Final Mat 3 4

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Idioms for Everyday Use

Give a definition or a synonym of the bolded phrase in each sentence.

1. That test was a piece of cake, it only took the class 15 minutes!

2. My younger sister is a pain in the neck. She is always

asking me to do things for her.

3. You and my friend are in the same boat, you both have to work tonight too.

4. Buying a trip to Europe will cost you an arm and a leg.

5. They were not sure about what they were going to do yet, it’s still up in the air.

6. She’s just pulling your leg, we don’t have homework due today.

7. My dog will eat anything at the drop of a hat.

8. I’ve been feeling under the weather so I’m not going to class today.

9. Their daughter let the cat out of the bag. Now her mum knows about the surprise


10. I think I might hit the sack, I’m exhausted.

11. AE: My brother breaking his leg really threw a wrench in the works since I had to drive

him to school instead of going on my vacation.

12. BrE: All you have to do is follow the directions, fill out the paper and bob’s your uncle

you’ll finish the task!

With a partner, go over your answers and come up with a sentence of your own

for each idiom. Afterwards, discuss with your partner in what contexts idioms are

appropriate to use.
Look at the bolded word in the sentence below and fill in the specified translations.

1. Actually, I went to the doctor’s office yesterday, not today.

looking a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

2. For her internship, she assists the dentist during check-ups.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

3. They both attend Arizona State University and are due to graduate in the fall.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

4. That’s bizarre. I’ve never seen him refuse a meal before.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

5. We need a new carpet, there are stains everywhere!

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

6. Their pet dog almost choked to death on a chicken bone.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

7. He was so embarrassed after having fallen off his skateboard in front of a crowd.
a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

8. They say you should always check your nearest exit in the case of a fire!

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

9. The greatest deception in life is self-deception.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

10. The professor always spoke in idioms that no one understood.

a. Incorrect translation:

b. Correct translation:

In 2-3 sentences, answer the questions below with a partner:

11. What is a cognate? What is a false cognate?

Are there some false cognates that you have used before?

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