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Gastrointestinal mucus
Department of Physiological Sciences, The Medical School,
AD R I A N AL LE N Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne,
United Kingdom

CHAPTER CONTENTS of mucus structure stems from the classic work by

Kabat, Morgan, and Watkins (253, 254) on the ABH
Adherent Mucus Gel antigenic determinants carried by the soluble mucin
In vivo continuity and thickness
Physical and permeability properties
(mucus glycoprotein components). Since then a wealth
Isolated Mucin Glycoprotein of knowledge has accumulated on the mechanisms and
Technology control of mucin secretion by the different cell types
Mucin carbohydrate chain structure in the gastrointestinal tract and the structure of the
Protein core of mucins and macromolecular polymeric structure component mucin subunits, although the tertiary po-
Gel-formation and physical properties of mucins
Lipid and protein components of mucus secretions lymeric structure of mucins has yet to be clearly
Biosynthesis and Secretion of Mucus: Cellular Aspects defined. More recently, particularly in the stomach
Mucus-secreting cells and duodenum, emphasis has been on the adherent
Mucin biosynthesis gel that provides a protective barrier and stable un-
Secretion of mucus
Secretion of Mucus: Measurement and Control stirred layer at the enteric interface. The adherent
Measurement mucus gel is emphasized in this chapter. Salivary
Control of secretion of gastric mucus mucus and biliary mucus, secreted primarily as a
Control of secretion of intestinal and colonic mucus viscous soluble phase, are not considered here; the
Degradation of Mucus reader is referred to the chapter by Quissel and Tabak
Function of Mucus
and the chapter by Hofmann in this Handbook.
The viscous and gel-forming components of mucus
secretions are glycoproteins, often referred to as mu-
MUCUS IS A UBIQUITOUS SECRETION from stomach to cins. In this chapter the term mucus is used for the
colon. It is a major organic secretion of the gut in secretion and mucin for its mucus glycoprotein com-
terms of output by weight and biosynthetic require- ponents. [The spelling mucus is used throughout for
ments. Mucus contrasts with the other gastrointes- both the noun and adjective (41).]
tinal secretions: its primary physical form is a water-
insoluble gel adherent to the mucosal surfaces. This ADHERENT MUCUS GEL
mucus gel layer marks the interface between the mu-
cosal epithelium and the liquid luminal environment, I n Vivo Continuity and Thickness
which is teeming with nutrients, destructive hydro-
lases, foreign compounds, and microbial life. The ad- The recognition that there is a distinct layer of
herent mucus gel thus provides a protective barrier water-insoluble mucus gel adherent to the mucosal
and a stable unstirred layer between the mucosa and surface in vivo and the characterization of this gel
the lumen. Mucus also occurs in a predominantly have been important developments over the last dec-
soluble form mixed with the luminal contents. ade. This adherent mucus gel layer is subject to de-
The foundations for the gastrointestinal mucus field hydration and shrinkage when exposed to routine
were laid in the 1950s in the areas of gastroduodenal histological fixation procedures (10, 197), and there-
mucosal protection and blood group antigen structure. fore little or no extracellular mucus is visible on sec-
The work of Florey (67), Heatley (86), and Hollander tions routinely fixed and stained for light microscopy.
(90) highlighted the protective roles of gastroduodenal Similarly standard preparation procedures for elec-
mucus and led to the concept of a two-component tron microscopy distort the adherent mucus layer to
barrier against acid and pepsin, comprising an alkaline give condensed strands or fenestrated patches (32,
mucus layer and the underlying rapidly regenerating 196). An extracellular mucus layer is observed if spe-
epithelium (90). Much of the current understanding cial techniques are employed to fix the gel matrix prior

to processing. An adherent mucus layer over the prox- view it by light microscopy on unfixed sections of
imal and distal colon of the rat (average thickness 150 fresh mucosa (111, 149). The mucosa, mounted lu-
pm and 16 pm) has been observed by light microscopy minal surface uppermost, is sectioned by razor blades
of sections made after freeze substitution and vapor 1.6 mm apart. During the procedure the mucosa and
fixation (197). When stabilized with antibodies, extra- subsequent sections are bathed in physiological saline
cellular mucus is seen under the scanning electron to prevent dehydration. This technique has been ap-
microscope as a continuous cover over the mouse plied to human and rat stomach and rat duodenum.
ileum and rat colon (32, 196). In all cases the adherent mucus layer was an optically
Two techniques have been developed for measuring distinct, translucent layer readily distinguishable from
the thickness of the adherent mucus layer on unfixed, the mucosa and luminal bathing solutions (Fig. 1A).
fresh mucosa: 1) an indirect method that makes use The mucus layer was always continuous but of variable
of a slit lamp and pachymeter to measure gel thickness thickness: the median range for thickness values for
over an everted mucosa bathed with solution (26,187) gastric mucus was an average of 180 pm (individual
and 2) direct observation of unfixed sections of mu- readings 50-450 pm) and -70-80 pm (individual read-
cosa by light microscopy (111, 149). The pachymeter ings 10-400 pm) in human and rat, respectively (15,
is an image-splitting device that allows the measure- 111, 149, 211). Success of this technique depends on
ment of optically distinct objects to an accuracy of f the observed physical stability of the adherent mucus
20 pm, With this method mucus thickness over the gel layer, of which the section thickness does not
rat fundus was a mean of 166 pm for six stomachs (3- significantly change over 60 min and measurements
4 readings per stomach) and an average of 652 pm and are independent of the sectioning and mounting pro-
500 pm for two samples of human antrum (26). cedures.
A simple, direct, and reliable method for observing In rat stomach, prostaglandins [topical; (26, l l l ) ] ,
adherent mucus gel and measuring its thickness is to carbachol (intraperitoneal), and secretin [intravenous;
(5, 148)] administered in vivo result in an up to
threefold significant increase in median mucus thick-
-Bathing Solution
ness. The mucus gel layer in vivo is unchanged after
exposure to acid pH 2.2 for 2 h but becomes granular
in appearance and discontinuous after topical pepsin
Adherent Mucus Gel [2 mg/ml, pH 2.2; (128)]. There is a reduction of mucus
gel thickness to 15% of control values, with substantial
Mucosa discontinuities and epithelial exfoliation, after expo-
sure of a ligated stomach to distending volumes (4 ml)
of 70% ethanol for 45 s (209).
Although both direct observation of unfixed mu-
cosae and indirect measurements by the pachymeter
give qualitatively similar results for mucus thickness,
the direct observations are consistently about half the
-Mucus and Necrotic Cells pachymeter dimensions (Table 1).India ink particles,
added prior to sectioning, settled on the surface of the

TABLE 1. Comparison of Adherent Mucus Thickness

Fibrin and Surface p H Gradients
Rat Human
-Reepithelializing Mucosa
Basal Prostaglandin Ref.
Direct, unfixed 77 139 180 15, 111
Pachymeter 166 399 500 26
pH gradient 695 192
FIG. 1. A: adherent gastric mucus viewed under bright field on a
396 294 114
transverse section (1.6 mm thick) of rat gastric mucosa. Three
distinct phases can be seen clearly: mucosa, mucus gel layer, and
Direct, unfixed 80 149
bathing solution. For method, see Kerss et al. (111).B: reepithelial-
ized mucosa: rat gastric mucosa after exposure to 70% (vol/vol)
pH gradient 750 1,470 65
ethanol for 45 s and rapid wash with 0.9% (wt/vol) sodium chloride
followed by 0.9% (wt/vol) sodium chloride for 1 h. Mucosa was In all cases values are given for 16, 16-dimethyl prostaglandin
formalin fixed, embedded in paraffin wax, and sections were stained E2; see references for doses and administration routes. Results are
with periodic acid-Schiff stain for mucin. ( [ A courtesy of L. A. expressed as mean (pm), except from direct, unfixed sections, which
Sellers; B from Sellers et al. (209).] are expressed as median (fim).

adherent mucus gel viewed on unfixed sections. This served. Direct observations of mucus thickness
demonstrates that the site of the mixing boundary showed the adherent gel was unaffected by 20% N-
between the insoluble mucus gel phase and the bulk acetylcysteine in vitro over 30 min at pH 2.2 or 7.4
luminal fluid phase is truly represented in the direct and little change was seen until after a 60-min incu-
method (111). It has been suggested that these differ- bation (111). Physical studies on isolated mucus gel
ences in thickness dimensions between the two meth- show that it takes -30-60 rnin to effectively dissolve
ods could be due to the pachymeter measuring a in strong solutions of thiol agents [0.2 M mercapto-
component of unstirred solution exterior to the adher- ethanol; (21)]. In contrast, mucus gel thickness meas-
ent mucus gel (12). Also, there is an uncertainty in ured by the pachymeter is reduced from a mean of 166
the pachymeter method, in that the refractive index pm to a mean of 88 pm within 3 min after treatment
of mucus is assumed to be the same as water. Direct with 20%N-acetylcysteine (26),whereas pH gradients
observation of mucus gel on unfixed sections would at a fixed point over the rat stomach surface collapsed
appear to be the more sensitive method of the two, from pH 5.69 to 3.88 after treatment with 5% N-
and it shows clearly the variable contours of the gel acetylcysteine for 15 min (193). It would appear there-
at its luminal surface, which are not observed by the fore that the rapid changes after N-acetylcysteine
pachymeter. observed by the pachymeter and with pH gradients
A functional method that measures the thickness of reflect events other than a collapse in thickness of the
the unstirred layer a t the mucosal surface is the pH visible adherent mucus gel layer. One possible expla-
gradient, and its dimensions have been equated with nation is that the rapid effect of N-acetylcysteine
the thickness of the adherent mucus gel layer. These observed with the pachymeter and with measurement
pH gradients, measured using antimony microelec- of pH gradients reflects a decrease in the viscosity of
trodes, progressively increase from an acid pH (e.g., the more readily thiol-reducible soluble mucus exterior
pH 2) in the lumen to near neutral pH at the mucosal to the adherent gel.
surface. Such surface pH gradients have been dem- After acute mucosal damage by alcohol and subse-
onstrated in the rabbit and rat stomach in vivo (114, quent epithelial repair, in the rat animal model there
192, 258), the amphibian stomach in vitro (239), and is a massive release of surface mucoid gel mixed with
the rat duodenum in vivo (65). The dimensions of the exfoliated, necrotic epithelium (118,119,157,158).
these pH gradients, several hundred microns (Table This gelatinous or mucoid coat, which can be observed
l), are clearly substantially greater than the dimen- by routine histochemical methods, forms rapidly
sions of the adherent mucus layer measured either by (within 7 min of exposure to ethanol) and although it
direct observation or by the pachymeter. The pH- contains substantial numbers of necrotic cells and
gradient dimensions do, however, compare closely to fibrin it has been assigned by some workers as mucus
those for unstirred water layers recorded at gastroin- (119, 158, 215). Recent histochemical studies with
testinal mucosal surfaces by other methods under peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining for fibrinogen
conditions of low shear (82, 130, 243). It seems rea- show this mucoid coat is predominantly a fibrin gel
sonable to conclude that the measured pH gradients with an exterior layer rich in mucus and necrotic cells
extend into the lumen in a layer of unstirred solution [Fig. 1B; (10, 209)]. This fibrin-based gelatinous coat
beyond the phase boundary of the adherent mucus gel is granular in appearance, sloppier, and substantially
(12). The effectiveness of such an unstirred layer thicker (median thickness 680 pm; range 40-1,560 pm
outside of the gel matrix would be enhanced by the on unfixed mucosal sections) than the thin, translu-
presence of a viscous soluble mucus. However, such cent, rigid adherent mucus gel covering the undam-
an unstirred layer would be decreased or eliminated aged mucosa [median thickness -200 pm after maxi-
by shear, and under conditions of high motility in vivo mal topical prostaglandin stimulation (149,211)].The
the adherent mucus gel alone might be expected to fibrin-mucoid coat is dissolved by pepsin and N-ace-
provide the basis for the pH gradient. This is borne tylcysteine but, unlike the adherent mucus gel, is
out by the large reduction in the dimensions of the resistant to ethanol, although relatively easily re-
unstirred layers associated with stirring (82, 243), i.e., moved mechanically (118, 251). Studies in vivo in rat
a reduction from 500 to 63 pm in the rat intestine, a stomach demonstrate that the fibrin-mucoid coat
value close to that found for the adherent gastric forms after exudation of plasma from the damaged
mucus gel. A value of 650 pm for unstirred layers in mucosa and is thought to protect the subsequent re-
rat intestine, calculated from a kinetic analysis of pair by reepithelialization (101, 118, 251).
substrate hydrolysis, is more than one-quarter of the To provide an effective barrier it is important that
intestinal diameter and nearly half its volume (226). adherent mucus forms a continuous cover over the
This value, which is still lower than the measured pH- gastroduodenal mucosa in vivo. Evidence favors such
gradient dimensions for the rat duodenum (Table l), a continuous cover. If special techniques to preserve
is unlikely to apply in vivo under normal conditions. the mucus gel in situ are employed, then a continuous
Interesting differences in the rate of action of N- extracellular mucus layer is observed over the mucosa
acetylcysteine on decreasing the dimensions of mucus with both light and electron microscopy (32,196,197).
thickness and collapsing pH gradients have been ob- A continuous adherent mucus layer is always observed

in unfixed sections of gastric mucosa, with minimum solve in solutions of pH 1-8, hypertonic salt (e.g., 2 M
values of 50 pm in the human and 10 pm in rat (148, NaCl), or bile (21, 210). Denaturants such as high
149, 211). No discontinuities in the mucus layer are concentrations of salt, guanidinium chloride, and urea
observed when mucus thickness is measured using a are frequently used to disperse mucus secretions. The
pachymeter (26) or in the pH gradients at the mucosal success of such dispersion depends on the preparation;
surface (114, 192, 239, 258). The continuity of the relatively uncontaminated gastroduodenal and colonic
mucus layer over undamaged mucosa, however, has mucus gels remain unaffected (20, 21), while crude
been questioned on the basis of a discontinuous layer small intestinal mucus gel and preparations of respi-
seen under both light and electron microscopy (156, ratory and cervical mucus are dissolved by such agents
157). Such an interpretation can be criticized, because (38,112,146,210). The susceptibility of a given mucus
no attempt was made in these studies to preserve the preparation to denaturants could reflect, at least
gel matrix in situ prior to histological processing. partly, the amount of nonmucin material present in
Glutaraldehyde used in these particular studies for the sample (210). Various amounts of mucin glycopro-
fixing the mucosa has been shown with unfixed sec- tein, 20%-70% by weight, can be solubilized from the
tions to cause discontinuities and an overall shrinkage gel by stirring or dialysis over several hours. However,
in thickness of the mucus layer to a mean of 45% of to fully disrupt the noncovalent bonds between mucin
control values (148). The contrast between the lack of molecules it is necessary to use shear (e.g., homoge-
adherent mucus on histological sections of undamaged nization for 1 min) at levels substantially higher than
mucosa and the thick gelatinous coat observed on those that occur in vivo (2). For the larger species of
sections from mucosa after ethanol damage (157) has mucin glycoprotein [molecular weight ( M J = several
also been seen as supporting the discontinuous mucus million] such shear procedures can cause fragmenta-
layer in the former case in vivo. This is now explained tion of the native molecule (38).
by the formation of an ethanol-resistant, sloppy, fi- An important aspect of mucus gels from all regions
brin-base gelatinous coat 10-fold thicker and quite of the gastrointestinal tract is their solubilization by
different from the original adherent mucus gel (209). proteolytic enzymes or, after reduction of disulfide
bridges, by agents such as mercaptoethanol, dithio-
Physical and Permeability Properties threitol, or N-acetylcysteine (3, 21, 56, 213). The
mucolytic effect of such procedures is due to cleavage
Mucus gel gently removed from the mucosal surface of the protein core of the polymeric mucin, which
contains 90%-95% by weight water and an overall yields smaller glycoprotein units with lower viscosity
electrolytic composition similar to plasma (91). In and no gel-forming properties (2, 3, 201, 227). The
addition to the gel-forming component, the mucus rate of collapse of mechanical properties of pig gastric
glycoprotein (mucin), such preparations contain vary- mucus gel on reduction after incubation with 0.2 M
ing amounts of protein, nucleic acid, and lipid, de- mercaptoethanol is relatively slow, and the sample
pending on the severity of the procedure used to only assumes liquid properties after -1 h (21).
remove the gel and the underlying epithelium. Also Whereas mercaptoethanol penetrates the interstices
associated with the mucus gel are other gastrointes- of the gel, pepsin does not (l),and consequently the
tinal secretions, spent epithelial cells, bacteria, and enzyme dissolves the mucus gel a t its surface, with the
bacterial components (2, 40, 161). The concentration sample becoming progressively smaller, but what re-
of mucin glycoprotein forming the gel varies according mains is still a gel. Proteolytic degradation by pepsins
to the source of the mucus; pig gastric mucus and pig of adherent gastroduodenal mucus to produce soluble,
duodenal mucus contain -50 mg/ml glycoprotein, pig degraded mucin glycoprotein is a major feature gov-
small intestinal mucus contains -20 mg/ml glycopro- erning mucus dynamics in vivo and is discussed in
tein, and pig colonic mucus contains -30 mg/ml gly- DEGRADATION OF MUCUS, p. 372.
coprotein (21, 210). The permeability properties of mucus gels have not
Adherent gastrointestinal mucus secretions have been precisely defined. The gel matrix of adherent
mechanical properties characteristic of weak viscoe- mucus provides an excellent, stable, unstirred layer,
lastic gels (20, 59, 112, 113, 150). Detailed physical although it is still >90% solution. Hydrogen ions and
studies show such mechanical properties are charac- other small-molecular-weight ions and solutes (e.g.,
teristic of adherent mucus from all regions of the pig glucose, salicylates) and molecules as large as vitamin
gastrointestinal tract (stomach through to colon) and B ( M , 1,346) can permeate gastric mucus gel (1, 173,
human gastric mucus (21, 210). Adherent mucus is a 257). The gastric mucus gel matrix (and likely that of
“true” gel; i.e., it does not dissolve on dilution and can other mucus gels from the gastrointestinal tract) is
be sedimented by centrifugation. At the same time impermeable to proteins the size of myoglobin ( M ,
mucus gel will reform when sectioned and slowly flow 17,000), and therefore it is also a diffusion barrier to
over a relatively long time scale (30-120 min), prop- proteinases such as pepsin ( M , -35,000) (1). The
erties that enable it to form a continuous cover over measured rate of diffusion of H’ through mucus gel is
the mucosal surface in vivo. about fourfold slower than an equivalent unstirred
Adherent gastrointestinal mucus gel does not dis- layer of solution (173, 257). This rate of H+ diffusion

is still relatively fast, and it would be a matter of prevent their degradation by endogenous proteinases.
minutes for H+ in the lumen to equilibrate across the This is usually achieved by the addition of a spectrum
adherent mucus layer in vivo in the absence of surface of proteinase inhibitors and/or denaturants such as
neutralization (7, 51, 52). It has been proposed that guanidinium chloride to the mucus secretions imme-
lipids associated with the adherent mucus layer sig- diately after their collection from the animal (13, 37,
nificantly reduce the rate of H+ diffusion through 38).
mucus (88,131, 200). The ion-exchange properties of Classic chemical techniques and glycosidase en-
mucus have also been implicated in influencing the zymes have been used widely to elucidate the struc-
rate of H+ diffusion through mucus (225, 244). How- tures of the carbohydrate side chains of mucins (34,
ever, it remains that acid will rapidly diffuse through 35,219,253,254). More recently proton nuclear mag-
isolated mucus gel both in vitro and in vivo, and netic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectroscopy
therefore it is unlikely that lipids or the ion-exchange combined with high-pressure liquid chromatography
properties of the adherent mucus layer enable it to have been applied to mucin structure. These powerful
provide a significant diffusion barrier to H+. There is analytical tools use relatively small amounts of ma-
a need for more detailed studies to determine how terial and will no doubt surplant older classic methods
diffusion through the negatively charged mucus gels, (97, 237, 246, 247). The use of lectins and mucin
from different regions of the gastrointestinal tract, is antibodies, particularly monoclonals, has been em-
governed by the charge, size, and shape of the solute. ployed as a very sensitive means for identifying spe-
cific oligosaccharide and peptide structures in tissue
sections, for quantitating mucins, and for structural
ISOLATED MUCIN GLYCOPROTEIN studies (28, 30, 31, 58, 62, 103, 137, 140, 180).
The large size of mucins, their inherent polydis-
Technology persity, and their viscous, non-Newtonian behavior in
solution make study of their physical properties par-
Mucin glycoproteins are very complex molecules of ticularly difficult. Polydispersity in size of mucins
large molecular size (millions of daltons), and avail- means that their molecular-weight values represent a
able technology has largely determined progress in mean around a broad distribution, which can vary
their isolation and purification, as well as elucidation widely from one glycoprotein preparation to another
of their chemical and physical structures. (For more and lead to different interpretations of results (11, 13,
comprehensive information, see refs. 2, 9, 38, 39, 41, 36, 37, 45, 46, 75). Analytical ultracentrifugation, vis-
161, 167.) cosity determinations, and light-scattering measure-
Variations and combinations of three widely used ments have been used to determine size and shape of
methods are usually employed in the isolation and mucins in solution (2,38,45,75).Electron microscopy
purification of mucin glycoproteins: 1) gel filtration, has given essential information about shape and size
2) equilibrium density-gradient centrifugation, and 3) of mucins, estimated from measured contour lengths
ion-exchange chromatography. These techniques (83, 84, 151, 212, 216, 217). To obtain a reasonable
make use respectively of differences in size, density, assessment of physical properties of mucin glycopro-
and charge to separate mucins from other macromo- teins a combination of methods is necessary.
lecular components in the secretion and to fractionate
different species of mucin. Gel filtration on large-pore Mucin Carbohydrate Chain Structure
gels will separate mucins (excluded) from proteins
with lower molecular weights (included), although a Composition and structure distinguish mucin gly-
drawback can be that some protein will adhere to and coproteins from other macromolecules and in partic-
fractionate with the mucin. Gels with very large pores ular other classes of glycoproteins (2,9, 38,41,80,92,
can also be employed to separate glycoprotein sub- 161). They are large: molecular weights of 2-44 million
units, or proteolytically degraded units (included), have been reported for isolated mucin glycoproteins.
from the polymeric mucin (excluded) (138, 170). A They have a high-carbohydrate content: gastrointes-
successful and widely used method for purification of tinal mucins comprise 70%-80% carbohydrate, 12%-
mucins employs one or more fractionations by equilib- 25% protein, and up to -5% ester sulfate. The car-
rium centrifugation in a density gradient (usually ce- bohydrate composition consists of galactose, fucose,
sium chloride), which separates the mucin ( p = 1.45- N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, and
1.55) from lower-density lipid and protein and from sialic acid. The absence of uronic acid and only trace
higher-density nucleic acid (45,47,235).Ion-exchange amounts of mannose (<1%) distinguish mucin glyco-
chromatography, which is more often used to subfrac- proteins from the proteoglycans of connective tissue
tionate mucins once they have been partially purified, and serum glycoproteins, respectively. The oligosac-
utilizes the wide variations in negative charge on charide chains of 2-19 sugars per chain are attached
different mucin species, primarily from anionic sialic covalently to serine and threonine residues of the
acid and ester sulfate residues (123, 179). A more protein core by O-glycosidic linkages from N-acetyl-
important consideration in isolation of mucins is to galactosamine at their reducing ends. In gastric mu-

cins, for example, it can be calculated there must be much more complex branched chains are found in pig
at least -100-200 chains per glycoprotein unit of 5 X and human gastric mucins [up to 19 sugars per chain
lo5 M,. A useful analogy is often made between this (207,219,223)l and human and rat colonic mucin [up
characteristic secondary structure of mucin glycopro- to 12 sugars per chain (177, 178, 220)]. The order of
tein units and “bottle brushes,” with the carbohydrate the different sugars comprising the oligosaccharide
chains representing the bristles and the wire support chain sequence, the location of branch points, the
the protein core (Fig. 2). several possible linkage sites between two adjacent
The carbohydrate side chains vary in composition, sugars, and the a- and p-anomeric conformation of
structure, and size between glycoprotein species from each bond combine to give many theoretical permu-
different secretions (Fig. 3; Table 2). The smallest tations in chain structure. However, common struc-
completed carbohydrate chains are those from the tural features that are apparent in the oligosaccharide
submaxillary mucins; sheep submaxillary mucin has a chains of mucins as a whole are determined by the
disaccharide of sialic acid a-(2-6)-N-acetylgalactos- expression of specific glycosyltransferase enzymes
amine (81);in pig submaxillary mucin the chain is a within the secreting cell. N-acetylgalactosamine al-
pentasaccharide (34). Pig small intestinal mucin has ways occurs a t the reducing ends of the carbohydrate
oligosaccharide chains each of -6-8 sugars (139); chains as the linkage sugar to threonine and serine
CARBOHYDRATE SIDE CHAINS residues in the peptide core (35). The only other
lover 8% by I t .
Of glycap,ate,nl
position where N-acetylgalactosamine occurs in the
/ \
oligosaccharide chain is a terminal position a t the
DlSULPHlDE BRIDGES nonreducing end of the chain in some mucins. The
backbone of the oligosaccharide chain is alternating
residues of P-linked galactose or N-acetylgalactosa-
mine. In gastric mucins of the human and pig the
sugar linking the chain to N-acetylgalactosamine at
the reducing end is @-galactose, whereas in human

and rat colonic mucins it is P-N-acetylglucosamine.
Sialic acids and fucose are always found at the non-
reducing ends of main or branched chains.
There are various common antigenic features be-
tween different mucins that are determined by the
high degree of stereospecificity of their carbohydrate
SOLUBLE chains [Fig. 3; (97,253,254)l. The ABH(0) and Lewis
GLYCOSYUTED REGION and antigenic determinants are conferred on many
10 pmleobf*lsl
mucins by the structure of the nonreducing ends of
FIG. 2. Diagram of a subunit of mucus glycoprotein structure their oligosaccharide chains. The primary group A
showing glycosylated “bottle brush’’ and nonglycosylated regions.
Subunits are joined by disulfide bridges to form overall linear
determinant is a terminal N-acetylgalactosamine,
polymeric mucins. Detailed tertiary structure of subunits within the which is linked a-(1-3) to a subterminal galactose,
polymeric mucin has not been elucidated. which also is linked to an a-(l-2)-terminal fucose.

CallAc o(1-3)
Gal 6 ( 1 - 3 . 4 )

- 6(1-3
‘Gal O(1-4) ClclAc 6 ( 1 - 3 ) Gal B(1-3) CallAc a(1-Ser. Thr)

/ Gal 6(1-4) ClcJAc 6 ( 1 - 6 )

G a l l A c a(1-3) Gal 6 ( 1 - 3 , 4 ) ClclAc

FIG. 3. Composite diagram of proposed structures for typical branched oligosaccharides in human
(223) and pig (219) gastric mucin glycoproteins showing the immunodeterminant blood group A and
H (- --) and I (- --) saccharide structures. Location of sulfate esters on the chains is not known.
Fuc, fucose; Gal, galactose; GaINAc, N-acetylgalactosamine; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine.

TABLE 2. Carbohydrate and Protein Compositions of Purified Gastrointestinal Mucins

Carbohydrate Side Chains Protein Core
GalNAc GlcNAc Gal Fuc Sialic Sulfate, Protein, rno1/100 mol protein Ref.
acid 76 bywt 76 bywt
Polymeric Degraded.
Gastric mucins
Human 1 1.8 2.3 1.6 0.9 7.0 17.0 57.2 ND 207
Pig 1 2.8 2.9 1.9 0.2 3.1 13.0 41.6 58.9 201
Small intestinal mucins
Human 1 1.1 1.0 1.0 0.4 1.6 18.0 50.9 69.1 141
Pig 1 0.6 0.6 0.3 0.6 2.6 18.0 52.3 69.3 139
Rat 1 1.0 1.3 0.7 0.8 ND 16.0 55.1 ND 57
Colonic mucins
Human 1 0.9 1.2 0.3 0.2 2.0 31.1 ND ND 179
Pig 1 2.9 2.5 1.5 0.2 3.0 13.3 58.5 78.0 145
GalNAc, N-acetylgalactosamine; GlcNAc, N-acetylglucosamine; Gal, galactose; Fuc, fucose; Thr, threonine; Ser, serine; Pro, proline;
ND, not determined. Carbohydrate data are expressed as the molar ratio to 1 mol GalNAc. *Proteolytically degraded by pronase.

Replacement of the terminal N-acetylgalactosamine carbohydrate chains are found, from a single N-ace-
with galactose converts the structure from blood group tylgalactosamine to the complete pentasaccharide
A to blood group B specificity. When neither a-N- chain (34). In human colonic mucin, 25 different oligo-
acetylgalactosamine nor a-galactose is present, the saccharide chains have been isolated, ranging from a
terminal structure, fucose a-(1-2) galactose, is the H disaccharide [sialic acid a-(2-6)-N-acetylgalactosa-
antigen determinant, which is otherwise masked in A mine] to a decasaccharide (177, 178). All of the car-
or B antigens. The Ii antigens are located deeper into bohydrate chains in a mucin preparation have related
the oligosaccharide side chains; the branched core structures, however, indicating common biosynthetic
structure of repeating type 2 [galactose p-(1-4) N- pathways. This microheterogeneity in oligosaccharide
acetylglucosamine p-( 1-3)] constitutes the I antigen, chain length is thought to arise from incomplete bio-
whereas the same repeating units in a linear but synthesis in the cell and in some instances degradation
unbranched chain confer blood group antigen i. by bacterial glycosidases in the gut lumen (93, 94). It
Many gastrointestinal glycoproteins are strongly is also likely that the number of oligosaccharide chains
negatively charged because of the presence of sialic per molecule varies, and there may also be heteroge-
acid and carbohydrate-bound ester sulfate residues. A neity in the protein core (79, 256). The consequence
contribution to the charge of the glycoprotein will also of this microheterogeneity is that any “pure” mucin
be made by the protein core. Intestinal mucins appear preparation is polydisperse with respect to its physical
to carry more negative charge than gastric mucins properties of molecular weight, density, and charge.
(Table 2). Sialic acids is a generic name for a family On sedimentation analysis, mucus glycoproteins sed-
of sugars based on N-acetyl- or N-glycolylneuraminic iment as a broad peak, indicative of a wide variation
acids, both forms of which occur in mucins as well as in sedimentation values for individual mucin mole-
mono-, di-, and tri-0-acetyl derivatives of N-acetyl- cules around a mean (11, 75). Variations in sialic acid
neuraminic acid (60, 206). Many sialic acid residues and ester sulfate between different mucin preparations
in human colonic mucins are 0-acetylated, such as N - absorbed onto ion-exchange columns result in their
acetyl-7,9-di-0-acetylneuraminicacids (50, 185, 190). elution of a continuous series of glycoprotein fractions
Sialic acids, always a t the nonreducing ends of the with increasing salt concentrations (123,179).
carbohydrate chains, are removed by enzymes known
as sialidases or neuraminidases, although 0-acetyl
substitution can make some sialic acids resistant to Protein Core of Mucins and Macromolecular
cleavage. Ester sulfate groups are located within the Polymeric Structure
carbohydrate side chains toward the protein core, but
their linkage and location have not been clearly de- The polypeptide core of gastrointestinal mucin gly-
fined. In pig gastric mucin and human tracheobron- coproteins comprises 12%-30% by weight of the mol-
chial mucin, N-acetylglucosamine 6-sulfate and galac- ecule (Table 2). The mucin polypeptide is character-
tose 6-sulfate have been identified, respectively (147, istically high in threonine and serine, the sites of
219). In human intestinal mucin it has been proposed attachment of the numerous oligosaccharide side
that sialic acid is associated with short oligosaccharide chains. Mucins also have unusually high proline con-
chains, whereas sulfate occurs in longer branched tent, and it has been proposed that this amino acid
chains (255). maintains a conformation that is most suitable for
In a given mucin preparation there is considerable close packing of these side chains (3). It is clear from
heterogeneity in carbohydrate chain length and struc- studies on a number of mucins that the polypeptide
ture. In pig submaxillary mucin, five different sizes of backbone consists of two distinct types of segments

distinguished by their sensitivity to proteolytic diges- coproteins, controversy exists over the size of the
tion: 1 ) those to which the oligosaccharide side chains covalent unit and the size and arrangement of the
are attached, the glycosylated regions (here the pro- subunits (2, 11, 13, 36-38, 46). Mucins isolated under
tein core is protected by the carbohydrate from pro- nondenaturing conditions are -2 X lo6 M,; upon con-
teolytic digestion) and 2) the “naked” or nonglycosy- centration these form a gel with the same mechanical
lated regions that are accessible to proteolytic enzymes properties as the native secretion and on reduction
and have an amino acid composition more character- yield subunits of M , - 5 X lo5 (2). More recently,
istic of a typical globular protein: low in threonine, glycoproteins of much larger size, up to M , 44 x lo6,
serine, and proline but with disulfide bridges (2, 54, have been isolated from mucus secretions using iso-
201). The nonglycosylated regions can be digested lation procedures involving guanidine hydrochloride
away by a variety of proteinases (pepsin, trypsin, and proteolytic inhibitors (36, 37). These glycopro-
papain, and pronase) to leave a digested glycosylated teins are heterogeneous in size and will not form a
peptide containing most, if not all, of the carbohydrate typical mucus gel. Discrepancies also exist over the
originally present in the mucin, of large molecular subunit size in these mucins, in that different reduc-

- -
weight (2.7-7.5 X lo5) and resistant to further prote- tion procedures yield subunits of M , 2.3 X lo6 (37)
olytic digestion (143, 145,201). Threonine, serine, and and M, 5 X lo5 (13) from the same mucins. The full
proline are conserved in the digested glycoprotein such explanation for the size differences in the same mucin
that they constitute up to 70%-80% by weight of the glycoprotein prepared by different methods has yet to
remaining peptide core (Table 2). Calculation shows be given. Hydrolysis of very sensitive peptide bonds
that, on average, one in every two or three amino acid during isolation can explain at least some of the dif-
residues in the glycosylated region of the peptide chain ferences (37), but evidence from dissociation studies
carries an oligosaccharide chain. Such a sheath of also suggests that larger mucins may be noncovalent
carbohydrate around the protein core protects the associations of glycoproteins of M , - 2 X lo6 (13).
digested protein from further proteolytic attack (2, The three-dimensional arrangement of the subunits
248). in the polymeric structure is also unclear: chemical
Mucin glycoproteins possess a polymeric structure evidence based on NH2-terminal amino acid analysis
where glycoprotein subunits are joined together, in (201) suggested that subunits in pig gastric mucus
many cases by disulfide bridges located between the may be joined centrally by disulfide bridges located in
nonglycosylated regions of protein core (3, 227). One the nonglycosylated protein core (2). However, elec-
of the best characterized is that for a mucin glycopro- tron microscopy of gastric mucus and other mucus
tein ( M , 2 x lo6) isolated from pig gastric mucus, glycoproteins together with light-scattering studies
which on reduction is split into subunits of M , 5 x (36, 212, 216, 217) clearly shows mucins to be long,
lo5 (227). Proteolytic enzymes cleave the polymeric straight-chain molecules.
glycoprotein into glycopeptides ( M , 5 x lo5) by Some gastrointestinal mucins possess a protein
digesting the nonglycosylated region of the protein component that is integrated into their polymeric
core, where the intersubunit disulfide bridges are lo- structures and separates on reduction of disulfide
cated (201). A pig small intestinal mucin preparation bridges. Pig and human gastric mucins each contain

( M , 1.7 x lo6) is split on reduction into subunits of a 70,000 M , protein (169), whereas human (141) and
M , 2.4 X lo5, which were not decreased in size by rat (57) intestinal mucins have larger peptides of M ,
further proteolytic digestion (143). A mucin glycopro- -118,000. These peptide components are part of the
tein isolated from pig colonic mucus has a larger nonglycosylated portion of the glycoprotein and are
polymeric structure ( M , 15 X lo6),which on reduc- destroyed on proteolytic digestion. Pig gastric mucin
tion produces subunits ( M , 6 X lo6),whereas pro- contains one -7O,OOO-M, peptide per glycoprotein of

teolytic and further reduction yields glycopeptides of M , 2 X lo6,which suggests a possible structural role
M , 7.6 X lo5 (145). Polymeric structures of glyco- in polymerization (169). Another possibility is that
protein subunits joined by disulfide bridges [first dem- the peptide might equally be a part of the secretory
onstrated for pig gastric mucins (227)] have also been mechanism in a manner similar to that of secretory
shown for human (170) and rat (233) gastric mucins; IgA. The role of these peptides joined to mucins by
human (140), pig (143), and rat (57) small intestinal disulfide bridges awaits clarification.
mucins; human and pig biliary mucins (171) and mu-
cin glycoproteins from human cervical (38, 76) and
respiratory tracts (189). Salivary polymeric mucins Gel-Formation and Physical
differ from gastric mucins in that they are formed Properties of Mucins
from noncovalent, ionic-dependent associations of
subunits, although disulfide bridges still play an im- The component that determines the viscous and
portant role in their conformation (87, 208). gel-forming properties of mucus secretions is the po-
Although a polymeric structure based on interchain lymeric mucin glycoprotein. This is demonstrated by
disulfide bridges is generally accepted for mucus gly- formation in vitro of a gel, with the same mechanical

properties as the native gastrointestinal secretions,

from the purified mucin a t concentrations the same
as those found in vivo (20, 21, 210). Gel formation in
vitro can be followed by measuring solution viscosity
as the mucin is concentrated (Fig. 4). The intrinsic
viscosity (viscosity extrapolated to infinite dilution)
of mucins is high, 320 ml/g and 400 ml/g respectively
for pig gastric (228) and rat small intestinal (70)
mucins in isotonic salt solution. At finite concentra-
tions mucin glycoproteins show a substantial shear
dependence of viscosity and non-Newtonian behavior.
As the mucin concentration increases, the viscosity
rises not linearly but asymptotically until the solution
assumes viscoelastic gel-like properties and a gel is
0 10 20 30 40 50 formed (-50 mg/ml, pig gastric mucin). This behavior
Glycoprotein concentration (me m1-l) can be understood from the known solution properties
of mucins (14, 20). Hydrodynamic measurements (3,
B 29, 37, 84, 228) and some electron-microscope studies
(83,84) indicate that the mucin glycoproteins in dilute
solution are highly expanded, hydrated, roughly spher-
ical molecules occupying a large volume of solution.
As the concentration of the mucin solution is in-
Native mucus creased, a point is reached where it occupies the whole
Reconstituted .ucua solution volume and the probability of intermolecular
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-----
_ _ - --7 interactions becomes appreciable. It is above this con-
centration (-20 mg/ml for pig gastric mucin; Fig. 4)
that the viscosity rises sharply because of increasing
intermolecular interactions as the hydrodynamic do-
mains of the glycoprotein molecules overlap and gel
formation occurs.
To study the nature of the intermolecular gel-form-
ing interactions in mucins, it is necessary to investi-
gate the intact gel, by techniques such as mechanical
I 1


1 2
spectroscopy (20,59,112, 113,150). The full extent of
Log frequency (rad 8 - l )
the intermolecular gel-forming interactions in mucins
is only apparent at concentrations too high for solu-
FIG. 4. Physical properties of pig gastric mucus in dilute solution tion viscosity measurements (20). From mechanical
(A) and in native mucus gel ( B ) .A: dependence of solution viscosity spectroscopy measurements of gastrointestinal mucus
of pig gastric mucus on glycoprotein concentration. Viscosity of the
solution rises asymptotically with increased glycoprotein concentra- gels, it is clear that there are positive gel-forming
tion until it assumes the properties of a gel at a glycoprotein interactions between the mucin molecules over and
concentration of -50 mg/ml (14,20). This can be explained by the above those characteristic of a superviscous solution
large hydrated glycoprotein molecules at higher concentrations oc- (e.g., concentrated hyaluronic acid) where polymers
cupying the whole solution volume and their overlapping molecular
domains interacting noncovalently to form the mucus-gel matrix. only interact by molecular entanglement (20, 21).
Concentration of glycoprotein in gastric mucus (pig and human) is Such positive (noncovalent) interactions between mu-
-50 mg/ml. Reduced or proteolytically degraded glycoprotein sub- cin molecules are reflected in the insolubility of the
units have a low solution viscosity and do not form gel at high mucus gel, and they must be sufficiently strong to
concentrations of glycoprotein. B: mechanical spectrum for pig
gastric mucus showing a plot of elastic (storage modulus, -) and
resist the osmotic forces of dilution of the hydrophilic
viscous (loss modulus, -- -) moduli against frequency of oscillatory glycoprotein interacting with its aqueous environment
deformations (20). Mucus gel is sandwiched between a fiat plate (155). At the same time, mucus gels will flow over a
and shallow cone and subjected to small deformations at different time scale of several minutes and reform when sec-
oscillatory frequencies without disrupting gel structure. From the tioned, properties explained by the making and break-
magnitude and phase of stress generated in resistance to applied
deformation the storage modulus G' (elastic or solid component) ing of the gel-forming interactions between the mucin
and the loss modulus G" (viscous or liquid component) can be molecules in the gel matrix (20). This suggests these
calculated. Native gastric mucus and mucus reconstituted from mucin gel-forming interactions are still relatively
isolated glycoprotein have the behavior characteristic of a weak weak when compared with the cooperative formation
viscoelastic gel with the elastic modulus dominant over the viscous
modulus. Reduced and proteolytically digested mucus has the be- of strong periodic interactions of various other rigid
havior of viscous liquid where the viscous modulus is dominant over polysaccharide gels, e.g., carrageenan, alginates, and
the loss modulus for much of the frequency range accessed. agar (155).

Although the gel-forming interactions between the <I0 mM and unlikely to be significant in vivo. Various
mucin molecules have yet to be explained in molecular cations such as Ca2+,M2+, Fe2+,Ba2+,and Zn2+ (49,
terms, two broad structural features of the mucin 69, 144) and also preparatory cesium chloride gra-
molecule can be identified as requirements for gel dients (228) condense mucin molecules, with the ex-
formation: the polymeric structure and the carbohy- clusion of water. Calcium ions have been implicated
drate side chains. That an intact polymeric mucin in condensing presecreted mucin in secretory vesicles
structure is an integral part of the gel matrix of all at concentrations very much in excess of that found
gastrointestinal mucus secretions is apparent from in the secreted adherent gel (249).
their solubilization after reduction of mucin intersub-
unit disulfide bridges (by mucolytic thiol agents, e.g., Lipid and Protein Components
mercaptoethanol and N-acetylcysteine) or on prote- of Mucus Secretions
olysis (2, 21, 227). The reduced or proteolytically
digested subunits have a lower intrinsic viscosity (50- Recently some attention has been paid to the role
100 ml/g pig gastric mucus) and, a t a given mucin of lipids in the structure and properties of mucus
concentration, markedly lower specific viscosity than secretions. Gastrointestinal mucus preparations con-
the polymeric mucin. Isolated, reduced subunits do tain a variety of lipids, including neutral lipids (mostly
not form a gel at the same space-filling concentration free fatty acids and cholesterol), glycolipids, and phos-
as the polymeric mucin. A full understanding of how pholipids, varying in amounts from 5% to 25% by
the polymeric mucin is incorporated into the gel net- weight of the preparation (260, 261). Mucins contain
work must await elucidation of its tertiary structure, hydrophobic binding sites (224) and will bind lipids.
as well as the nature of the noncovalent gel-forming Gastric mucin has been reported to contain small
interactions. amounts of covalently bound, acyl-linked fatty acids,
The oligosaccharide chains comprise over 70% by between -0.1% and 0.3% by weight of glycoprotein
weight mucin and ensure these molecules interact (221, 222). However, studies on purified intestinal
strongly with an aqueous environment. The close mucin have failed to confirm association of either
packing of the oligosaccharide chains also results in noncovalently or covalently bound lipids (142). Crude
stiffening of the glycoprotein molecules and may mucus will contain lipids, if nothing else, from
thereby favor gel formation by decreasing the entropy sloughed epithelial cells and membrane lost during
change associated with this process. There is some secretion (161, 229). Once purified it would seem mu-
evidence that the carbohydrate side chains may be cin glycoproteins contain at the most only very small
involved in gel-forming interactions. Mechanical spec- quantities of lipid.
troscopy studies show that noncovalent, intermolecu- Both proteins (40, 133) and lipids (159, 200) en-
lar interactions characteristic of the mucus gel are hance the viscosity of mucin preparations. On the
present between the proteolytically digested subunits other hand, nonmucin components can decrease the
(20).Because such digested glycopeptides have lost all gel quality of mucus (210). Whether these effects are
their “accessible” protein core, this implies the ob- significant in vivo is not clear, because it is very
served intermolecular interactions are between the difficult from collection procedures in vitro to ensure
carbohydrate side chains. Based on this observation, that the adherent mucus gel is collected without re-
a model for mucus gel formation was proposed where moving part of the epithelium. The purified gastroin-
the matrix is formed by interdigitation of the carbo- testinal mucins, essentially free of protein, lipid
hydrate side chains of polymeric mucin molecules (20). (<0.5% by weight), and nucleic acid, will alone repro-
What is clear from mechanical spectroscopy studies is duce the viscous and gel-forming properties of the
that although there are wide variations in average native mucus secretion (21, 210). It has been reported
composition and chain length of the carbohydrate side that lipids can protect gastric mucin from proteolytic
chains of mucins from different regions of the gas- degradation (218);however, even without any removal
trointestinal tract, they all form gels with the same of the lipid components, gastric mucus gel is readily
overall mechanical structure (20, 21,210). degraded by pepsin (21).
The functional significance of the negative charge
on mucins is not understood. The amount of negative BIOSYNTHESIS AND SECRETION OF MUCUS:
charge influences the viscosity of the mucin but only CELLULAR ASPECTS
at very low ionic strengths. Thus the viscosity of pig
gastric mucin (228), rat small intestinal mucin (70), Mucus-Secreting Cells
and sheep submaxillary mucin (81) increases mark-
edly if the total ionic content falls below -10 mM. Mucus is secreted from a variety of cell types in the
This viscosity increase can be explained by a polyelec- gastrointestinal tract: surface epithelial cells found
trolyte effect, whereby repulsion of the unshielded throughout the gut, but particularly in the stomach;
negative charges causes molecular expansion and in- goblet cells of the small and large intestine; the glands
creases the hydrated size of the mucin. These effects in the stomach; and Brunner’s glands in the duodenum
of ionic strength on viscosity are at salt concentrations (60, 100, 129, 161). All these cells are an integral part

of the continuous, simple columnar epithelium that regulation are under active investigation. They have
forms the gut and comprises both the mucosal surface been extensively reviewed (43,202-205),and only key
and the invaginated epithelium of the glands and aspects are outlined here. The mucin peptide core is
crypts. Mucin-producing cells display polarity of se- synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum,
cretion, junction complexes, and other specializations whereas most (if not all) of the oligosaccharide side
characteristic of gut epithelia. Mucus-secreting cells, chains are added during passage of the nascent mucin
as with other exocrine cells, have a well-developed molecule through the Golgi. The oligosaccharide
rough endoplasmic reticulum concentrated in the chains are constructed by the sequential addition of
basal and lateral cytoplasm. The Golgi complex of sugars one a t a time from activated nucleotide sugar
these cells is characteristically large, with 8-12 broad donors, namely UDP-galactose, UDP-N-acetylglucos-
stacks of membrane cisternae associated with small amine, UDP-N-acetylgalactosamine, GDP-fucose,
smooth and coated vesicles together with newly and CMP sialic acids. Each of the many linkages in
formed secretory granules in the supranuclear cyto- the oligosaccharide chain requires the presence of a
plasm. The rough endoplasmic reticulum and the specific glycosyltransferase for its formation. In this
Golgi complex are the site of synthesis respectively of manner the oligosaccharide chains are built up on the
the protein core and oligosaccharide side chains of the nascent protein core by the integrated specific and
mucin (24,117,129, 161, 163, 164, 182, 194). Mucin- sequential actions of the multienzyme glycosyltrans-
secreting cells are often characterized by the presence ferase systems. The oligosaccharide chain is initiated
of close-packed, stored mucin granules beneath the by the transfer of N-acetylgalactosamine (GalNAc)
apical membrane, a feature that also provides the from UDP-GalNAc to serine or threonine of the nas-
distinction between epithelial mucin cells and goblet cent mucin polypeptide by membrane-bound UDP-
cells. In goblet cells the cuplike theca, a particularly Ga1NAc:polypeptide a-GalNAc-transferase. There-
thick filament-rich layer of cytoplasm, separates the after the cores of the oligosaccharide chains are built
mass of stored mucin granules from the lateral mem- up sequentially by different P-glycosyltransferases
branes and supranuclear Golgi region (161,232).The ending in chain termination by the a-sialyl-, fucosyl-,
goblet shape, which is maintained primarily by non- galactosyl- or N-acetylgalactosyltransferases.Exam-
contractile intermediate filaments, does not collapse ples of the chain termination process are the ABH,
after accelerated mucin secretion with the loss of many Lewis, and secretory genes, each of which codes for
granules. synthesis of a specific transferase and whose presence
Histochemical studies show differences in the car- or absence thereby dictates the terminal structures of
bohydrate chain structure of mucins between func- the gastrointestinal mucin chains and their antigenic-
tional regions of the gastrointestinal tract, within the ity (253,254).
same cell population, during maturation, and in dis- The oligosaccharide chains on any given glycopro-
ease. Gastric mucus in the pits stains for acidic sul- tein molecule vary in length, number of branches, and
fomucins, whereas that at the mucosal surface is neu- type of end-group sugars; consequently the mechanics
tral staining. Neutral and acidic sialomucins predom- and the controls required for the assembly of these
inate in the goblet cell secretions of the small heterogeneous chains must be complex. Known con-
intestine, whereas acidic sulfomucins are characteris- trols include 1) genetic controls of the synthesis of
tic of colonic goblet cell secretions. In stomach, mucus- specific sugar nucleotide transferase enzymes; 2 ) the
secreting cells lose their ability to incorporate [35S] differential gene expression of various transferases
sulfate as they move upward from the pit to the crypt within the same individual that is seen both in the
(117).In human rectal mucosa it is the reverse, with organ specificity of secreted mucins and in the phased
maximal [35S]sulfateincorporation in the mature sur- assembly of different oligosaccharide chain structures
face goblet cells in contrast to the immature cells in during ontogenesis; and 3) controls within the Golgi
the crypts (162). The relation between such histo- at the substrate level, where the nature of the acceptor
chemical observations and overall mucin structure has sugar, its linkage, and the presence of branching de-
yet to be understood; changes in the carbohydrate termine whether it is recognized as a suitable substrate
structures could signify new species of mucin, but, for sugar transfer. Competition between certain trans-
alternatively, such changes may reflect degrees in ferase enzymes for a common acceptor mucin precur-
carbohydrate chain completeness within the same mu- sor will in turn determine the ratio of differently
cin species. There is a wealth of information on his- structured oligosaccharide chains in a given molecule.
tochemical studies of mucins in health and disease; In the newly synthesized mucin, chain length will vary
the reader is referred to specialist reviews (9,50, 60, with type of chain structure and with incompletely
61,129). biosynthesized chains.
Further postribosomal processing occurs with ad-
Mucin Biosynthesis dition of ester sulfate to mucin oligosaccharide chains
in the Golgi complex (117,164). The activated donor
The general features of the pathways of mucin is 3’-phosphoadenine-5-phosphosulfate(PAPS), but
biosynthesis are known, and the mechanisms and little is known about the sulfotransferases involved.

How and at what site in the cell interpeptide chain Three mechanisms have been identified for the re-
disulfide bond formation takes place to join the gly- lease of gastric mucus (264): 1) a continuous exocy-
coprotein subunits together to form the polymeric tosis of a few granules at a time, 2) an explosive
mucin is unknown (2). It would be expected (from release of mucus by apical expulsion of the older cells
analogy with other proteins and glycoproteins) to oc- in the interfoveolar area after maximal stimulation by
cur at an early stage in biosynthesis at the level of the secretagogues (prostaglandin, cholinergic, or irritant
rough endoplasmic reticulum. However, the possibility mustard oil), and 3 ) the relatively rare event of cell
exists of disulfide exchange occurring at later stages exfoliation. On stimulation of goblet cells (cholinergic
of mucin biosynthesis or during packaging for secre- or irritant mustard oil), there is an orderly sequence
tion. In this respect an interesting analogy could be of events, culminating in a compound exocytosis of
made between the 70,000- to 118,000-M, proteins as- mucin granules contiguous with the apical membrane
sociated by disulfide bridges with gastrointestinal mu- and rupture of the pentalamellar membranes sur-
cins and the transfer through the epithelial cell of rounding adjacent granules. This results in rapid, pro-
secretory IgA with secretory component. gressive fusion of individual granules, thereby forming
There are important differences between mucin bio- a mucus bolus that expands and exudes into the lu-
synthetic pathways and those for the other major class men. The result is an “empty” goblet cell, with a
of mammalian glycoproteins with N-linked oligosac- concave depression representing the thecal lining and
charides, for example, serum glycoproteins (98). For- the rest of its architecture intact. During compound
mation of N-linked oligosaccharide chains proceeds exocytosis much of the secretory granule membrane
by a lipid intermediate dolichol pyrophosphate and is lost, together with some goblet cell cytoplasm (229).
the transfer of a preassembled oligosaccharide chain An intriguing question is how the completed mucin
onto a peptide backbone in the rough endoplasmic molecule transversing the Golgi cisternae, where pre-
reticulum. Subsequently there are a series of process- sumably it is soluble, finishes up after exocytosis as a
ing and trimming reactions in N-linked oligosaccha- concentrated (-50 mg/ml in stomach and duodenum)
rides that have not been observed with mucin biosyn- water-insoluble gel. There is no evidence for a special
thesis. mechanism of polymerization after secretion, and the
ability of the isolated mucin glycoprotein (when con-
Secretion of Mucus centrated) to form a gel would argue against this (20).
The secretory vesicles become condensed while they
Elegant electron-microscopy studies have given in- are in the supranuclear region after separation from
sight into the cellular events preceding and during the Golgi (199). Once in the apical mass the stored
exocytosis of the mucin-containing granules, although granules remain relatively uniform in size and density.
(as with other exocytotic processes) the detailed mo- Mucin in secretory granules appears more concen-
lecular events remain to be elucidated (160, 161, 163, trated than after secretion, pointing to an expansion
164,264). Autoradiographic studies of radioactive mu- on exocytosis to form the adherent gel (55,249).There
cin granules demonstrate that mucus-secreting cells is some evidence for special mechanisms enabling
in the gastrointestinal tract transport and secrete superconcentration of the mucin. Electron-probe
mucins through their life spans (24, 162-164). In analyses indicate a high-calcium content of intracel-
unstimulated cells there is intermittent release of mu- lular mucus granules (252), and in vitro mucus volume
cin granules from the apical surface, balanced by new is reduced by divalent cations (68, 69). A lectin-bind-
granule formation from the Golgi. The average transit ing galactose residue has been identified in mucin
time for a mucin granule from the Golgi to exocytosis granules of goblet cells in chick intestine, and it has
at the apical membrane in vivo in rat stomach is -1 been suggested that this may play a role in mucin
h, whereas in the rat intestine the rate is considerably concentration (18).
slower, 4-8 h (117, 164). In mature human and rabbit
goblet cells, labeled, freshly synthesized mucin gran-
ules appear at the base of the theca and move upward MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL
along the thecal margins, not mingling with mucin
granules in the center (162, 232). On the other hand, Measurement
labeling of central granules did occur in the immature
goblet cells at the base of the crypts. This suggests Mucus in vivo exists in three phases: presecreted
that mucin synthesized early in the life of the goblet mucus in intracellular vesicles, insoluble adherent mu-
cell remains with it in mucin granules in the center of cus gel, and freely mobile (largely soluble) luminal
its theca during migration up the crypt and that mucus. This makes for a complex secretion. For a
central granules constitute a mucin reserve not rou- complete picture of the physiological state of the mu-
tinely replaced. Colchicine blocks the movement of cus barrier, all three phases should be assayed, because
mucin vesicles from the Golgi to the cell apex, dem- there is no proportional relationship between them.
onstrating a dependence of this process in microfila- In functional terms it is the adherent gel that is
ment polymerization (232). important, and this is the most difficult to measure,

because it cannot be sampled quantitatively without the anthrone estimation for neutral sugars (124), the
removing some of the underlying epithelium with its thiobarbituric acid assay for sialic acid (53, 124), and
intracellular mucus. Luminal mucus, on the other the periodic acid-Schiff (138) and Alcian blue-binding
hand, although easier to sample, can be derived from assays (33,124) for total glycoprotein. Although these
different sources: directly by secretion, from erosion methods are simple and quick, they are all subject to
of the adherent gel by proteases (of endogenous and interference from other macromolecular components,
bacterial origin), or through mechanical shear. Con- e.g., proteins and nucleic acids and other glycoconju-
sequently the amount of mucin in luminal juice cannot gates (connective tissue proteoglycans, serum glyco-
be taken as a direct measure of mucus secretion or as proteins, and cell membrane glycolipids). The most
an index of changes in the functional mucus gel bar- informative chemical method for measuring mucin
rier, as has frequently been assumed in the past (2,4). content is that of gas-liquid chromatography, which
Gastric luminal mucin content, for example, has been displays the entire spectrum of sugars present (135,
demonstrated to vary quite independently of changes 237), but it is important to eliminate interference from
in the thickness of the adherent gastric mucus barrier other glycoproteins and glycolipids. With these esti-
(5, 148, 149). A wide variety of methods have been mations it is usually desirable to partially purify the
used to assess mucus secretions in vivo (2, 161), but mucin before analysis to remove interfering sub-
no one method on its own will give a complete, quan- stances. Immunological assays [either radioimmuno-
titative measure of the process. assay (RIA) or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Biosynthesis of mucus and the subsequent secretory (ELISA)] that use an antibody directed against the
process has been extensively investigated by several mucin have provided a particularly sensitive and spe-
groups using incorporation of radioactive precursors cific technique for estimating its content in secretions
into mucins (105-107,110,162-164,181,191). Radio- (71, 140). However, with all methods based on quan-
activity is frequently incorporated into nonmucinous titation of mucus, satisfactory separation of the se-
glycoproteins, connective tissue proteoglycans, and creted adherent gel phase from nonsecreted intracel-
gut bacterial products; therefore it is essential that lular reserves cannot as yet be satisfactorily achieved.
radioactive material studied is shown to be only mucin
glycoprotein; this has not always been the case. Ra- Control of Secretion of Gastric Mucus
dioactive mucins have been identified autoradiograph-
ically from the density of silver grains or by analysis Cholinergic pathways control the secretion of gas-
of the isolated mucin. Morphological methods based tric mucus. Copious amounts of viscous mucus are
on the characteristic apical cavitation of goblet cells released into the stomach in response to splanchnic
and visible loss of granules from stomach surface or vagal stimulation or after topical application of
mucus cells have been employed successfully to mon- acetylcholine (67, 104). Carbachol increases the ad-
itor mucus secretion, particularly when combined with herent mucus thickness in the rat stomach in vivo and
radioactive methods (161, 166, 230, 264). Such meth- in the isolated frog gastric mucosa in vitro, a response
ods have the advantage of circumventing the isolation attenuated by atropine (148). A large increase in both
of individual mucins, as well as enabling the monitor- adherent gel and luminal mucus accompanies an out-
ing of mucus secretion by individual cells. pouring of plasma from the dog gastric mucosa after
The most satisfactory method for measuring intra-arterial acetylcholine infusion (265). Bombesin,
changes in the functional adherent mucus gel barrier when given intracerebrally (but not topically) in the
is by mucus thickness (see ADHERENT MUCUS GEL, p. rat, stimulates gastric mucus by an adrenal-depend-
359). Thickness can be directly related to the protec- ent, prostaglandin-independent mechanism (238).
tive barrier properties. Changes in thickness may be Secretin (intravenous) stimulates a 75% increase in
related quantitatively to changes in mucus gel secre- adherent mucus thickness in the rat over a 2-h period
tion if 1) it is assumed the degree of hydration of the (5). In the cat, intravenous secretin induced marked
mucus gel does not change under different physiolog- increases in gastric juice viscosity, up to 16-fold, as-
ical conditions and 2) the amount of soluble mucus, sociated with secretion of a large molecular-sized mu-
from adherent gel degradation and mucus secretion cin aggregate (89). An increase in gastric juice mucin
into the lumen, is estimated at the same time. Physical content (measured as carbohydrate) has been observed
studies indicate that the degree of hydration of the after secretin infusion in the human (16), cat (245),
adherent mucus is unlikely to change that signifi- and dog (116). Gastrin, cholecystokinin (CCK), and
cantly in vivo (21). Mucus output into the lumen can histamine all increase mucin carbohydrate content in
be measured by the mucin content and gel fractiona- rat gastric juice (245), but in the absence of further
tion (Sepharose 2B), used to determine the propor- analysis it is not possible to define its origin as secre-
tions of polymeric gel-forming mucin from smaller tion, peptic erosion, or both. Insulin (intravenous) in
degraded material (138, 170). humans has been shown to induce a threefold increase
The glycoprotein content of mucus secretions has in mucin content of gastric washouts, but it is de-
been determined with a variety of chemical methods. graded mucin that is paralleled by a similar rise in
Simple colorimetric assays most often employed are pepsin activity (262).

Many studies have demonstrated that prostaglan- (231). Because all goblet cells originate in the crypts,
dins (both topically and intravenously) stimulate in- they must all be initially sensitive to cholinergic stim-
creases in luminal mucus, adherent mucus gel thick- ulation, but for some unknown reason, as these cells
ness, and mucin biosynthesis (8). In the human (53, mature and migrate toward the mucosal surface, they
108, 259) and rat (25, 33, 124, 149), luminal mucus appear to lose this sensitivity.
glycoprotein content increased between two- and Many potential secretagogues, including adrenergic
fivefold, according to the particular prostaglandin ad- agents and various peptide hormones [e.g., secretin,
ministered, its dose, route of administration, and CCK, pentagastrin, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide
method used to estimate the glycoprotein. The most (VIP), and somatostatin], have no measurable short-
potent prostaglandins appear to be the stable E-type term effects on mucin secretion, either in surface or
analogues and the enteroperoxide. This prostaglan- crypt goblet cells (165, 231). Electrical field stimula-
din-mediated stimulation of soluble mucus is inde- tion of rat intestinal sheets stimulates the goblet cells
pendent of the inhibitory action on acid secretion (33, to secrete mucin, an effect partially blocked by atro-
108) but associated with a rise in nonparietal secre- pine (175). Intracellular “second-messenger” path-
tions (149). Topical prostaglandins of the E series ways mediating mucin secretion from goblet cells are
induce an up to threefold increase in the thickness of not yet established. A cyclic AMP (CAMP) system
adherent gastric mucus in rat in vivo and in frog in would not seem to be involved, because agents that
vivo (26, 111, 149, 211). This rise in mucus thickness increase intracellular cAMP (dibutyryl CAMP)or the-
is rapid (70% of the maximal response occurs within ophylline (a diesterase inhibitor) fail to stimulate re-
5 min), pointing to a release of stored intracellular lease of preformed mucin from rat small intestinal
preformed mucus (149). The E-type prostaglandins, slices (191) or colonic explants (122, 165). Cholera
in several studies, stimulated the uptake of radioactive toxin appears to act on intestinal cells by two different
precursors (3H and 14C sugars and amino acids and mechanisms: 1) a proved CAMP-mediated system that
35S042-) into glycoconjugates by the rat stomach in induces marked increases in fluid and electrolyte
vivo and in vitro (25, 105, 240). Incorporation of transport and 2) a different, CAMP-independent sys-
radioactive precursors, including glucosamine, by mu- tem that stimulates mucin secretion (72, 191). Al-
cosa is not mucin specific, and in several studies no though neither cAMP nor ,f3-adrenergic agents stimu-
distinction is made between labeled mucin and other late goblet cell mucin secretion, they do increase the
labeled cellular components. In one careful study of a incorporation of radioactivity into intestinal mucosal
perfused rat stomach, radioactivity from [3H]glucosa- glycoproteins (73, 122), suggesting these components
mine into mucin, identified autoradiographically, was may be involved in longer term control of mucin
confirmed by analysis by equilibrium centrifugation production. Serotonin increased the hexose content of
in a cesium chloride gradient (105). In the same study, perfused rat colon (27) but it did not stimulate mucus
however, only 8% of the incorporated radioactive release from goblet cells in rabbit intestinal biopsies
serine was in mucin; much of the rest was incorporated (165). Because serotonin induces fluid and ion secre-
into pepsinogen, emphasizing the care needed when tion from intestinal crypts, a washout from the surface
interpreting studies on radioactive incorporation into into the lumen of secreted mucus could account for
mucus (106, 107). the serotonin-induced increase in luminal carbohy-
Control of Secretion of Intestinal
Control of goblet cell mucus secretion depends on
the location of the cells, whether in crypts or in the Enzymatic degradation of gastrointestinal mucins
surface epithelium. Surface goblet cells secrete mucus can be considered in two stages (2, 9, 94, 96). 1 )
in response to topical irritants, for example, mustard Proteolysis of the mucin polymer to degraded subunits
oil, alcohol, hypertonic saline, bile salts, and entero- is a process that is thought to occur throughout the
toxins such as those produced by Escherichia coli and gut from stomach to colon, mediated by proteases in
Vibrio cholerae (165, 191). The secretory response is gastrointestinal secretions or of bacterial origin. Such
independent of autonomic innervation and may be proteolysis will erode the adherent mucus gel to pro-
mediated by eicosanoids. Crypt goblet cells, in con- duce soluble, degraded mucin (3, 4). 2) Glycosidases
trast to surface goblet cells, secrete mucin in response remove sugars from the oligosaccharide chains of the
to cholinergic stimulation. Increased mucin secretion glycopeptide in a stepwise process. These glycosidases
after cholinergic stimulation has been demonstrated are produced by the indigenous microflora but not by
for rat intestine both in vivo and in vitro with mucosal the host and are found only in the large intestine (94).
slices or explants (160, 166, 231), a preparation of rat Further proteolytic digestion of the peptide core once
intestinal crypt goblet cells (174), and explants of the protective oligosaccharide side chains have been
rabbit intestinal tissue in organ culture (134). This removed also probably occurs.
cholinergic stimulation is attenuated by atropine Mucus gel secretions and isolated mucins from

stomach to colon undergo proteolytic degradation in and therefore these studies implicate a weaker mucus
vitro by a variety of secreted proteases (e.g., pepsin, barrier in peptic ulcer disease. Observation of the
trypsin, chymotrypsin) and bacterial proteases (e.g., mucus gel on unfixed sections of gastric mucosa also
pronase) (2, 3, 143, 145, 201). The products of diges- shows a disrupted mucus gel over the antral mucosa
tion are soluble, degraded, glycopeptide subunits; re- of gastric ulcer patients (15). A study in rats has shown
sistant to further proteolysis; and still relatively large a predisposition to aspirin-induced ulceration in ani-
(Mr 2.5-7.5 x lo5). There is evidence that proteo- mals whose adherent gastric mucus had the greatest
lytic degradation of the adherent mucus gel is an amounts of low-molecular-weight mucin relative to
ongoing process in vivo, at least by pepsin in the polymer mucin (17).
stomach. Analysis by gel-filtration chromatography of Proteolytic erosion of the mucus barrier in the in-
mucin from gastric washouts shows a predominance testine and colon is likely to occur as a consequence
of degraded mucin relative to mucin polymer (170, of attack by pancreatic digestive enzymes and bacte-
262). After indirect vagal stimulation via insulin-in- rial proteases (143, 145, 168). An interesting observa-
duced hypoglycemia, the content of pepsin and de- tion is the recent demonstration of a protease with
graded mucin both rise about threefold in gastric mucolytic activity in human feces that increases in
washouts from duodenal ulcer patients (262). In va- ulcerative colitis patients (44,99).
gotomized patients there is no increase in pepsin or Degradation of the oligosaccharide side chains oc-
the associated degraded mucin in gastric washouts curs stepwise, one monosaccharide at a time from the
after stimulation, further evidence that the insulin- outer nonreducing end. For complete degradation of
induced rise in degraded mucin is due to pepsin. Pep- the oligosaccharide chains the action of several gly-
sin dissolution of the adherent mucus barrier can be cosidases is required, each enzyme with a different
simulated in vivo in the anesthetized rat ligated stom- linkage specificity. These glycosidases are produced
ach after infusion of a two- to threefold excess of by the indigenous microflora and not by the host (94,
enzyme (10, 128). In this model addition of pepsin to 234). The initial event in chain degradation is cleavage
the HC1 pH 2.2 instillate results in a significant (al- of the terminal a-glycosidic linkages. The capacity to
most threefold) increase in the degraded mucin con- produce the requisite extracellular a-glycosidases for
tent, visible disruption of the adherent mucus layer, making this initial cleavage, particularly cleavage of
and focal mucosal erosions. Besides proteolysis, a fur- the ABH determinants, is restricted to a few special-
ther contributing factor to the loss of mucus gel in ized strains among normal intestinal bacteria, notably
vivo is mechanical erosion due to the passage of solid Ruminococcus and Bifidobacteria species (95). These
food and the motile forces of digestion. Over the strains comprise a subset numbering about 1%of the
normal gastric mucosa, a dynamic balance must exist total human fecal bacteria that appear responsible for
between erosion of the adherent mucus layer and the major degradation of mucin oligosaccharides in
secretion of new gel by the mucosa to maintain the humans (95, 96, 154). The 0-galactosidases and p-N-
observed continuity of the mucus barrier. acetylhexosaminidases required for further degrada-
Studies point to an increased degradation by pepsin tion of the backbone of the oligosaccharide chains are
of the adherent gastric mucus barrier in peptic ulcer produced by a wider range of gut bacteria. The fecal
disease. Pepsin 1, the pepsin form raised four- to population density of bacteria that degrade the ABH
fivefold in peptic ulcer disease (241), has increased determinants varies according to the host blood group.
mucolytic activity compared with the major form, For example the density of bacteria that produce the
pepsin 3. For the same proteolytic activity (albumin a-galactosidase that cleaves the B-determinant galac-
substrate), pepsin 1 had two- and sixfold respectively tose averages 50,000-fold more in B secretors than in
greater mucolytic activity (gastric mucus substrate) at blood group A or 0 secretors or nonsecretors. Bacterial
the optimal pH 2 and a t pH 4 than did pepsin 3 (172). sialidase and sulfatase activities are also present in
Similar increased mucolytic activity was found in gas- fecal extracts. The driving force for production of the
tric juice from duodenal ulcer patients compared with extracellular glycosidasesby the indigenous microflora
that from nonsymptomatic controls. This increased is presumably to utilize mucus as a food source.
pepsin 1-mediated mucolytic activity in gastric juice
is associated with impaired structure of the adherent
gastric mucus gel in these patients (263). Adherent FUNCTION OF MUCUS
antral mucus from nonulcerated patients contains pri-
marily polymeric mucin, mean content 67%; the rest The physical properties of mucus provide both a
is of equivalent molecular size to the pepsin-degraded stable, protective, adherent gel barrier over the mu-
mucin. By contrast, adherent antral mucus from gas- cosal surface and a soluble viscous lubricant within
tric ulcer and duodenal ulcer patients contains signif- the lumen. The slimy soluble mucus lubricates the
icantly less polymeric mucin, mean of 35% and 50%, passage of solids, undigested food, and feces through
respectively. Rheological studies show a direct corre- the gut lumen and protects the delicate epithelium
lation between polymeric mucin content and the qual- from mechanical damage by the vigorous forces that
ity of the mechanical properties of the mucus gel (21), attend digestion. The soluble mucus may also lubricate

the surfaces of the adherent gel barrier and minimizes Entamoeba hktolytica has also been shown to bind to
its erosion by mechanical forces. In contrast the ad- glutaraldehyde-fixed human and rat colonic mucus
herent gel provides a stable unstirred layer at the (184). Pig gastric mucin has been shown to bind to
mucosal surface that is independent of the fluid shear cholera toxin (236). The excessive secretions of mucus
forces within the lumen and thereby provides a con- and fluid that can result from infections by pathogens
stant aqueous environment over the epithelial sur- should aid in washing out the offending organisms
faces. (22). Intestinal infection of rats by parasitic nema-
The adherent gel restricts the passage of solutes at todes produces goblet cell hyperplasia and a mucus
least to a rate as slow as that which would be expected release that traps and expels the worms (22, 127, 152,
for diffusion through an unstirred layer. The passage 153). An excess production of intestinal mucus is
of H+,glucose, and other low-molecular-weight solutes induced by inflammation and immunological stimu-
has been shown to be restricted across the gastrodu- lation (120,121,161,250).Considerably more research
odenal mucus gel (1, 173, 226, 257). Diffusion of ions is needed to establish the full subtleties and implica-
may be restricted by binding; for example, gastric tions of interactions between gastrointestinal mucus
mucus binds iron (23), colonic mucus binds sodium and microorganisms.
(78),and calcium interacts with mucus secretions from Current concepts of gastroduodenal mucosal protec-
various sources (68,69).Gastric mucus is impermeable tion against acid, pepsin, and other damaging agents
to proteins (Mr 17,000) (l),and it would be expected in the lumen recognize many factors, including the
that mucus gels from other regions of the tract would mucus-bicarbonate barrier, a rapidly repairing epithe-
show similar impermeability to large molecules. Al- lium, and a good vascular supply [see the chapter in
though evidence favors a continuous adherent mucus this Handbook by Hirst; (6,66,85)].The role of mucus
gel and its attendant restrictive permeability proper- in mucosal protection can be considered under two
ties over the gastric, upper duodenal, and colonic headings (10): 1) protection against the natural en-
mucosa (see I n Viuo Continuity and Thickness, p. 359), dogenous aggressors acid, pepsin, and bile, which are
it is not known how continuous the mucus cover is in secreted into the lumen, and 2) protection against
the small intestine, the major absorptive area. exogenous damaging agents, such as alcohol and non-
Invading microorganisms from the gut lumen must steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Table 3). Evidence
penetrate the adherent mucus gel, although there is points to adherent mucus providing an important part
little evidence that mucus provides a protective blan- of the protective barrier against acid and pepsin but
ket that excluded pathogenic microorganisms (78, not exogenous damaging agents such as alcohol (10).
161). Many microbes attached to mucosal surfaces Mucus has also been proposed to provide antioxidant
must spend much of their existence in association protection to the underlying gastrointestinal epithe-
with mucus and may depend on the special microen- lium by scavenging highly reactive oxygen-derived
vironment it creates. For example, Campylobacter py- species (48).
Zoridis colonizes the gastric epithelial surface-mucus Mucus does not seem to be a significant diffusion
interface and recently has been directly implicated in barrier to acid, although it does restrict the passage of
gastritis (183). Colonic mucus is a nutrient source, H+ ions compared with that through an equivalent
and probably a major one, for the endogenous flora unstirred layer of solution (see Physical and Permea-
[See DEGRADATION OF MUCUS, p. 372; (94, 96, 234)]. bility Properties, p. 362). The H+ will rapidly equili-
For many enteric pathogens a key element of their brate (in the absence of neutralizing HCOT) across
pathogenicity is their possession of specialized struc- the relatively thin adherent mucus gel layer (median
tures (“adhesins”) with which they bind to specific 180 pm, minimum 50 pm in humans). Evidence that
saccharide structures at the mucosal surface. To the this is so in vivo is seen by the formation of mucosal
extent that mucins comprising the mucus layer share lesions after histamine stimulation of excess acid in
the same saccharide structures as the receptors on the humans (log), while increased backdiffusion of acid
mucosal surface, the mucus layer could compete with in response to miicosal damaging agents also occurs
surface receptors for bacterial binding and thus pro- very rapidly, within 2 or 3 min (52). Mucus gels, even
mote bacterial associations. Thus salivary mucins when mixed with substantial amounts of mucosal
bind to oral streptococci (77),whereas bovine submax- tissue, do not have significant buffering capacity
illary mucin was found to be a potent inhibitor of the against luminal acid in the absence of mucosal
binding of the enterotoxigenic E. coli K99 strain to HCO; (19).
erythrocytes (132). Some strains of E. coZi bind to a The primary function of the adherent mucus gel in
protein component of mouse small intestinal mucin, protection against acid is considered to be the provi-
resulting in their having a competitive advantage in sion of a stable unstirred layer a t the mucosal surface
colonization (42, 125), whereas Shigella flexneri ad- supporting neutralization of H+ by the epithelial
heres to guinea pig colonic mucus (102). Oral intro- HCO; secretion (7,10,63).Mucus gel acts as a mixing
duction of Campylobacter jejuni strains into germ-free barrier, preventing the small amount of HC03 secre-
mice led to rapid colonization in mucus at the luminal tion from rapidly mixing with the large amount of
surface and in the crypts of cecum and colon (126). acid in the luminal juice. Evidence supporting this

TABLE 3. Role of Mucus i n sins in the lumen, preventing them from digesting the
Gastroduodenal Protection underlying epithelium. Pepsin will dissolve the adher-
ent gel at its luminal aspect to produce soluble de-
Damaeine Factors Protective Action
~ graded mucin (1, 2). However, because a continuous
Endogenous aggressors layer of adherent gel is observed over the undamaged
Acid Stable unstirred layer; mixing
barrier supporting surface
mucosa in vivo, what is lost by erosion is normally
neutralization by HCO; replaced by secretion of new mucus. Excess pepsin
Pepsin Permeability barrier (two- to threefold in the ligated rat stomach) will
Biliary reflux Bile permeates through disrupt the mucus gel and cause focal erosions and
mucus to epithelium; mucus luminal bleeding (128).
structure unchanged mucus
continues to protect against There is no mucus-HCO; barrier within the gastric
acid and pepsin glands where acid concentrations of pH <1 are at-
Exogenous damaging agents tained and newly secreted pepsinogen is rapidly and
Ethanol; nonsteroidal anti- Mucus permeated but autocatalytically converted to pepsin. The apical
inflammatory drugs; remains; fibrin gel with membranes of these glands must be resistant to their
hypertonic solutions; bile mucus and necrotic cells
salts, high concentration protects re-epithelializing own secretions (198). Another problem in this respect
cells; mucus may act as is how newly secreted pepsin and H+ gain access
template for fibrin through an apparently continuous mucus layer from
formation the glands to the gastric lumen. One feasible expla-
Severe damage resulting in None assigned
nation could be that the hydraulic pressure from the
Mechanical damage from Lubricant, particularly volume of secretion in the gland forces the acid and
abrasion soluble mucus pepsin into the lumen through channels or bubbles in
From Allen et al. (10). the overlying mucus gel.
The adherent mucus barrier is readily permeated by
damaging agents such as bile salts, hypertonic saline,
mucus-HCO; barrier is 1 ) the extensive characteriza- ethanol, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
tion of gastroduodenal mucosal HCO, secretion [see resulting in the destruction of the underlying epithe-
the chapter in this Handbook by Flemstrom and Gar- lium (10,209).After such acute damage the epithelium
ner; (64), 2 ) the demonstration of pH gradients at the is rapidly reepithelialized (101, 118, 119, 157, 158). A
gastroduodenal mucosal surface from an acid pH in thick fibrin-based mucoid coat with the remaining
the lumen to a near neutral pH a t the mucosal surface, mucus and necrotic cells forms over the regenerating
and 3 ) the observation of a continuous layer of adher- epithelia after acute ethanol damage (209). Studies in
ent gel over the mucosal surface (see I n Viuo Conti- vivo in rat stomach demonstrate that the fibrin-mu-
nuity and Thickness, p. 359). In the duodenum, mu- coid coat that forms after exudation of plasma from
cosal HCO; secretion would appear sufficient to neu- the damaged mucosa protects the subsequent repair
tralize acid down to the lowest pH values measured in by reepithelialization from toxic agents in the lumen,
vivo (64). In the stomach, however, maximal stimu- namely ethanol and acid (118, 251). The plasma clot-
lated HCO; secretion is not sufficient to neutralize ting time of human blood is decreased by pig gastric
acid below pH -1.5, and the surface pH gradient is mucus gel and soluble mucus glycoprotein, suggesting
dissipated at this point (7, 193). Under these circum- in vivo that the mucus layer and necrotic cells might
stances, mucosal acid-base balance is maintained in act as a template for fibrinogen-fibrin conversion
both the interstitial and intracellular compartments (209). It remains to be seen whether such protective
by perfusion with HCOT-rich plasma and operation of fibrin-mucoid coats are formed during mucosal repair
epithelial membrane Na+-H+ and Cl--HCO; ex- after acute damage by agents other than ethanol and
changes (136). The requirement for nutrient HCO; to under less severe conditions. Prostaglandins in labo-
protect the gastric mucosa against acid damage in vivo ratory animals attenuate acute mucosal hemorrhagic
and in vitro supports the concept of neutralization of damage induced by exogenous agents, e.g., alcohol and
acid by plasma HCO; (115, 195). Studies show the aspirin, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as cy-
adherent mucus gel and therefore its unstirred layer toprotection (186, 188).This effect is not mediated by
are maintained down to at least pH 1. the prostaglandin-induced increase in mucus thick-
Gastroduodenal mucus is a diffusion barrier to pep- ness (8,lO) but by prevention of vascular stasis (176).

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