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Teacher Leadership: This reading delved deep into the importance of anti-bias

leadership. Starting with being self-aware and culturally competent teachers need to
reflect on themselves and evaluate their biases. It states that there is a connection between
individual biases and how teaching. The article further discusses the importance of
leadership, speaking out, and forming relationships. The article concludes with leadership
outside the classroom and continual reflection. In each subcategory, it lists strategies to
help implement and build strong leaders. The author suggests that learning never ends
and that all of the stated topics should constantly be reevaluated to ensure ant biases in

The Many Faces of Leadership: Danielson (2007) discusses the invaluable asset of
teachers as leaders. Danielson first goes to explain what teacher leaders are, their skills
and qualifications, and how they contribute positively to a school’s culture. The author
further discusses the importance and value of promoting teacher leaders. It is suggested
that teacher leaders are an asset that can help change school culture. Teacher leaders have
positive impacts on students which trickles into the different facets of school culture.
Teacher leaders not only have a positive impact on their students, they also positively
motivate their colleagues. Danielson points out that teacher leaders have many roles and
although teachers often step into roles of need, they do not realize that they are a being a
teacher leader.

The two articles delve deep into the heart of teacher leaders. The common thread between
the two articles is the importance of anti-biases. Both articles recommend that anti
biasness is at the core of being an effective teacher leader. Article one focuses on the self-
reflection of an individual’s bias and strategies that foster positive climates. The second
article goes into the role of the teacher leader and why it is important to promote teacher


Teacher Leadership

The Many Faces of Leadership

C. D. (2007). The Many Faces of Leadership. Educational Leadership,65(1), 14-19.

Retrieved from

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