Grade 2: Introduction To Science Ocean Life-Vocabulary Lesson Plan

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Charlesse Lawson, Jenae Shaw, Jessica Thibou

Introduction to Science ocean Life-Vocabulary lesson Plan

Grade 2

Text: Magician of the Sea

1. Objective: The students will be able to accurately identify 6 of the 8 focused


Standard: LAFS.K.RI.2.4 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about

unknown words in a text.

2. Assessment:

a) Formative Assessment- Word wall and synonyms

b) Summative Assessment- Using the word wall students will assembly an octopus

and define each focus word on each tentacle in their own words.

3. Materials: Construction paper, scissors, pencil, markers and the octopus body parts.

4. Words that will be taught-

Intelligent, Predator, Defend, Clever, Camouflage, Invertebrates, Siphon, and


5. Procedure:

I. Introduction

Introduce the words and show pictures of the words with

Charlesse Lawson, Jenae Shaw, Jessica Thibou

II. Word wall – Have students place the words on the wall and

match synonym.

III. Reinforcing what a synonym is and pausing when we come

across the focused words while reading the text.

IV. Closing and formative assessment-Using the word wall students will

assembly an octopus and define (in own words) each focus word on each


6. Other Accommodations

a. ESE/ELL accommodations

o Allow answers to be given orally or dictated

o Hands on activities

b. Cross-curricular connections- Ocean science Life

c. Learning style accommodations

 Auditory- Preferential seating

 Visual- Verbal and visual cues regarding directions and staying on


 Tactile/ Kinesthetic- use of manipulatives

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