s Guide To Activate Learning
Brinkman- Forlini-Williams, LLC

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