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Running head: The Controversial Dove Ad 1

The Controversial Dove Ad

Jessica Contreras- Linares

Arizona State University

The Controversial Dove Ad 2


In this essay, the author talks about the controversy that deals with the Dove campaign for one of

its products. She goes into depth and explains its rhetorical situation not just focusing on the

negative aspects, but she focuses on the whole thing as a whole. Talking about Dove’s history

with promoting difference positively, she talks about a particular ad where Dove has seemed to

do this but in a way where the response was not so positive.

Keywords​: Dove campaign, controversy, ad

The Controversial Dove Ad 3

The Controversial Dove Ad

Dove is known for many things such as its campaigns that

promote body positivity and people of color and are also known

for their soaps, body washes, and other various skin and hair

care related products. One thing they recently became known

for is for a certain controversial ad that came out not too long

ago. The main problem is the order in which the ad showcases

the three women in their ad. Dove placed three women in their

ad. On top of one of the darker models, a sign reads “before” and on top of the lightest model a

sign reads “after.” Is Dove saying that their product lightens your skin? Are they saying it’s not

okay to be plus size or of color? These were some of the things that were being said when these

ads were launched.

I myself have used Dove products and have had the results promised in the ads but have

never heard of this controversy or have seen this specific ad until now.

The Visual of it All

It’s a simple ad, nothing too extravagant. Three women are placed in the center, behind

them, two tan colored posters that are representing two types of skin are hung up. The first is

labeled “before” and looks like dry, cracked skin, and the second is labeled “after” and looks

smoother. Dove is promoting their “VisibleCare” line of crème body washes with the

catchphrase “visibly more beautiful skin from the most unexpected of places – your shower.” In

this ad, Dove’s purpose is to get you to at least buy and try the product.
The Controversial Dove Ad 4

Many people will take a first glance at this ad and see nothing wrong with it, but once

you give it a good look you’ll notice where Dove messed up. Dove used

simple colors like white and tan to keep it neutral and focus the ads

attention on the two purple and blue bottles in the bottom right hand

corner, the body wash. Many companies usually go for the loud, bright

colored ad to “catch the consumers attention” but recently many

companies have been going in another direction. People are now being drawn to the simple

colored ads like this Dove ad for example and they are trying to focus more on what the

advertisement is promising. Yet, a lot of people have brought this specific ad into a negative

light. Many have said that this ad is discriminating against people of color or is being racist due

to the way the models are placed in front of the two signs.

This ad relates to pathos because it is meant to provoke a positive emotion, and for some

it might. Personally, when taking a closer look, I became kind of angry and disgusted with this

ad with the way the three women were portrayed. Under the “before sign” a dark skinned

woman was put, in the middle there was a lighter, but still dark skin women and right under the

“after” sign, a white woman who appears to be the slimmest of the three. Keeping in mind that

this is an ad for Dove body wash, is this ad saying that the lighter your skin, the more beautiful

you are? Is it saying that women of color aren’t as beautiful as white women? Or is this body

was meant to lighten your skin? I feel as though this ad was 1.) not thought of thoroughly and 2.)

not put in the right way although the intentions of Dove were not meant to be negative. Putting

the women of color under the “before” sign and the white woman under the “after” sign isn’t

necessarily the way to go.

The Controversial Dove Ad 5

Why would Dove place these models in that specific order? Did they do this without thinking?

When talking about logos, Dove has had campaigns to promote plus size models and

women of color. But if that’s the case then they should also be careful as to how and where they

place these women in their shoots. For example, in this particular ad, a plus size model of color

was placed under a “before” sign and a white, relatively thin model was placed under the “after”

sign. And although this body wash is promoted to moisturize your skin, it does not look right

placing the models the way Dove has placed them in this ad. And as a result of poor placement,

Dove has undergone multiple hate comments and negative reviews. In this case, it seems to

many people that Dove is saying that it is not okay to be of

darker skin and that after using this product, your skin will

appear to be lighter and with that, look “more beautiful.”

Dove didn’t release this ad at the wrong time, many

people in society these days tend to use body wash when

showering, but with all things considered, Dove body wash

needs to be taking closer looks as to how they set up their ad

campaigns. It’s great that they are choosing to promote things that are out of today’s social

norms, but when doing so, they need to be extremely careful as to how they set up what they are

trying to shoot since whatever they choose to launch will be seen by millions.

Relating to ethos, Dove has used three women who appear to be happy, content, and

overall okay with their results from the product. This may help consumers want to buy their

product when seeing this ad on social media or any other platform. Considering the fact that

these women appear to look “normal,” this can help consumers feel as though they can relate to
The Controversial Dove Ad 6

these ad models. There are three women in this ad campaign, so by thought, Dove is trying to

reach out to the feminine community by showcasing these three models wrapped in a towel.


Dove, like stated before, has been recently known for promoting plus sizes and people of

color. In this ad Dove placed one plus size, model of color to help promote different sizes and

skin tones and help society push their social norms out of the way, which is great for them but

after the ad was launched, Dove has received backlash for the way the models were placed in

front of the two signs. Many thought the ad was racist for putting the plus sized model of color in

front of the “before” sign and the white slim model in front of the “after” sign.

In the End

The Dove ad was not bad nor was it put out at the wrong time. Dove has great campaigns

and products and have really helped when it comes to promoting plus size models and models of

color. They just need to be more vigilant when it comes to placement and the way they order

their ad models and the way they showcase whatever it is that they are promoting. Many people

don’t complain about the product itself but have complained about the way this ad is set up and

that is why Dove has received so much backlash since this ad was launched. In the end, Dove

could have easily avoided being put in the negative side of things if they had just put a bit more

thought into the visual part of their ads.

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