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Present Technology 
Our technology is also like a satellite, and there is 1 satellite in the 
atmosphere. It is 372 miles (600 kilometers) above the Earth’s surface, at the 
Thermosphere layer of the atmosphere. Although some satellites calculate the 
amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, none have actually helped to 
get rid of the gases. For example, Japan launched ibuki, also known as 
GOSAT, and it was launched from Tanegashima Space Center on January 23, 
2009. In the future, we are going to make a satellite that will not only be able to 
see all of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, but get rid of some of them, 
too. Our invention is also like a tree. It has the same features, such as taking in 
carbon dioxide, then putting out oxygen. Carbon Switch has plant cells in the 
middle vent so that it can control the other vent where the oxygen and carbon 
dioxide are.  
The technology that we hope to use in our project is photosynthesis. 
Photosynthesis is the process that plants use to create food for themselves. 
Although it may not seem like this is a form of technology now, it will be if our 
invention is built.   
Many scientists contributed to the discovery of how photosynthesis 
works. Some of these scientists include Jan Baptista Van Helmont, Joseph 
Priestley, Jan Ingenhousz, Jean Senebier, Julius Robert Mayer, and Julius 
Sachs. Photosynthesis is a very complex process, but is also very important. 
Trees are the air purifiers for the Earth, but we have cut down so many that 
there are not enough to efficiently clean the air. In our robot, we will create an 
artificial version of photosynthesis, which will be very useful in the future for 
other inventions, too.  

Future Technology  
We hope for this technology to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in 
the atmosphere. Our new technology would include parts of plant cells, such 
as vascular cambium, phloem, and xylem. These are important cells because 
they help with the process of photosynthesis. Many scientists believe that the 
Earth would be too cold for us to live in if the Greenhouse gasses were not in 
the atmosphere but realize that we have too many of these gases in the 
atmosphere at the moment. Our new invention is going to get rid of some of 
these gases, but makes sure that there is still enough carbon dioxide in the 
atmosphere for us to live. Our invention would vacuum in some of the carbon 
dioxide and for every six carbon dioxide molecules our robot vacuums in , it 
lets out 4 of them as oxygen, and the other two as carbon dioxide. Our idea 
doesn’t get rid of all the carbon dioxide since we need some to trap heat to 
keep Earth warm.  
We will need these robots stationed around the world, but very high in 
the atmosphere so that it does not disrupt everyday life​ . Trees also can help 

with this. They too would take in CO​2 and let out Oxygen, and this is a process 

called photosynthesis. Our design is based on the process of photosynthesis 

that our trees use. Our robot would be controlled by someone on earth using 
something like a remote control while the ‘Carbon Switch’ would go around the 
atmosphere making sure we don’t have too much CO​2 . Another way it might 

be controlled is with programming (we don’t want to create 100 more jobs). 
This new technology would have cameras as eyes so the scientists back on 
earth can see what the ‘Carbon Switch’ is seeing. The ‘Carbon Switch’ also has 
special vision so that can detect CO​2 in the atmosphere. This is what Carbon 

Switch would look and work like in the future. 

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