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Rationale Template - Module 1 - Standards 1 & 3

Instructions Responses
Name: Sky Stressman
Date: Double click on date for pop-up calendar. 9/17/2018
Part I: The following questions will help you craft and analyze your
teaching artifact and rationale. The purpose of the rationale is to
document how you are meeting the HTSB Teacher Performance
Standards for each module.
LCC CTE Education Course: ED 313A - Observation & Participation (O&P)

Instructor: Banks, Dan

HTSB Standard #3: Learning Environment - The teacher works with others to create
Module 1 - Choose Standard 1 or 3 environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive
social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
Digital Media 1 Course Packet. The course packet is given at the begining of the year/course
for the student to take home, review with their parent/guardian, and sign and return to class.
The packet includes a welcome letter to parents, the course syllabus, clasroom rules and
Describe your artifact that represents HTSB Standard 1 or 3. procedures, and a signature page
Class policies and procedures are reviewed throughout the year, but explaining the rules, and
making sure the student understands and agrees with the policies, from day 1 is critical to
Describe the results of your artifact. make sure the students keep a safe and productive learning environment. When I am able to
esablish policy and procedures from the start of class, there is little to no confusion and/or
argument about the clss rules.
Part II: Connect the teaching artifact to a sub-standard and assess
your proficiency.
3.2: Candidate Establishes Rules, Routines, and Procedures - Does Candidate articulate explicit
Choose one (01) Sub-standard that best represents your teaching
expectations for a safe, positive learning environment, including norms for behavior that
artifact and the Standard from which it belongs.
include respect for others, as well as responsibility for preparation and completion of work?
Reviewing the course packet on first day of class esablishes the classroom rules, policies, and
procedures. 1st day of class time is dedicated to reviewing the classroom policies and
Explain the connection between the artifact and Sub-standard.
procedures. Students are expected to fully understand what is expected of them as they enter
the classroom.
4 - Candidate ALWAYS does this as a teacher or scores 90% or above (Exceeds Proficiency)
Self-assess your proficiency level (1 - 4) of the sub-standard chosen.

I have instructed courses where the class rules and routines were not established from day 1,
Explain your Self-Assessment.
and what it does is make a difficult job impossible. By
3.1: Candidate Communicates Expectations to Families
Part III: Improve your proficiency for the HTSB sub-standard. Does Candidate set expectations for the learning environment appropriate to school/district
policies and communicate expectations clearly to families?
I send a course packet and welcome letter home to parents, and leave myself open to parent
Describe how you will improve the proficiency of your chosen Sub- contact (I do speak with several parents), but I do not have an online system for parents to
standard. track their students progress in class. I would like to implement a online classroom that
parents have access to.
Developing School, Family, and Community Partnerships
Great online resource outlining how to structure community partnerships
Describe at least two appropriate research findings on how to
improve effeciency:
Google for Education
One of many online training resourses for Goolge classroom
I would love to implement a school wide management system (like Canvas or Blackboard), but
Describe how you will implement your research. so far this has not happened. Until then I will use Google classroom (because its free) and set
up parental contacts by using the other Google apps like Calendar, Gmail, and Hangouts.

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